Silo : Holstons Pick – Episode 2 – Personal Thoughts


Silo is turning to be a series full of details and I like it, all this relics that they call, it almost feels like this series comes out of a game with characters collecting clues of human history, both Sheriffs and the Mayor keep saying that they don’t know when or who created the Silo, I find hard that living in a coffinite space for that amount of people no body knows this and essentially that is the reason why Holston and his wife died, they were both trying to prove they were trick into staying inside the Silo.

Silo is getting a lot of acceptance online, with a 8.4/10 that’s a very high score on IMDB although it worry me a bit that when I open the review section there was no negative review, all reviews are positive and the lowest score was 7, I never fully trust this sites so I prefer to balance between IMDB and RTT then met half way and make conclusion of really how high or low can the score be but in this case might be irrelevant because the series is very good specially now that Rebecca Ferguson has come out playing the character of Julliet Nichols, an engineer who lost her boyfriend George Wilkins, everyone says he commit suicide but she knows he didnt, there was no reason to, George for over two years have been analyzing the data form an old hard drive Kathleen Billings help him to recover data from, once George told Julliet that what he is about to discover might get them killed just to have that knowledge.



The episodes starts with Sheriff Holston asking to go out, the only reason we know he wants to go out now is because he wants to be with his wife and now has the same doubts as her after he confiscate a hard drive from Julliette, same hard drive that George and Kathleen were looking at, the episode works on a reverse timeline where it shoes first Holston going out of the Silo to clean up the camera lenses and see the world form himself,  on this scene we have a large group of people cheering for Holston to clean up the camera lenses as he goes out.


After he goes out this is suppose to be how the outside looks but I have my doubts, Kathleen before going out told Holston that what appears on the screens an illusion to keep them inside so how created that illusion? is the Mayor aware? could the Silo been a big gigantic battery as in the Matrix or is it a source of food for those living on the surface? there are many theories I can come up with but there is a conspiracy, the outside was everything his wife told him it would be, but after he cleans the camera then he suffocates, those inside the Silo assume its a venom from the outside but Holston different than his wife and any other human that went outside takes off his helmet, I assume because he was running out of oxygen or there was something inside his suit, this suits they are giving to go out are very rudimentary and doesn’t look like it would protect them properly, I think that there is no venom outside, I think they are poison before they go out, the Mayor or someone in charge puts something on their oxygen tank they have on their backs, one of the workers when hanging out at the cafeteria mention all those who go out die about three minutes latter, so how does the poison gets inside his helmet? is it because it was already on his oxygen tank or the suit is not hermetic?


Inside the Silo doesn’t seem to be too many guards or lets say police men, when Holston die they are one sheriff less and I cant believe this creates chaos but it seems it does, Deputy Brooks is send out to assist the citizens causing problems until they are interrupt by Sims, played by Common, that’s the only time we see him on the episode and I have no clue who he is, does he works with the Mayor? are they some kind of civil guards? mafia? got no idea, the fact is that when he arrives everyone makes silence and he ask his two body guards to get the names of the ones causing problems then they left.


When Holston died Juliette scream “HE LIED” , Juliette goes to what looks a local repair shop to “work” on things that need repair but she doesn’t, she just want to vent out, this is Martha Walker’s shop, she knows Juliette since she was very little so told her to start talking.

The episode rewind and go back to the last time Juliette and George talk, he told her that something big happen but cant tell her because there was too many people, they were at the cafeteria, decided to meet latter at her place but he never appear, he just left a note saying “I found what I was looking for”, the next day at the cafeteria one of her co workers Cooper tell her the news, George jump out the corridor falling into the stairs instantly died, George suicide. Juliette knew that was not true, she suspects someone kill him so ask for the help of Deputy Hank who then ask Sheriff Holston to review the case, that’s when Juliette meet Holston on episode one, after talking about how she was related to George and the note he left she tells Holston she may now why he was killed and there is something she wants to show him, Holston.


Juliette takes Holston to this hidden area that has a huge excavator, they suspect was use to dig to build the Silo, she believes the Mayor knows about it but never talk, this cave is hidden from the Silo, they access it through a hole in a wall on the most deep side of the Silo, they go straight down to the bottom of the cave, part of it is full of water and George had a bed with lots of things he have found, most are what they call relics, basically vintage stuff that most are illegal but the reason they are illegal is because it might reveal the true story before the Silo was created, the Silo its a big conspiracy that the government inside is trying to keep as a secret keeping people ignorant about the subject.


Hidden under water they found a bag with probably George’s most precious findings, inside there was a hard drive and its here where Juliette finds out Holston knew George because Alison his wife was working with him and Holston knew everything about it but he is a man of the law, this time he decided to bend the law and keeps the hard drive, telling Juliette he would help her find out how George died for real, she scream HE LIED! because he tool the hard drive and never really help her investigate George murder, he took the information for himself and then goes out that’s why I think she said he lied.


What Juliette didn’t know is that Holston nominate Juliette as her successor, probably he left all the information he found hidden on this apartment for her to have it but that was stupid, the Mayor would never make Juliette sheriff, although the Mayor wants to meet her and a sheriff will clean up Holston place, question is if who that sheriff is and will he find Holston treasure bag?


The episode jumps back in time again to a moment Juliette and George were together on their hideout at the bottom of the cave where he had all the relics, George told her there is a door at the bottom at the end of a tunnel, question is where does this door takes them? out side? problem is its under water and Juliette is scare of water, George says he will go down and be careful but we don’t know if he really did, probably that was the thing he wanted to talk about with her before he died, Juliette now in the present decides to go down but she is so scared, the episode ends with her hanging from a rope close to fall in the water.

So far the only thing I don’t like is how episodes end with literally people hanging, episodes end with a void for continuation, as I mention this series has so so many details involve on the history of the Silo, George murder, why Holston and Alison decided to go out, there is a huge conspiracy but its too soon to tell even if the Mayor is part of it, just because they are the law doesn’t mean they are part of the conspiracy, they could be used by others too,  I cant find anything wrong about this series so far, its great in every aspect, actors, drama, thrill, music, the production looks very sharp with the scenarios, top quality, until now its an 8/10 for me.

Obsession (2023) – Episode 4 – Personal Thoughts


Since I was already on the mood for an obsessed fatal attraction I decided to finish watching Obsession, the trailer of this mini series is such a spoiler so I knew some one was going to die and I think that’s part of the magic of this affair theme series, some one has to cry, some one has to get hurt and some one has to die, I have to say that even though the affair comes to and end in the first five minutes of the episode I was front running disappointment, I was surprised and worried that it ended so quick now what? is this some bullshit end? but no, I think the rest of the episode went really well with details of Anna, she was now the focus, it was important to know her reaction, part of her past and I was on the right path as how she operates, she does this, she ends relationships, she plays with fire all the time that’s when Peggy told her “you have done worst things before” Anna is a viper who doesn’t care for anyone and when shit hits the fan she just run away.

