The Patient: Charlie – Episode 6 – RECAP



Episode 6 of The Patient shows Alan desperation, after everything he has gone through he still willing to change Sam and I say change because I don’t think he wants to help him, Sam needs more than therapy probably even medication all Sam wants is to go home so he is willing to do what ever it takes to get out of that room if that means change or trick Sam’s thoughts, some how he needs to find a way to make Sam think he is cured, sounds ridiculous but that’s all he needs, he doesn’t even need to actually cure Sam all he needs is for Sam to believe it.

Elias is dead, Sam killed him right in front of Sam and that’s perturbating him, both killing and watch some one die for the first time must be a high impact experience, worst part in this case for Alan is that he is the one trying to prevent it, trying to control Sam madness and in some way he failed, not because it was his responsibility but because he is the one trying to make Sam stop, he has been force into this situation, I wont say he has lost the war but did lost that battle forcing him to the extreme of going into his own reality. Its not strange for therapist to go to therapy, they are humans too and some use it as a way to expand their point of view and knowledge, the part that is a bit disturbing for Sam is that he is talking to his dead therapist in his mind trying to find ways to convivence Sam he is cured, Alan is talking to himself at the end of the day.

It has taken me a few weeks not say months to finish this mini series, with so many things that went out in the past two months this is not a priority for me but still have four episodes to watch, I really like Steve performance so far, everything around him is vague and seen him been the star of the show that so far only has three main characters plus he is out of his usual comedy character its amazing how good this mini series is so far considering all this things. - tv series divider



This is Charlie, unfortunately for Alan he is dead, he was Alan therapist but he is not the one talking to Alan at the moment, under extreme circumstances of pressure like the one Alan is experiencing at the moment with this situation that he is the prisoner of a serial killer who just killed some one in front of him its normal for a human to isolate into his own world, at least Alan is still conscious of the situation, the reflection of Charlie seems to have a more raw and open mind than Alan himself, during their conversation he basically said man up and get out of this situation alive, for Alan is not that hard since he explain Sam has the control of the environment and Alan holds no power over him but there seems to be some some level of empathy within Sam and that’s something Alan will have to exploit, make it grow.


I remember seen on Mind Hunters, a Netflix Series, that serial killers do study Cops TV shows to not get caught, this is something Sam mention in the past, thats the reason why he have decided to burry Elias in his basement, he also had Alan help to dig the hole, this is the first time he brought one of his victims home and knows there is a chance if he throws Elias body on a street or alley, anywhere out side of his home, police can track him down, some how.



Between this period of isolation, Alan paints the perfect picture of how he feels every time Sam calls him, he feels as a prisoner sentence to death without any chance to escape, I think on the next to episodes we will finally see Alan taking a shot at Sam, since the first episodes he had this fantasy of hitting Sam in his head with a vase but he feels he is too old and weak to fight Sam, at some point desperation will be so big that he will loose his cool and attack Sam, something that actually Charlie suggested.

Charlie suggested to basically throw Sam’s mother under the bus after Sam said he have tried everything he can to divert Sam from feeling angry, kill people and live in the past where he was abuse by his father, may be letting Sam know his mother had to do with his father abusing him because she did nothing about it or not enough would divide in half all this feelings and may be he could think it was not all his father fault, that could go both ways too, calm him down a bit or infuriate him more because both his parents abuse him? I don’t think Sam is going to forgive his father yet, that’s Alan second chance to make Sam forgive his father that would make him stop killing people.



Alan keeps working on Sam’s empathy, one of the very few cards he has left, he knows there is some so he exploit it, he makes Sam believe that by throwing the body on a place that can be found will make he grow as a person, for letting Elias family to find the body and relief them from the suspense if he is alive or not, sounds stupid and only some one who has no conscience would think “I kill him but at least I let their family find his body” , some one with Sam’s mental health problem would think that way, there is no guilt within him. Alan came up with this idea to stick a note on Elias dead body so when they do the autopsy can find this not, hopefully is not too late. The note mentions Sam although not sure what are the next two words, then mention Alan son and daughter saying he loves them, Alan doesn’t know Sam address but at least should have put his last name something like “Sam Fortner kill him” and then his last name too “Alan Strauss please help kidnap” that why the police will start looking for Sam and find Alan. - tv series divider


Alan is starting to loose it, soon he will be in survivor mode beyond fear, there is nothing more dangerous than a man who has nothing too loose, right now he is in a process where he is starting to hallucinate based on the situation, he is starting to talk to his dead therapist, in this case his subcontinent that is telling him to go all in, take Sam by surprise and beat him up but in reality he don’t see himself having the courage to do so, this is something every human goes through when feeling start to accumulate until the pressure makes you blow up, this is Alan at the moment, when he comes back to earth he keeps trying to manipulate Sam to his advantage but his efforts to escape are still very vague, there will be confrontation soon, for a mini series with short screen time it is exciting and the short amount of film makes you want to see more, I have enjoy it so far but if you probably sit down and watch it in five or six hours wont be the same experience.


A Small Light : Welcome to Switzerland - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

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Episode 5: - tv series divider


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Citadel : Tell Her Everything – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP

Citadel : Tell Her Everything - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP -


Citadel : Tell Her Everything - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

For a short season Citadel does pack a lot of action in a Mission Impossible style, not the greatest actors and at times jokes from Stanley are not the best but still entertaining, the series is still in the phase of developing and knowing all the characters and their story before the train accident where Nadia and Mason lost their memory, in the previous episode we find out Abby who is currently Mason’s wife was one under cover and probably in love with Anders Silje who was developing a device that could hijack and entire nation systems but after her mission failed Mason decided to erase her memories and put her on a protection plan although everyone keep saying Nadia is the one who turn her back on Citadel and lead Manticore to take every one down with only a few left out like Carter who was force to keep moving looking for a place to hide, there is more to Abby’s mission failure its not that simple and it involves Nadia, in the present Mason is about to discover this since she got her memories back but he couldn’t as the injection that contain them broke and he is re learning to be Mason Kane again and find out what really happen to Citadel and if Nadia was the mole.

Citadel is one of those series I fall behind although its a very short one with the first season only with six episodes so I’m only two to go, I think this series has to be short in amount of chapter because will all this effects and places where the story happen it does feel like each chapter is part of a James Bond movie or Mission Impossible and I guess that’s not cheap also considering the first season is an experiment for a lot of TV series to figure out if it continues or stops, Citadel didn’t get much love from viewers with a low score of 6.1 on IMDB and each episode around that score too, I think its because how fake the story is, does feel at times like a GI Joe movie although people may score a GI Joe TV series higher just because of the brand, on this series there are a known actors like Richard Madden, Stanley Tucci, Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Roland Møller, they all have done mid tier films nothing spectacular and that’s Citadel too a TV Series with good if not very good action scenes and I think people fail to understand that. - tv series divider
Citadel : Tell Her Everything - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

Citadel : Tell Her Everything - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP -


Nadia and Mason goes to Morocco to a Manticore Black Site, a fancy name for a place where they run operations, they think Carter is there, we can tell Nadia is back on full spy mode while Mason is lagging behind, he is brave and is recovering that muscle memory but still not at Nadia’s level and this him in disadvantage as she can take down enemies like a fucking ninja he still figuring out how not to panic during a shooting, there is a scene where she cuts a guy arm and then when the knife is falling she kicks it Ibrahimović Zlatan style and stab the guys partner on the neck with the knife she kick in the middle of the air, this are some of the things people might find too big of a lie but that’s the charm of the series, come up with this fight scenes that are close to impossible but can happen, that’s why I mention Zlatan, have you see one of this high kick near impossible goals, the guy is a beast so is Nadia.

Citadel : Tell Her Everything - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP -


They were right, Carter was held in that location but right when he sees Mason and Nadia ask them to stay away, Mason look confuse and ask what did he do but then Carter clear things up on the same scene at the end of the episode, “Not you….Her” , there still to be explain if Nadia did all this to keep Citadel alive or it was at a personal interest level, depending on a situation a strategy could be to let the enemy think everything is over and keep the organization alive close to eradicated but with the right agents to rebuild it, they were probably out number and in disadvantage and she was the only who saw it, I still don’t think she betrayed Mason.

