Spaceman (2024) – REVIEW

Spaceman (2024) - REVIEW
Spaceman (2024) – REVIEW


Last night I took the time to watch Spaceman (2024) with Adam Sandler, this type of movies where the main character spend most of his time on a close environment are not easy to pull off, very recent the was the movie I.S.S that was close to a 5/10 but it had a few good scenes and it was on a similar environment, close space station without any kind of exploration mission.

Spaceman (2024) is a movie about a Czech Republic Cosmonaut Jakub Prochazka, who is on a mission to take samples of a purple cloud close to Jupiter while his wife Lenka waits for him on Earth with their next to born son. During this trip that would be a more than one year mission alone in space, Jakub had an encounter with a what looks to be an Alien that look like a Spider, as Jakub he is a traveler but got deeply attracted by Jakub loneliness.

– Platform: Netflix
– Release: February 23, 2024

Spaceman (2024) - REVIEW
Spaceman (2024) – REVIEW
Spaceman (2024) - REVIEW
Spaceman (2024) – REVIEW

I really like the vintage vibe from the movie although is very common for things to look very simple and square on space stations in case something needs to be fix there is as less complex mechanisms or parts. At the time the movie starts Jakub is over six months traveling alone, the mission was design to be a solo mission, all he had to do was to collect dust sample from the purple clouds next to Jupiter, to stay sane while been alone all this time sleeping is key factor but his toilet that long tube he is next too has been going on and making loud noise at night so its been close impossible for him to sleep.

Spaceman (2024) - REVIEW
Spaceman (2024) – REVIEW

For me this was the first fucked up moment and probably what attracted the Alien, during a conference call with Earth a girl was giving the opportunity to ask Jakub if he feels sad to be so far away? he must be the loneliest man in the world!. Once you continue watching the movie and you think about this moment again if Jakub was honest at that moment he would probably start crying at worst because been away from his wife for so long was killing him but he put up a fake smile and answer was polite as he could.

Spaceman (2024) - REVIEW
Spaceman (2024) – REVIEW

Jakub wife Lenka at Earth has recorded a terrible video, she is leaving him while he is millions of miles away on a solo mission, she is pregnant for a second time and its a coincidence that this is the second time he is not there for her, the space program director refuse to give him this message and the hunt to locate Lenka starts so she can talk to Jakub and keep him sane because right now it doesn’t look too good for him.

Besides Jakub and Lenka the other character that had an important role was Peter by Kanul Nayyar, I really like this guy from Big Bang Theory TV Series, this time on the opposite side of the spectrum been a serious tech at control center who was in charge of keeping Jakub in check, very awkward character as a fact the entire movie has this Soviet Union style from the 80s so it was not just Peter, you wont see people smiling on this movie that much except for Jakub happy memories with Lenka.

Spaceman (2024) - REVIEW
Spaceman (2024) – REVIEW

As I mention before this Alien Spider like has been intrigue my Jakub loneliness feeling and he just show up out of no where, there was no portal or ship nothing just whats up here I’m at Jakub bathroom from all of the other room on the ship the one that torments Jakub the most, to make things simple Jakub gave the alien the name of Hanus since he was nameless. The moment they start interacting Hanus starts to rewind Jakub’s memory, he gets into his head and start looking for his memories with Lenka trying to understand why he was so lonely, if it was him who decided it or it was a punishment or he was that stupid that he could not see the damage he was doing to himself and others around him like his wife, deeply Jakub was lonely and sad before he got into the mission thats the style of life he choose and this is what Hanus is trying to understand.

Spaceman (2024) - REVIEW
Spaceman (2024) – REVIEW

Hanus kept digging on Jakub’s memory trying too look for a logical answer because everything around Jakub felt like a punishment, been on that ship felt like a punishment for Hanus, he could sense more than was just on the surface of Jakub something not even Jakub himself could understand or see, if he had he would not left his wife back on Earth pregnant after she lost their first baby under the same kind of circumstances, he was not there for her and the excuse was always work, Hanus got into a few memories of Lenka trying to live a life full of happiness next to Jakub pushing him to do things he would enjoy, trying to know more about him but from Jakub’s side of the table the sentiment at the moment was not mutual, he did love her but was not aware through the years how his relationship with his wife was deteriorating because of how either obsess or blind he was for been always fixed into his work.