Other than been a drama this mini series show how dangerous is for me to be obsess with a woman, its been said that woman they usually fall in love once in a life time but men can have same feelings over and over for different woman, tend to grief less when relationships are over and become the DUMBEST CREATURE ALIFE when completely fall for a woman that at the same time can forget once the relationship is over and repeat the cycle, a large amount of men have affairs and as anything that can turn into an addiction the problem is knowing when to stop, the reason why I say this is because anyone can make a mistake usually when men are young have affairs because they lack experience on how to control themselves but with age comes wisdom, anyone who learn from past mistakes should know better.

For William, Jay his son, was not only Anna fiancé but he has turn into his competition for her, we talking that he doesn’t see Jay with the eyes of a father anymore and for a man to act that way and have no remorse of what may happen if his affair come to light, that has to be a sad, selfish monster, I can understand him ending his marriage after all but feeling that way for his own blood, his own and only son that goes way far beyond of been wrong or stupid.


This series did very poorly in terms of reviews, I’m not sure why, yes this is an affair theme series, nothing new, nothing that has not been done before and anyone who watch it should know what to expect, production and actors are on point, its not a blockbuster or AAA series but good enough to spend some hours watching.


Direct continuation from where we left last episode, William was desperate to be with Anna again, after celebrating with his son Jay for his engagement with Anna, William is going to meet with her and Jay found strange that he said “learn to love the questions” something only Anna had said to him so Jay decided to follow his dad because he felt he was going to meet Anna, he didn’t have any proof or anything concrete that would tell him so and still follow him after pure instinct. Jay sees his father enter the building of Peggy’s apartment and he knew what was going to happen, he calls his mother trying to short talk but doesn’t tell her what’s going on, that was the last time Ingrid heard his son, before Jay got into the building he was about to cry, nervous, scared of what he was going to discover.


Jay gets to the apartment, he heard Anna moaning as he is having sex, knock on the door and decided to force his way in after no body answer to find Anna blind folded with her hands tied and William fucking he from behind, this was a huge shock for him, steps back, tries to hold from the stairs railing but slips and falls straight to the lobby stairs, it was an immediate death, Anna is shock and almost didn’t see what happen as she took off the blind fold when he slips and William ran downstairs still naked, screaming, crying, but there is nothing to do after such impact against concrete stairs, surprise surprise Anna gets dressed and runs away while William sits on the stairs, police and paramedics come in and take Jay’s body.


Up next we will start to measure how stupid is William, the man goes back home, how could you go back home after what happen, one thing is having and affair get caught and end the relationship ok fine you go back and pick up your things but in this case his son died because his father had an affair with his fiancé, come on men, you should never ever put a foot on that house again, you should consider yourself banish from their life’s, indirectly William is Jay’s murder, he needed to let Ingrid and his daughter some time for things to cool down a bit and then figure out the terms of how things will end between Ingrid and him, find out how he will keep a relationship with his daughter but this man is so blind that decided to throw everything away for Anna.


At Jay’s funeral, William father in law told him something that must has hurt him but it actually didnt, he said Jay always tried to imitated William but was not close and yet his best skill was not been like William, latter on Anna’s mother talk to William and reveal the truth about Anna, she always run away, she ruin things for others looking after her happiness only, selfish, reckless, to then just run away but William kept looking for her.


After a few days Anna is trying to get over the situation without much success, she is staying at a hotel next to the beach, chilling at the pool was having a short conversation with a couple who was also staying at the hotel, when they ask how she was doing Anna answers with the truth “my fiancé just died because I was having an affair with his father, find out about it, slip down and die” , short version, then walks away but William found her at that hotel, after some moment together at least without having sex she finally show some remorse and tell William they have done a lot of pain, he answers back that’s its already done, so basically fuck it he is dead we are alive, such a sick bastard, for me this is what officially sentence the episode but after all Anna and William are two selfish bastards, one thing is having an affair but another is having an affair with your son’s fiancé.

Now that its over and we know the outcome some may say what’s the difference of having an affair with your sons fiancé, after all she is another woman but its not that she is your sons fiancé, is that he is your son, I can really care less for Anna but for a father your sons and daughters should be irreplaceable that’s your blood, he came to this world because of you and his mother, how could you make his suffer that way, there are things in life that you just cant even think about it, just thinking about it is totally wrong, it was a shocking story, even though this is nothing new and with society now days going downhill this situations are seen more often in real life but I think this series did a good job at bringing it to the screen.

Episodes Recap:

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:

Fatal Attraction : Pilot – Season 1 – Personal Thoughts


Fatal Attraction TV Series is BASED on 80’s drama of the same name, a movie that for the time was a bit over the line for some, rated R consider severe nudity, a movie that now days would be just fine compare to some TV series out there were you constantly see fully naked woman and me like its nothing because its part of the age where the story is develop. Fatal Attraction was neither a big hit but for sure is a classic that many remember, I was too young to watch it back then, this movie was played by Michael Douglas as Dan Gallagher a lawyer prosecutor and Glenn Close as Alex Forrest a lawyer assistant who had an affair, as the name of the movie mentions it was fatal.

I think most of the critics are from people who did watch the movie in the 80’s and are expecting this TV series to be a replica of the movie but I’m on the camp that it CAN NOT HAPPEN, this is not a TV Series based on a comic that has hundreds of volumes and enough story line to even make two or three movies besides the TV Series, we are talking that they are creating a TV Series that each episode is over forty five minutes, eight episodes per season that’s like three times length of the original movie so yes they have includes things that didn’t happen on the movie but keeping the essence, you cant expect Dan and Alex be fucking on the first episode and on the second having a knife fight.

I have only watch the first episode and find it good, not very good but good enough to keep me entertain, focus and wanting to watch the second episode, I think actors are doing a good job at taking their characters to life, Joshua Jackson who have work on great projects like Oceans Eleven, Cruel Intentions, The Affair just to mention a few, as Dan Gallagher and Lizzy Caplan from Truth Be Told, Castle Rock, Cloverfield playing Alex Forrest, this two playing the main characters so far are doing a good job at keeping things entertain and starting to build up some tense chemistry for each other with Alex been the one who started the fire.

At RTT this movie has a sixty nine percentage of acceptance by average audience meaning people who just want to be entertain and kill some time while thirty seven percent only from critics, at IMDB the story is not so different with a 5.9/10.



This is a series that at least for episode one goes back and forward in time, for some viewers that might be distracting and confuse at some times since the episodes does it without any warning and get you to those moments of “oohhh ….” when you actually connect the dots, Dan has been in jail for fifteen years after he was found guilty of the murder of Alex Forrest and is paroled, as his first step he decides to connect with his family specially with his daughter because his wife most likely wont see him, Dan tells a justice board government how he cant stop thinking about what he did, how he did it and why he did it to understand himself, it sounded very convincing besides the has been a good boy inside prison all this years, the board will consider if he can go on paroled, on this hearing was his daughter Ellen but he didn’t notice.


