Fallout Tv Series 2024 – Fails before start?

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Fallout Tv Series 2024 – Fails before start? – www.skiptvads.blog


Fallout Tv Series 2024 - Fails before start? - INTRODUCTION - www.skiptvads.blog

Its not very often that I make a post about a trailer although this is a game adaptation to a TV series that many have been waiting for and past weekend drop a few trailer from other very popular TV Series, I have recently read a few post online and watch videos about how good or bad could this series be, for me it has not started so I can not tell if it will be any of the two, although I can give my opinion of my first impression and how I think some people feel about it based on what I have read or watch.

Fallout TV Series might fit, didn’t want to say fall; into a problem that seem to be eating alive all kind of good story or character now days, for example very recent Bob Iger from Disney said about their productions

“movies should “entertain first, not [push] messages”

Fans, that’s not me; want to watch a production as close as possible to the original story, Fallout has six games in total with probably plenty of material to make more than three seasons but there are already signs that the story is far from what the games are on top signs that the TV series will be pushing messages of awareness instead of focus on a post apocalyptic fiction story at the same time making it as close to what the game is.

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Fallout Tv Series 2024 - Fails before start? - www.skiptvads.blog
Fallout Tv Series 2024 – Fails before start? – www.skiptvads.blog


From my understanding and it makes sense to give that suspense to the story no body knows who drop the first nuclear bomb but as it is shown on the trailer it was not one but many of them, by now nuclear shelters were a thing that there were many faults, on the TV series the main character Lucy, was on Vault 33, number on their uniforms and at the end on first image; I don’t know if the first episode starts with her going out because latter on the trailer she is shown inside the vault, probably they tell the story with a moving time line going back and forward, that is a common thing now days, point is she wants out and some of her partners did not like the idea, probably try to stop her as there is a guy on the floor and her lip has blood, this tells us Lucy probably knows how to throw her hands.

Fallout Tv Series 2024 - Fails before start? - www.skiptvads.blog
Fallout Tv Series 2024 – Fails before start? – www.skiptvads.blog


Different that most vault or silo TV series, Lucy makes it out of the Vault and starts exploring the Earth, everything is destroy, almost a huge desert although there is still water oceans exist, anything that remain out of the Vaults was most likely affected by radiation or climate, this is going to be a creepy show, look at the size of that cockroach, that’s what they call a rat-cockroach, things are the size of a Dog, there will be all kid of mutant creatures, some bigger, some totally different, production will let their creation fly with this creatures for entertainment purpose.

These scene right here is suppose to be off the game timeline, the explanation for this is that California can’t be this bad at the time the TV Series is happening, this speculations come from the fact that at the time of the series there is already a new order taking place, the NCR (New California Republic); trying to reestablish society, Fallout world is full of multiple tribes or groups of people from raiders, mutants and there is the NCR trying to bring everyone together under one regime, we won’t know if there is a timeline issue until the series release on April 2024 but fans need to understand and this is for everyone watching anything on TV, if its not a documentary it won’t be 200% accurate or not even close, that seem to be a new trend, I understand those who dream about watching their favorite character on a Movie or TV series but entertainment is first and by entertainment I mean money for the studios who produce them, I don’t make the rules.

Fallout Tv Series 2024 - Fails before start? - www.skiptvads.blog
Fallout Tv Series 2024 – Fails before start? – www.skiptvads.blog


There is going to be a lot of shooting on this series, from scenes inside the vault, things are not great, people are loosing their minds, not sure if its because they are sick of been lock down because everyone goes wild, like the women on this picture with a fork on her eye shooting at everyone, this images gives me vibes that this will be a very cynic type of series meaning might be the perfect scenario to push “messages” even during the trailer Lucy mention how she never imagine things would be like that outside the vault, she always had everything to survive inside and things are very different outside. For me most of this behaviors from a character don’t matter as long as its entertaining but the problem with that is they tend to deviate from the original story and that’s when true fans who have play the game in this case get piss off because the character is not acting as on the game, this is the production using the movie as a way to promote certain social messages trying to fix the world but shitting on the TV Series that is suppose to be a Game adaptation.

