The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: Become – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP

The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: Become - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP
The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: Become – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP


I don’t like what has become of this spin off for the last two episodes and I have my suspects of whats going to happen on the last episode, I just hope they are not that stupid to have Rick and Michonne single handle destroy the CRM on a single episode, I based this assumption on the advance scenes at the end of episode five, it shows Rick and Michonne back at Philadelphia, CRM HQ; looks like they taking the place down.

It looks like there is a second season although feels like they rushing things just too much or may be just me getting the wrong idea, I hope I’m wrong about it; six episode is nothing for a season, some might say its just two episodes shorter than the last two spin off first season but in two episodes the entire perspective of the story can change specially been episodes over 45 minutes that is half an average movie duration. Episode five feels like one of those episodes to kill time and explain part of the back story and that they did with all the kissing and loving for the first part of the episode then something almost similar with Anne aka Jadis, I simply didn’t like this episode neither, its a real buzz killer since the season started so good and then it is just a downtrend in terms of lack of action, cruelty, treason and cruelty, after all that is what sells on TWD not loving and kissing.

– Platform: AMC+

The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: Become - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP
The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: Become – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP

As mention in the introduction lots of smiling, kissing and making out between Michonne and Rick, not that I don’t want them to be happy on the story is just that we already had an entire episode of them arguing and kissing, can you just give them a new challenge? something that actually entertain because that’s the truth, I wanted to watch loving and kissing would watch another series.

The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: Become - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP
The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: Become – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP

I do like that this episode same as on other spin off gave us a different type of Zombie, like on Daryl Dixon spin off; walkers have mutated based on their environment surrounding both physical and behavior, this time a rock solid Zombie type shows up, they are still easy to beat if you have the right tools in this case rick has a iron fist so he can crack the outside of the zombie head while Michonne stab it with a iron bar, I would say this Zombies are also heavier so they are slower, that makes me think if they are heavier and rotten how can they stand still? probably this was a fresh one.

The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: Become - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP
The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: Become – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP

Rick and Michonne saved some locals who were fighting this Zombie, they explain how they have change because of the steam vents, not sure how that process works though, there are also some other zombies who are almost like melted because of the heat.

All this loving and kissing got Rick and Michonne weak and slow, they were moving around in a YELLOW pickup truck you can see from far away and throwing Ramen wraps on the road, they also gave the locals food after saving them but that’s normal since its the right thing to do although they did try to steal from them back minutes latter when they could pick up their guns, that didn’t go well for them, when it comes to fight Rick and Michonne set the bar very high even if they have no guns.

The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: Become - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP
The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: Become – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP

At least they didn’t entirely set the episode on fire an brought something interesting that will have some value in the future probably, Jadis was not always Jadis, she was once Anne an artist, she was also part of many other groups or communities in the past, as Anne she was in love with Gabriel, I remember him from the OG series, the guy was not always sane but he was OK. Jadis join the CRM because she was basically broken, she could not stand seen other community go down so this time around she wanted to be in control and power, thats what she gets out of the CRM and some how she was the only one to escape without others noticing at least once a year to meat with Gabriel, this shows she is smarter or at least better than Rick when you have to be cold and calculate things properly without feelings in the way.

The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: Become - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP
The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: Become – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP

That is exactly why she finds Rick and Michonne after their helicopter crash, even after they shoot a rocket to the building Anne/Jadis could not believe that it was so easy to kill Rick and Michonne, she knows them too well and knows they are warriors, survivors over all though to kill so she kept looking, follow the clues, the cans and ramen wrap on the road, the yellow truck missing on the crash scene, she knew they were alive until she quickly found them and almost got rid of them but she just talk too much, she miss her advantage and got cocky waking them up and giving them a speech before trying to kill them, its two against one, you cant shoot to places at the same time, one of them going to run or jump you and that is exactly what happen.

The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: Become - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP
The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: Become – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP

Jadis pulls the trigger and Michonne jump her, fuck her up badly on he rips area, Jadis enter desperate mode, loosing lot of blood, this is the type of entertaining I’m looking for not two episodes full of arguing and kissing.

It was obvious Jadis was going to die unless they come up to an agreement but she was just too cocky and proud, she wanted them dead, specially Rick so in disadvantage and hurt still tries to front Rick and pull a gun on him after she ask for temporary truce.

