The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP

The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP - INTRODUCTION -

What Was Meant to Be, episode eight of The Wheel of Time Season Two, for me; could be the best episode of a TV series on 2023, everything that was meant to be happen, not necessary as Moiraine thought it would happen since Selene (Lanfear) had a lot to do with it, in fact she was the reason all this happen, she fool Ishamael all the time, she rescue Rand from Amyrlin Seat setting on fire the town as a distraction, took Moiraine and Lan to the exact spot where she could attack Lady Surtoh ships and all this because she loves Rand, really the OG dragon; this time seems she is focus more than ever to help him but at the end her goal is to have him for her but this is something not clear for me because when she was going to do something about it a few episodes back Moiraine show up and cut her through, I have not read the books so all I know is what I have seen so far. Another interesting topic is how Ishamael was imprison with the rest of the forsaken by Lews who was the reincarnation of The Dragon, they were “friends” but had different opinions about The Wheel, Ishamael wanted to distroy it probably he has a similar kind of though like Thanos, why suffer when he can end it all while Lews knew this was not the way, season leaves me with quite a few questions of whats next on season three, at this point everyone has a good control of their power including Perrin, Mat never had any powers he was just destine to do certain things since he was part of Rand inner circle.

Season two started very slow for that getting some what low scores of 7/10 but after episode three things started to pick up the pace rapidly to the point that every episode was a hit, out of the eight episodes it average a score of 8/10 on IMDB, considering the first episode got a 7.1 and the last episode a 9/10 showing in numbers how good this episode was its just pure and constant dopamine rush that kept me to the edge, it is in fact so good of an episode and has so many details that I saw it more than twice.



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The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP - EPISODE DETAILS -

The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP –


To this day I don’t know who free Ishamael but at least now I know who imprison him, good old Dragon back in the day who was his “friend” knew Ishamael was a serious problem to deal with and the rest of the forsaken so he put them inside rocks that serve as prison where they will be alive but not aware of time, this seal was suppose to be so strong that not even Lews would be able to break it so how Ishamael got out and then how did he free the rest of the forsaken including Lanfear??

The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP –


Once again Lanfear shows Rand she is the only one who really care for him but specifically told him the rest only care for what he can do when she doesn’t so this clear out the question she is not after his powers? because that would be the most obvious answer, during this entire process as I mention, Lanfear was the one pulling the strings and putting all the pieces in place so Rand can win this battle, Lanfear still have bone to pick with Moiraine, if she provoke Lanfear and Rand is not there to get in the middle I’m sure she would not hesitate to take Moirinae life, once again Lanfear helps Moiraine and Rand, dropping Moiraine close to Falme but far enough so she could claim the Dragon with a fire banner on the sky as she mention but this distance also gave her the perfect strategy to attack the city from far away, on top she now has Lan to cover her back again.

The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP –


I just love how Lanfera manipulate Ishamael, he knows it but has no other option on the other hand Rand tries to manipulate her with cheap tricks and even having all that power she agrees every time he ask for help and she likes it, so hilarious. Now I understand Ishamael wanted more time, from the start he was trying to make Rand feel everyone abandon him because that story that the Dragon eventually kills everyone so far doesn’t fit with Rand, he was not going to kill his friends so Ishamael had no other option to separate them, for some time it work but Ishamael worst mistake was to awake Lanfear thinking she was going to kill Rand.

The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP –


This is one of the best Karma scenes I have seen this year, on previous episode Egwene told Renna, “I’m going to kill you” and Renna did nothing, but the worst of not doing anything is that she didn’t realize Egwene just went over the adam, she though of ways to hurt her suldam, that’s rule number one you cant hurt your suldam or even think about it. Renna keeps provoking Egwene, the city is under attack and all suldam and damane need to defend it, when a damane refuse orders during battle first punishment is cut her tongue and second her hands, Renna cut Egwene hair to show off her power while still holding the leach, Egwene was like bitch did you just cut my hair?? That look on Egwene before she start attacking the white cloaks who are invading the city said it all.

The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP –


Ishamael is highly suspicious that Lanfear is going to betray him mainly because he feels she is rushing things and been so sure that Rand is going to switch sides on top of that Turak the leader of seanchan was murder by Rand but he has an ace with him, Mat is “suppose” to kill Rand but Kim did said many times that her visions not always become true, temptation knocks at Mat’s door, Padan Fain brought him the dagger that once posses him and the one he will use to kill Rand, Mat knows he is not strong enough not to touch it so went around and made a spear out of it, problem solved right? not really.