Fallout Tv Series 2024 - Fails before start? - www.skiptvads.blog
Fallout Tv Series 2024 – Fails before start? – www.skiptvads.blog


The Steel Brotherhood look very bad ass, this probably going to be one of the great attractions of the series, seen them shooting massive guns, fighting all kind of bandits, mutants and raiders, with their main porpuse as describe on Fallout Fandom Page, paramilitary order with chapters operating across the territory of the former United States … core purpose is to preserve advanced technology and regulate its usage; so I’m not sure if they are going to make tech illegal for others to use, after a nuclear war, holocaust like what is shown when all the Nukes hit USA, tech will become rare and powerful to have, most people will be riding animals or walking while the Steel Brotherhood transport using vehicles like the Vertibird.

Fallout Tv Series 2024 - Fails before start? - www.skiptvads.blog
Fallout Tv Series 2024 – Fails before start? – www.skiptvads.blog


The men or in this case based on game description Ghoul above, describe as The Ghoul on IMDB; might turn to be one of the main characters, hard to say if he will be friendly to Lucy but he will have his own story of how was his past life before the holocaust, there is a scene of him riding a horse wearing a Cowboy uniform yellow and blue with a girl most likely his daughter, the moment nukes hit the ground, on the game Ghoul are describe as men who survive the wasteland, feeding from radiation.

Bellow The Ghoul they show Maximus, at first he is seen flying on a Vertibird and now running after they get attack, he is the only one not wearing a Steel Armor, that factor makes him special to the story, as a regular viewer and not a fan who knows the story this tells me right from the start there will be multiple stories that at some point come together, so going back and forward on different timelines means to understand the series you will have to pay attention to it.

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Fallout Tv Series 2024 - Fails before start? - CONCLUSION - www.skiptvads.blog

From the point of average viewer the series seems great, I expect a lot of comedy since when things are over exaggerated tend to funny and some times gross, action scenes look very cinematic, on the trailer its mention that the studios behind The Boys, if they can tone down the series it probably gets to that perfect balance where anyone can watch the show and don’t feel like its too cynic because that’s the main topic here, its everything goes on the wastelands and Lucy now has to survive, she wanted out and now has to learn this new world and find a safe place to stay to adapt, my opinion is DO NOT expect Fallout to be a top tier series like The Last of Us or House of Dragon.

  • The story might not be 100% as the games
  • They probably will rush things out

But if you are only looking for a series to kill time, laugh, a few dopamine rush and have that desire of exploring a new place, what would be Earth after a world wide nuclear bombing then I think Fallout will be an ok show, from the start a 7/10 its not crazy, probably a similar case like The Rings of Power where its not 100% as the original story but the action scenes, the production, the actors make it up to be an ok series.

Personally I don’t care if a Movie or a TV Series is “Canon” or not, I’m a fan of many stories and characters and if someone makes content that is good, entertaining out of this character and changes a couple of things as long as I have a good time I personally I’m fine with it, people have to accept, they don’t have to understand but to accept that is how the entertainment business works, games, comics, most adaptations wont be exactly as the original story for many factors, budget, time but a the same time producers, writers, they have to be very cautious not to rush things or deviate too much, for example Secret Invasion to me was an ok TV Series until episode five, shit hit the fan on episode five, they totally screw up the ending and I’m sure many Fallout fans will be led down by this tv series because the script and the story might not be the same as the games, six games that’s a lot to digest.

IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12637874/
Fandom Wiki: https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_Wiki

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Tv Series and Movies I’ll be watching on December 2023

Tv Series and Movies I'll be watching on December 2023 - www.skiptvads.blog
Tv Series and Movies I’ll be watching on December 2023 – www.skiptvads.blog

Today I was intending to start my recap about The Fall of the House of Usher but I notice today is December the 1st, 2023 is almost over just 30 days left so I decided to check whats for December and there are a few TV Series that I got my eye on, two of them brand new and other two on their second season that’s Reacher and Sweet Home, on top there are a few Movies that I think will do great, one of them Godzilla Minus One already premier in Japan and was a total home run, then we got Aquaman 2 probably the last time we will see Jason Mamoa doing Aquaman as he will probably start doing Lobo, that’s another story for another time; then American Fiction a total blast of a comedy considering the trailer and Rebel Moon first part.