Before everything went to hell, Dan was a very successful lawyer working for the government as prosecutor with a great record, a family man, dedicated to job, wife and daughter, clean record, smart, everyone at work like him and was always willing to help others with their different cases, he was waiting in line to be elected as judge but his wife for some reason keeps suggesting to working for a private firm that he doesn’t need to be judge but becoming a judge if I’m not wrong is a dream come true for most lawyers, its probably the pinnacle of a career, there might be higher positions but been judge is when you actually make it, on average I think lawyers might consider it the case.


Dan and Alex meet for the first time after one of Alex coworker Conchita cant make it to court, she sends Alex instead to persecute a man for murder, they talk to the family victims giving them a few instructions on how to behave in front of the jury, basic lawyer instructions, after that moment they start to see each other more often not necessarily like Dan was looking for Alex but the opposite, Alex is a beautiful woman and its not secret that other lawyers friend of Dan wont mind banging Alex.


Dan had dinner with his wife family for his birthday, he is now 40, waiting in line to become a judge but not only his wife told him that’s not necessary but I think I know from where she gets that, from her father, Dan father in law starts questioning his decision to become judge, about the dressing code with the rope, how been a judge makes no difference for him, how little money he would make with all the responsibility to take, how his judge salary wouldn’t cover a private school for Ellen, Dan takes a lot of shit from others but to be honest they might be right.




Dan gets called by the judge who he is going to replace to let him know he didn’t get the position and wont become a judge, he will now have to wait another four years if he still wants it, he didn’t gets de judge position because of a corrupted move from the governor, this tip him over badly and start talking shit how he didn’t want the job anyways, gets drunk, lets to his first close encounter with Alex, Dan to a near restaurant where most that work at court go to have a drink and there was Alex, they have a short talk and that was it but then he goes back to his office to pick up his car keys and cross her on the elevator where she makes the first lets say proposal to him, to pull the alarm button for the elevator and let it stop just to find out what happens, he was begging him to fuck her right there but the moment she was going to pull the button some other lawyers get into the elevator, Dan was a bit drunk but heavily distracted by everything that happen that day now have to deal with Alex, he ends up crashing his car. After this he starts looking for Alex but didn’t want others to know, he was into her and wants her, this is when his entire life starts to go down hill.


Going back to the present, Dan gets on paroled, Ellen decides to meet him even after her mom told her she didn’t want to but also told her that shouldn’t be the reason she doesn’t meet his father, they met and Dan explains Ellen his plan, first he only said he was guilty and did that time to get out, he didn’t kill Ellen and now that he is out he will prove it.

How is that not entertaining, an ex lawyer with nothing to loose who manipulated the system to get out and now is going to prove he is innocent, it will all depend how sane he is after all that time and going through the experience of been in jail for that long.

This episode was very informative as an episode one should be, there is a clear story of what initially happen and the basics of how it started, there is context to the story, I like the back and forward on the time line, there is not much to say besides what I said on the intro, the episode score a 6.8/10 on IMDB and was very good, I will keep watching this series, at the moment of this post its already on episode four so I will have to do some catch up, maybe two episodes per week until I catch up.

SWARM : Only God Make Happy Endings – Episode 7 – Personal Thoughts


Pure disappointment, for everything else that happen before episode 6 this is probably the worst finish they can give to this short series because I am almost sure there is no season two after this ending, besides the special effect putting Marissa face on NiJah was terrible, this entire series felt lest say unique at first, the documentary episode is something I don’t remember seen before but after episode 5 everything went down hill, gets me to think that this was a MASSIVE TROLL to the Beehive community LOL, if you have watch all previous episodes then episode 7 became very predictable and I most likely knew what was going to happen.

– Already know Dre roles with the name Tony
– She will go to a concert and jump to the stage
– Soon or latter would kill Rashida after she said didn’t like Nijah

Its seriously like Glover and Nabers ran out of ideas and let his assistant finish the series, what kind of message you give viewers explaining that for Dre, Marissa and Nijah were at the same level of person for her because she love them the same and that’s how she found acceptance for been different, because after all Dre was like she was after she was return and everyone including Marissa parents gave her the back, I can understand that but you cant let slide the fact that Dre was killing people left and right just because they didn’t like Nijah which is twice twisted, killing because they disagree, killing because they don’t like Nijah, killing because make her feel powerful so you overlook all that because Dre needed acceptance?? this series navigate behind the narrative that society is guilty for creating monsters like Dre? they had the perfect opportunity to let Dre get caught and may be do like a flash back to the moment everything went wrong for her and introduce a character that protects her and comfort her, provide her guidance and let know society how this kind of problems can be avoided from start not with this bullshit of final episode.


At Rottentomatoes it still has an 86% but no wonder why average audience consider its not worth more than 72% and the question is how many of this viewers really saw the entire season and catch the message?? I personally give it a 6/10


Dre in this case Tony meets Rashida out side of a club, Tony for some reason was smoking weed, chilling out side, Rashid and her roommate were trying to get home and couldnt get a driver so Tony offer to, Rashida is very beautiful and she knows it also she is a woman who feels powerful taking decisions, staying above others, brutally honest and do what she wants.


Whats that meme…..silly ways to die?? yup Rashida tells Tony to her face that she hates Nijah after she was going to play some music to chill and Nijah song came up. Joking Rashida said Tony is too chill and could be a good serial killer, Dre: hold my beer, death to you, incoming!!! from this point it was obvious Rashida would not change her way to think about Nijah for the reasons I mention, the way she is.


After Detective Green said they found Tony, the police was on her ass all the time, kept robbing cars, killing people, taking their cloth, credit cards, identities, latter on Rashida said how Tony change cars three times in the last month, those were three cars she robbed.


Tony and Rashida start dating to the point Tony meet her parents, they had lunch, Tony said a bunch of lies, their parents believe all her bullshit, they kept seen each other to eventually start living together but the strong hand on the relationship was Rashida, this are the moments a serial killer can stop because they finally find something that satisfy them, in this case seems Tony/Dre felt good with Rashida that make her forget about the Nijah thing, besides Rashida was very explicit with how she doesn’t like Nijah at all, the think its just a money grab artist.


Until this moment they have been together for an entire year and Dre/Tony bought front row tickets for Nijah concert for them to go as a present, “I know. I’m not going” with following statements are you dumb? I dont like Nijah! is this why you cant make rent? if you throw it to the toilet would be better! …I work two jobs so we dont end up on the street….you selfish asshole…. at a point Rashida was really abusing Dre when she talk about how Dre has this look “safe me please”


Predictable as fuck, Dre kills Rashida after she abuse her psychologically, I agree this shouldn’t happen but that’s human nature, some can control the things we say when we are mad and others don’t ending up saying and doing things they might regret… but that NEVER gives the right for the victim to end the life of the aggressor.

Dre had the wonderful idea to set Rashida on fire, kinda of a funeral?? she got her all wrapped in white sheets and was dress white and remember Rashida put the tickets inside her pants pocket so now she got no tickets, got to the concert and a ticket reseller agree to sell her some tickets but she got no money so she decided to stab the guy to death cold blood inside a car again that’s fucking messed up, just to see Nijah Dre kills a man, just because Rashida disagree with her about Nijah she kills her knowing from day one after a year dating that she doesnt like her so she again tries to force her in Nijah, Rashida snaps and now she dead.


