Shogun (2024): Tomorrow Is Tomorrow – Episode 3 – RECAP

Shogun (2024): Tomorrow Is Tomorrow - Episode 3 - RECAP

Shogun (2024): Tomorrow Is Tomorrow - Episode 3 - RECAP - INTRODUCTIONJohn Blackthorne is moving fast in the ranks but not because of his own means so far but because he as become the perfect obstacle for the Council in favor of Toronaga, Yoshii has use him as a pawn on this, so far; silent war he has against the other four most powerful men in Japan.

What intrigue me the most is how far will Yabushige will remain alive playing the double agent game, for the most part he makes everyone believe he is on Toronaga’s side but behind close doors he constantly talks to Ishido even advice him how to move against Toronaga and tries to make him use John as a pawn on this side too but the truth is that Yabushige intercept John when Ishido send for him, then Yabushige deliever John to Toronaga, this looks like Yabushige is with Toronaga but trying to hustle Ishido, looking for any land or power he can get from him for his personal use, I doubt Yabushige will be able to betray Toronaga before he finds out or kill him.

– Platform: FOXNOW

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Shogun (2024): Tomorrow Is Tomorrow - Episode 3 - RECAP - Episode Events
Shogun (2024): Tomorrow Is Tomorrow - Episode 3 - RECAP
Shogun (2024): Tomorrow Is Tomorrow – Episode 3 – RECAP

Episode two had a dramatic ending with for almost everyone on Toronaga’s clan, after John reveal to them that the Portuguese run a gun warehouse Mariko suspect this was used on their war against the Taiko, same war that Toronaga fought meaning they are not their friend but their enemy making all kind of profits under their own noses without even noticing, Yabushige was probably like wtf just happen?

Shogun (2024): Tomorrow Is Tomorrow - Episode 3 - RECAP
Shogun (2024): Tomorrow Is Tomorrow – Episode 3 – RECAP

Toronaga has decided to move out of Osaka, he was able to delay his impeachment but thats not enough and with what John has reveal to him changes everything, before he goes kinda broke relationship between the church and Japan closing the port for them this also got Ishido suspecting and now if the other Catholic members of the Council remain loyal to their faith are they also Ishido’s enemy but in the meantime allies against Toronaga?

Shogun (2024): Tomorrow Is Tomorrow - Episode 3 - RECAP
Shogun (2024): Tomorrow Is Tomorrow – Episode 3 – RECAP

This scene is a very funny one, aside from the mind games there is certain comedy happening specially between Mariko and John, he has no other option since she is his interpreter although he is trying to learn Japanese, he is short on options so they have become some what close and Mariko makes fun of him every time she can regarding how he is a barbarian since he knows nothing about their traditions, in this case the Dr. taking care of his wound suggest they get him a women to calm him down where Mariko translate for him and latter ask if he prefers a male companion.

Shogun (2024): Tomorrow Is Tomorrow - Episode 3 - RECAP
Shogun (2024): Tomorrow Is Tomorrow – Episode 3 – RECAP

I’m following the series episode by episode every week, let me tell you that Chiyo is going to become a very important part of John life, after her husband and baby where killed because her husband insulted Ishido she is now going to serve Toronaga to gain a place on his clan, there is suppose to be a romance relationship between John and a women but I’m not sure yet if its Mariko or Chiyo, both went through the same circumstances, both serving Toronaga to remain on his clan and gain a seat, but I’m still not sure if any of the two will fall in love with John.

Shogun (2024): Tomorrow Is Tomorrow - Episode 3 - RECAP
Shogun (2024): Tomorrow Is Tomorrow – Episode 3 – RECAP

Japanese honor is something very beautiful that in the case of John he knows nothing about, but he does take certain risks specially lie about certain things, in this case he saves Toronaga by making a full of himself trying to stop Ishido’s soldier to look into the case where women where transport, saying how disrespectful is to peek at a women’s quarters, if he didnt do this Toronaga was going to be discover for sure but NONE of the Toronaga clan was going to make a fool of themself like John did because of honor, they just do not behave that way no matter what, in that case they probably prefer Toronaga getting discovered and fight for their lives.