The moment I finish the cover of this post I realize this is going to be a fucking lone one, I took in consideration a few things like providing more info like:

  • Release date
  • Platform
  • Trailer

Things that people usually ask for when you mention titles on micro blogging platforms like Waves or Inleo, besides the usual but I was already committed so there was no turn around, I also added Movies this time that I would love to start doing Movies reviews but the problem with me and Movies is that I’m easy to loose as a viewer when it comes to Movies, I get disappointed really fast before even watching it for example Napoleon, I haven’t watch it and considering reviews and comments online I might skip it when it comes online, last month there were two banger I mention that was Monarch and For All Mankind that I already starting doing recaps, I’m a bit behind as always but on this two I will do a full review of the season when I’m done with recaps, in case anyone ask my blog is not about how fast I put out new content but quality, trying to narrate a story with images, my opinion and probably bring awareness of a good entertainment TV Series or Movie for anyone who haven’t watch it, so here I’m about to write a probably long post.

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Tv Series and Movies I'll be watching on December 2023 - www.skiptvads.blog
Tv Series and Movies I’ll be watching on December 2023 – www.skiptvads.blog


Tv Series
Sweet Home: Season 02
IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11612120/
Air: December, 1, 2023
Platform: Netflix
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WJweFedauI

I can’t give much of an opinion about Sweet Home since I haven’t watch season one, actually this could be one of the last seasons I will start doing recaps about it because of that, I have to first watch season one but based on the trailer there are a few things that caught my attention, the first is how the main character name Hyun, only shows a single wing on the entire trailer like he doesn’t know how to fully transform himself, to me it look like a story of monsters invasion but they have learn how to shape shift into humans, evolving and probably try to be humans, like they are learning how to control themself and experimenting how to behave like humans to the point that they like it but still can not fully control themself at times while others just keep ripping them off, at the same time humans, military most; can’t trust anyone not even their own people because of this shape shifting monsters between them, I don’t speak Korean so been on a language that I don’t know its hard to watch sometimes because you have to pause/play/rewind to keep track of things, but looks very interesting and its on Netflix a very common platform for viewers to have.


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Tv Series and Movies I'll be watching on December 2023 - www.skiptvads.blog
Tv Series and Movies I’ll be watching on December 2023 – www.skiptvads.blog


Tv Series
Culprits: Season 01
IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14531774/
Air: November, 8, 2023
Platform: Hulu, Disney
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vj676s3BS04

Total new series for me, I got a bit confuse on this one because some places say that it started on November 8 and others on December 8. Culprits, from the trailer this could be a very short series, its eight episodes and the reason I say short series is because they would have to really develop the story after they main event, there is Joe and Dianne who rob a vault, not sure where its from but during the process something goes wrong and a guard gets hit, Joe doesn’t look like a bad guy so he takes the guard with him probably to take her to a hospital but at the same time he is running away. Joe looks like an opportunistic guy, a man who is not afraid of taking risks but this lead to wanting progress to happen from thin air and grow fast, this usually comes with a very high price when things go south and after his last job now he got some heat behind him, some people are coming for him, certainly in revenge for a job he did, his partner at home has no idea of this double life he is in but the pressure is starting to become too much that he probably putting everyone around him in danger.


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Tv Series and Movies I'll be watching on December 2023 - www.skiptvads.blog
Tv Series and Movies I’ll be watching on December 2023 – www.skiptvads.blog


Tv Series
Reacher: Season 02
IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9288030/
Air: December, 15, 2023
Platform: Amazon
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tC-rRhQcnlI

After watching season one I know this is going to be a total banger of a season, its very similar to the movie from 2012 Jack Reacher, but not sure if its exactly the same story from what I can tell it is, an investigator with military background, the guy is a total bad ass and keeps fucking up people on every episode, protects the innocent at all cost at the same time is very smart and “technical” about how he approach things to figure out who is guilty or not, this is a AAA series that probably not many people know about with a 8.1/10 on IMDB, looks like it has been a long time since I watch season one, only a year ago.


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Tv Series and Movies I'll be watching on December 2023 - www.skiptvads.blog
Tv Series and Movies I’ll be watching on December 2023 – www.skiptvads.blog


Tv Series
Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Season 01
IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12324366/
Air: December, 20, 2023
Platform: Disney
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHb7au6Gmls

From the trailer Percy Jackson and the Olypians is exactly what I thought it would be, they have taken the movies into a tv series, Disney got this character very dominated with a few movies already but to be honest their rating is a bit low, this is a series I would try to watch with my kids, probably technology has advance enough so special effects can be at the same level that the story demands, this is a story based on mythology, Percy Jackson a half blood between Sons of Gods trying to learn their ways been push out but he is the real deal, this series is a 50/50 but I would still give it a try, those scenes with lots of special effects must be really cool on VR.