During this hole argument and Mexican stand up, there was the argument to go back to the CRM and change it, this idea came from the least one I though would say it, I even though she was trying to distract Jadis but Michonne meant it, she wants to go back with Rick so he can keep moving into the ranks until they have enough access to weapons and information, they could build a plan and kill say most of the high ranks on the CRM.

I really don’t know whats going to happen next, the idea of going back coming from Michonne got me out of balance, never saw that one coming and at first you can tell neither Rick but seems that’s the plan, Jadis is not on their way anymore and she told them where is their file. I suppose they go back, Rick goes up in the ranks and Michonne moves from citizen too although lets not forget that Pearl mindset has change after her promotion, she is now all in CRM and even if they manage to kill Major Beale they still have to deal with Pearl, she is a bad ass too that can bring on the fight, Rick probably is underestimating her or might think that she will join them, I hope not because then it would be just too easy for Rick and Michonne bring down the CRM.

If you would like to catch up with the original series or the most recent spin off Daryl Dixon, the following links provide a small kick back to the website and help me continue creating content about this TV Series that we love so much

The Walking Dead Complete Series [Blu-ray]
TWD Daryl Dixon [Blu-ray]
Fear the Walking Dead (Seasons 1-3) [Blu-ray]

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Special Ops: Lioness – Truth Is the Shrewdest Lie – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP


Special Ops: Lioness – Truth Is the Shrewdest Lie – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP INTRODUCTION -

In the spirit of conclusion I have decided that there are a few series I’m going to finish before moving forward, Special Ops: Lioness is one of them, I have recently been putting out other type of content that I wanted to start cover like articles about the Film Industry, Trailer reviews and soon I’ll be indexing data different but I still want to post my regular episodes recaps although they take me about four hours to do because of all the screenshots I take to put them into a “graphic representation” of the scene describing, at times it can be an exhausting hobby but I still like it or hate it depending on the day.

This series moves into split episodes, things never actually get to a conclusion in a single episode, they split the story here and there and episode five is the conclusion of four and opens the door to a situation I didn’t though at first but I think there is something going on between Cruz and Aaliyah, there is also the situation that Joe has been dealing with at home with her daughter Kate that got into a car wreck, part of the truth start go comes out like what her daughter really thinks about her and she also came up front with the reality that she is not the best mother but her reasons have valid grounds, she is a soldier after all and Joe’s husband has his own problems with that too, he can’t stand been with or without her, with actually turns a bit ironic because for been with Joe that’s her been on a mission she can’t talk about and that is killing Neal, looks like he can’t stand that situation anymore. Not much happen between Cruz and Aaliyah on this episode until the end they pick up on face time call where Aaliyah express herself/body just too much to Cruz and she notice it was too much so step back a bit, there might be a relationship brewing here but after all Aaliyah is like a bird on a cage made out of gold, she has everything she ever dream but at the same time has doesn’t own anything, not even her freedom. - tv series divider
Special Ops: Lioness – Truth Is the Shrewdest Lie – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -


On episode four Cruz went to a bar to party with Aaliyah and her friends where she got picked up by a guy who was a rapist, the guy drug her and pick her up after a fight started, Joe team got to her just in time on the woods where the guy was going to finish her on the spot, Joe took care of him and make him remember that moment for ever and think twice before raping another girl, Joe almost rip his balls apart, one kick after another. He never touch Cruz but she also didn’t remember a thing so she is was still confuse of what really happen but her team got there on time, well it was really close.


As I mention Joe’s daughter Kate got into a car wreck, so at the moment she had to deal with Kaitlyn , Kate and Neal at the same time, traveling from one place to another, Kaitlyn took her to the hospital but made sure she didn’t over extend her staying since there was business to take care of after she lend her team to Kyle, well not really her team.


Kaitlyn has been very supportive with Joe, this entire story is making me think that Joe is either the first or only Lioness that actually survive a mission, on first episode when she had to pull the trigger and drop a missile on a terrorist camp after her asset got discovered she ask Kaitlyn for advice like they have been on the same situation before and most of the Lioness doesn’t make it back. While at the hospital Joe and her daughter Kate finally got that conversation that settle things between them, she is not a kid anymore, got pregnant and almost die on a car wreck on top she lost the baby, at that moment Kate went through life time experience, got her ahead in time so fast that her life has fast forward almost ten years because how she knows what is to be pregnant and loose a baby, may be she didn’t go through the entire experience but for sure will never forget, Joe also comes forward and admit she is a shitty mother for not been there for her but it is what it is, she is a soldier. Lastly but still an important part of the drama Kaitlyn asks Neal not to give up on Joe, he still loves her but Kaitlyn knows its not an easy task to deal with Joe and her line of work.