Citadel : Tell Her Everything - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP -


Nadia brings in Abby to work with Citadel on a new mission, the mission is to go undercover, find out where is the Oz Key and stole it from the Silje brothers. Mason starts to explain Abby a true spy tells the truth since she needs to get in the role and believe it, believe she is the person she is looking at the mirror in this case Anders Silje girl friend, fall in love with him but just to get close enough to the Oz Key he is working on, stole it and be gone, this is where Mason separates from Nadia, he seem to be the spy that goes by the book and doesn’t trust anyone always living a lie but it looks like at the end between them it doesn’t matter since Nadia out play him bringing down Citadel or at least that’s the side of the story its known until this episode, so Abby was brought in by Nadia then fall in love with Anders Silje to stole the Oz Key and is now Mason’s wife, talk about going in circles.

Citadel : Tell Her Everything - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP -


Abby did everything well, she got Anders to fall in love with her enough to get close to the Oz Key, steal it and replace it with a fake one but Anders brother Davik saw her, follow her and beat her up but Mason already send an Ops team to track her down and figure out what was going on since she went offline for a few weeks and the deal was to keep communication every few weeks with Mason to keep him on the loop of what was going on.

Citadel : Tell Her Everything - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP -


When the Ops team arrive captures Davik and brings Abby back, the most obvious thing happen, they couldn’t find the Oz Key only a fake that was on Abby’s bag, Mason doesn’t trust Abby for her behavior prior as she remain without communication but Nadia keeps saying they can trust Abby, Mason has a higher position within Citadel than Nadia and decides to erase Abby’s memories with they excuse they putting her on a protection plan but he avoid the erase memories part from Nadia, he asks for Bernard help on this, at the time it was a new procedure untested.

Citadel : Tell Her Everything - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP -


Probably the only one with the time and access level to figure out what really happen with the Oz Key and also why he is still alive even though he was capture by Manticore, Carter figure out that the real reason why they couldn’t get the Oz Key when the Ops team came back is because Nadia gave the order to deliver it to her directly, on Citadel they have this encrypted chat where the one receiving the message doesn’t know who is sending, that’s sounds stupid but that’s how it looks on Mason phone, he got a message “CONFIDENTIAL she took the case” probably meaning Nadia took the case, also why Carter either knew this or assume it was Nadia and Mason knew it, Mason is playing double agent here but his heart is with Nadia, he also thinks he got everything under control but we already know at the end he didn’t. - tv series divider

Citadel : Tell Her Everything - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

Despite of what the internet says about this series I really enjoy watching it but there are a few actors I didn’t like their performance for example Dahlia as Lesley, worst villain and there are times I cant stand Bernard jokes and how Stanley perform the character, everything else looks good to me, I love series where you have to pause, read the characters computer screen or phone to figure out whats going on those details that you cant let pass by, this episode I would give it a solid 7+ since it was pure action for the most part even when it slow down during Abby’s interrogation it was intense when Mason was about to kill her brother to get her to talk and better toward the end when Carter join the dots and assume Nadia is behind the missing Oz Key.


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Silo : The Janitor’s Boy – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP

Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Episode 5 of Silo : The Janitor’s Boy really tells how the administration, sheriffs and judicial have different interest and agendas for the Silo, for their people, for the structure and the future. The entire plot about the internal conspiracy from why they are really inside the Silo and if the outside is really safe or not is very interesting but every time they mention how they are confine to this space and how its an eternal circle of people been born and die inside the Silo without really seen the outside world, without experiencing what is to be free makes me sad and claustrophobic, the Silo does look big and when they go through the apartments looks like small corridors of a small city within the Silo so its very big although you can go from top to bottom in a single day as they have mention before so compare to been free outside and travel to any country or place you want makes a lot of difference, you are still limited to planet earth but its way more bigger and you get to meet different people every day, see the world, the landscapes, different cities, been free is just more than what they consider free on the Silo, besides they are not really free as George Wilkins thought and probably discover the reason why there is a conspiracy and why they are all tricked into thinking the outside is not safe and how the Silo population is manipulated by those in high hierarchy charges like judicial or the mayor.

On this episode we also know more about Robert Sims from judicial and his ambition, at the end he tells Trumbull how hard was life for him as a kid, as the Janitor Son, his father was a janitor who was proud of his job and how important it was for the Silo despite of what other said but Robert as a kid probably didn’t think the same and grew up with that ambition of been important and have power to step over those who look him and his father over the shoulder, now as part of judicial he has got part of that power that he wanted but his ambition is bigger than that, Bernard is there to remind him he is in charge and not Robert, as an intern mayor, I think this intern position was all planed and we are soon to discover how they did it, there has to be a network of spies, mics and cameras around the Silo and probably secret passages, rooms and doors that aloud them to control and do things without people noticing. - tv series divider
Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


It seems that the Mayor and Judicial always have plans to been steps ahead of the Silo sentiment, right now after the murder of the mayor and a sheriff people are scared to go out, kids to go to school, adults to go to work because they think a murder is loose out there and they could be next, after all there is not much room to run away, to prevent this chaos the mayor and judicial have come up with ideas to distract people, Sims idea (judicial) is to offer a holiday, Forgiveness Day although Bernard is more creative and came up with a celebration to commemorate Marnes and Ruth as an in love couple who were murder but the narrative is to talk about how great their last years together were, how much they love each other and on that day do things they “like” , for example having a race to the top in honor of Marnes, Robert disagree with the idea but Bernard idea generates a story, more than just giving a day off to the Silo and keep people thinking about a murder that is still out there, this two are going to clash in the future but Bernard is in charge, Robert cant step over him.

Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


As the clever man Bernard is, he tries to guide Jules around Judicial, not for them to be friends but to keep her alive, Im sure he already knows why she took the Sheriff job and wants her to also stay distracted thinking she can solve George murder case but at the same time keeping her away from the truth that might involve either him or Sims, keeping here running in circles but Jules is too smart to fall on that game, she is going to become a problem for Bernard and Sims.

Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


I would say that the first ten minutes of the episode was the interesting part where you have to analyze how Bernard, Robert and Jules think, how they react to each other, Paul Billings was there too but more like a compliance auditor since he knows so much the pact but the real talk and tension was between this all three, Bernard thinking he is the smart one on the room and have everyone figure out, Sims trying to step over Jules and Jules not giving a fuck about anyone and determine to discover what really happens with George.

This scene shows how Ruth and Marnes are buried together as a couple something that was just for married couples based on the pact but Bernard made an exception as the mayor, this was part of his plan for people to think about a couple in love and not about a couple with high hierarchy jobs murder, that was smart.

Jules gives a small speech that really reminds how sad is living within the Silo, how they are all trap without knowing why, how there a large population that knew Ruth as their only Mayor since they were born, this shows the monarchy and monopoly of politics within the Silo.

They are buried at a very low depth in a field of apple threes, everyone bites an apple an throw it at them because they will now serve as fertilizer for the apple threes and all those apples they bite are the seeds, the cycle of life and death within the Silo.

Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -

Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


Its all about distractions, shining things and mirrors, but this time Jules caught it right, she front runs Judicial and got Patrick Kennedy under her custody without telling anyone else, few days after Ruth was murder Marnes visit Patrick as a suspect of his witch hunt and got his ass kicked, he was the last person to have an altercation with Marnes and now Judicial wants to incriminate him, Jules picked up that thought fast enough to safe his Patrick’s live but also putting her own at risk, she was going after someone with way more power than her, Sims, who mention at the first scene of the episode how he was visit Marnes the night he died to convince him to make Paul Billings Sheriff so he could have inside man of his own. Jules takes Patrick and then stay around his apartment waiting for someone from Judicial to show up and she was right, Douglas Trumbull a man who was mislead by Sims under the impression he was a candidate to be Sims shadow, he was doing the dirty work for Sims and when Jules caught him in the act of planting false evidence on Patrick’s apartment there was a chase that ends on him pushing Jules over the stairs railing where she almost fall, same as George died, it was an intense scene.

Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


After Douglas failed to plant false evidence on Patrick’s apartment, got discovered by Jules and failed to murder her after he got caught, it was evident that he was a threat to Sims, its here where Sims shows how drunk with power he is and his complex of been the Janitor’s Boy, he gives Douglas a pep talk about how hard was for him to be the Janitor’s Son and how after all the limitations he got to the point he is, even tells Douglas that he is going to be his shadow, the man smiles at Sims of happiness because it but Sims throws him to the bottom of the Silo, this shows how twisted and sick Sims is and he will anything to stay in his position of power, but I’m sure there is more to it, how he kills a man publicly and gets away wit it, there must be an insurance system that lets him manipulate the stories. - tv series divider

Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

I got to say I really enjoy Episode 5 of the Silo: The Janitor’s Boy, there was a lot of suspense and the action scenes were intense, on this Episode Sims starts to become an important character of the story, I remember how I mention this before, we start to see how Bernard and Sims are the ones really in charge of the Silo, from the first two episodes when Bernard was introduce he look like a robot, never thought he could be so sleek, sharp and manipulative, how he came up with the story of Ruth and Marnes been in love to change the narrative around the Silo, Sims show his true colors manipulating Paul, Douglas and telling Jules straight to her face how he is going to work to get rid of her and send her back to mechanical. I still don’t know who killed Ruth and Marnes, going to watch the episode again if cant figure out then probably on the next episode they will figure out the murder.

Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

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Episode 4: - tv series divider


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Silo : The Relic – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP

Silo : The Relic - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP -


Silo : The Relic - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Episode 6 of The Silo, Season One, reveals the Silo Monitor Center, Jules has a very different perspective from the Silo than many of the people living in it, since she met George she got sucked into this conspiracy that George was trying to unveil but unfortunately for both he ran out of time after he was found dead, allegedly he either jump from one of the stairs rails or someone pushes him; Jules lost interest on the conspiracy theory, the conspiracy has been proven to get you killed after George died and Holston was sent out to clean, but she did step in as a Sheriff initially with the intentions to find out what really happened to George not because Holston ask her too or because it was the right thing to do, serve when duty calls, it was mainly to figure out who killed George but recent events like the death of the Mayor and Deputy Marnes have actually put work on her hands and a motive to be a real Sheriff trying to find out if this conspiracy George was obsessed to reveal also killed this two characters that now were so close to her, down the road this events also push Juliette away from persuing her first goal letting her to think its time to go back home and forget everything that happen but she has a great mentor in Martha who tells her to stay firm on her believes and finish what she started, the seek for the truth of George death and indirectly figure out if there is really something more than the Silo itself out there, it took Juliette a few minutes to put her shit together and move forward, she is after all a women with a very strong character and mind of her own who rarely let others influence on her believes but its hard not to when others are one or two step ahead, on this episode its confirm that everyone on the Silo is been watched both by video and audio, they can see you and listen to your conversations, they know what you did, where you at and what you said, this circuanstances will make you doubt and probably whats exactly what happen to Juliette, yes at first she was chocked by what Kathleen told he about George but she should probably trust more George if she really knew him and think that some things he did he had to do in order to move forward with his investigation, he was constantly walking out of the Silo Law line and probably could not be as straight forward as Kathleen or Juliette may wanted too, women more often than men are hardly impact on their decisions by love, it can even make Juliette doubt about her believes after all she is human, mixed feelings almost tip her over. - tv series divider
Silo : The Relic - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

Silo : The Relic - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP -

Silo : The Relic - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP -


From all these DOOMS DAY TV series I think Silo gets very close to what will happen to the planet and the human race if things go south with the climate, humans might be forced to live underground, it really surprises me how on the series things like this candy dispenser, at least that’s what it looks like, is banned, Judicial make it illegal for anyone to have something like it, there is a lot of truth on George words when he said: “why do they make it a risk to our lives to have them?”, the answer to that question is that it sparks to more questions like from where did it come from, are there any more like it? when and why is it here? , these are questions that lead to the main question, why are we hiding on this Silo? because so far nobody mentions why they lived inside the Silo, the only thing close to a reason is that the “founders” knew better and put them there but who are the founders and why did they build the Silo, Curious George knew better and was working on answering this question, the big question.


Silo : The Relic - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP -


That same little plastic ducky started an investigation and almost broke apart Juliette and Billings, even on the pact they had those things like this are the gateway to criminal activity but it’s not the object the problem it’s the questions that it raises among the people on the Silo, plus if we think about it there must be a lot of people that is not sane inside that enclosure, yes the Silo is very big and sometimes looks like a very small city on the inside it still a close environment.

Silo : The Relic - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP -


In episode six we get to see Judge Meadows, the person who is “supposed” to be in charge of the Judicial department but in fact, it’s very clear that its all an illusion, Robert Sims is clearly who dictates the tone of the conversation in the room, she clearly looks manipulated by Sims and also looks sick, wouldn’t be strange that in the future she dies because she was slowly poison.


Silo : The Relic - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP -


A living example of someone who probably almost got killed because of having or dealing with relics in the past and has now stopped caring about them is Patrick, he has the look of a guy who is trying to change his life, not the most honest man on the Silo probably but for sure looks afraid of having anything to do with relics as he explains how it destroy his life, he gave Juliette the only name he could, the only dealer he could rat out but in fact, it was because Judicial already knew about her, Juliette is looking for answers behind the plastic duck relic, answers that could lead her to the murder of the mayor but in fact takes her to a dark corner.

Silo : The Relic - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP -


Silo : The Relic - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP -


When Juliette took the Sheriff’s job she did it for love, she wanted to figure out who killed George as she was so sure he didn’t commit suicide, a recent event especially starting the investigation of where this relic came from, got her to almost change her mind, take in consideration she wanted to know because initially, George gave it to her so she knew anyone who got it after that probably got it from George, Julliete fix George watch because she truly loves him and makes her feel special but finding out that he used other people to continue his quest to unveil the answer to the big question got her think twice if he really love her or was she just part of his quest? Kathleen, the woman on the second picture, almost got Juliette doubt of George’s true motives, Juliette almost quit and went back to mechanical.

Silo : The Relic - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP -


Silo : The Relic - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP -


The minute Juliette talk to Kathleen, Sims got notified, Sims brings Bernard (temporary mayor) to question her motives because they knew Kathleen hold some information that might raise the same questions George had about the Silo. Juliette manages to shake them off for the time but after a second visit to Kathleen, she gave Juliett a book that not even Sims knew about, a relic before the Silo, until now civilians don’t know they are been watched including Juliette. - tv series divider

Silo : The Relic - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

Silo is a great series, from episode one it got me hooked, on every episode we get more details about the conspiracy that the management of the Silo runs, and it’s not regular management, its those behind the curtain moving the strings like Bernard and Sims, now when know how they are always a step ahead of everyone but Juliette is slick and will find her way out, it incredible how everything goes back to George, the relic she is investigating might take her to solve three murders but I think Sims is going to stop her, it’s hard for Juliette to do her job when there is a monitoring center with multiple employees watching and listen to her. Episode six also shows Juliette’s decision to find out who killed George and that she really loves him, sometimes you just have to believe in your judgment, even though Kathleen told her he probably used them both Juliette still went back to find out the truth because she loved George, it didn’t matter if he used her, what matter is the moment she spend with him and what she felt when they were together, like when she fix the watch just because watching him happy make her feel the same, that’s true love.