The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP –


The episode is about Rand been declare as The Dragon but in my opinion this was Egwene episode, Nynaeve is suppose to be way stronger than Egwene something that might come up on season three but for how the one that has shown her powers more than anyone else is Egwene, she is not only strong and pretty but so fucking smart, the tower gets hit badly by the White Cloak army, a big rock hit them and some suldam and damene die but not Renna and Egwene, she use the opportunity to gram an adam collar from a dead sedai and wait for the exact moment to put it on Renna’s neck, so they are both suldam and damane, takes the big risk to hang Renna by the collar and waits to find out who will die first or who forfeit and release the other from the adam, eventually Renna accept because she doesn’t want to die expecting Egwene to release her from the adam and to my joy she doesn’t and watch Renna die kicking and screaming while hanging from pilar.

The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP –


During previous episodes I constantly complain about some characters that basically do shit, two of them are Mat and Perrin, well Mat in fact hurt Rand badly, it did not play out exactly as Ishamael though but he did set a trap so Mat tries to kill him from behind but Ishamael some how predict it and it was an ilusion, ends up stabing Mat and almost kill him if it wasn’t by Egwene, Perrin and Elayne, btw Nynaeve did’t do shit during this episode, yes its me complaining again but its just so stagnating with some of this characters, I wonder if on the books its like this?

Egwene stand against Ishamael taking almost all his attacks so thats shows she might go hand to hand with some of the forsaken, until Perrin shows up with a shield that was giving to him by Uno who is now one of the Heroes of the Horn so there must be something special about that help Egwene hold the attacks until Elayne is healing Rand, there is a scene I did not show and thats Moiraine attacking the Seanchan ships with damane holding down Rand, after the ships are destroy and Elayne heal Rand he was then able to kill Ishamael.

The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP –


The scene that sets Season 3, the seals for the rest of the forsaken are broken, every single one is free now, Lanfear is the only one on Rand side, she is suppose to be the strongest one of all them but there was something about Moghedien, another forsaken; that scare the shit out of her or was it the fact that they are all free against Rand? Lanfear thought everything went according to her plan but she never thought Ishamael could or would free the rest of the forsaken. - tv series divider

The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP - CONCLUSION -

Ishamael is gone now, Seachan’s are done too but there is a bigger threat and that is the other forsaken together after The Dragon now that everyone knows its Rand, truth is that Rand and his friends now know how to control their powers way better that the start of the season but how powerful the forsaken are? Egwene and Rand can exchange blows with them but is the White Tower and Aes Sedais be on their side too? considering Moiraine and the Amyrlin Seat are not in good terms? this puts Rand in the middle of multiple battles on top of this a small civil war against the White Cloaks, this make think they might be surrounded, more powerful than before but more direct enemies than before so it won’t be easy to stay alive, another question that is left hanging is on what side will Lanfear be? what are her true motives to be with Rand? she keeps saying she loves him and is the only one not after his powers? I’m sure season three will be as explosive as season two.

There are some TV series and movies that when it comes to make my post about it, a recap trying to narrate the events that I consider the most important or make the more impact for me, there could be so many details that I kind of hate the process of creating the post although once it is done it feels very satisfying, WOT is one of those TV series probably why it took me some time to create the post, didn’t want it to be short and cover my favorite events during this episode, same thing happens to me with For All Mankind.

The Wheel of Time: What Was Meant to Be – Season 2 – Episode 8 – RECAP - PREV Episodes - - tv series divider

The Wheel of Time - SEASON 2 - TRAILER -

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The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night – Season 2 – Episode 4 – RECAP

The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night - Season 2 - Episode 4 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night – Season 2 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

For anyone that doubt WOT season two because of it’s very slow first two episodes I have to say things are starting to turn up and everything starts to make sense, on episode four more about Ishamael and Selene or by her real name Lanfear, Daughter of The Night the most dangerous Forsaken finally we get to know who this mysterious women who does nothing during the day and only fuck Rand’s brains out at night and who Moiraine fears a lot, but it still yet to know what are her motive and reasons to be after Rand? the most obvious reason that comes to mind is that she either wants to drain his powers, use him to do something for her or just kill him and as a last crazy idea is that she is truly in love with him. Moiraine has mention before that what they living right now has happen before many times through the centuries, meaning that Rand or The Dragon Reborn is an entity that comes to the world many times and even dies but always the story is very similar so there must be a connection between LanfeAr and Rand so yes probably she is in love with him but he doesn’t remember, the difference between them even if they met before is that Rand is a new men when Lanfear was awaken so she was probably a prisoner of some spell. - tv series divider
The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night - Season 2 - Episode 4 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night – Season 2 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


Episode four keeps telling us more and more about the past of some of the characters, in this case a bit more about Moiraine Damodred, she goes back to her home town where her little sister Anvaere Damodred lives and haven’t seen in many years, Aes Sedai live longer than other mortals because they are connected to the true power so they will age slower and see friends and entire family die before them, that’s the case of Liandrin and her son, same case between Moiraine and her little sister Anvaere.

The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night - Season 2 - Episode 4 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night – Season 2 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night - Season 2 - Episode 4 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night – Season 2 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


Its on Episode Four when we see Moiraine change her clothes into what she is wearing on the Season Two Cover Poster so probably from now on she means business.