Shogun (2024): Tomorrow Is Tomorrow - Episode 3 - RECAP
Shogun (2024): Tomorrow Is Tomorrow – Episode 3 – RECAP

Once again Toronaga playing mind tricks at the rest of the council, before Taiko died the orders were simple and explicit, there MUST be five Regents to vote if not they cant but now Toronaga quits the Council leaving only four regents, this moves are starting to make Ishido loose his patience, I think its silly that they cant vote if Toronaga quits, first he can’t quit and second if he does then he can be by default declare an enemy of the council.

Shogun (2024): Tomorrow Is Tomorrow - Episode 3 - RECAP - Conclusion

This series is just getting better and better, we only on episode four as this week, I’m loving all the mind games Toronaga is playing on everyone not only on the council members but also on Yabushige, it seems that been a hostage as little gave him every advantage he needed to develop this mind state, I think we now get into the stage where John starts to go up in the ranks, learn their culture, their language, handle a sword, this is very familiar….last samurai type of thing, but still interesting to me, I’m sure most people are enjoying this tv series a lot.

Shogun (2024) - Trailer

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Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP

Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP -
Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP - INTRODUCTION -

REACHER season two brings more context to the story, it feels nice when you watch a TV series with proper story structure, season one was full of action with very little of who Reacher really is, all we knew was that he was in the army, he is fucking tank you don’t mess with and is one of the good guys, but there were a few questions like why really he stop giving a fuck about everything and decided to disappear, no phone, no address, travel light, on his own words that is all Reacher was.

Season 2 brings more context by starting to develop what that part of his life was, Mayor Reacher had a crew, he was running a team of special investigators who he selectively hand pick, at first things did not make sense to most of the but everyone was there for a reason and not just random guys from all over the army, Reacher is like the final version of the Hulk, when Bruce Banner finally understood Hulk as an improvement and not a disease, that’s Reacher, the final version of the Hulk and it would be nice to see him working hard than usual, suffer a bit, may be would be nice to see some one giving him a proper fight one to one, season two starts with the death of Calving Franz, member of this old crew the 100th unit, Franz was torture and then thrown off a helicopter, not a cheap death so must be a high profile case he was after, Reacher now comes in to get to the bottom of this murder and make sure justice is serve in the name of his friend.


Platform: Amazon - tv series divider
Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP - EPISODE DETAILS -

Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP -
Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


It would not be a Reacher episode without a proper kick ass, Reacher was minding his own business, buying a change clothe at a local store by the pound, it was funny that he even change clothe there and the puts the old one on the counter LOL, he sees this women doing multiple withdraws from an ATM and simple ask her if she has been carjacked, not sure how he got to that conclusion but most of the time you don’t care, when you watch this type of series or movies like John Wick all you want is massive shooting, kick ass fights, break some stuff and that’s is what Reacher is all about, they complement with a story but this is the perfect sample of a proper Reacher kick ass scene, if not the series would be very boring watch a big guy like him just doing investigator job. Reacher is like Bruce Banner transform into the Hulk but with a bit more of attitude and sarcasm, at the end he ask the kid if he wants to see his mom? jajajaja very funny scene.


Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP -
Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


An old friend and crew member, Frances Neagley; was trying to reach him since he had no where to be contacted at, as a last resource she use a clever way to send a distress call using his bank account, so when he pick up the recipe from the ATM, a deposit of $1.10 and then balance went to $1,030, this are the kind of things only people from the army of where the use this codes frequently are aware of on their daily routine, its like if I see on my mind that’s HOME. Neagley the women with Reacher at the phone wanted to notify him Franz was murdered.


Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP -
Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


Episode one brings Mayor Reacher, Special Investigator crew to the scene, they were few but very well selected by Reacher himself, trying to be as efficient as possible, some of the them like young blood David O’Donell had no clue how such team will work out, Reacher had his doubts too but things started on the right foot after they all witness Reacher had their back no matter what.


Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP -
Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


Reacher catch up with Neagley during breakfast after he flight to New York where she is at, a lot has happen since he has been out, this crew probably understood he wanted to be alone or that he didn’t care anymore, its either one of the two so they didn’t put that much effort to contact him but this time was different, one of them has been torture and murdered, not an event to swallow that easy so Neagley did everything she could to contact him. Episode one was either very predictable or its a trap for the viewer, right out of the start they are been follow everyone and two guys monitoring them, we see the one following them with the list of Reacher crew members, who do they work for? are they government? are they with the people who kill Franz? who the fuck they are?, if you ask any viewer the first though would be they are with the bad guys.

On top, Reacher calls O’donnell and told him where is he and Neagley are staying, latter on he shows up after Neagley’s room was turn apart, so it’s either some one else who is listening to their calls who did it or O’donnel is with the bad guys? see all the possibilities and outcomes of episode one? I’m 200% sure we will see some sort of treason against Reacher in the upcoming episodes, because some one who knows him and his ex crew is after them, Franz was the first victim.


Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP -
Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


Reacher is all about been just and defending the little one, even though the entire crew is mention on episode one there is very little known about them besides Neagley and O’donnell, she even mention Karla Dixon from Reacher crew that he liked her but never had anything with her because he was running the team, seem wrong for him, that kind of just guy. The rest of the crew only fill the space even Franz didn’t said much during the episode.

Remember how I said Reacher had their back? it was this scene where they got into a bar fight because it was a “officers only” bar and Neagley was Sergeant, that evening started boring, they didn’t know each other, O’donnell was constantly running his mouth about the rest, even Dixon said leaving after her first beer but it was that fight that make the crew stick together and bond at a camp fire, singing, drinking, that night Neagley probably became Reacher right hand, after all that is what he was looking for, a tight crew that stick together not a bunch of military police doing what they were told to do at the military.


Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP -
Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


Within the possible bad guys there is Mr. Mount who is always reading a comic book, using fake passports as he burn the one he was holding during this scene to then buy a few more from a random guy who makes them, it even makes me think he he has nothing to do with the other two guys from before, on this episode their names were not mention but I look them up on IMDB, there is also O’donnell who for the time is with Reacher but I don’t trust anyone other than Neagley for now.

After some data they found on a USB that Franz left behind, btw the USB had a password and it was Reacher, Franz always wanted to be like him. Reacher comes to the conclusion that they are after his old crew so they decided to get in contact with who ever they could, decided to visit Swan and found his dog Maisi dead, dehydrated, makes Reacher think Swan is dead too because he would not let this happen if he was able to come home. - tv series divider

Reacher: ATM – Season 2 – Episode 1 – RECAP - CONCLUSION -

Episode 1 of Reacher, Season 2; was great, not only we got two short kick as fight scenes, I would like the bar fight to show more but it was only to make a point, there is even a third fight, not really fight, where Reacher jump some local drug dealers just to release some steam, still great episode and I think the rating of 8.5/10 talks by itself, the entire season two has been release and most episodes have high scores, for me it is only and indicative although I don’t make my opinion out of review scores, after all something that I think can be solve if this sites run on a blockchain but that is a project I have in mind for the future since I’m not a developer.

Going back to the episode since I was getting out of track, this episode leaves a lot of questions, different than your traditional first episode where new characters are presented properly with some background, this time its a bit different since they were all mention but besides Neagley we are left knowing very little about the rest, it was a nine member crew, there is a lot to be unfold for the next seven episodes and this is something I have been thinking about, the amount of episodes for a good story is at minimum eight, best if its a ten episode season but I have notice that anything below six sux most of the time. I’m glad season two is this good, yes it still has that cliche of the big dumb guy who brakes stuff but not really, its different, smart big good guy who brakes stuff, not your usual army related tv series. - tv series divider


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