Eventually Dre gets into the concert and jumps to the stage where security stops her and Nijah told them to stop and let Dre free, this is what she sees Marissa on Nijah face, wtf is this bullshit visual effect, after all the killing, after robbing people, spending there money, staying at their homes, stealing their identity, its all fine because Dre found closure on Nijah, fuck off.

If you read my recaps from episode one to five you will see I really enjoy the series, how different it is, the format, the production, the gore side, Dre insanity, there were many things I like even episode six I consider it good but this last episode was a bunch of bullshit, for this episode only I would give it a five if not a four out of ten, there were million other positive ways to end the series, I understand there is a message behind it but letting Dre go without consequences was the worst ending they could come up with, you cant kill people and all the rest of crimes Dre committed with the excuse that you have been abused and had a bad childhood, because that’s the message most people will get out of it.

Episodes Recap:
-Episode 1:
-Episode 2:
-Episode 3:
-Episode 4:
-Episode 5:
-Episode 6:

Rabbit Hole : Ace in the Hole – Episode 7 – Personal Thoughts


Season one is over but it close leaving me thinking there might not be a second season, a few things that I thought would happen played as I thought for example Jo Madi ended working with John, Crowley controlling people based on pure dirt on them using their data against them that’s how he got Valence kill himself, this episode its all about giving in and getting Homm to the public with the entire story, one thing I curious is why the information that Jo Madi gave his boss didn’t reach Crowley or at least they doesn’t mention it but what surprise me is how John played out everyone with his “ex wife” since the start specially Jo Madi who always though she was ahead of John she did find out about his team that they were dead when he had no clue and only his father knew because he saw the intern kill them but the hole investigating John ex wife without him knowing ended up exactly as he wanted besides using his father as bait to get Crowley but I think that was a best guess one of those low risk high reward bets. The end of the episode felt a bit rush with Olivia putting down all Crowley body guards in less than five minutes after getting out of handcuffs that throw me off, I was expecting a longer story line, negotiation between John and Crowley but it never happen, after Olivia kills all Crowley body guards basically the episode was over, I knew the intern didn’t wanted to work with Crowley, he mention it once to his girlfriend but as the rest Crowley had some dirt on him, Crowley through the series was never respected as other criminal bosses but it was purely on data, he calls anyone he had all his data and after a few minutes of telling them so much about their life he got them.

Season one ends and Rabbit Hole kept over 75% on the TomatoMeter which is very good considering other series like The Mandalorian had a 90% and The Last of Us 96%, Rabbit Hole ended up been a good series although not a AAA series, to put it in perspective its not compared to any of the two I mention in terms of script, production and cast, don’t get me wrong, Rabbit Hole season one was very good but not at that level, I hope there is a second season.

The Tomatometer score represents the percentage of professional critic reviews that are positive for a given film or television show. A Tomatometer score is calculated for a movie or TV show after it receives at least five reviews.



The episodes starts with reporter Debra declaring how the American Protection Act by Nora Evers has become law that would allow intelligence contractors direct access to citizens online data this immediately gives Crowley access to manipulate who ever he wants and sure he did, as in any other conspiracy of take overs you dont have to win an election you just need to get rid of those in power and had the right candidate, Crowley had three federal judges killed shutting down the D.C Circtuit Court, never had to beat this judges in court or politics, just got rid of them.


Since Crowley is not this powerful public figure, he is only a man who pics up the phone and practice hardcore blackmail, John has decided to go public and let the people take care of the rest, now that they have the entire story figure out with the briefcase they got for Senator Evers and Homm still alive, he decided to go to the news and send an invite to reporter Debra to get an interview live with Homm, when he declares everything he knows about Crowley, Senator Evers and everyone Crowley had on this payroll everything would fall down, at least that’s the plan.


Hailey and Joh, after all it seems she is not working for anyone, she did find John on a dating happen and happen to spend a night with one of the manipulative man on earth, there are two ways I can see a second season happen, one is that Crowley is not the boss man just a puppet and second one is John getting more contracts as he was doing but now with Hailey at his side, she is becoming better at the job but I don’t see this feasible, I thought giving the data to Jo Madi was stupid but turns out John was ok with it, he also had Jo Madi under control so I think that’s why it didn’t bother him that much.


John has to meet with the reporter to agree the terms of the interview, Hailey and Homm get to the tv station and Ben is send out to protect John’s ex wife but its not all black and white thats exactly how the following scenes happened, Hailey and Homm were going to make time before they pick up John at the FBI and Ben was never send to protect John’s ex wife he was send as bait to get to Crowley protected by a fkn ninja who also happen to be a Houdini and Jhon Wick at the same time.


John getting caught by the FBI was never planed but a possibility, Jo Madi was not willing to work with him at first but he send Homm pictures to convince her to help him, a possibility that he had a plan for in case it happen that how Jo Madi agree to work with him before they catch him? Im still not sure because he never mention he was going to meet the reporter so how the FBI got him? I guess he did tell Jo Madi about it.


This is suppose to be the final boss, Crowley, this time is him because Ben recognize him, Olivia is actually an agent John had to hired to recue his ex wife after she got kidnap during one of John’s mission for a client, she was involve and he got Olivia to rescue her so for the entire season pretend she was his ex wife after he knew at some point Crowley or others like the FBI would go after his ex wife, Ben and Olivia were kidnap by Crowley’s people and brought to him while John, Homm and Hailey are at the TV station, Crowley tries to stop them but the moment he tries to manipulate John with killing his dad and ex wife John unleash the beast and had Olivia kill every Crowley’s guard so after that it was game over, Ben kills Crowley after some chit chat about the past and his plans, but Ben finds a microphone on Crowleys ear, does that mean he is not the real boss?? this is another reason why there might be a second season.

If this is the end for this series I felt it was rush, how Olivia kills everyone and makes things that easy, also there were a lot of details kept away from scenes what I mean by this is the things that John had planned that never were said for example Olivia, how did he know Ben and Olivia would get kidnap? Jo Madi use the information Hailey gave her to get a promotion why did she decide to work with John, so one day she is on the Devil side and the other on Gods side? the possibilities of a second season for me are minimal now that they kill Crowley, similar to what happen with The Night Agent, they solved the entire story at the end leaving no continuation, anyways a good series after all but was not expecting to end up like this. Over all I give it a 7/10 still very entertaining and the first chapters were very good. I’m planning on doing a season review for an overall of what to expect for someone who has not read any of my episode recap.