I get this is not a movie for most people, they might jump in thinking there will be planet exploration, fight with the alien or something totally different, I did too but the moment Hanus says “Your loneliness intrigue me” I was hooked because this alien knows nothing about human behavior and is trying to understand humans farther than just learning our ways and language, he wants to understand our existence specially how a human like Jakub can live been sad and lonely all the time like he currently was, when Hanus starts to rewind all Jakub’s memory with Lenka then he realize the problem was him all the time, not that its part of human behavior, it was him at his core that was selfish and shortsighted, he was only interested in things that keep him going but never into the things that kept Lenka going, she was pregnant for the second time but he never saw farther than she just been pregnant but how the mission would affect her specially after she lost their first baby, the message of this movie is very simple although what I like about it is the scenario and how this alien figure is so philosophical basically saying this is not normal, this is not ok, what is wrong with this guy? then he gets it and even gets mad at Jakub leaving him alone for some time. After that then comes the last part that had some space exploration and even an Interstellar type scene with Jakub going into a cloud that had effects like a black hole. It is very hard to recommend this movie unless you like movies that analyze human behavior or fucks with the character mind.

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Darkness of Man (2024) – Official Trailer

Darkness of Man is a 2024 action thriller centered around Russell Hatch, portrayed by Jean Claude Van Damme. Hatch, an Interpol operative, steps into the role of a father figure to Jayden, whose informant father was slain in a botched raid. As the plot thickens, Hatch becomes the guardian of Jayden and his grandfather, shielding them from ruthless gangs embroiled in a ferocious turf battle. Hatch’s unwavering resolve to safeguard Jayden leads to a series of exhilarating and gripping confrontations.

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Asphalt City (2024) : Raw Realities of New York City’s Emergency Services


The movie follow Ollie Cross in his new life as a paramedic, he decided to do this job because is going to help him in paying his studies, he want to be a doctor and to gained experience. Cross is presenting with Gene Rutkovsky that man that is going to be his partner in the night shift, Rutkovsky better know as Rut is a veteran paramedic that has seen everything and nothing can surprise him anymore for that reason Rut decided to say to Cross “Beware of black flies, they the first to smell death”, Cross didn’t quite understand what was Rut trying to say to him but life is going to show him that lesson. The first call of the night was received and the team of paramedics prepared to attend the call, a moments late they arrived in a abandoned apartment where unfortunately they couldn’t do much because the person was already dead, they then start the process of removed the movie and take it to the morgue in the ambulance Rut asked to Cross if that was the first time that he ever watched someone he knew actually die and Cross replies yes, his own mother that committed suicide when he was a child. The story will continue showing the colleagues in his job every night trying to do the best they can in situation such as the abused and beaten wives, the drug addicted, the ignored immigrants and the though gang members that sometimes make they job more difficult. Cross is living all this during the night but during the day he is struggle to commit with his studies and the exams that he has to present. Every night for Cross is apparently a challenge but Rut is there to guide the newbie in hardly job, something things can escalated and touch deeply in Cross like a badly beaten wife that is still threatened by her husband even thought the paramedics try to take her to the hospital or an scene were apparently a pregnant heroin user gave birth but the baby born dead, this case of scenarios continue every night making Cross realized the New York is not what is seems in the surface in the darker halls exist a different world, a world full of cruelty, suffering, people trying to survive and two paramedics trying to save the most people the can. Also the movie will show a little of the personal life of each character Cross with his girlfriend and Rut struggling with the decision of his ex wife of moving to another city with his daughter.

Asphalt City is an intense movie that is going to show scenarios one after another of chaos, lost, pain and cruelty of society, director Jean-Stéphane Sauvaire want to show a different perspective of a big city that is glorify for many but is a hell for others and a perspective from a paramedic that work in the night shift is the way that he decided to show the audience that New York is not perfect and that reality could be cruel. Asphalt City premiered on March 29th in theaters.