A Small Light : Welcome to Switzerland - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

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Episode 3:
Episode 4: - tv series divider


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Drops of God: Legacy – Season 1 – Episode 6 – Recap

Drops of God: Legacy – Season 1 – Episode 6 – Recap -


Drops of God: Legacy – Season 1 – Episode 6 – Recap INTRODUCTION -

As every other Episode, Episode Six of Drops of God is a storm of mix feelings, at times its very confuse to understand what Alexander was thinking when he thought about all this test and contest, on one side I can see him as a mad man who just want to complicate his children life’s more than it is, he never spend time with them as a father when they were adults and now that he is dead may be he came up with this contest to make their life’s miserable or he was really a philosophical guy who truly wanted to expand their knowledge and give them the opportunity to continue with his business and legacy but wanted them to be prepare for what was next.

Camille at first was the little ugly duckling, she couldn’t smell or taste alcohol but always had that hidden talent, she could turn out to be a great sommelier, she proves himself on this episode because it was not about the taste or smell of the wine, it was the experience,  during the series she and her father have mention how a wine can make you feel happy or sad, once she even said she heard music, I think that’s possible changing someone’s mood with wine or any other drink depending one what’s that make the person react is it the smell, taste or a combination of both, at the end its all a chemistry, the human body can be very impulsive and react different ways to certain combinations of flavor and smell so it was never about the fruits and flowers on the painting it was about the story behind both the painting and the wine Alexander choose to match the painting.

There is something that I should have seen coming and it was Luca interest on the Ledger Guide, on the previous episode he asks Camille to continue with it, I knew it was a great business for him but never though he was using Camille all this time just for the Ledger, I bought the story of how good of a friend he was for Alexander but the truth is that he was doing all this for his own benefit, he knew Camille had no chance against Issei so may be he thought is she wins great I get a hold at Alexander wine collection and she continues with the Ledger that was the first target but then if she doesn’t win at least get her to continue with the Ledger Guide so he can keep getting profits from the Ledger Guide also power as all the winemakers on the guide fear Alexander, at least that was the description given by Elisabetta, after the trip to Italy looking for this wine that match the flavors of the painting and understanding it was about the experience and not the flavor or smell, Camille also understood that the Ledger Guide was dangerous and hold too much power over wine makers so she didn’t want to continue it, she told Luca it was her final decision and this is when he who her his true face, got mad as fuck, yell at her, told her how he would make sure she get crush by Issei and loose, throw her out of his restaurant and show her he was manipulating her all this time.

Episodes are not more balance between Issei and Camille, at first it was all Camille but on this episode we get more drama from the Tomine Diamonds, with his father gone Issei start investigating the reasons and how his parents got together to find out his real father is Alexander, without physicals proof yet but things start to make sense so he put his mother Honka “on the horns of a dilemma” either she tells him the truth or he takes his father comb for a DNA test and figure out the truth by himself, she had to give in to keep it a secret just between them to avoid public shame since she is part of a very proud family. - tv series divider
Drops of God: Legacy – Season 1 – Episode 6 – Recap EPISODE DETAILS -

Drops of God: Legacy – Season 1 – Episode 6 – Recap -


Issei goes savage mode on his mother Honoka, when she asks if he have heard anything from his father he answers “the one who’s dead or the one who’s disappeared?” probably the worst slam down of all episodes so far and its not because she lied to him, this is the result of many years of resentment, the way she treat his father and him too, how cold she is all the time like she doesn’t enjoy been with any of them, this when he threat her to take his father comb for a DNA test or she tells him the truth, she didn’t have to say a word after she took the comb from his hands so its true, Issei father is Alexander.


Drops of God: Legacy – Season 1 – Episode 6 – Recap -


Lucky for Issei life takes from him but also gives him happiness back, I don’t know how because I consider it too fast but may be he just like him, the way he talks, acts, cook, he has all the swag to pick up girls although Issei doesn’t talk too much but Yurika, the reporter that was covering his story now helping him to locate his father, falls for him and they match that day, it was not all dark clouds for Issei.

Drops of God: Legacy – Season 1 – Episode 6 – Recap -


Camille decided to go to Italy, Milan, since the painting his father choose for the contest is from Fede Galizia, she takes Lorenzo with her and stay at a local house that servers as motel, they ask the owner Elisabetta where they could find the Galizia’s house and she answer “…fascinating, a lot to learn” like she probably knew something they didn’t, but they got no where so Elisabetta told her to be persistent, Camille didn’t mean it the wrong way but then she push wine makers into let her taste their wines using the Ledger Guide name as a method of pressure so they all accept without asking many questions. When Elisabetta find out about it she was pissed at Camille and her father, saying they were bullies using the Ledger Guide power against wine makers but their thoughts change after Camille taste Elisabetta family wine and discover the real connection between the painting and a bottle of wine, it was Elisabetta’s family wine Casa dei Fossati, it was a great story how Alexander compare Elisabetta and her father bond with Fede and her father Nunzio, this two pair of father and daughter work together to produce a master piece, one in a bottle of wine and the other on a painting.

Drops of God: Legacy – Season 1 – Episode 6 – Recap -


Camille never saw this coming, she basically gets assaulted by Lucas after she insisted not to continue with the Ledger Guide, on her trip to Italy she finds out and think that the Guide have ruin many peoples life, it holds too much power probably same as his father felt there was a monopoly in France when he was trying to become a professional and exactly what force him to go to Japan to start a new market, Lucas goes all savage and tells Camille he will make sure she gets defeated by Issei but what he doesn’t know is that Issei finds out she is his step sister and that will probably bring them close and work together, Issei looks like a nice guy and honest so that’s probably how he will react when he tells Camille the truth about Alexander been their father. - tv series divider

Drops of God: Legacy – Season 1 – Episode 6 – Recap CONCLUSION -

The reason for the contest is now more clear than before with Issei confirm his father is Alexander, also the fact that Camille find out how powerful the Ledger Guide is, this was probably planned by Alexander too as its the same reason why he went to Japan and start a new market when there was a monopoly in France that would not let him grew his ideas probably he wanted his son and daughter to learn this and continue his legacy with a better direction, at first the contest look like a twisted plan to make them miserable and fight each other for a prize but now its looking like he want to bring them closer, he never had either the opportunity or the words to achieve this since he was push out by both Honoka and Marianne, Issei and Camille mothers, so he build and empire that will unite them in the future.


Drops of God: Legacy – Season 1 – Episode 6 – Recap PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4:
Episode 5: - tv series divider

Drops of God TRAILER -

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Class of 09: The Fitness Test – Season 1 Episode 2 – RECAP

Class of 09: The Fitness Test - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP -
Class of 09: The Fitness Test – Season 1 Episode 2 – RECAP –


Class of 09: The Fitness Test - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

The first two episode of Class of 09 show that future where humans stop trusting on what they can do or not and decide to base human behavior on possibilities, Teyo is a master at doing this and the results are positive although is a practice that may create the wrong impression for those affected by the system, those who either get arrested or some how halt before they could commit a crime, in present days that method doesn’t exist, you cant get arrested for a crime you haven’t commit yet, for Teyo is pure mathematics and profiling people and there is a long line of people after him, those who have been intervene by the system and they think its unfair for them but Teyo thinks about the effectiveness and the victims the FBI can safe, its all Minority Report from the start.

The interesting part will be how all this characters build up their stories, Teyo, Poet, Nazari, Lenix, how they all graduate and start their carriers from the bottom all the way to the top, going back and forward between three timelines might be confusing for some people but I find it interesting, makes you to connect dots as you are watching the episode, this TV series has good acceptance by the audience usually with over 7/10 per episode on IMDB.