Episode 1:

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

Episode 4:

Episode 5:

Episode 6:

Episode 7:

Florida Man : The Chain – Episode 3 – Personal Thoughts


I like series that go back and forward in time it makes you try to figure out whats next and some times trick you into assuming things and getting to conclusions that latter on are wrong, the story and the characters are not that interesting, actors are OK but its mostly about figuring out whats going to happen next, almost everyone has a fight with each of the characters, Moss with Mike, Mike with his Dad, Delly with Mike and the most recent Iris with Mike, few of them are actually friends so that’s the part that keeps me watching Florida Man from time to time, a series I basically use to fill gaps anytime I don’t have anything to watch but its still a solid 7/10, Delly is someone who only thinks about what satisfy her, I have never believe she loves Mike for real he is just her escape vehicle from Moss and any other wrong decision she made and now he can help her reset and start from scratch with the gold they are about to scoop, the truck is on a crater under water and everything is setup to have a crane pull it up, one thing they don’t know the guy operating the crane is on bail for robbing a jewelry store.


From score on RTT you can tell this is a series that a large average viewer audience would find as a good series to watch on a weekly bases but anyone who is use to watch all kind of tv series who is more constant at looking up whats new and consider it a hobby then would rate it very low and that’s fine, that’s critics territory.


The episodes starts with a crazy story, a guy brakes in the Orange County Jail to recover his cellphone that contain incriminating information from a jewelry robbery he is been investigated for that face is going look very familiar latter on as he is Mike crane operator, the one he hired to help him pull the truck out from the hole under water until he find out about Mike’s plan, that’s where everything went south for them.


On previous episode close the end Delly shows up at Mike’s Dad bar probably asking for his help although they also show the USB she stole from Moss, they didn’t actually mention it was Moss USB but you don’t have to run complex calculations to figure it out, ends up Delly was only asking Sonny to help her find where the gold is, at that very moment Mike haven’t told her he found it, another example how cut scenes without immediate definition leaves the viewer thinking on what happens next because on the previous episode I thought Delly was actually working with Sonny the entire time and I thought it was about whats on the USB not about the gold but the results where totally different, latter on when Mike calls her it turns awkward because now she tells Sonny she doesn’t need his help anymore.

During the episode Moss actually mention the USB and in another scene when talking to one of his guys he said it has work stuff and imagine all the murder, evidence and things he has done that are on that USB, for now its irrelevant since so far its all about the gold but once Mike or Delly get in trouble that USB could turn into a life saver.


After Mike found the truck, well he thinks he found it, there is no evidence there is a truck down there or that there is gold inside, turns out Mike’s brother in law is the contractor in charge to drain the sink hole to turn it into a lake with a bottom of two feet of concrete, would take them about four days and nothing under water has been claim so its an open window for Mike with only one guard at night that could be easily kidnap, distracted or bought although Mike is cheap so he goes the distraction route.


The moment I saw that face I knew things wouldn’t go well for Mike, this guy is the one accuse for braking in jail to recover his phone and bail after the jewelry robbery, he works with Mike’s brother in law, supposedly got him a smart toilet so that’s the excuse Mike use to reach him, on the side offer him cash for someone who can operate a crane and the guy offer himself, it was just a matter of time before he finds out what is on the truck and either take it all or wanted a piece of it.


The night before Mike had planned to pull the job he shows up to the place where the truck is and his father show up too with too of his ex cop partners, they have been following, Sonny was following Mike the entire time anyways because he knew there was something that might interest him from Delly since she is related to Moss but now there is a bigger fish to fry with the gold inside the truck, they start arguing how they will divide the treasure until they figure out an arrangement, that night also Delly finds out of Iris, Mike’s ex wife who happen to be a cop, during a conversation she had with Ray-Ray one of Sonny’s ex cop partner he told her about Iris who ended with Mike as most of the time happens with cops wifes.


For the most part of the series Iris haven’t had an important role on it, by the way Delly got MAD as FUCK when she find out about Iris, I’m not sure if she felt jealous or betrayed or both by Mike, Iris will start getting closer to them and next potentially going to investigate a guy who Moss murder and Delly was part of his alibi, guess what happens when Iris finds out Delly is still alive and she is with Mike.


The night for the job comes and everything is set, Delly had to take care of the guard by faking she has some sort of break down and is about to jump into the sink hole full of water for the guard to convince her to get inside the church next to it and talk about it until she calms down, everything was going well and Mike suit up to go under water, same does Sonny and they trusted Buzz from all to help them with the chain to pull the truck, Buzz had a lot of trouble to concentrate but is loyal to Sonny although not too smart, he mention what he is going to do with the gold to the crane operator before the guy jumps into the crane to start working, after that all is seen is the chain drop on Mike’s head and Sonny had to help him not going deeper into the hole.

I mention at the start that the story is not so interesting and if you don’t pay attention might even get lost with all the going back and forward, scenes sometimes are inconclusive between chapters but at the end makes sense, this is something I think might get viewers off the rails but I still enjoy it, there ware two things I’m looking forward and its Iris going to Florida to investigate the man who Moss murder because he did and how is the crane operator going to betray Mike and the rest of the crew, one detail that fly by during the episode is Delly telling someone over the phone that they will see each other again and she loves him/her , it was a I love you so who knows if its a relative, a lover or even Moss himself, what if this was all a plan to have Mike find the treasure and Moss is using Delly to get to it, see this are the details I like about the series but I’m not anxious to whats going to happen next.

Florida Man : The Chain – Episode 3 – RECAP


I like series that go back and forward in time it makes you try to figure out whats next and some times trick you into assuming things and getting to conclusions that latter on are wrong, the story and the characters are not that interesting, actors are OK but its mostly about figuring out whats going to happen next, almost everyone has a fight with each of the characters, Moss with Mike, Mike with his Dad, Delly with Mike and the most recent Iris with Mike, few of them are actually friends so that’s the part that keeps me watching Florida Man from time to time, a series I basically use to fill gaps anytime I don’t have anything to watch but its still a solid 7/10, Delly is someone who only thinks about what satisfy her, I have never believe she loves Mike for real he is just her escape vehicle from Moss and any other wrong decision she made and now he can help her reset and start from scratch with the gold they are about to scoop, the truck is on a crater under water and everything is setup to have a crane pull it up, one thing they don’t know the guy operating the crane is on bail for robbing a jewelry store.

From score on RTT you can tell this is a series that a large average viewer audience would find as a good series to watch on a weekly bases but anyone who is use to watch all kind of tv series who is more constant at looking up whats new and consider it a hobby then would rate it very low and that’s fine, that’s critics territory.


The episodes starts with a crazy story, a guy brakes in the Orange County Jail to recover his cellphone that contain incriminating information from a jewelry robbery he is been investigated for that face is going look very familiar latter on as he is Mike crane operator, the one he hired to help him pull the truck out from the hole under water until he find out about Mike’s plan, that’s where everything went south for them.


On previous episode close the end Delly shows up at Mike’s Dad bar probably asking for his help although they also show the USB she stole from Moss, they didn’t actually mention it was Moss USB but you don’t have to run complex calculations to figure it out, ends up Delly was only asking Sonny to help her find where the gold is, at that very moment Mike haven’t told her he found it, another example how cut scenes without immediate definition leaves the viewer thinking on what happens next because on the previous episode I thought Delly was actually working with Sonny the entire time and I thought it was about whats on the USB not about the gold but the results where totally different, latter on when Mike calls her it turns awkward because now she tells Sonny she doesn’t need his help anymore.