– Platform: Theaters
– Release: March 29, 2024


Critics: Too much exaggerated

The movie Asphalt City was premiered in the Cannes Film Festival in 2023 with the name of Black Flies for the adaptation of Shannon Burke’s 2008 novel Black Flies. Critics have acclaimed the performance of Sean Penn and Tye Sheridan, giving emotion and reality to their characters but critics has also dislike for the cruelty and the exaggeration of the job that a real paramedic has to do mention that in the movie they seems to be more like two cops in every crime scene, despite all that the director vision is accepted and the movie is side of a city that also needs to be known.


Director’s Vision: Reality at the big screen

Jean-Stéphane Sauvaire is a French filmmaker, producer and screenwriter that is best known for the films Johnny Mad Dog 2008, A Prayer Before Dawn 2017 and now Asphalt City 2024. The career of the director started in 1991 as a first assistant director of the film Les Nuits Fauves By Cyril Collard and continue doing that job until 2000, after gained experience he decided to give a step on his directorial career and directed three short films La Mule, A Dios and Matalo later in 2008 he made the movie Johnny Mad Dog which one that was presented in the Cannes Film Festival winning the Prix de L’Espoir. Sauvaire is a director that is not afraid to show the dark side of society and dig into the characters psyche until they reveal their deepest fears and desires.


A veteran and a rookie: Showing the Cast of Asphalt City

The cast of Asphalt city is lead by Sean Penn as Gene Rutkovsky, Penn is an American actor and director, as an actor he won an Academy Award for his roles in the movie Mystic River 2003 and in Milk 2008, Penn has a long filmography that reflect his expertise and great work. Tye Sheridan plays Ollie Cross, Sheridan is an American actor that made his debut in the film The Tree of Life 2001, in 2016 he take the role of Scotter Summer known as Cyclope in X-Mex Apocalypse and In Ready Player One of 2018 he performed Wade Owen. Gbenga Akinnagbe is an American actor and writer, Akinnagbe is known for his role in the series The Wire of 2002 as Chris Partlow and in the series The Deuce of 2017 as Larry Brown. Katherine Waterston as Nancy, Waterson is an British actress that made her debut in the movie Michael Clayton 2007 but she is known for her performance in the movie Inherent Vice 2014, she also portrayed Chrisann Brennan in the movie Steve Jobs 2015 and take the role of Tina Goldstein in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them 2016. Mike Tyson is in the role of Chief Burroughs, Tyson is a former boxer that make his appearance in this movie.


Production Challenges

The movie Asphalt City at the beginning was titled with the name Black Flies that was because it is an adaptation of Shannon Burke’s Novel with the same name Black Flies, due to it is an adaptation director was more careful in the process of scripting and directing to capture the essence of the original story, despite that the filming process was pleasant with a cast that gave everything to deliver great performances. Asphalt City is a movie that is going to give to the audience many emotions thanks to the great performances and the view of director Jean Stéphane Sauvaire about a dark New York City.

Based on Shannon Burke’s 2008 novel Black Flies, Asphalt City wants to reflect in this movie the vision of a director who has live for many years in the great city of New York, with the story of two paramedics, one as the rookie and the second a veteran that nothing impress him anymore, is a plot of a dark city full of crime, drugs, abuse, gangs members that is reflecting a different and also a real perspective of a city that is glorify by many but as is also a hell for others, at the same is the place were the devil walk between everyone and we don’t if this destiny but Ollie Cross is the person chose in this life that is going to feel all the pain and frustration of every call he received and must attend all this to confirm if he is strong enough to pass through all those challenges and can pass with success all the test that life is going to force him to face.

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Civil War (2024) – TRAILER OPINION

Civil War (2024) - TRAILER OPINION -



After a tormeting 2023 movie season, Barbie, Oppenheimer, Quantum Mania, bunch of deceptions 2024 is full of hopes and I would love to have more action movies, comes in Civil War (2024), what looks to be a very promising movie not only because of the action side but because of all the drama that will carry since its view from the perspective of those out of the army, reporters, family, something that at the end not only will entertain your eyes but also put some reflection into your mind.
Civil War a science fiction movie directed by Alex Garland with a great cast including Kirsten Dunst and Wagner Moura, who doesn’t like this guy after Narcos or if we go back Tropa de Elite 1 and 2. Setup, the United States is going through a rapidly spreading civil war that has taken over the entire nation, a team of journalists attempts to infiltrate a heavily fortified capital.