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Tv Series and Movies I'll be watching on December 2023 - www.skiptvads.blog
Tv Series and Movies I’ll be watching on December 2023 – www.skiptvads.blog


Godzilla Minus One
IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt23289160/
Theaters: December 1, 2023
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvSrHIX5a-0

Godzilla Minus One is a Movie I have mention many times before on my Hive account, many call it a piece of art, its very different from other Godzilla movies I mean from Hollywood Godzilla Movies, main on Godzilla shape, the story around is the classic Godzilla who attack Japan and humans try to stop it without much luck at first, there is nothing really special about the story itself, the concept of Godzilla, from what I can tell after watching all the trailers available, I hope this is not a movie that gave it all on the trailer, it doesnt look that way neither and it has high reviews already from its premier in Japan, 8.4/10 on IMDB.


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Tv Series and Movies I'll be watching on December 2023 - www.skiptvads.blog
Tv Series and Movies I’ll be watching on December 2023 – www.skiptvads.blog


American Fiction
IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt23561236/
Theaters: December 15, 2023
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0MbLCpYJPA

I’m not really into comedies but since the moment I saw American Fiction first trailer I knew I have to watch it, its the hilarious story of Thelonious ‘Monk’ Ellison a writer who has self respect and try to make a honest life out of his books, books that make sense and he puts hard work on them but they are not popular until he watch another author basically trolling people with her book, bringing them the street life on her own words and that is the moment when he had enough and starts doing the same although money and fame probably got the best of him, starting to create a false character that others love to the extreme of making too big of a lie that puts his life in danger, then remembering the good old times when he was a no body but had a peaceful life.


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Tv Series and Movies I'll be watching on December 2023 - www.skiptvads.blog
Tv Series and Movies I’ll be watching on December 2023 – www.skiptvads.blog


Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom
IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9663764/
Theaters: December 22, 2023
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FV3bqvOHRQo

I think the first movie of Aquaman the first movie is undervalue based on online ratings, its a very entertain movie, Jason Mamoa did a great job representing Aquaman and the now days hated Amber Heard, after her trial with Johnny Depp; as Mera she look so fine and sexy, what I like about Aquaman is how they show all the other realms, something that other movies like Quantumania could have done exploiting all this different race, characters, living things and Aquaman does that very well, the two hours of movie does feel like a long time because they kept traveling from one place to another, on top there were different side stories all connected at the end to Aquaman, The Lost Kingdom is a continuation to that story even brings back Patrick Wilson as Aquaman half blood brother.


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Tv Series and Movies I'll be watching on December 2023 - www.skiptvads.blog
Tv Series and Movies I’ll be watching on December 2023 – www.skiptvads.blog


Rebel Moon: Part One – A Child of Fire
IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14998742/
Stream: December 22, 2023
Platform: Netflix
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhr3MzT6exg

Rebel Moon is a story I know nothing about just what I have seen and read about the trailer, the story of Kora, who landed on a far a way Moon and started a new life as a farmer, she is a very skill fighter and first treated as just a worker now becomes the only hope to the farmers to fight back after they were caught selling crops to the wrong side of a war they can’t fight, Kora starts recruiting fighters from around to try to defend this place she was now making a honest living trying to forget her past, this movie is from Zack Snyder who has made some very cool movies and some of my favorites like 300 and Wonder Woman, even with his version of Justice League did a great job so I don’t think Rebel Moon will disappoint the only problem will be how much of hanger will it be at the end been a two part movie, similar to Rune that we are all waiting on.


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This are just brief descriptions of what I expect from each of the TV Series and Movies I mention on this post, trying to bring you my premature opinion on them adding as much information I could grab, this set I think will do very well specially with the movies, the only weak links are Culprit and Percy Jackson, those two for me are a 50/50. Sweet Home is the only one that is not on English and some people cant take watching with subtitles but in my case that’s fine I do it with anime already so its not big deal and the story very Sci-Fi fits on anime too so I still have high hopes about Sweet Home, everything else I think its bulletproof.