Episode 6 is more about the struggles of Tayo to start at the FBI, make it and stay a the top, he is not the gym type of guy so it was obvious he would have troubles passing the physical test to become an FBI special agent he was probably ashamed of his shape because all the other guys on the locker room were fit and he was a bit over weight but he has a lot of determination, a very analytic guy, study people, profile them to stay steps ahead somethings showing he is too cold as time goes by specially when he is at the top as FBI director. - tv series divider
Class of 09: The Fitness Test - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

Class of 09: The Fitness Test - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP -
Class of 09: The Fitness Test – Season 1 Episode 2 – RECAP –


Its only the second episode so its normal that we still have some of this first episodes focus on giving background of the main characters, in this case its Teyo everywhere, it starts with his class taking the physical exam, one and a half mile under twelve minutes and twenty four seconds for the men and fourteen minutes for the women, he is out of shape and initially failed, its true that some agents will become very important desk agents, them do most of their work with their brain and field agents are usually in better shape but when they are starting at the academy its the same rules for everyone, doesn’t matter what they want for them in the future they all have to go through the same training, Teyo shows since the first episode he is a desk agent, how he profile people and understands how the system works, that’s is his best skill analyze others and try to predict what will be the outcome of a situation, he does something similar with one of his college how tries to bring him down after he failed the test basically telling him to quit but Teyo knew there was something more to it.

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Class of 09: The Fitness Test – Season 1 Episode 2 – RECAP –
Class of 09: The Fitness Test - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP -
Class of 09: The Fitness Test – Season 1 Episode 2 – RECAP –


Teyo is send out with Agent Nuñez to visit Mark Turpirik a wealthy man who lives in the country side, this was in the present of the story line 2023, Mark has a large amount of followers, in his defense all he is doing a great service to the community by joining all this broken men who lives and work their farms, mostly forgotten by the society but he brings them together and gives them a place and purpose to keep going, it seems that part of the country side has a lot of suicides and homicides, he even compare his movement with the natives who have their reservation a share of the country their own space.

Teyo knows why the are there and his mission, as I mention he is very good at profiling people, Mark was already interviewed by the FBI and the previous agents found nothing, agent Nuñez went with Teyo without knowing why they are really visiting Mark if they have no warrant and previous agents found nothing, not that they had to tell her the mission but she didn’t get it, Teyo mention they can be provocative and reveal things just by showing up, he is hoping to make Mark nervous for a second visit from the FBI provoke him to make a mistake because the FBI thinks this movement could be harmful and probably under the hood is a conspiracy against the FBI, turns out they were right, agent Nuñez help by Mark’s wife finds a basement full of proof that Mark is about to hit the FBI. The cover of this post is Teyo after a shooting with Mark’s people, while they were leaving him and agent Nuñez were shoot at and he had to go all Die Hard to save his ass and Nuñez.

Class of 09: The Fitness Test - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP -
Class of 09: The Fitness Test – Season 1 Episode 2 – RECAP –


There was a little bit about Poet on this episode but a very interesting comment from Nazari who Poet will have to spy on in the present timeline 2023 it seems that doesnt end well since on a conversation with Lennix she mention it has been nine years since she talk to Nazari and now she might need her help with a key card that Amons left her with some code on it, Nazari told Poet her thing is saving people, she lend her money to stay and now wants to help Teyo train for his next physical exam, this might be true and probably why Amos Garcia was looking for her, choose her to bring out the truth about the FBI department, this in the future timeline 2034.

Class of 09: The Fitness Test - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP -
Class of 09: The Fitness Test – Season 1 Episode 2 – RECAP –


This is the guy who try to make Teyo quit, well it seems Teyo profile him correctly, they guy had a racist attitude after attempting to brake a sprint record saying he is now the fastest “white trainee”, you cant come up with that attitude at the FBI specially if you are just a trainee, Teyo pick it up fast and told him he has now been reveal basically saying he expose himself, the FBI is constantly after any kind of racist supremacy movement and this guy behavior fits the profile.

Class of 09: The Fitness Test - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP -
Class of 09: The Fitness Test – Season 1 Episode 2 – RECAP –


Humans tend to get cocky when they are at the top, we usually think nothing can bring us down and its worrying how Teyo while talking to a senator about the system compares it to something send from heaven like it was created by God himself, he has no hope in humans or even the law, for him profiling people before they could or try to commit a crime is more important than law itself as long as the system keeps bringing positive results, on the other hand the senator tells him not everyone sees the system as a savior. - tv series divider

Class of 09: The Fitness Test - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

From what I have seen so far the hero might turn into a villain, Teyo might get consume by power in the future, he is so good at his job that he could turn to be a victim of his own success, can you imagine him getting arrested by the system he created, Teyo becomes a prodigy at the FBI and goes up all the way to the top, on his way up he makes more enemies than friends, the only two that kind of stay close are Lennix and Poet but they had a relationship at some point that didn’t end bad so that’s probably why but it looks like work and success got Teyo away from everyone leaving him alone. If its true that the FBI has turn against the people and might be corrupt or manipulated as Amos says then in the future probably Nazir, Poet and Lennix might go after Teyo to reveal the truth, I’m very exited to what comes next.


Class of 09: The Fitness Test - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1: - tv series divider


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Fatal Attraction: The Dillingers – Season 1 Episode 6 – RECAP

Fatal Attraction: The Dillingers – Season 1 Episode 6 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: The Dillingers – Season 1 Episode 6 – RECAP –


Fatal Attraction: The Dillingers – Season 1 Episode 6 – RECAPINTRODUCTION -

If anyone could get Dan out of trouble was this guy, on the series Clay was patient zero, the first man who saw and experience Alex mental health problem, he also had a background of family with mental health problems and it was several times were Alex basically snap at him for no reason or just because he didn’t agree with her or even remind her of what she have said in the past, we didn’t see that behavior with Dan but with Clay she use to forget what she said and repeat the contrary, Clay who quickly notice it knew something was wrong with her but he like her, Clay try to stay with Alex and I would say even help her with her problems, there was a scene at a roof top where he said

What ever is bothering you just let it go…

Trying to send a message to Alex, she didn’t say anything at the moment but look like wanting to cry while she hold his hand, when ever she was pissed for some reason she quickly take it on others, for example her neighbor Emma who was a very kind woman, she talks a lot but was nice, the dark side of Alex have no mercy and quickly told her she didn’t care for her AT ALL!!! , on the last three episodes of this season we quickly see how dangerous Alex was, its like her character comes from been a normal person that’s at first when she was with Dan, first episodes where everything was great between them and she was happy to the point where the series start really tell who Alex was.

Clay kept trying to bond with Alex, kept telling her its ok to have problems and its ok to be herself and cope with her problems with her mental health, its weird because it doesn’t look like love, it looks like pity or compassion based on what he saw his mother go through and I think that’s what upset Alex, she might have metal health problems but she is not stupid and constantly bother how Alex try to “help” her, probably if he kept so playing along she probably stay with him and never be part of Dan’s affair, that would be a twist to the story and probably Clay was the right person to her but he rush things instead of waiting for the right moment to have an opinion about Alex problems because they were just dating, they haven’t even fuck once and he already want to help her.

At the time all this happen Clay use to work at Legal Aid, Dan had a few people over there that didn’t like how much power he had, how successful he was and some times how he make wining a case so easy to do so it was obvious that when Dan fall he had no hope, he had no chance, he was too big to fail and he did fail so Dan became a trophy for the system. - tv series divider
Fatal Attraction: The Dillingers – Season 1 Episode 6 – RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

Fatal Attraction: The Dillingers – Season 1 Episode 6 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: The Dillingers – Season 1 Episode 6 – RECAP –


This was the exact moment when Alex got tired of Clay trying to correct her, remind her of what she said or not, with age this is a natural thing for humans to repeat things or forget what they said a few days ago but I have a feeling Clay wanted to make it all about her mental problems, like anything she does wrong has to do with it and its probably that he was obsessed with this topic because of his mom history mental health, so Alex telling Clay to fuck off had nothing about she been crazy or not, as any other human she got tired of him trying to correct her and been pity.

Fatal Attraction: The Dillingers – Season 1 Episode 6 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: The Dillingers – Season 1 Episode 6 – RECAP –


At first Dan didn’t have the right name of Clay, he and Mike thought it was a Biff, Cliff, Smith something like that but they had to go to Legal Aid and ask, waiting for them was Ruth another person who back in the day didn’t like Dan for what ever reason but mostly the obvious, his power, his success, the most expecting thing to do, don’t help Mike, that’s what her order to the department, Ruth was just one of the many people that were not friends with Mike mostly because he was with Dan.