During the episode Moss actually mention the USB and in another scene when talking to one of his guys he said it has work stuff and imagine all the murder, evidence and things he has done that are on that USB, for now its irrelevant since so far its all about the gold but once Mike or Delly get in trouble that USB could turn into a life saver.


After Mike found the truck, well he thinks he found it, there is no evidence there is a truck down there or that there is gold inside, turns out Mike’s brother in law is the contractor in charge to drain the sink hole to turn it into a lake with a bottom of two feet of concrete, would take them about four days and nothing under water has been claim so its an open window for Mike with only one guard at night that could be easily kidnap, distracted or bought although Mike is cheap so he goes the distraction route.


The moment I saw that face I knew things wouldn’t go well for Mike, this guy is the one accuse for braking in jail to recover his phone and bail after the jewelry robbery, he works with Mike’s brother in law, supposedly got him a smart toilet so that’s the excuse Mike use to reach him, on the side offer him cash for someone who can operate a crane and the guy offer himself, it was just a matter of time before he finds out what is on the truck and either take it all or wanted a piece of it.


The night before Mike had planned to pull the job he shows up to the place where the truck is and his father show up too with too of his ex cop partners, they have been following, Sonny was following Mike the entire time anyways because he knew there was something that might interest him from Delly since she is related to Moss but now there is a bigger fish to fry with the gold inside the truck, they start arguing how they will divide the treasure until they figure out an arrangement, that night also Delly finds out of Iris, Mike’s ex wife who happen to be a cop, during a conversation she had with Ray-Ray one of Sonny’s ex cop partner he told her about Iris who ended with Mike as most of the time happens with cops wifes.


For the most part of the series Iris haven’t had an important role on it, by the way Delly got MAD as FUCK when she find out about Iris, I’m not sure if she felt jealous or betrayed or both by Mike, Iris will start getting closer to them and next potentially going to investigate a guy who Moss murder and Delly was part of his alibi, guess what happens when Iris finds out Delly is still alive and she is with Mike.


The night for the job comes and everything is set, Delly had to take care of the guard by faking she has some sort of break down and is about to jump into the sink hole full of water for the guard to convince her to get inside the church next to it and talk about it until she calms down, everything was going well and Mike suit up to go under water, same does Sonny and they trusted Buzz from all to help them with the chain to pull the truck, Buzz had a lot of trouble to concentrate but is loyal to Sonny although not too smart, he mention what he is going to do with the gold to the crane operator before the guy jumps into the crane to start working, after that all is seen is the chain drop on Mike’s head and Sonny had to help him not going deeper into the hole.

I mention at the start that the story is not so interesting and if you don’t pay attention might even get lost with all the going back and forward, scenes sometimes are inconclusive between chapters but at the end makes sense, this is something I think might get viewers off the rails but I still enjoy it, there ware two things I’m looking forward and its Iris going to Florida to investigate the man who Moss murder because he did and how is the crane operator going to betray Mike and the rest of the crew, one detail that fly by during the episode is Delly telling someone over the phone that they will see each other again and she loves him/her , it was a I love you so who knows if its a relative, a lover or even Moss himself, what if this was all a plan to have Mike find the treasure and Moss is using Delly to get to it, see this are the details I like about the series but I’m not anxious to whats going to happen next.


Silo : Freedom Day – Episode 1 – Personal Thoughts


Silo a post apocalyptic TV series where an entire society lives inside a Silo that goes many floors down having all kind of crops necessary to survive, with water and a sustainable environment, Silo has very high scores on review sites like IMDB and RTT, I haven’t done any research if this is based on any video game that it actually looks like but it kinda remind me of the game Fallout, the inmates or citizens depending on how you look at it live with a very strict set of rules after all living in a confine space no matter how big it is still difficult to adapt, not many people can overcome this so a strict set of rules with enforcers is necessary but it seems not everything is what it looks like inside the Silo.

I got a great impression from Silo episode one, the production looks great, the music really sets the mood, the cast is great with actors really adding feelings to their character

  • Rebecca Ferguson, from Dune, playing Juliet
  • Rashida Jones, playing Alison Becker
  • David Oyelowo, from Interstellar, playing Sherriff Holston, Alison’s Husband
  • Will Patton, from the 90’s Armageddon, play Deputy Marnes

and the cast list goes on with a great set of actors, I can really see this becoming a triple A series, it would depend on the script if it doesn’t get too boring at times, after all they are lock down on a Silo under ground, it is huge though, from the shots it looks like an entire city every floor, similar to Zion from The Matrix Revolution movie, I have no complains from episode one, releasing two episodes at once seem to be a trend that I think the intention is to have the series stick right from the go, I have mention before that sometimes for me to get hooked I need to watch at least three episodes depending on how good or bad this series is but Silo gets your from episode one.





The story gives context at the very scene where Sheriff Holston lock himself up in a cell and then ask to go out, there is this “freedom” within the Silo that anyone who ask to go out wont be stop but I think that’s after the “government” the ones who enforce and create the rules made sure to paint a very horror picture of what is outside. He ask to go out and says he should have listen to her and then Alison comes up on the screen before she went out, you don’t have to be a genius to see it, she is on some kind of suit and on the same cell, so we immediately know he lost her and wants to be with her again but how if she died? or at least that’s what show up on the screen, every screen on the Silo is a mirror of a single camera upstairs at the front entrance of the Silo so its fully underground, this screens are not windows of the Silo.



I really like their old computers and the sounds they make remind me of Windows 98, the rules are very strict, this is similar to communism and a bit worst, the Holston’s are giving a window of one year to have a baby because all women who can still get pregnant are under a strict birth control with a device they implant inside them, Holston is a man of law and he obey them all as he is the enforcer.


There is still a small population that remembers or have an idea what the old times look like when they had more freedom, there was this revolution that the Silo Government calls extremest and radical, until now we don’t know if that’s true, Gloria is part of that old school conspiracy, she believes the Silo Government wants to keep them inside and is not telling them truth, why not all women are giving the chance to get pregnant? why they destroy all books and computers older than hundred and forty years, but she is treated as a fraud.


Alison been a more wild spirit than his husband thinks people need access to information, she made a post about how to recover lost data but that is not aloud and her boss Bernard remind he of that after he delete the post, Alison works on the IT support section for the Silo and also creates content for their intranet system. Alison talk about this with her husband and immediately without noticing he took his posture as law enforcer and she notice it, for Sheriff Holston the only thing that keeps them together and alive inside the Silo is the law and nothing is above it, not even his wife.




Either this was intentional or its just Alison destiny to become part of the rebellion, may be there is a rebellion working in the background and notice Alison, first Gloria ask her for a talk and tells here things like they are listening everywhere and why she couldn’t get pregnant that latter on Alison cut herself and took out the real birth control device, then George a local IT guy sends a ticket on a holiday trying to get someone from IT to come down and help him with some task they don’t describe but he found what they call a relic, in this case a hard drive older than hundred and forty years that probably has data they shouldn’t be look it at because they Silo Government do not allow it.