Both Joe and Kyle gets their asses set on fire by Westfield, who is really the man behind the Lioness program and Kyle was something that should have never happen, Joe’s team is not hers it is lend by Westfield who is way higher on the government rank but Kyle intel was good so there is still a way to cover the shit show that they did on episode four after getting Kyle informant out of custody.


After Kyle intel was confirm they get lets say “yellow” light?” they can proceed with the capture mission but can shoot back if they get attacked? it was a capture mission only all this because no weapons or explosives have been confirm so far but once the targets get to the house they got monitor Two Cups and the rest of the team saw things were getting way hotter than they thought.


This scene where the get to the house was very cool, the shooting, bit dark but it was fast and clean, after confirm guns and explosives they finally get green light so its a capture/kill mission but no body is going to capture anyone besides they lack man power, as Bobby mention its a two squad mission and they are probably out number by two, got to mention that Cruz job was on point so at least she didn’t mess up, well she confirm it herself “this I know” before they went out.


Mission over, Kyle mess has been covered, Joe knows her daughter is alive but will take time to recover there are a few scars from all this, Kaitlyn thinks its a matter of time before another terrorist attack in US soil and Joe kinda mess up when she went back to the hospital, she was probably in a rush and didn’t clean up her face she still had blood and softy Neal notice getting all fired up asking her if she is now a hitman, WTF?? she is a soldier he knows it deal with it, he sees blood every day at the hospital but when his soldier-wife have some on her face then he goes all drama queen? - tv series divider

Special Ops: Lioness – Truth Is the Shrewdest Lie – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP - CONCLUSION -

I would really enjoy a second season of this series, from what I have found online there is actually nothing about it, the series had good rating for what it is, this is not a AAA series although came together very well, there is some cliche here and there but nothing that makes you want to shut down the TV, action scenes so far have been on point, not every episode had them but I can say episode 1, 2, 4 and 5 had been the best at least for me, all episodes have over 7.5 on IMDB.

Episode five I thought was going to be a bit softy like Neal but that action scene pick up the speed of the episode very well, the drama at home with Joe is almost done with only Neal left so I think we wont have to listen to her daughter nagging anymore how bad of a mother she is, that was very annoying for a viewer who wants to see action and not a spoil child so I think for the last three episodes action is going to pick up a lot, I hope they don’t get to finish the mission yet because that would give us more chances of a second season.


Special Ops: Lioness – Truth Is the Shrewdest Lie – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP - PREV Episodes - - tv series divider

Specialo Ops: Lioness - SEASON 1 TRAILER -

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Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP

Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Episode five of Secret Invasion gives me a good idea of why viewers and fans were so mad about this series because you don’t necessary need to be a hard core fan to get to that conclusion, things really pick up a pace here and it was just too fast, the series at least might need another two episodes so it doesn’t feel that way, things did happen but they were closing matters scene after scene, probably concluding things just too fast.

Gravik is still after the Avengers DNA, he has a couple of abilities so far like transforming his lengths, arms; into roots so he can massively extend himself, pierce and make them also way bigger and heavy, another power he has is to regenerate himself from creating energy and what looks like super strength beast type but he still after other super powers but if you actually think about it Iron Man is very smart, Gravik is already strong as Hulk, may be control lighting like Thor but is that an ability of the hammer or himself?, the rest of the Avengers they all have suits or some other weapon except Captain Marvel and Captain America so what would he really need? only one I can think of is Captain Marvel’s powers so he could fly? he keeps talking about the Harvest but not Gravik or Fury go deeper of why unless they only fear/want the outcome mix of powers that could end up into something extraordinary, I feel like the episode has lack of meaning or motivation because the war between humans ain’t happening at this point after Fury clear things up by rescuing the President and soldiers saw Skrulls on the field, is up to Rhodey try to convince the president to start war against Russians. - tv series divider
Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


I found really cringe how after saving the President Fury feels all tough takes a chair and puts in front of the hall door where the president’s room is at the hospital, not only because I knew he was not going to do shit, after all he is just human and for sure would not kill Rhodey on the spot if he comes close, besides he is never alone.

Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


I suspected right, Rhodey did show up and was not alone, he is a Skrull, has the government infiltrated so either all the agents with are human tricked thinking Rhodey is himself a human or a bunch of Skrull that are up to date of whats really going on, he has Fury by the balls with the video that shows up him killing Maria at the Russia Bombing trying to put more dirt on Fury, he had no other option to leave before getting killed of before people come after him when the video goes public so yes Fury didn’t do shit and that’s why the scene of him sitting at the hospital looking all mean was worthless. I don’t appreciate when writers take a character and make it look what he is not, Fury has only one super power, same as Batman, Iron Man, that’s his mind so been tough is not it.

Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


At Skrullos, Gravik is back and desperate, his plan to attack the US President and make it look like it was the Russian failed, although he did kill Thalos but Pagon, we can say Gravik second Skrull in command; was kind of mad at him and call him out because he had the chance to kill Fury and never did like he still a child waiting for Fury approval of attention. I have to give it to Gravik, Pagon was not looking at the big picture, Fury is the only one who knows where is the Harvest. To give a bit more of context, The Harvest is the recollection of the Avenger’s DNA after the New York attack, Gravik knows of its existence because he was one of the Skrulls that work on that mission, lead by Fury a group of Skrulls were send out to collect and clean up Avenger’s DNA from the battle field, I can’t imagine how they did that, the reason? not sure either because as I mention only a few really has super powers, the rest are humans with great skills using special suits or weapons.

Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


At MI6 Sonya is cleaning up the house, taking down every Skrull she can find starting with the SIS chief Derrik, at first even Fury himself though that governments infiltrated by Skrulls was very unlikely although not impossible but after Thalos told him there were a million Skrulls at Earth, that number change things for him and put him and Sonya on alert that anyone could be a Skrull, but Sonya was a bit ruthless, shooting first and asking question after, its like she can smell them, latter on you will see why I say this.

Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


Back at Skrullos after Gravik kill Pagon in front of the rest of his soldiers a revolution started, a group of other Skrulls understood Gravik was wrong, only those who were brave try to take him down but it was too much for them, Skrulls special ability is to shape shift, they are stronger than humans but not at Super Skrull, not at Gravik’s level, when they jump Gravik and he loose his human form intermediately he got a bit taller and bigger, everything about him compared to other Skrulls that have show up so far look stronger, eventually he beat up everyone and make an example out of Beto, a Skrull who G’iah got into the camp; cuts his throat in front of everyone. I know this series could be intended for teenagers too but the fighting and killing scenes are just a bit turn down, there is not much blood, after fights characters don’t look beat up and specially with Gravik fight scene there is something that I constantly criticize and that’s how the transformation scenes are soo short you cant really appreciate it, its just seconds until he turns back to normal, that’s really disappointing.

Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


On her journey to clear up MI6, Sonya now locates Dr. Rosa Dalton, who is the lead scientist of Gravik’s Super Skrull experiments, she was working with her husband but here jumps in Sonya who right away knew Dr. Dalton is not himself anymore neither, after taking all the info that Sonya need she burn down their house and took them with her but Dalton attempt to take his “wife” Rosa as hostage and put a gun to her head trying to escape, little did he know and Sonya puts a bullet to his head some how she knew he was a Skrull. At fist I thought I would not like Sonya, this was back when she came up on episode one and had a conversation with Fury but I really like her, she is funny AF and always ahead of others.

Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


In his attempt to get the Harvest, Gravik tries to use Skrullos as leverage, ordering Rhodey to get the president to bomb Skrullos with the excuse that its a Skrull hideout at Russian soil, only problem is that the right way to proceed is to have the Russians work with US to take out the Skrulls but then again who is not a Skrull? they just hold this scene and nothing really happens about it on this episode, I’m ok with that, I don’t think they are going to blow up Skrullos, not because there are Skrulls but because that would be start a war with Russia at the same time.

Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


There was a very cool shooting scene at Priscilla’s place, G’iah goes looking for her to bury her father Thalos, Skrulls has certain ways and traditions, some of them G’iah didn’t know about but she wanted to give her father a traditional Skrull funeral, G’iah might disagree with her father believes but still love him very much and now feels she must avenge him, bring down Gravik, after all Thalos was the OG Skrull general on Earth but he became old and soft.

Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


This last scene with Fury and Sonya getting up to date after she picks him up from the air port was cool, it gives more context to the Harvest, he gave her more details on how things really happen and why Gravik knows about it, but the part that I like the most is how Fury explains his only super power is his mind and that he doesn’t need anything else to beat Gravik here comes the phrase “We cant keep depending on these superheroes” - tv series divider

Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP CONCLUSION -

First four episodes of secret invasion were fine, I didn’t see any problem that was critical to me, the story was at an ok pace and not many details were lost but episode five turn things around, as I mention there was a void like some scenes needed more time to digest, I also think that from the start some how the story should make clear that the Avengers were not coming to help period, I think that probably mislead some viewers but not necessary the reason why I feel things start to rush, the Sonya scenes trying to clean up the UK and their agencies felt bit short, now that I think about it, it has been the same every time she shows up, the Fury scene at the start of the episode didn’t help at all, I would prefer if it was the opposite saying he go and look for Rhodey and face him or something different but sitting there like he is Captain America make his character look stupid.
I look up the ratings per episode at IMDB and you can tell how episode five and six are what took Secret it Invasion from a solid seven to a six down the drain, so I do not expect things to get better, some say its super hero exhausted but its really not, its the attention to detail and taking the time to explain things at a pace that viewers don’t feel things are rushing up, this are the moment I would expect them to milk the story and they don’t, if it had to do with lack of time because they were short on staff, Hollywood strike; then it was better just not to release and do it properly,


Secret Invasion: Harvest – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4: - tv series divider


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The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Deux Amours – Episode 5 – Season 1 – RECAP

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Deux Amours - Episode 5 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Deux Amours – Episode 5 – Season 1 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Deux Amours - Episode 5 - Season 1 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Episode five of Daryl Dixon will answer many questions, from why Daryl ended in France, why Genet wants him, I would not say dead but lock down at least even before Codron, Daryl always kept saying he ended up in France because he join the wrong people and he was looking for something new out there but on this episode the truth comes to light, same goes for Genet experiments with Zombies, everything comes together and start to build up for next season.

I believe this new format of six episode season for spinoff series can’t build up enough momentum for itself with the short amount of episodes, a lot can happen in one hour with the magic of TV, adding two or if possible four episodes more then gives the story enough time for one last kick, on Daryl Dixon spinoff the series is going to fall short and viewers will have to wait until season two to really find out why he left home and now is trying to get back to Carol, we now know how he got to France but not what exactly he was looking for. - tv series divider
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Deux Amours - Episode 5 - Season 1 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Deux Amours - Episode 5 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Deux Amours – Episode 5 – Season 1 – RECAP –


Not much is reveal about the Nest, the place where Azlan and Daryl are taking Laurent, from his description all been said is that its a quite place, peaceful and might be an island from a watch Azlan carry with the Nest engrave, the name Nest most like was given after the Zombie Apocalypse, living in an island is one of the most reasonable places to be at during such times as long as you have a way to go in and out of the island, after all Zombies can’t swim, but I wonder if they float?? on this very same series we saw a Daryl been attack by Zombies under water.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Deux Amours - Episode 5 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Deux Amours – Episode 5 – Season 1 – RECAP –


I took this screenshot above mainly because it reminds me of the original Walking Dead series, how many times we didn’t see Daryl pushing a bike with his cross bow on it, such a classic it made its way to his spinoff, he cross path with Jones a man who has a camp, looking for hunters who want to work, Daryl is out of gas so makes sense if he gets paid to buy some and get back home.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Deux Amours - Episode 5 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Deux Amours – Episode 5 – Season 1 – RECAP –


At the camp there were others wanting to work with Jones, the man behind this camp, paying everyone was Dr. Lafleur, who was paying very well for Zombies, even more for fresh ones but that open, rules were simple

  • No fights
  • No stealing
  • Nothing sexual

I get the two first rule but what the hell is sexual about a bunch of guys hunting Zombies, its the apocalypse so I guess there are not many women around so some might change their sexual preferences, who knows.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Deux Amours - Episode 5 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Deux Amours – Episode 5 – Season 1 – RECAP –


Daryl got to work and start impressing other with his skills, if he was getting paid for catching Zombies I guess he was going to pull a Raikkonen, for F1 fans; and make the company go broke with the amount of Zombies he was getting, one after another, the part is that he works alone meaning he doesnt have to share his profits with anyone while the rest does.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Deux Amours - Episode 5 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Deux Amours – Episode 5 – Season 1 – RECAP –