Fatal Attraction: The Dillingers – Season 1 Episode 6 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: The Dillingers – Season 1 Episode 6 – RECAP –


If I had to make a list of Mike and Dan “enemies” I would be out of ink and paper, deputy Ibarra also didn’t want to do anything with their investigation, after all its a fifteen year old case so he was off the hook although at some point he was also chased by Alex but never said anything about it formally and was not called to testify on Dan’s case, we start see how the narrative of Dan been a trophy to the system starts to pick up.

Fatal Attraction: The Dillingers – Season 1 Episode 6 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: The Dillingers – Season 1 Episode 6 – RECAP –


Earl Broker, another one, in this case a crime investigator who was not part of Dan’s fan club, he and Dan had history and when he took the case he prepare Dan’s bed, set him a trap and Dan fall for it but the problem is not that he lie to Earl, the problem is that he had an affair with Alex so it wouldn’t help if he said the truth or not if no body take the blame for Alex murder with proof, because someone taking the blame for her murder doesn’t stop Dan been a big fish for the system to catch and put behind bars, even under that circumstances he could still end up in jail but its true that the worst thing he could do is lie to Earl.

Fatal Attraction: The Dillingers – Season 1 Episode 6 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: The Dillingers – Season 1 Episode 6 – RECAP –



The only two that had Dan’s back when he didn’t had the money for his attorneys defense was Julia and her husband Arthur

This is something definitely helpful to remember down the line, at the time Julia had cancer and was dying slowly, Arthur love her very much, they were Dan and Beth best friends, it was a lot of money they were going to spend on Dan’s defense, Beth’s father didn’t want to help because he didn’t have the money and also said he wouldn’t even if he had it.

Fatal Attraction: The Dillingers – Season 1 Episode 6 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: The Dillingers – Season 1 Episode 6 – RECAP –


I don’t like rushing things and at the moment of this post I haven’t seen the other episodes so I’m not sure whats next but I don’t think we are getting a second season, hope we do.

On this episode we see how Ellen starts to get more attention than in other episodes, I’m not talking about screen time but things related to her specifically, we have to see her from time to time talking with Dan but she starts to stalk Stella and Richard, Stella a student partner and Richard a professor who have a relationship, Ellen at firs tries to tell Richard to stop it because its for the best this based on how Dan’s affair end up with Alex say Ellen had that example but now she is following them so I wonder if she was doing this because she wants Richard for her?? and not because she is doing him a favor - tv series divider

Fatal Attraction: The Dillingers – Season 1 Episode 6 – RECAP CONCLUSION -

The most interesting thing we could get out of this episode is how bad Alex was mentally before he met Dan, at the same time she was still conscious of her actions proof of this is how she got tired of Clay but at the same time proof that she had temper issues is how she told Emma that she didn’t care at all about her, Alex had serious issues before she met Dan and I’m worry Ellen becomes a monster similar to Alex, would be very ironic but after all this is all fiction, the most obvious topic from this episode is how Dan had no chance and back then and even now everyone was against him, I still believe he didn’t do it, have no proof and it would be a hidden scene that comes up at the end but based on the facts until then for me he didn’t kill Alex, the moment he had all excuses and right motives to snap and kill her he stop himself and want to make her go away using his power at the court and just killing her.

The title makes reference to the story of Toni Wolff and Carl Jung, doctor and patient relationship, Toni end up as Carl’s mistress, the term medial mostly apply for people who live the reality and their own world, I’m no expert on the matter but it really applies to Alex, how she even had conversations with herself and tend to imagine things that never happen, but I wonder why they use that as the name of the episode when we saw that happening on previous episodes, unless I’m wrong and they referring to Ellen or Stella although so far both seem to be very realistic and had not mental health problems. Here a link that I found online about the topic.

MEDIAL PERSONALITY – Part 1: Definition, History, and Related Concepts from an Autodidact’s Perspective


Fatal Attraction: The Dillingers – Season 1 Episode 6 – RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4:
Episode 5: - tv series divider



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A Small Light : Boiling Point – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP

A Small Light : Boiling Point – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP -
A Small Light : Boiling Point – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP –


A Small Light : Boiling Point – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP INTRODUCTION -

The title of this episode is very well deserve and that’s exactly what I try to recreate with the cover image of this post, at this point in time Miep is loosing it, the pressure is too much to the point she totally expose herself after a pair of German officers in a bike almost ran her over, she starts screaming at the and call them bastards but they just laugh at her. She had so many things on her plate with Kuno staying at their place as someone not welcome by the Nazi Party, Jan working with the resistance taking risky tasks to safe more people, hiding the Frank family who is now so positive that the allies are close to end the war but only Miep and Edith seem to be the only ones realistic enough to understand there is so much more to happen before the war ends, on top of all this there is Tonny Ahlers a man who is looking for Otto to collect on a black mail scheme that has been going for some time and he has connections within the Nazi Party that can come straight to the Frank’s door, put all that together for a perfect mix of none stop stress yet there is still more coming to Miep so imagine how she could felt at that moment the German Soldiers almost ran her over with the bike to the point she didn’t care anymore, she had to vent out and she did but quickly realize it could be her worst mistake when they stop and one of them pull his pistol. Miep and Jan could probably ran away from Amsterdam when the Germans arrive and be free some where else but they decided to stay, in the case of Miep she couldn’t because her passport was revoke by the Germans but then when she married Jan then they could ran away and live a better life away from the war but friendship and patriotism kept them in Amsterdam, the friendship Miep had for Mr. Otto Frank and the love Jan had for his country, those are the main reasons they stay and decided to help those pursued by the Germans.

There are places on earth where you are constantly in danger, serious danger every day you wake up you don’t know what to expect, some times there are those who don’t even have the chance to wake up as things happen over night, one of those places is prison, in such aggressive environment where most of the time only the strongest and the smart survives you don’t know where will problems come from, either the guards or other inmates, sometimes situations that had nothing to do with you but you are confine to a specific space that force you deal with it, war seems the same but with bigger borders, in the case of Jan and Miep the had an entire city but everywhere they go is a danger zone, things change over night either because the resistance did something that alerts the Germans or because allies hit them hard and Germans decided to rush things, just when people thought the war was getting closer to end, the worst part of it come to them and I think this is exactly what will happen to the Frank’s in the next episodes, Ahlers is getting impatient and is looking for Otto under every rock he can until he finds him. - tv series divider
A Small Light : Boiling Point – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

A Small Light : Boiling Point – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP -
A Small Light : Boiling Point – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP –


I really like how this moment represent how things change when Amsterdam was occupied by the Germans, one night this woman was a recognize musician playing the fiddle with a great orchestra for a large amount of people to came to see her, now she is playing to keep the mood up for all those victims of the war, a theater and now serves as refuge for those waiting to be transport to the German camps, most sick, tired, without hope that things will change for better but she knew she had to keep playing, at least there is one person on that room who still has hope and that’s her.

A Small Light : Boiling Point – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP -
A Small Light : Boiling Point – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP –


A Small Light will probably go down in history as one of the best Tv Series to transmit the struggles of people in Amsterdam and other places during  World War II, all the risks they took to survive and help others, Jan was part of that movement, they had to be ingenious to take advantage of every second, every space, every inch they could to trick the German Soldiers and sneak people, kids and infants out of the city without them noticing there was some one missing, but even Germans also where very smart to the point that they develop this skill set of persuasion, how they walk, how they talk infringes terror on those hiding and running away, most crack right there in fear of what was coming but those within the resistance were brutally brave and had the courage to stand up to the task, here is how a nurse standing across the street pretend to be smoking but the moment the light train comes by she receives a baby through a window and run to Jan so he could take the baby to the country side, then she keeps walking like nothing happen and goes back into the nurse house.