The reason for Logain to be in this town same where Rand is, all that happen because Moiraine wanted so, she is looking for Rand around town and visit the Asylum he is was working at where Logain is but can’t find him, goes and visit Logain who wants to kill her if he could, keep in mind that may be he can since Moiraine has no powers but she wont let him besides she has a dagger, she offers it to Logain and what I can interpret from their conversation is that she will either let him kill her or give him the dagger so he can kill himself, she mentions “…what all those cut off from the One Power desire most of all”

The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night - Season 2 - Episode 4 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night – Season 2 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


Perrin and Mat are two of the least important of the main five characters so far with very little screen time plus I still don’t know how their powers help or relate to Rand, they cant channel but still have to do with The Story that repeats over and over.

Perrin was help to escape by the pack of wolfs and Elyas who serve him as a guide to discover his powers, most of the things that they talk about are very vague, like Elyas doesn’t want to talk to Perrin about his powers but let him discover them by instinct.

The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night - Season 2 - Episode 4 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night – Season 2 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night - Season 2 - Episode 4 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night – Season 2 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


Liandrin has been trying to bond with Nynaeve for her own benefit, she has been talking about how great it will be to use her as the biggest wepon The White Tower has ever had but now she tricked her, sitting at the Arches Liandrin tells Nynaeve that there was an invasion on the west, a black smith from The Two Rivers traveling with an Ogier were caught prisoner, this is a lie because at this point because they WERE capture and then Perrin got away but that’s not the point, Liandrin knows Nynaeve can’t get out of the tower without reporting and if she does then she has to sneak out, Liandrin knows exactly what escape route she will take so she ambush her and knock her out, to make things worst Nynaeve was not alone she was with Egwene and Elayne who probably where not part of Liandrin plan. It is still yet to know why Liandrin ambush them and I think this time it has nothing to do with The White Tower and Nynaeve becoming an Aes Sedai.

The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night - Season 2 - Episode 4 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night – Season 2 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


Moiraine keeps looking for Rand every where but can’t find him, she is starting to worry Lanfear will got him first but she has been with him all this time, none of the things that she plan for happen, Logain have not train Rand at all and Lanfear has been with Rand all this time.

Rand is starting to manifest his powers but only when he is under a lot of pressure, meaning when he is mad, angry and this makes him dangerous because this are the moments he has less control of himself but I wonder if this is exactly what Landfear wants, for some mysterious reason a Fade or Myrddraal appears and tries to attack Rand from the back, when they were together out side of Selene cabin at the top of the hill and Rand display his powers burning the Fade to aches.

The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night - Season 2 - Episode 4 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night – Season 2 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


This seem to be a turn on for Selene because very casual they go into the cabin, she wants more of Rand but this time not only sex, she ties him to the bed and confess to him that she is also a monster, Rand can’t get out of his head that he will eventually go mad and kill everyone he loves with this power so he thinks he is a monster too and just in time but I’m not sure if this is good, Moraine cut her through from the back leaving Selene laying on the floor all bloody, what a mess.

The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night - Season 2 - Episode 4 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night – Season 2 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


Moiraine keep saying Lanfear/Selene is not good for Rand but so far he has done nothing to hurt him, the moment Moiraine shows up Selene was starting to channel and now I’m wondering what exactly she was going to do THANKS MOIRAINE!!! At first Rand gets mad as fuck with her and puts her against the wall because lucky for him Moiraine has no powers at the moment, if Moiraine had her powers she would probably kick Rand ass in a second, yes he is The Dragon but he has no training, similar Liandrin knock out Nynaeve, Egwene and Elayne all at the same time. - tv series divider

The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

What annoys me of this episode is how many dark scenes there were, you really need a good video source and good definition screen to see all the dark colors and go through this scenes, but we are starting to see more characters channel for example Rand, Selene, Ishamael, I hope it comes to that and more characters channeling at the main battle of this series since at some point Rand will face Ishamael again either alone or with the rest of his friends. Another thing that bugs me is that Mat is set to some how kill Rand like its destiny so may be the same thing has happen over and over through their history, remember all this characters have reincarnate.

Finally knowing who Selene is, that’s a great relieve, watching her doing nothing during the day and just fucking Rand at night was not fun for me, I knew there was something else than that but never thought she was a Forsaken, based on Moiraine one of the worst, the first scene when Ishamael wakes up a women cover in blood did make me think about Selene also Moiraine kept saying since episode one that their encounter with him was not the last battle and she was wrong, it was the start of everything and that he was going to awake a higher power. Season two is turning into a banger, I really like this series and would like to see at least five seasons if possible out of it, I don’t know how far advance the story is at the moment compare to the books but over three seasons is a win. I give this episode a solid 8/10.


The Wheel of Time: Daughter of the Night - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3: - tv series divider


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