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Tv Series I’ll be watching on November

As I’m trying to write other content than recaps of TV Series episodes here some info about the TV Series I’m looking for on November, some of them just started and others about to, there are a few in particular that I’m excited about like MONARCH that I recently made a post about the trailer and the first movie related to the TV Series, Kong: Skull Island (2017); same goes for For All Man Kind, I remember this was the series that got me to love most of the content that Apple TV+ puts out, I dare to say that over 80% of their content is good, For All Man Kind ends on Season 4 since some of the characters are presented as very old and some others are not even in NASA anymore or any other space program, the show adds new characters too on Season 4. From this six series that I mention there is one a Mini Series I’m a bit skeptical and that’s the Anderson Silva mini series, I think it’s going to be a kind of documentary style and not exactly as a drama/fight TV series, its going to be on Paramount so I don’t expect it to be trash, and last but still excited about it since I’m just a casual and very commercial Anime viewer I got on my radar Onimusha, an adaptation of the game, from what I have read online this is a classic with a big fan base behind that probably going to think the series is trash as most of 90% game adaptations out there, not necessarily that they are trash but most doesn’t stick to the story at 100%.

Today I give out my personal ignorant opinion as a regular viewer, I’m not or pretend to be an expert or critic, I’m just giving out my opinion of what I see without judging who made it or what is is based on, for me TV and Movies are just media for entertainment and not educational.

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IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt22301234/
Air: November, 2, 2023

From what I have seen online without spoiling anything from the show I have to say if you play the game the story is inconsistent compare to the original, for me this is something it doesnt bother anymore and the reason for this is because anything that shows up on TV is mainly to MAKE MONEY, it doesn’t matter if its a Movie, Tv Series, unless it is presented as a Documentary do not expect things to match exactly to every single scene, this is something I have been thinking about writing a post because it happens so often and to be honest I think there is market for this for example people that have never play the game but the story is so good it can be “adapted” usually this means improve or manipulate to appeal for this market who would eventually buy the game who knows.

Im a sucker for anything Capcom most things they touch become gold, on top of that Onimusha as the game is based on a swordsman who always look tired like he is about to retire, he is giving an ancient gaunlet that he use to lock down the souls of demons he start to put away but with every soul he locks down the darkness starts to take over him, the fight scenes remind me a lot of Rourouni Kenshin that recently got a new version, cant wait to watch it on VR (SBS).


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Lawmen: Bass Reeves
IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15399640/
Air: November, 5, 2023

“You are a law men or outlaw” bit of both… it was about time David Oyelowo get his own TV Series, this guy was great on Silo, Interstellar, Jack Reacher, not the first time he turns out to be the one in charge of the law, I like a good Gun Man story during the times of the Wild West in this case Bass Reeves was on the side of the law, last similar TV series I saw was Billy The Kid that is actually on its second season, I missed this blog post for October thats why I havent mention it, another TV Series based this time on a true story since Bass Reeves was one of the first Black deputy US Marshal in American history, this based on what I have found online, he was most likely trying to do his best job during times he had everything against him including the system itself but he was one of the best man hunters (fugitives/outlaws) for three decades, one of the most deadly men in the frontier.


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For All Mankind – Season 4
IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15399640/
Air: November, 10, 2023

If you havent seen the first three series I suggest you fucking do, this is one of my favorites series hands down, every single series is great, the story, the action, there is shooting in the MOON, astronauts stay months inside a tiny room at the moon and all because they are pushing to be the first to get to the Moon, then to Mars and now they are building the first sustainable colony at Mars, bringing people from Earth who had regular jobs to help build the infrastructure on Mars but now they found a gigantic metorite with an insane amount of metal, more than it has been mine in the entire history of mankind, now they fighting for it, China, Russia, NASA, they are all going for it, all this happen in a paralell world as none of the story is based on real events, its the vision of what would have happen of probably NASA had done everything what Space X is doing now but years ago, not going to get into that topic but this is a great Space TV Series.


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A Murder at the End of the World
IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15227418/
Air: November, 14, 2023

This is a drama that I dont really know what to expect out of it but what got me is that it happens literally at the end of the world in the middle of nothing just mountains and ice all over the place, this series reminds me a lot to The Menu and Andy the character by Clive Owen gives me the same impression as Ralph Fiennes the Chef on The Menu movie. From what I can tell from the trailer there is this place looks like a hotel for a retire, probably no internet, no cell phone just to rest and disconnect from the world but its a setup and Darby the main character of the series a women probably on her 25 – 30 is in the middle and tries to survive, this is a mini series with seven chapters and start with the first two on November 14, nothing really special about it but the production seems good based on the trailer, has a good cast too with Alice Braga, Clive Owen, Edoardo Ballerini, few familiar faces.