At first she was afraid but didn’t rat George, just ask him to get rid of it but then the closer she gets to her deadline to get pregnant without success plus Gloria told her why this is, Alison start skipping work reporting sick, stop having sex with her husband after they were doing it like rabbits every time they could after all EVERYONE on the Silo knows when you get the chance to get pregnant, she start visiting George and help him recover the data from the drive, it seems the Rebellion didn’t destroy all hard drives, well that’s what the Silo Government wants people to think, this is classic on post apocalyptic theme series.



Alison knew that Holston wont believe her without proof so she does two things, took a knife and takes out her birth control device and show it to him and then on a moment of desperation after her husband didn’t believe her she goes to the main cafeteria and start telling everyone what she believes is the truth, the entire conspiracy theory of the Silo keeping them inside and publicly ask to go out in front of her husband and everyone else in there, after this an investigation starts and they get Gloria and George, I don’t know what happens to Gloria but George pivot to another work like and years latter suicide.


The last time Alison and Holston where together she explain him how everything on the screen is a lie and says that if that’s the case that everything is green with clear sky she will clean the camera lens “the screen” but if its not if it is like what they say the she will just walk away and say good bye because she was wrong, this can still be manipulated, no days digital proof can be alter very easy with AI so probably they can do the same.

Holston is heart broken for whats going on, everything that is happening goes against his believes and his job, after all Alison cleans the lens and walk away but the video shows she dies after a few meters, the crowd joins and cheer for her like it was a spectacle, reminds me of the “are you not entertained” from Gladiator.


After two years George commit suicide but its not clear, there is the possibility he was murder by someone and Sheriffs will investigate, Holston and Marnes go to the morgue to interview the Engineer supervisor of George but she couldn’t make it because she was dealing with the Silo generator, so they make her a visit, this is when Holston meets Juliet Nichols, everything change for Holston that day, after grieving his wife for a long time, it was like he finally open his eyes and start listening as he describe it himself.

Its like Apple Tv+ only release AAA series, Silo so far is great, it gives context right away and its full of little details most viewers wont get at first like messages that show up on the computers you have to pause and read closely and Holston also ask Marnes to “Double the flowers in front of the mirror” I’m not sure what it means but for sure will figure out latter on when Marnes or some one else goes after Holston papers, the cast is great I cant ask for a better one plus production and music are very fit to the theme of this series, I give an 8/10 to the first episode, more details about the rebellion is what I really want to know before they reveal the truth of the outside world, I don’t think that will happen soon.

Dead Ringers: Episode Two – Personal Thoughts

With how things are developing I it looks to me that Eliot enjoy been her and her sister Beverly, imagine if you are a doctor who is doing experiments to procreate life as they are and you have an exact copy of yourself ready to experiment on besides it comes with another personal life that you can swap like turning a switch on and off, Eliot despite that she look like she loves Beverly I think its totally the opposite, she only cares about herself that’s why she got so Mad when Beverly told her Genevieve is only her’s and wont share, Eliot is use to that kind of life when she can be Beverly and herself anytime back an forward and use it as a escape door at the same time enjoying Beverly life and I think she might do it without telling her some times, for sure Eliot is going to take a shot at Genevieve without telling Beverly at some point because that’s how selfish she is, same for the experiments, Eliot doesn’t care if Beverly has a child, all she care is that her experiment works and makes me think that if the experiment works Eliot might even claim the baby as hers too.


As expected Eliot works on the very thin line of legality, after all she is experimenting on her sister’s body she might think basically they were born together so its like she is experimenting on herself what could be wrong about it, without a private lab to move forward seems she grew a sixteen days embryo which based on the show its illegal, anything after fourteen days is illegal, that might change depending on the country but that’s how it goes on the tv series, here she is next to Tom the one in charge for the hospital lab and now they been investigated because of Eliot embryo experiment. Mantels are about to have a meeting to raise those sixteen million dollars they asking for from a family investment group and ask Tom to come to work with her as he answers fuck you but he will, basically after this scandal he has no other place to go.


For Eliot its all about herself, what she wants when she want it, Beverly is just her double a disposable life and body that’s why on these scene she is fantasizing with Genevieve while she is with Beverly having sex, Eliot is outside in the kitchen listening to them, moving her hips, sucking a lemon, she is both angry and horny at the same time, I guess she doesn’t have to imagine that much of what they doing since Beverly is an exact copy, might be easy for her to paint the picture.


Eliot and Beverly have two different perspective of what the Birthing Center mean to them, for Beverly is all about improving women experience and health during the process of getting pregnant to giving birth but for Eliot is about the science and the cash, Beverly perspective is more social and in touch with women feelings while Eliot cant care less of what she thinks, they make it very clear during this scene as the twins are been brief of what and who they will find during dinner they going to have with the family who is willing to invest on their project, Beverly came prepare with a proposal and a printed project plan but Eliot just want to have fun and go wildly geeky when she is ask about what they can do with all this technology they are developing with their experiments and probably thats why they like Eliot and not Beverly.


Back at the apartment while the twins are at their dinner with the interventionist, Greta their maid is taking all kind of DNA samples from hair, residue from teeth brush, used menstruation tampons and a bunch of other samples my guess from Beverly because she is the experiment the question is who she working for? competition trying to steel their experiment? government? or could she be working for Eliot and run a side LAB that Beverly doesn’t know about and experiment without legal boundaries and no remorse?


Some tv series are getting more weird than ever and Dead Ringers is up there with SWARM, this episode was very painful to watch, the dinner scene was so uncomfortable and awkward but I think that’s part of what they trying to make people feel, I couldn’t wait for it to be over, it was literally a blood bath for Beverly, she was also having her period, everyone on that table was against the way she though about their business and were brutally expressive to the point saying fuck you to her face and laugh about it, they criticize her for everything she said while Eliot was trying to fit into their game, been ruthless and not defending Beverly at all, some times even on the same side as the rest of the table against Beverly.


Close to the end things were so bad for the twins in terms of getting the money that Eliot decided to get rid of Beverly for the rest of the night since she was ruining for them, Eliot knew Beverly doesnt fit and at some point will answer with a big fuck you back to the all of them, I would probably do the same, yes Beverly is too purist and naive at some times but she is defending her point of view, others at the table were just a bunch of idiots with the excuse that they are like that to avoid getting fucked for sixteen million dollars that the twins are asking for.