A Small Light : Boiling Point – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP -
A Small Light : Boiling Point – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP –
A Small Light : Boiling Point – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP -
A Small Light : Boiling Point – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP –


The moment Miep thought things couldn’t get worst a set of event come to her very own place, this is what really make things boil up for her

– NSB Agent is now her neighbor
– Omnia Trust employees come to collect Jewish assets after Mrs. Stoppleman move out
– Kuno is terrible sick, fever and looks like dying making all kind of noises, NSB Agent upstairs
– Two nurses working for the resistance are now hiding at her house

All this within less of twenty four hours, next day she had to go work, walk to the office and pretend on the street that everything is fine, I walk every day from home to work, its a fifteen minute walk and I usually think about a lot of things, imagine everything that went trough her mind during the time she took to walk to work.

A Small Light : Boiling Point – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP -
A Small Light : Boiling Point – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP –
A Small Light : Boiling Point – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP -
A Small Light : Boiling Point – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP –


Things get slightly better for Miep and Jan at home, Kuno was not dying only had an infection because of some acne probably that end up bursting making feel much better, was gross and bloody too, Jan took the nurses and Max out of the city through the local guards transport, some where working with the resistance under cover and help him get all this four resistance members out of the city. This doesn’t solve all Miep problems as the heavy duty is still at work with the Franks who are now loud, hopeful, basically out of control since they think the war is coming to an end soon with the allies landing on France, getting closer to the Germans.

A Small Light : Boiling Point – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP -
A Small Light : Boiling Point – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP –


Mrs. Frank has also hit the boiling point, she cant even stand her own family anymore, cant stand been confine to the same walls, without properly seen the sun, been outside, its been two years in lock down hiding from the Germans and the war still not over, all of the sudden everyone thinks it will end soon because allies are closer to them but they still need to end it and she cant see that happening any time soon, she feels things will get worst, I have not been in any War but have been lock down for more than two years and I know the feeling when at least if you had an exact date even if its ten years from now you can probably take it and wait but the worst part is not knowing when will it end.

A Small Light : Boiling Point – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP -
A Small Light : Boiling Point – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP –


This episode leaves me hanging but I think actually I’m sure this is Tonny Ahlers doing, either Otto pays him or he tells the Germans they hiding at the office building, I think that’s what happens next and the reason for the image of a man pointing a pistol at Miep inside the office. - tv series divider

A Small Light : Boiling Point – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP CONCLUSION -

Not hundred percent sure why Boiling Point is the title of this episode, either because Kuno fever or all the troubles Miep went through a single day, its like the war burst at her place in one day bringing all kind of troubles to her door step, every single one of them could get her killed, not even arrested so it was a matter of time before she burst out too and that’s what happen when she start yelling at the German Officers who almost ran her over, considering she was caring an illegal radio to the office, not only disrespecting an officer in public but also smuggling a radio to the place she is hiding her friends, it was the perfect combination to get killed on the stop and she didn’t care anymore for a few seconds, this was probably a booster to keep on going after she vent out.


A Small Light : Boiling Point – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP PREV Episodes -

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Episode 3:
Episode 4:
Episode 5: - tv series divider

A Small Light SEASON 1 TRAILER -

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Dead Ringers – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP

Dead Ringers - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


Dead Ringers - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

On Episode 5 of Dead Ringers a more raw version of the birthing center investors came up, its a selfish project where only Beverly thinks its for the best of women, Rebecca to make ton of money from wealthy women and Elliot to play GOD and experiment with their patients, this is the true reality around the birthing center.

Elliot for me has always been the star of the show and she is about to get on deep troubles, you cant play at been GOD without any compromises and repercussions, at some point in time her experiments will go wrong, she will be over confident and everything will blow up on her hands at once, part of her experiment is her sister Beverly, she is pregnant and the baby she is carrying is Tom’s without she even knowing it, that’s a time bomb for another day but on this episode Elliot meets a man Marion, Susan’s father who thinks the same as Elliot but in a more open and public way, in my opinion he only feed Elliot’s ego and got her to get curious with Marion’s daughter Florence at the moment she was giving birth, there is the double moral how Marion said it was ok to experiment and learn but when Elliot did it with his daughter then it was not anymore, after everything went down Rebecca, Susan’s wife, again make it clear for everyone, she is the BOSS and owns everyone for all the money she is putting into this project.

A new character is introduce, Silas Jordan a writer who is a bit wash out, after wining a Pulitzer he haven’t written anything worth it but in his own words, nothing has caught his attention but the twins fascinate him, because of how he looks at them and talk, mainly Elliot I think he probably going to try to destroy them and expose how Elliot is playing GOD with women child and Rebecca exploring them for money, this was very clear explain when at dinner Marion talk about a seventeen years old girl in the 1940s enslaved who had all kind of horrible problems to give birth and a Dr abuse of her, making her the guinea pig of his experiment, operating on her over thirty times in a span of five years without anesthesia, usually history is a lie, its written and tell in a way that benefits someone specific but its those who live it holding the truth, this girl most likely was force to this operations all for a Dr to experiment and learn from her. Now days this is illegal but still happens, there are parts of the earth where the sun don’t shine and its all darkness, Silas was against Marion and Elliot way of thinking and operate, he will enjoy exposing Elliot’s experiment. - tv series divider
Dead Ringers - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

Dead Ringers - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


After last episode the Mantel Twins are back together, Beverly was about to move away and had all kind of plans with her girlfriend Genevieve specially now that Beverly is pregnant but Elliot could not allow this, she is in love with her own sister and cant let her go so she revel to Genevieve how she got her for Beverly, that first day at the bar she was not kissing Beverly she was kissing Elliot, obviously that infuriate her because she ask them both if something like that have never happen with her and both Mantel said no, the most obvious thing happen the Twins are together again, sadly for Elliot not for long.

Dead Ringers - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


The Mantel Twins and Silas arrive to Susan’s parents house, this scene was hilarious for me, seen two pairs of twins and btw Florence on the left is expecting to give birth quadruplets, the man on the right Marion, just look at his smile he looks like a twisted mind person, as I mention in the intro he openly describe some of his experiences with patients as experiments, his wife left him and no body give details on that, I think he actually experiment on her so they could have twins although they said Marion and even his mother were twins, that’s just me speculating none the less we don’t know the real reason his wife left him.

Dead Ringers - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


At dinner Silas kept debating the safety, legality and morally right of the Twins procedures at the birthing center, he was hired by Rebecca to right an article to idolize the Mantel Twins work but he was very direct and open with his opinion and this is a moment were Beverly use that phrase she loves “pregnancy is not a disease” , Silas answer “Oh I’m going to fuck all of you so bad and make you eat those words” …between the lines.

Dead Ringers - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


This one a very uncomfortable dinner for Beverly and Silas, Marion kept saying how back in the day it was experimenting with patients constantly, learning new things every day and sadly it was true, anesthesia was first used in 1946 for a medical procedure so before that it was all butchery some times and Drs like Marion love it, he sees things different, he thinks science first and then the patients, he knows Elliot does too and Beverly doesn’t, on this very first scene he talks about how he didn’t had the opportunity to experiment more often because lack of patients and use this expression “make do with um hmmm” is he referring to his wife? or daughters?

Dead Ringers - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


Beverly leaves Elliot, this time is suppose to be for good and wants to get back with Genevieve, things really move fast for the twins, at the beginning of the episode she loved Elliot and at the end leaves her, all that talking with Marion made Elliot cocky and lead her to get curious with Florence after all four baby were born but the cherry on top was that Elliot brought to the world a twenty four week baby that no body knows she grew for four weeks before artificially get it into the mother body, when they were talking about it at dinner Marion open Beverly eyes when he said “She sees it like that….you don’t” referring to Elliot plus Elliot kept lying about it so Beverly only sniff the truth and decided to leave.