Release Date: April, 26,2024
Platform: Movies Only
IMDB: - tv series divider


“Civil War” shows us a fractured United States, a nation divided by ideological differences between sides, on the edge of collapse due to all of political and social problems that hammers hard the country. Part of the movie follow a family’s journey through the divided country trying to escape the dangers that come with this war that many didn’t ask for or support but they are in the eye of the storm, making their story a moving drama bringing probably in the perspective of what happens within the enemy lines, how people survive this hard moments.



From what I have seen on the trailer it doesn’t give that many details of why all started and who are part of each side, meaning the states, but I did notice a flag with two stars only, searching online also found information that says that there are two sides led by Texas and California, the Western Forces separate, creating their own republics and using sophisticated weapons, while the United States Loyalists, including Oregon, Washington and others, remain in alliance with the federal government.

I did mention that the story is covered by journalists in this case one of them is Kirsten Dunst who plays the role a reporter and Wagner Moura head of a rebellion, cover attacks to Wahshington D.C, the movie also involve hackers who in the middle of the conflict will take sides, this is a modern Civil War so it was expected for hackers to play a big role same as online media, on the trailer we see a lot of shooting, tanks, soldiers with a very familiar faces like Jesse Plemons who plays captain John Miller who is still loyal to the President and his target is to control the rebellion but it doesn’t end there, Miller is Kirsten ex-husband so figure out the drama, probably she demanding more info from him to cover up the story.

This movie will probably serve as a message, for those involve into conflicts most likely wont pay attention to it but to the global community of movie fans, send a message of reflection for everything that had happen in the past five years, there are high expectations for the movie to work out.


Civil War most likely will have a few side stories happening at the same time, the cast is just awesome including talents such as Stephen McKinley Henderson, Cailee Spaeny, Jesse Plemons and Nick Offerman, each bringing to life supporting characters that fill out this side stories.


It is a theme that very few times is brought to the screen involving the country itself, most of the time this theme war movies are more like a fantasy, similar movies: Children of Men, The Hunger Games, The Purge. If we think about it they all represent how broken the society is in their own way to the point to promote chaos as the solution but this time the film bring this into a more “real” stage. - tv series dividerCivil War (2024) - TRAILER OPINION - CONCLUSION -

I really have to say that after the first trailer I personally have a lot of expectations for this movie, although I’m more of a TV Series guy I rarely put so much interest in a movie, there will probably be two more trailers with more scenes before the movie release in April, currently schedule for April 26. There are many questions that I have like for example when and why all this started? does the President die? other countries come in? could there be a second part to then movie into a World Wide event? I just can’t stop my brain from imagening what else is into this conflict. - tv series divider

Civil War (2024) - TRAILER -

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Kong: Skull Island (2017) – MONSTER VERSE RECAP

Kong: Skull Island (2017) - MONSTER VERSE RECAP -
Kong: Skull Island (2017) – MONSTER VERSE RECAP –



Ever since I made that post about the upcoming Monarch: Legacy of Monsters (2023) TV Series I got interested on finding out the start of MONARCH and the chronology of the movies, there are other stories made up from multiple movies but they are just too big for me to learn everything from the start, it is just too much time so this seems smaller and about to kick off with its first TV Series based on a series of movies. The first movie that started things was Kong: Skull Island (2017) where Bill Randa finally find all this monsters he has been talking about for years, but he was not the first man from a modern society to discover the island after Hank Marlow a USA pilot from World War II crash there and had his first encounter with the guardian of the island, Kong.