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Anderson Spider Silva
IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14926832/
Air: November, 16, 2023

In Brazil MMA is a HUGE deal, on his prime Anderson Silva was a fucking beast, I remember some of his fights against Forrest Griffin, Vitor Belfort, Dan Henderson, he was so smooth and like to trash talk but at some point in time he had defend so many times his UFC World Tittle that it was like watching Max Verstappen win a race, you knew he was going to win. From what I can tell this is a mini series about how he became that great fighter, his struggles in Brazil growing up probably been bully by other guys until one day he discover that love for fighting, Anderon Silva was insane on the floor, trying to take him down was suicide mission because he would make sure you tap out, on the series it goes from when he was a kid to when he became the big star he is, sometimes he was a bit wild on his personal life but at one point in time he was at the top of the world so who could blame him, I love Anderson Silva, one of my favorite MMA fighters, this is going to be a great watch but don’t expect any Van Damme shit fighting making unreal moves.

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Monarch: Legacy of Monsters
IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt17220216/
Air: November, 17, 2023

MONARCH is a no brainier for me, on top of that very recent there was a Godzilla movie, Godzilla Minus One at Japan, turn out to be a success based on critics opinion I’m jet to see it, I’m not a movie guy but the end of the year is closing strong even after the Hollywood Strike. The Monsterverse has never make it to TV and that is what this TV Series is about, collecting all that data spread across four movies and then develop the MONARCH story more than it already is, this is no mini series so we are going to get plenty of episodes, season one kicks in with ten episodes, from the start based on the first scene that was released past week we get a fight between a giant crap and a spider what we probably wont get is fights between the main monsters like Godzilla but that’s OK, with ten episodes I think its enough to develop the MONARCH story and have other monsters show up to destroy cities or after Godzilla, very excited about this one too.


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I’m going to try to post the next day on some this series, MONARCH and For All Mankind are my two favorites out of this list but knowing me this will take some effort since some times I get busy at work or at home, when that happens I tend to not have enough patience to sit down and write content, I have been thinking on quitting my 8-5 one day but not now since I still need that income for certain plans, may be next year around this time I will reconsider since I really like writing content and if I could have the time to create videos that would be great too, I see some guys in Hive that post twice a day and on top comment others people post and are very active in Threads, all I can think is how the fuck they have the time but most likely they don’t have an 8-5, I’m not miserable but also not enjoy having the 8-5 I have at the moment, I though this post was going to be short but me talking about my job doesn’t help that much so I hope one day I might have the option to not have an 8-5 and still move on with projects without having to worry about my finances.


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For All Mankind – Season 4 – TRAILER OPINION


For All Mankind - Season 4 - TRAILER OPINION - www.skiptvads.blog
For All Mankind – Season 4 – TRAILER OPINION – www.skiptvads.blog


For All Mankind - Season 4 - TRAILER OPINION INTRODUCTION - www.skiptvads.blog

For All Mankind is the series that made realize that most AppleTv+ Series are gold, to start this is not a series based on real events its all fiction, it happens on a “parallel” story where some were similar to what happen on the first mission to the moon but then the story goes further into space hotel, land on mars, arm confrontations in space. Besides the great story one of the things I like the most about this series is the story around each character, anyone who thinks about watching a space TV Series might think everything has to be about space ships and the travel itself but this is not the case, characters down at Earth has a lot to do, couples problems, fights at work because chain of command, espionage because others country want to steal each other tech and make it first to what ever rock in space they planing to go so its not only about space itself, also the cast is not The Avengers and that makes it more interesting to me, ever since Season One I gave this TV Series a 10/10, another great TV Series that I never document but I will still put up my posts about Season Four.

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For All Mankind - Season 4 - TRAILER OPINION - www.skiptvads.blog
For All Mankind – Season 4 – TRAILER OPINION – www.skiptvads.blog


For All Mankind - Season 4 - TRAILER OPINION - www.skiptvads.blog
For All Mankind – Season 4 – TRAILER OPINION – www.skiptvads.blog


To keep track of things I had to watch Season 3 last episode where they literally pull a stunt that is just ridiculous to think about but thats the kind of things you are going to see on this TV Series, Edward Baldwin, one of the main pilots of the Series; tie up his step daughter to a space shuttle so he could push her to the space station on top of Mars because she is pregnant and there is no facility down on Mars where she can give birth.