Dead Ringers - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


Just when they thought everything was great because Beverly is pregnant, their dreams came true and now opening their second birthing center, this episode turn out to be a shit storm for the twins and when I thought it was over, the old woman Elliot bush over the balcony was not an hallucination, she was real only that in her way down she fall into the building gutter and didn’t fall, that’s why Elliot never found the body and thought it was not real. - tv series divider

Dead Ringers - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

I loved Dead Ringers : Episode 5 because for the first time someone said things as they are, Marion told to the twins how they are making progress in science, experimenting and improving, he knows Elliot is pushing farther than what the laws aloud and how Beverly didn’t want to acknowledge the cruel truth, also the first person to call them out is introduce, I’m talking about Silas, he will be a stone on their shoes when he starts to publish articles about the truth of the Mantel Twins procedures, both Marion and Silas change Beverly opinion about Elliot and their job so far, probably open her eyes and that’s why she left Elliot.

Dead Ringers - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

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Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4: - tv series divider


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The Walking Dead – Dead City : Old Acquaintances – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP

The Walking Dead - Dead City : Old Acquaintances – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP -


The Walking Dead - Dead City : Old Acquaintances – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP INTRODUCTION -

I didn’t finish watching the Walking Dead and I have been planning on retake it but from the start, same as its parallel series Fear The Walking Dead, I remember those times, those were great times for Tv Series and everyone was into it for many months just waiting for the next episode to air but I have to say it is one of those series that can make you feel sad for everything that the characters go through, The Walking DeadDead City is more of an action series, even without knowing the end of the original series it doesn’t surprise me that she make it alive, after all she went through but the real twist is that now she have to work with the man who savagely killed the man she loved, Negan smash Glenn head with his bat in front of her and now she is asking for his help to rescue her child from a man who use to work for Negan, The Croat.

Zombies on this series are more like an accessory, yes there are still a lot to kill but they are not the main issue, although are a great problem considering Maggie and Negan went to the place with the most dense Zombie population, Manhattan was one of the epicenter of the Zombie Apocalypse there for there are millions of them on a small place, they still slow and weak, humans have develop a kind of of rope system that helps them travel from one building to another without touching ground so you can say the ground is dominated by the Zombies and humans travel through roof tops, society is also emerging again with new states or populations with Marshalls who enforce their laws, Negan is a wanted man and it seems this Marshalls wont stop until they get him so we have the zombies, the marshals and the Croat going after Negan and Maggie while they try to get her son back

I’m not sure how long this series will be in terms of how many seasons, but it already has a 7.9 rating on IMDB and would help to last for a few good seasons. It has to do a lot with its predecessor series that ended last year. The Walking Dead was a great series with a lot of fans that will follow any sequel as long as it is at least half as good as the original series, some of this actors made a decade out of Walking Dead and some keep pushing, you definitely have to be very talented to stay relevant for so long, the past two months after The Last of Us and Mandalorian season ended there was nothing exciting to watch but now Tv series are starting to pile up, great things coming up. - tv series divider
The Walking Dead - Dead City : Old Acquaintances – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

The Walking Dead - Dead City : Old Acquaintances – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP -


The first episode starts with Maggie tracking down first her son who got kidnap and then Negan but not necessary for pay back, Maggie is on a very desperate situation and got now choice but to ask for the help of the man who killed the man she loved very much, she is looking for him to ask for his help but on a world with a vast population of Zombies and humans trying to bounce back as a society no body likes outsiders sniffing around the place, Maggie gets to a motel’s bar to have a few drinks with the excuse she got robbed at her place and the bar tender tells her there is a guy at who lives at the motel who can help her, Maggie already knows who is he talking about, its Negan and she came for him but a local gal put her eye on her and caught Maggie at Negan’s room, but this woman is confuse she thinks Maggie came in behalf of some one else so they pin her down on a table and try to cut her face as a message, Maggie is a though fighter and after many years running away from Zombies and Negan she learn very well how to fight so she fuck them up and start chasing Negan who ran away with a little girl after he finds out Maggie is after him.

The Walking Dead - Dead City : Old Acquaintances – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP -


Maggie gets Negan down the road after chasing him, they are not friends, for now, and Negan thinks she wants pay back but he has no fear for her. They sit down and talk about the real reason why she is looking for him, few weeks back her place was raided, those who assault her took all her food and said will come back a few months latter for more but as collateral to make sure Maggie gets more food and resource for them they took her son Hershel, Negan is an old fox who wrote the book of how to extort people during Zombie Apocalypse so he quickly finds out the real reason why she is looking for him, the raiders took her kid and the guy who did it probably has something to do with him, a blast form the past. Negan agrees to help Maggie but only if she takes Ginny, the girl he is now protecting, to her place at the Hill Top where she will be protected, feed and go to school.

The Walking Dead - Dead City : Old Acquaintances – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP -


This Marshalls from New Babylon, a new independent state that is trying to build up society again and have put this men in charge to enforce their laws, they are no joke, they know how to track down guys, are well train and are good shooters. They are looking for Negan for murdering a magistrate and a few more, they don’t want to put him in jail, they looking to execute him but when the Marshall show up and start telling his part of the story something doesn’t match because he said Negan has build an empire like he still roles with his old crew but he is now alone, no a threat anymore to any large group of people. The same woman who had Maggie pin down to the table at the bar was questioned by the Marshall until she gave up and rat out Negan, to make an example out of her the Marshall throw her to a group of Zombies outside of the motel’s fence while the rest of the people was looking.

The Walking Dead - Dead City : Old Acquaintances – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP -


Maggie and Negan got to a boat to cross the Hudson and land on Manhattan but right at that moment Marshalls arrive, a young one tries to sneak on them and Maggie got him, she brings him with them as insurance, not that she cares what happens to Negan but for now she needs him, been Negan he wants to throw him to the river as he will latter on become a liability, I don’t think this guy has a very long life with them but she refuse to kill him and its here where Negan starts to preach truth and let her know its just survival and he is one of the best at doing it not because he is a bad guy but because he does what ever he needs to do to survive and keep those with him alive while Maggie is still thinking about good and bad guys, Negan has a wider way of thinking and how to navigate the world they living in to stay alive.

The Walking Dead - Dead City : Old Acquaintances – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP -


I don’t remember see The Walking Dead develop inside a city with tall buildings and for sure not inside an island, in the case of this scene Walkers heard Jano, the Marshall apprentice fall and since there are Walkers everywhere there are Walkers on the roof top so they start falling like its raining Walkers, we also see the water infested with floating Walkers and I’m sure there must be those that have sink for some reason wondering at the bottom.

The Walking Dead - Dead City : Old Acquaintances – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP -


This is the main villain of the story so far, The Croat, as describe by Negan one of the most crazy psycho that use to work with him back in the day, it seems that he now runs Manhattan with a new crew with similar practices to what he use to do back in the day when he was part of Negan’s crew, he loves torturing people and play mind games, on this scene he let a guy escape but only to cut the rope he use to slide from one building to another and see him fall from twenty floors, after seen the guy fall and scream, The Croat just laugh and said that has to be a new record, he does have Hershel and is still alive, if The Croat is anything or worst than Negan this is going to be a very interesting story because it wont be easy to surprise him. - tv series divider

The Walking Dead - Dead City : Old Acquaintances – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP CONCLUSION -

I’m loving this series, it puts a smile on my face on every episode, either excitement for all the action or Negan dark humor, having characters like Negan and Maggie as main really keeps the original series alive with now another battle field, a big city with tall buildings infested with walkers and with a similar threat like Negan was, audience support so far has been great with 82% on RTT and 7.9 on IMDB, at the moment of writing this post I have seen two episodes and the next episodes keeps reveling who Negan is, there is a lot I ignore about the original series as I never finish watch it but its also great they bring this part of him for new viewers to get interested and probably go and watch the original series, bring questions like “Was this guy so bad?” besides Maggie cant stop having flash backs from when he smash Glenn skull with his bat, that episode I saw and remember how cruel was it, there were moments that I close my eyes and cringe. I have to watch The Walking Dead again and Fear The Walking Dead too, this are two series that are as good as The Godfather or Braking Bad and it is still relevant, I’m not a comic guy but there is a Walking Dead universe that for sure will pump out more Tv series. - tv series divider

The Walking Dead - Dead City SEASON 1 TRAILER -

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