At first I really thought I was going to be disappointed by this movie since the score on sites like IMDB was very low with only a 6.7/10 but when I start to go through the reviews most of them were positive, lots of 7+ reviews but it was only a few bastards that gave the movie a 2 or 3 complaining about the story that they probably didn’t that much attention to, others complaining about how the concept about Kong was completely change from this giant ape who normally terrorize cities to now been the guardian of the island. I think MONARCH made a favor to Kong bringing it into the MONSTER VERSE, no body cares about movies based on the same concept over and over, what they were trying to do is build up the foundation to something bigger that now days will turn into a TV Series potentially extending the story of all this monsters into something different and bigger. - tv series divider

Kong: Skull Island (2017) - MONSTER VERSE RECAP -
Kong: Skull Island (2017) – MONSTER VERSE RECAP –


The Vietnam war is about to be over and all troops send back home, Bill Randal currently in charge of MONARCH knows that the program can be shut down at any moment because so far they have found nothing and when the war ends things are going to rapidly change politically, he feels its now or never go make a discovery and prove the monsters he and his assistant Houston Brooks have been speculating about do exist so they talk to Senator Willis, ask him for one last chance to send them on an expedition to Skull Island, a place that has not been explore yet with many stories about boats disappearing, mysterious bombing like they were trying to kill something but its all speculation, luckily there is already an expedition to Skull Island and Bill and Houston knew about, LANDSAT a program to discover and explore the Earth is sending a team to Skull Island so MONARCH was able to piggy back after Senator Willis approval. A common question that came up was WHY THE FUCK ITS NOT BEEN EXPLORE? the reason is because its surrounded by a perpetual storm system like God doesn’t want anyone else inside the island.

Kong: Skull Island (2017) - MONSTER VERSE RECAP -
Kong: Skull Island (2017) – MONSTER VERSE RECAP –


Bill ask for a military escort, he knows if they find something on that island only military power can help them to get out alive, that’s when one of my favorite characters comes in by the hand of Samuel Jackson, Colonel Preston Packard who doesn’t want to leave the war, he is that soldier who feels there is nothing else at home that matters and he just want to keep pushing not to mention that they are “abandoning” the war but that’s a total different topic. Colonel Packard is in charge to take LANDSAT and MONARCH to Skull Island and provide protection so they can explore it and come back home.

Kong: Skull Island (2017) - MONSTER VERSE RECAP -
Kong: Skull Island (2017) – MONSTER VERSE RECAP –


As secondarily characters there are soldiers under Packard wing, most pilots, there is Cole, Slivko, Reles and Chapman all this pilots will follow Packard orders at all times, that was at first, until Packard obsession gets them close enough to death.

Kong: Skull Island (2017) - MONSTER VERSE RECAP -
Kong: Skull Island (2017) – MONSTER VERSE RECAP –


Chapman a pilot who was flying the helicopter with the most gun power is played by Toby Kebbell who is on For All Man Kind new season, he did very well on this movie although his part was very small, this is Packard’s first obsession to find Chapman when his helicopter goes down after an attack but not necesarly because he wants to safe Chapman, Packard was really after all the armament on Chapman’s helicopter.

#photo fotographer and james

Last duet of the story are James Conrad and Mason Weaver, Conrad the man in charge to guide them through the island he is famous for exploring inhabitable places and getting out alive so Bill and Houston look for him, they knew it would be expensive and they running low on money but if they want the best chances to get out alive Conrad is the guy to go with, as a bonus we get Mason Weaver who is going to play the pretty lady on the movie, photographer who actually goes to cover the LANDSAT expedition but she knows there is something else cooking besides the LANDSAT expedition but none of them have a clue of what they going to find on Skull Island.

Kong: Skull Island (2017) - MONSTER VERSE RECAP -
Kong: Skull Island (2017) – MONSTER VERSE RECAP –


Kong: Skull Island (2017) - MONSTER VERSE RECAP -
Kong: Skull Island (2017) – MONSTER VERSE RECAP –


There is one detail that I didn’t like and that was the amount of Choppers on the first shots when they get to the Island, there was only one ship that look like it can hold at best five to seven of them but when they start flying towards the Island looks like they were ten of them, also when already in the island they started to drop some small bombs to map out the surface because of the seismic waves.

Kong: Skull Island (2017) - MONSTER VERSE RECAP -
Kong: Skull Island (2017) – MONSTER VERSE RECAP –


Kong: Skull Island (2017) - MONSTER VERSE RECAP -
Kong: Skull Island (2017) – MONSTER VERSE RECAP –


Kong: Skull Island (2017) - MONSTER VERSE RECAP -
Kong: Skull Island (2017) – MONSTER VERSE RECAP –


After they start dropping bombs this obviously disturb nature, you got the noise, the impact on earth, animals going wild running scared and this is when big dawg Kong shows up for the first time on the movie, I really like how they gave it this classic Vietnam war scenery with the sun going down and the sky orange but in some cases it was hard to see although I still think it look great, Kong itself was very well design in my opinion but it look small, latter on during the movie it is mention that he is still small, he is probably on his teens, point is that he got mad as fuck for all the bombing and shuts down all the choppers one by one this made him enemy number one to Colonel Packard, on this movie Kong is the protector of the Island, he is not a predator he protect humans and animals mainly for the real predators, GIANT LIZARDS!!