Daryls always mind his own business but does not share or promote abuse, there was a guy a the camp who knew shit how to hunt, wanting to join others to team up but no body wanted him so what they do? there was this guy Juno, white beard with red hat; motherfucker killed the kid and sold him as a Zombie, Daryl got into a fight over it because the guy even had rope marks around his neck so he was killed, Jones didn’t seem to care it was still a Zombie and they were all getting paid so both Juno and Daryls gets kick out the moment the fight starts….to be continue

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Deux Amours - Episode 5 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Deux Amours – Episode 5 – Season 1 – RECAP –


On another subject, our boy Quinn was living like a fucking king, a lot of people die and a lot of people left Paris, a wealthy city with a lot of opportunities for those brave enough who stay and we willing to take it, that was Quinn, he got everything, the mansion, the luxury, wine, paintings, servants, everything anyone could dream off, he also had his Queen, Anna; until after many years destiny brought him back Isabelle, the women he was dating before the Zombie apocalypse who left him behind to safe her sister that had Quinn’s son on the way, Laurent, that’s a Mexican tv novel right there.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Deux Amours - Episode 5 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Deux Amours – Episode 5 – Season 1 – RECAP –


Poor Quinn flew too close to the sun and is about to get burn, never ever mistreat a women specially when she got enough dirt on you, not that you have but specially not under certain circumstances, in the case of Quinn, Anna knew everything about him, his business, deals with Genet, enemies. On top of that Isabelle only got with him until she make sure Laurent and Daryl got out of town safe, when that happen she was about to kill Quinn but her dark days were over, she might not be a hard core nun but she was no murder, she could not do it.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Deux Amours - Episode 5 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Deux Amours – Episode 5 – Season 1 – RECAP –


On the other hand Anna did throw Quinn into the lions den, the moment she had a chance fuck him up badly, Quinn was invited to an event at Genet base but when he and Isabelle arrive Genet already know all the lies Quinn told her about Laurent and Daryl.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Deux Amours - Episode 5 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Deux Amours – Episode 5 – Season 1 – RECAP –


This duo, oh since the day they met at the convent, Daryl constantly gets piss off at Laurent, mainly because he is so naive and that is Isabelle fault, this time he did one of the most stupid things and that’s letting go the boat because he didn’t want Daryl to leave him, Isabelle fault again for not raising him to be a men and not just a kid in a bubble, they had no other option than walk, to make things worst that night their camp got attacked by a few Zombies that killed Azlan.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Deux Amours - Episode 5 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Deux Amours – Episode 5 – Season 1 – RECAP –


So predictable, the moment they start walking a patrol was passing by, Daryl gave the watch with the engrave of the Nest to Laurent and told him to go away, he will take care of them but he didn’t and gets caught too, you can tell how piss Daryl was when he notice Laurent got caught too, he sacrifice himself for nothing.

They both get transfer to Genet place where she is hosting and event, a display of her new warriors, her plan with Laurent is to make people in France believe Laurent is on her side since he got so popular.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Deux Amours - Episode 5 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Deux Amours – Episode 5 – Season 1 – RECAP –


I got now clew when the memo that said “If you fight we send you to the Zombie ship” got pass around, out of no where Daryl and Juno get send to the boat they were putting all the Zombies, the ship was also a lab so it seems they travel the world by sea, during this time they make experiments and kept getting Zombies from the never ending supply.

This is the reason why Genet wants Daryl dead, he was the one who got out and fucked up everything, he trick the guards to get out, kill a few of them, in the process a container got on fire, this container was a mobile lab, creating a big explosion that fucked up big part of the boat and all the progress to the drain. - tv series divider

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Deux Amours - Episode 5 - Season 1 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

Episode five was very entertaining, the only detail missing is why they got send to the boat, that doesn’t make sense and they probably skip the part, if you fight you get send to the boat, everything else was great, this was really a satisfactory episode because now it makes more sense how Daryl got to France and Genet experiments too. On previous episodes all we saw was a Zombie getting injected who went crazy to then had his head explode but on this episode we saw Daryl fight a Zombie like it was a fucking fighter, he move different, was fast, no intelligent but almost had him besides the Zombie took everything Daryl throw at him, I wonder if Daryl jump off the boat if the Zombie would follow him, probably the Zombie didn’t because of the explosion.