For All Mankind - Season 4 - TRAILER OPINION - www.skiptvads.blog
For All Mankind – Season 4 – TRAILER OPINION – www.skiptvads.blog


Gordo Stevens youngest son Jimmy joins an extremist group that is salty with NASA for things that they have done in the past, come on on the way to success you make a few enemies, on this universe NASA never stop and kept pushing all the time putting peoples life at risk and putting others in jail, they fucking mega bomb the NASA building after the Ed landed back on Mars, his ex wife you he still love very much died during the bombing.

For All Mankind - Season 4 - TRAILER OPINION - www.skiptvads.blog
For All Mankind – Season 4 – TRAILER OPINION – www.skiptvads.blog


Now that they have been on Mars for a few years they want to start a proper self sustain colony at Happy Valley Camp, they recruiting new people to join at Earth so there will be new characters added to the story, some are willing to take the gamble.

For All Mankind - Season 4 - TRAILER OPINION - www.skiptvads.blog
For All Mankind – Season 4 – TRAILER OPINION – www.skiptvads.blog


On Season 3 a man who build the most successful private company to start an expedition to Mars almost lost everything but it seems once again he gets lucky after his team locates the biggest asteroid with enough iridium to compare it to what ever has been mine in the history of mankind, so now everyone wants to jump on it, North Korea, Russia, USA, there is this big race to get the asteroid how the fuck do you do that? from a few scenes they literally attack a space ship to one side so they can push it.

For All Mankind - Season 4 - TRAILER OPINION - www.skiptvads.blog
For All Mankind – Season 4 – TRAILER OPINION – www.skiptvads.blog


While all this is happening there is also a very dorky love story between Margo Madison the NASA director until Season 3 and Sergei Nikulov engineer who was in charge of the Soviet Space Program who was heavily under surveillance and was caught exchanging information with Margo about their programs to a point that Soviets blackmail Margo letting her know that they would send him to one of the worst prisons and I think they were willing to kill him if she didn’t give them their engine blue prints, at the end she did and no body proof it after some heavy suspicious, on the trailer she now wakes up but she is in Russia and from the few shots she look like is been follow probably KGB, most likely she is there looking for Sergei.

For All Mankind - Season 4 - TRAILER OPINION - www.skiptvads.blog
For All Mankind – Season 4 – TRAILER OPINION – www.skiptvads.blog


For All Mankind - Season 4 - TRAILER OPINION - www.skiptvads.blog
For All Mankind – Season 4 – TRAILER OPINION – www.skiptvads.blog


The trailer of Season 4 specially shows a new addition to the series, a new character Miles played by Toby Kebbell who was actually exceptional from the TV Series “Servant” that I never finish but want too, Miles is a regular guy with a regular job at Earth but now he feels there is this big opportunity to join the colony at Mars, Happy Valley camp now wants to grow massively so they need more workers to create all this infrastructure, Miles looks like a pain in the ass guy who gets into places no body invite him.


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FATAL ATTRACTION S01E02 CONCLUSION - www.skiptvads.blog

I think Season Four might be the last Season of this TV Series, some of the main characters are aging getting older in the story but still kicking like Ed and Danielle, Margo is out of NASA looking for Sergei in Russia, Bill is taking over as NASA director so its generational moves within different positions in the story from Pilots, NASA director, Engineers at Earth with Aleida finally getting enough credit to her work and from here they are growing the colony at Mars so the story does not move into another race to another planet, all other three season have been ten episode long so that give it enough time to develop the end of the story in a way that it doesn’t feel rush and they can conclude things at Earth and Mars for example we have a couple of topics

  • What happens after the NASA bombing
  • What happens with Margo and Sergie, does she finds him?
  • How is Ed grandson or daughter doing?
  • Will Ed fly to the Asteroid, he is always a captain
  • How Ellen does with her relationship and political position

All this are just a few of the different side stories on the series that will need a proper ending, all other three seasons in my opinion did great, even on season two when they were confine to a very small space for a few episodes so this tells a lot about the script, how good it is that it keeps viewers entertain without much space on the scene.

I totally recommend this series and cant wait to start watching Season Four, first episode comes out on November 10, 2023.


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Monarch: Legacy of Monsters (2023) – TRAILER OPINION

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters (2023) - TRAILER OPINION - www.skiptvads.blog
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters (2023) – TRAILER OPINION – www.skiptvads.blog


Monarch: Legacy of Monsters (2023) INTRODUCTION - www.skiptvads.blog

Technology is making possible for studios to create all this shows that I would only dream off, I was born in the 80’s a generation that have probably have seen the most advance in technology from phone land lines to smart phones, from manual special effects to now AI generated scenes.