Kong: Skull Island (2017) - MONSTER VERSE RECAP -
Kong: Skull Island (2017) – MONSTER VERSE RECAP –


Kong: Skull Island (2017) - MONSTER VERSE RECAP -
Kong: Skull Island (2017) – MONSTER VERSE RECAP –


After Kong shuts them down Packard had a little chat with Bill who then told him why they were there, what is MONARCH, he is not there to explore the land, he is there to find monsters and bring proof back because he believes there are way more monsters that have not been discover and they need to prepare, bring the cavalry, on the island they had many encounter with huge animals, from what looks like a giant Buffalo, spiders, insects, its like Australia x100.

Kong: Skull Island (2017) - MONSTER VERSE RECAP -
Kong: Skull Island (2017) – MONSTER VERSE RECAP –


The survivors of the attack start exploring looking for shelter and how to get out of the island, the group split in two, you got Packard and his soldiers looking for Chapman and all that fire power and then there is Conrad leading the other group (MONARCH and LANDSAT) until they found Hank Marlow, the guy I mention crash the island many years ago during WW II, he has been living there for twenty eight years waiting to be rescue without luck until now when Bill and the rest arrive but this was not necessary a good thing for the island. Hank has been living with natives of the island and gave the guys a tour and had a short Q&A with them so they know whats the deal of the island, who is Kong to them and where not to go.

Kong: Skull Island (2017) - MONSTER VERSE RECAP -
Kong: Skull Island (2017) – MONSTER VERSE RECAP –


Kong: Skull Island (2017) - MONSTER VERSE RECAP -
Kong: Skull Island (2017) – MONSTER VERSE RECAP –


Kong: Skull Island (2017) - MONSTER VERSE RECAP -
Kong: Skull Island (2017) – MONSTER VERSE RECAP –


I don’t like to spoil the cool scenes so I’m just going to mention that there was NO LACK at all of fight scenes between humans and monsters and monster against monsters, you got flying monsters, you got giant baby lizard and then you got big mama lizard against Kong in the final fight, nothing was left to the imagination wondering of why things happen or what if, none of that bullshit, its true that we don’t know yet from where all this monsters are coming but Houston did mention that his planet is not theirs, it belongs to this monsters and it was just a matter of time before they take it back, that’s one of the reasons why MONARCH exist to prevent all this events.

Kong: Skull Island (2017) - MONSTER VERSE RECAP -
Kong: Skull Island (2017) – MONSTER VERSE RECAP –


This was for sure the beginning of MONARCH, on this movie we only get that a man called Harry Truman funded MONARCH in 1946 but that’s all we got from this movie, after credits there is a scene where Houston give more details to Conrad and Weaver of who are they facing but that’s it, but he does show them some pictures of cave explorations and images on the walls of this caves that represent many of the different titans like Godzilla. - tv series divider


The reason to watching this movie was to find out more about MONARCH, I know I can go and read the MONARCH Fandom but that is not what I want, I want to have the same perspective of any other viewer once MONARCH: Legacy of the Monsters TV Show starts and that is the reference to the movies themself, my next movie to watch is Godzilla (2014) that is heavy shown on the first trailer for the tv series.

Kong Skull of Island as a Monster or Titans because when you say monster most people think about demons probably but this case its titans or MUTOS as MONARCH describe, this movie did a great job, the CGI was very good nothing to criticize also the amount of monsters that appear on the movie is good enough since it was not only Kong, on the movie appear seven monster animals in total that I can remember so it was not only about Kong, there is even an extra small fight between Kong and a Giant squid that felt like a bonus fight. In terms of the cast it had a good amount of known actors who also did a good job at bringing all this characters alive, I don’t feel anything was fake or over the top neither. The only thing that I would do different is not killing Bill on this movie because I think he was a leader for MONARCH and finally when they get all proof they need to show he was right about all this monsters he gets killed, I don’t him been alive would change the end/meaning of the movie but just a small detail that I would prefer.