This series is getting better but now I only have one episode left to watch, my only concern about long series episodes, those that are close to one hour is that there is a fucking tone of scenes I like to screenshot because they give sense to the story, leaving me with over 30 screenshots every time I make a post like this, the editing process takes me about two hours plus another hour writing the text, still this is my hobby that now I have found a way to monetize thanks to Hive.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Deux Amours - Episode 5 - Season 1 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

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Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4: - tv series divider

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - SEASON 1 - TRAILER -

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The Walking Dead – Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Usually on Saturday I only post once but today I wanted to do a back to back Walking Dead Spin Off post since there is the Mexico GP I want to write about but also want to continue this two series I’m about to finish specially because there is another spin off about to start next year.

Episode three of Dead City was pack with action when Maggie, Negan, Tomaso and Amaia try to take over the stadium where The Croat was but it all look odd how nothing went according to their plan, I get that Ginny fucked up half of the plan but still it was like The Croat had everything plan to slip away leaving them behind fighting a mass of Zombies inside the stadium, main characters got away but the rest of the crew that was with them not, Negan end up splitting because after been the bait to lure The Croat out he ended as the prey, he is an old silver fox so he knows how to defend himself and survive but it was a different story for Amaia and Tommaso who took the sewers as their route to escape from the stadium, it was full of Zombies but there were some really weird things down there like an entire wall of flesh and fat don’t know from what exactly and then this three on one Zombie on the cover image, on this episode a couple of things that were reveal start to give closure and sense to season one of Dead City, opening the door to Season Two that has been approve already coming up next year but it would depend if Hollywood strike ends. - tv series divider
The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


After everyone try to look their way out of the stadium Negan end up been prisoner of Marshal Armstrong who even after he safe him from the void, The Croat throw Perlie of the stairs to the void showing some good faith to Negan; I mention on my previous post that it was like he wanted to be friends with Negan but you never know with this crazy bastards it might all be a trick to get you, thats how you survive.

Negan tries to get into Perlie good side, remind him how he safe him from The Croat, how he can get a boat so both get out of the island but Perlie has everything figure out, after all he knows very well New York, he was from the Bronx and knew he need no boat, all the need was the dock that floats, he is getting Negan justice one way or another.

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


They kept going on their way to the dock so they could get out of the island but at a point they were cornered by Zombies, force them to get into what looks like a school, inside the find the remaining of a person who suicide, most likely was alone and could not handle the situation, either out of food, water, alone and setup a stand with books that held an ax, there was a bottle probably of some kind of booze next the corps on a table, this remind Perlie of his brother who he recently discover dead in his old apartment, his brother did something similar and left back a letter. It must be a very exhausting situation living like this, you don’t know when its going to end, you constantly have to look for food, watch out for your safety because not only Zombies want to eat you but humans might want to eat you too or raid your place, probably worst than living in a place at war.

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


Negan has change and its not the same man he once was, I kept saying this through all episodes, he tries to escape from Perlie but at some point he catch up although was not in a position to fight Negan, Perlie is hurt badly on a leg and might get caught easy by Zombies, Negan stops and help him, not been the man he use to be is going to become a problem for him soon, I think this might happen sooner on episode six.

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


Tommaso, Amaia, Maggie and Ginny are walking through the sewers, trying to get as far as possible form the stadium and here is where everything comes to light, on second image above Tommaso goes behind one of this barrels, take of his backpack to pull something out of it.

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


Turns out he is now the luckiest man in the entire Zombie Apocalypse, he just found two full bottles of oxygen with their mask and everything but he didn’t count that Maggie was way more sharp than he is and saw him taking the oxygen bottles out of his backpack, then she starts connecting the dots and figure out it was him who told The Croat about the plan, it was Tommaso all this time and that’s how The Croat got away and they stay trapped, when they were all corner at the stadium inside the octagon he was the only one missing at some point and came from the back to help them, this was no coincidence, he might not know exactly how things were going to happen but was way more steps ahead than the rest so that make him look like the mighty hero of the night, saving everyone ass. Maggie end his theater and take off the mask, letting Amaia know all the truth but latter on her pants got on fire too liar liar, pants on fire.

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


They had no other option and kept going, is not like they would go back or stay there, on this series every single man or women that act as a cheap bitch, a sell out, a snitch dies one way or another and some times pay back is so sweet, the sewers not only were full or dead bodies but some of them were Zombies, they walk and walk without finding any troubles until they took a rest because of all the methane. While they were taking a rest there was another big revelation, Tommaso told Maggie the truth about why he did it, The Croat promise him a place to stay in mainland, a place where everything was made of brick, guess what that place is? Hill Top, now Maggie has no other option to get Hershel and fly out of there is possible as fast as she can to get everyone ready at home to defend themself.