I was never a fan of monsters movies because I had this bad impression from Godzilla (1998), I remember everyone had high hopes on this movie but eventually it was so dark and very few times Godzilla appear full body, all this recent advance in tech lead to some of the best Godzilla movies ever in terms of how the monsters look example Godzilla (2014) and Godzilla: King of The Monsters (2019) two of my favorite Monster after my number one monster movie Cloverfield (2008). After many years of not watching this type of Monster Titan movies or in terms of Monarch language MUTOS (Massive Unidentified Terrestrial Organism) Cloverfield pick my interest because of how the movie was film in First Person so the monster itself was more of a mistery but for some reason got me interested enough so I gave a chance to Godzilla (2014) end up liking it and the watch the 2019 movie, end up loving and wanted more of what is now days called the Monster Verse, as always I don’t want to pretend I’m an expert but took some time to read about Monarch and the Godzilla chronology.

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters (2023) - TRAILER OPINION - www.skiptvads.blog
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters (2023) – TRAILER OPINION – www.skiptvads.blog

That order is how I remember things work out for me from bad to great impression of Monsters movies, so far the only one I’m not that excited are Kong Movies, mostly because they are all the same but now that they making a series out of the movies it intrigue me to watch Godzilla vs Kongo (2021) and Kong: Skull Island (2017) since from my understanding they are related to the upcoming TV Series too.

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Trailers at times might be either misinterpret ended or misleading, this TV Show wont be the exception as most people will want to watch Godzilla fighting from the first episode and I even doubt we will see it on the first episode. Apple TV had an early release and the embargo just ended so first comments without reaction or spoilers are coming up. From what I have seen on the trailers and what has been said its going to be very different than what everyone is expecting, this series at least season one will be about Monarch itself, from how it started, what happen in San Francisco on the 2014 movie to the 2019 movie so more than one time line going back and forward.

I really like how at least Godzilla itself looks but I think the 2019 movie was the final proof that tech is there to make this cool monsters come alive with their full blown powers. As any other story adapted to TV it wont be straight up close to say the “canonical” version of the story since they have to include the drama and sell the product, it is not to be a nerd out COJI TV Series but I’m sure will give more details of how everything started and might even turn into what UMBRELLA was to Resident Evil was the entire structure for most of the movies, everything happen around the corporation, similar might be with MONARCH, make the TV series relate the movies is what most viewers will want but but that could be hard to do for all Godzilla movies since there are so many with different Godzilla and some of the more traditional to the original story so even if they do manage to get the TV series close to a group set of this movies there will always be a few things that wont match as I mention because of all the Godzilla versions through the years.

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters (2023) - TRAILER OPINION - www.skiptvads.blog
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters (2023) – TRAILER OPINION – www.skiptvads.blog


Above a comparison of different Godzilla versions through the years, some of them are similar but things like legs, chest, arm length, back arch are very different between them.

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters (2023) - TRAILER OPINION - www.skiptvads.blog
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters (2023) – TRAILER OPINION – www.skiptvads.blog


From what I can tell the series will start with character Keiko, a women who was there at San Francisco 2014 when the Godzilla attack happen, she lost her father so the movie will work with probably different time lines going back and forward, to connect dots you will have to pay attention to details, it looks like her father was always working for MONARCH but she has no clue what is was so after he died she started to investigate what is this corporation.

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Monarch: Legacy of Monsters (2023) TRAILER CONCLUSION - www.skiptvads.blog

This is just a trailer so the main target is to get people all hype about it but I expect the first season to be very slow with flash backs from others movies and scenes related to that timeline probably scenes that never make it to the movies, if we see Godzilla fighting twice is a win because if its going into every episode then I don’t see it going more than two seasons and that will suck although it all depends if viewers stay interested, from what I have read and seen online from the director, on an interview he mention how the TV Series is trying to create a story around all the movies, essentially tell how MONARCH start to discover all this monsters give more details about them and probably not let things just to the imagination, how they are born, how they stay hidden and probably most important the reason for the attacks, all this keeping the spectacle the big show of Godzilla fights but also make it interesting at the people around MONARCH.

First episode will air on November 17, 2023

The main reason for this post is to actually give you my bad experience with this type Monster movies and how have been getting better through the years thanks to technology and better story, but mostly it is wise to keep expectation at a safe level with this type of content.


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Monarch: Legacy of Monsters (2023) TRAILER - www.skiptvads.blog

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