I think Eliot went too far by kidnapping Beverly and lock her up in what looks like the power room for the villa, Beverly had to untie herself and find a way out through a tunnel, when she finally got out look for them and they were all gather next to the pool, some of them high and she can be naive, pacifist, human, very in touch but she snaps and that’s what she did, told everyone the truth to their faces with a big FUCK YOU at the end, Eliot try to stop her but not in a nice way, she was on the money side, I get it its business don’t let them get under your skin but that dinner didn’t look like business it was like the twins had to bend over and get fucked by the ones with the money, that’s how I think Beverly felt and react that way when her own sister took their side and was clearly against them, as on the previous meeting after Beverly snap Rebecca the head investor talk to them and still wanted to make business with them after Eliot told them about a lot of experiments that are illegal but could make them a lot of money like delay menopause for women, Rebecca offer them the money and they had 24 hours to answer which Beverly accept after watching Eliot been all sad about it, thinking that they might loose this opportunity, see Beverly is all about Eliot and Eliot is all about herself. Ce la vie.


This scene was short but I think its very relevant since this right here, Greta unpacking a bag of DNA samples from the twin’s apartment, will take this TV series into some action and not just drama, without action this series might turn into another Hospital drama series and there are a lot of those, who is Greta working for that’s the question?

A Small Light : Welcome to Switzerland - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:

There is no doubt that even though they are twins they are totally the opposite with Eliot been self destructive and selfish while Beverly is submissive to others and just want to safe lives,  they already got the money so I next we might have two episodes of them buying things for the lab, getting it ready and probably in two or three episodes have their first client, Rebecca and the rest was pushing for this clinics to be expensive and not for the masses while Beverly was the only one to be the opposite, not exactly free or beneficence but to be accessible to many women and not just a few, I didnt like the middle of the episode as it was extremely awkward seen Beverly destroy and all the crazy shit they were up to like eating one of their race horse, practicing some sort of ritual to put a hole on their skull making them feel relaxing to a picture of Rebecca’s Ex wife vagina a huge easy six foot tall picture.

Drops of God: A Father – Episode 1 – Personal Thoughts


Drops of God is an AMAZING TV Series drama, I love several things that get out of the classic tv series for example how its develop on different countries, three different languages through, at least during the first two episodes. If you like Drama TV Series you need to watch Drops of God
Its the story of Camille Leger play by Fleur Geffrier who to be honest I have never seen before but she is great, Camille is daughter of Alexander Leger a very strict man with a extremely high passion for wine and oenology the science and study of wine and wine making. Alexander started training Camille since she was very little, I really like how she builds up a world inside her mind, she organize all flavors and smells inside this world sometimes as she is going around the woods remembering how things smell other times running around an abandon building with all this compartments where she have all this information organize, on any story detail is king and Camille story has a ton of details when it comes to identify wine but there is one problem, at a very early age Camille took a full glass of wine to her head after she was left alone during a training session with a glass of wine, she ask her father when she would be aloud to drink wine Alexander said not yet and when she was left alone drank the entire glass creating a trauma, now she cant even have a drop of alcohol because she starts bleeding and some times blacks out. Her parents split apart when she was little, her relationship with her father was mislead and now he is dying, she goes to Tokyo to visit him but it was too late and now have to deal with entire funeral process and her father’s will reading that bring up a lot of surprises to her life.


8.4/10 on IMDB and 100% on RottenTomatoe, this series I think is going under the radar but is getting a very good response from viewers, but there is a reason for this.

Drops of God TV Series is based on the very popular Manga of the same name with 439 chapters on 44 Volumes, can you imagine if Apple+ brings in all this episodes, this thing is going to be eternal, the only fear I have if it doesnt meet the expectations of people who read the manga.

Drops of God,






This is Camille, story starts with her at a bar, she seems to be looking for someone and just ask a bar tender for a glass of water, when I started to watch this TV series I had no idea what to expect, it was new so I wanted to try it, I prefer this approach to avoid spoils and make it more interesting, it was after I watch the first two episodes that I did some research. I had no idea about her condition, she ask for water probably because she is not there to party or do molly IDK, a guy start talking to her about how he is a fan since 15 years old of her book and after some talking he offers her a shot, she refuse and he is ok took both shots but then tries to kiss her and spit a mix of vodka, tequila and gin into her mouth, this is her just after tasting alcohol, Camille pass out eventually wakes up bleeding none stop and gets back home.


Camille lives with her mom and tells her about her father, he is very bad close to die and send for her, her mom thinks he is manipulative but who would do that close to dying, Camille accept her father invitation to Tokyo and took a flight, Alexander is a baller, sends her a car to pick her up and then she flight to Tokyo on a private yet.


Meet Issei Tomine play by Tomohisa Yamashita
who I remember from Tokyo Vice another series I’m waiting on the next season but I’m not sure that’s going to happen.

Issei is Alexander most talented student, although on the manga it says its his step son but probably its too early to reveal that on the series, on the TV series he is the son of Honoka and Tomine Hirokazu, his mother very strict and his father a little bit loose but both very strict to their roots and family, Issei on the other hand is an entrepreneur exploring the world trying to build up a company around oenology and sommelier but more incline into sommelier a person who is trained professionally to identify wine and evaluate it, but he is too young, his family think its a waist of time, lots of obstacle for him to make his dream come true.


When Camille gets to Tokyo she is welcome by Lucas a good friend of her father who takes her to her fathers place to spend the night and the next day to the lawyer who will read the will, here she find out about Issei, describe by her father last words “his spiritual son” , Alexander net worth between his house and wine collection, the biggest and most value wine collection in the world, is around $155 Million USD but there is a catch on his will, he wants some one who could appreciate his lifetime work so he comes up with a test for Camille and Issei.


They have to taste a bottle of wine Alexander left for them to taste blindfolded and will have exactly one month to identify grape, estate, vintage, they both very familiar with the process, after a month they will taste it again, Issei has a huge advantage since he is well trained and constantly tasting wine when in the other hand Camille cant even have a drop of alcohol without passing out.

I laugh at this scene because at first she and her mother wants nothing to do with her father but now that she knows his father inheritance is over $150 Million she feels disrespected because she have to battle it out and is about to try wine that might kill her.



Camille taste the wine and her brain immediately explodes because all the flavors and her intolerance for alcohol, she have gift that we saw on the first scenes that she can identify many flavors and smells but lives with that trauma from the first time she had a glass of wine.


Camille gets so mad she tells Lucas to fuck off and wants nothing to do with her father inheritance, she just want to get over all this process and go back home. They go to her father funeral and cremation ritual that she knew nothing about, it was a traditional Buddhist burial, I hope that’s the term.



After all the ceremonies, Lucas takes Camille back to her fathers place and show her the private wine collection, here she finds a box with wine that her father had specially to drink with her when she turn 18 but that never happen because of their bad communication, besides Lucas insist she must see a video he left for her before he pass out where he explain how important she was for him, he accept was not the best father and ask for her forgiveness.


After watching the first episode I was hooked, I thought this was a season release, thought it was a Netflix series but it was Apple+, their format to release episodes is different and I prefer the weekly episodes so I was lucky they release the first to episodes, as I mention I really like the combination of cultures, the details of how Camille has this talent that she can identify flavors and smells like she has a huge library inside her brain with everything identify running around as a kid and the other hand the story of Issei who is trying to build up his own company despite of been from a wealthy family, he is very determine to succeed in his field but on this story its consider a waist of time.