Referring to MONARCH itself this is the movie that opens the door to explore what they have discover so far, from here its all about looking for all those other monsters out there, try to understand them, protect from them and even dominate or kill them depending on how dangerous they are, MONARCH already knows there are more out there and its a matter of time before they claim Earth back. - tv series divider


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Fatal Attraction : The Movie in Your Mind – Episode 2 – Season 1 – Recap




After Episode 1 Dan Gallagher gets out of prison on paroled and meets again with his now older daughter Ellen after fifteen years to tell to her face that he didn’t murder Alex Forrest but he had to admit it only to have the chance to get out just as he did, this is all part of his plan to now prove he didn’t do it, its not over yet for him.

The Movie in Your Mind, makes reference to what Ellen, Dan’s daughter is going through now that his dad is out of jail, confess that he didn’t kill Alex and is now going to prove it, ever since this entire situation started for her, probably when she was way younger she has been taking therapy, it looks like it really got to her and she may have some sort of problem to concentrate as she implements a method of transcribe her classes in order to analyze it better, she has also been taking therapy this hole time and its a big part of her life, probably what will help her to overcome the entire mess that is coming up, with Dan now trying to proof he is innocent it wont be easy for Ellen, she might get involve and things could turn ugly, who knows if Dan still has some secrets he never told his family and there still the doubt if Dan really killed her or not, we already know he doesn’t do well with though circumstances, after all getting denied the position for judge is what let him to take bad decisions and ended up with Alex and a very toxic “relationship” at least that’s what Alex thought this was, for her the one night thing was over and now DEMANDS more attention, she wants him to spend the night when she clearly knows he is married and cant do that but its then when her true colors came up, its on this Episode 2 that we see the start of this Fatal Attraction.

Numbers for this series started very low and as I always mention it always looks worst than it really is, not all viewers are motivated to leave a review after watching a movie or a tv series, its only those that either feel passionate about it or felt really disappointed and wants their money and time back, but most reviews are from the second half, on IMDB at the moment of this post the score has climbed to 5.9/10 over all and this Episode 2 got a 7.1/10, over all a total of 1.2k reviews that’s a good amount of people putting their opinion out there. - tv series divider



Dan and Alex are starting by getting to know each other too much, they both already know what they want from each other but they going through that high school romance where they just cant stop talking about their likes, friends, work experience, parents basically about everything that makes them feel good sharing tons of information and just cant stop talking, this scene really annoy me, just too sweet for my taste, for Dan it cant be more perfect because his wife and daughter are out of town on a school activity and he has the entire night for himself. Another lawyer comes next to Dan asking him why he hates him, they seem to have a case in common and Dan is kicking his ass, Dan gets distracted and Alex goes out the restaurant leaving him a note that she is going to another bar, they met over there and just kept talking and talking same thing until she goes to the bathroom and all of the sudden the fire alarm goes off and water rain down on them, I WAS 200% SURE this was her doing.



When it comes to this type of situations women are way smart than men, that night after he was talking and laughing that much she knew she had him, he had no chance of getting out of it, she sets the fire alarm and it start spraying water so she knew they would either go some place to get their cloth dry and what other place more convenient than her apartment, besides they are just co workers right? , they do go to her apartment and after an awkward moment for Dan where he didn’t know what to do, he is not getting any younger so not a dating guy, he almost got out of the apartment without a scratch but right the moment he was getting to the elevator after saying good bye, Alex comes out the apartment, it would take a lot of self control, power and focus to not going back into the apartment with her for Dan and most men under that situation, lets make clear I’m not saying its correct or men are just like that, I’m just saying get on the role and try to imagine what would the experience of been there be like. I really like how so far both actors are developing their characters, it really felt like there was a connection between them, so they spend the night, I let the rest to your imagination.



The next day Dan comes home and his dog was left alone the entire night, fuck it up everywhere, at this point he probably thought, IF HE WAS THINKING, I fuck it up once but I can control it, right the next they he goes to the beach with Alex and his dog, kept talking and talking about themself until they end up again at her apartment, it was a wild weekend for Dan and his dog.



I have never been a fan of going out of having a relationship with someone work related, I have always thought it was bad for business, work environment, either if things go well or not, always consider it a distraction and its true, when you are starting to go out with someone knew, starting a relationship in your work environment it will always be distracting and when things go south can turn really really bad when you mix feelings with work and that’s exactly what is about to happen here with Dan and Alex, as they spend more time together it creates a feeling that they moving forward at least for one of them, its always like that unless the rules has been set from the start but in this case it was not, this is a wild adventure and both are free to take it they way they think it is, for one could be just that an adventure for the other could be something serious in the future. They start to see each other at work, most Dan fault because he assign work to Alex through her boss Conchita, this gives her the perfect excuse to see him and they just cant kept their hands on their pockets, they are now having spicy encounters at work places, savage rabbits fucking everywhere they can.



The series move back and forward on the timeline, for now the most relevant part is what happen between Dan and Alex but latter on when the investigation kicks in by Dan his daughter, ex wife and his friend Mike who I think was his defendant lawyer, will become more important to the story. Mike goes to Dan’s ex wife place to let her know and Ellen that he talk to Dan and they going to work on his case again, proof his innocence, Dan’s ex wife, Beth, is not a fan of this and she probably doesn’t want to see him but for sure doesn’t hate him after she mention he shouldn’t loose the rest of his life for this women he already lost fifteen years to her, an ex wife who hate you would say drop dead or go back to jail really doesn’t matter to her.

Elle had a really good relationship with her father, she is confuse and doesn’t know how much close she wants him for now, I think that’s her fear since its one of the things she most discuss with her therapist.



Dan keeps fucking Alex like there is no tomorrow, every night, every moment they have alone but the worst is that he didn’t set the rules from the start, if you are not going into a relationship and its just that fucking you need to set the rules at least if this moment comes “what were we doing?” that’s Alex thinking they will now start a relationship or there is already a relationship between them, from here its all fucked up for Dan, Alex knew exactly what she wanted and probably had good intentions but she is not the one who knows how to handle disappointment or rejection.

If you are with a women and the fire alarms goes out, suspiciously after she goes to the bathroom, that’s a BIG RED FLAG, she is manipulating the situation to create an outcome based on what she wants, the problem is that now she is affecting others, its a small detail that could have stop Dan when he had the chance but now its too late, they had this fight because he dress up minutes after they fuck so she felt he was in a hurry, the hole thirty minute fights about why he always have to go after fucking but before he goes she ask him “how many do you think it would take?…Pills” TF she now took a bunch of pills to kill herself because Dan cant stay. Dan takes her to the hospital but she was bluffing, never went in and he took her back to her place, eventually he goes but now with a HUGE problem he will have to deal with, worst part remember how I said things can turn really bad with a toxic relationship at work, well that’s what this is, I’m intrigue on how Dan will handle this, he will probably try to soft things out with Alex and she will turn extremely possessive. - tv series divider


I’m glad to be right about this series, after the Pilot, Episode 1, the rest of the episodes on IMDB have gotten a very good score up to 7.8/10, this is my second episode and find it really interesting, yes its predictable the entire part of Dan and Alex relationship but if this turns out to be a series of more than one season then there will be plenty of story to develop, at some point the series will be more about the present life of Dan trying to proof his innocence and that he didn’t kill Alex, for now I believe him based on Alex actions but this entire situation was his fault, he didn’t know how to handle the turn down of not getting elected judge and start doing stupid shit, this includes start doing Alex or if he is not the type of guy who doesn’t fuck people from work then at least makes things clear for her from the start. Alex show her true colors on this episode, making clear she is not the type of woman who handles very well rejection and her feelings get her to do stupid things like faking she took a bunch of pills only to make a stupid out of herself the moment she is at the hospital door and ask Dan to take her back, very childish from her part but hey that’s what makes this series a classic Fatal Attraction right, I’m very intrigue to what happens next, a bit behind on this series and most since I couldn’t make my daily post regular so far for this month, I will work hard to get back on track. - tv series divider