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


It was there when the took a rest when they got attacked, Tommaso and Amaia got the worst part of it, Tommaso got Amaia killed because if it wasn’t for him then probably the would not be down the sewers, he also got attacked and bitten on his neck badly, it was only Ginny and Maggie left but then Mr. Zombie, the one at the cover of this post; show up while Maggie got her foot stuck inside one of the corps laying down, leaving her still and all he could do was lay on her back and try to defend from this mutated Zombie, it look like someone put it together but would not be strange if Zombies remains could get stuck between them, its like there is a pile of them and they are so rotten they can go through each other but at some point get stuck inside another Zombie’s body, at least that’s how I think it could happen because Zombies do not grow or regenerate, all they can do is disintegrate, rot or turn apart.

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


All this time I have been thinking that Ginny only came back for Negan to be with him because she didn’t like Hill Top but that was not the only reason, when she was escaping Ginny was near a Silo and Maggie kept telling Negan how The Croat tool all their grain but at the Hill Top when she arrive they had food so before she hop on the dirt bike an escape she check the Silo and it was full. Maggie kills the six foot tall Zombie but she was exhausted and out of oxygen until she got out of a tunnel to escape, same tunnel that Ginny took and wrote on the wall LIAR, it was at this moment that Ginny knows something, probably not everything but something that can lead Negan to the real reason she wanted Negan to help her.

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The Walking DeadDead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


I really like this kind of scenes where you don’t know what the fuck is going on but something is cooking. The Croat gave Maggie the Wanted Man flyer where Negan show up, he took Hershel; her son so she get him Negan, this is still and unknown reason for me same way as he visits this women who was inside a theater with another bunch of people, she looks like the one running town and both want Negan although I cant figure out why. Its like she wants Negan to lead her people or an army, she was reading a book of The European Conquest of Native American, so that takes me to this conclusion, she is preparing for something big, probably to defend themself from getting conquered from mainland. - tv series divider

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

Different than Daryl Dixon spin off, Dead City is turning to be very good TV Series, entertain, traitors left and right, people lying to each other to try to survive thinking they have an advantage to the guy next to them but its actually not the case, that’s how so far has been between Maggie and Negan, also Tommaso and Amaia close to the end but they were not lucky enough to survive, The Croat has been playing all of them all this time and the one that knows the less out of all of them is Negan so I guess how is he going to react once he discover the truth, at least Maggies real plan, at some point the good old Negan is coming back and who knows if Lucile shows up too, that would be a proper ending to this season or start for season two.


The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

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Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4: - tv series divider

The Walking Dead - Dead City - SEASON 1 TRAILER -

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The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

From time to time there is that TV Series that I enjoy watching a lot, I do like fantasy theme TV Series although at a adult age not young kids discovering magic, for example The Magicians was a TV Show I enjoy same as The Rings of Power but I’m not a such a fan of other fantasy stories like Harry Potter.

Season two of WOT is in full force and introducing new characters or catching up with story lines is over, the fourth episode introduce its last main character with Selene now known as Lanfear, she was a mystery at first during the season but now she is pissed, not only now we know that she is a forsaken but we are starting to understand her interest to Rand, she is basically in love with him, he is too precious for him but she wants him to join her, she doesn’t want to force him this is why so far she haven’t hurt him, it will remain a mystery what she was going to do when she started channeling. Rand finally meet her real personality, Lanfear on his dreams, she is a dream walker, she can get into others people mind when they are dreaming without been invited, once she is in you are on her world with her rules and you can die on that world too.

On episode five we also get to know a bit more about Seanchan too, a city that looks a lot like Constantinople to be honest, Damane another term on their thong use to those women who can channel, they are not free they are leash by Seanchan and are use as a weapon by their controller or master in this case known as Sul’dam using a collar known as a’dam, all women who can channel including Aes Sidai are consider a marath’damane, an abomination of nature and need to be controlled, similar to how Aes Sidai think of men who can channel although they have this though because men who can channel usually go mad including the Dragon Reborn. - tv series divider
The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


Moiraine got just in time when Selene was on top of Rand, she was about to channel after she tied him to the bed and Moiraine cut her throat but this was just a temporary solution and to loose her they had to pull a few old tricks like getting on horses and then leave them going into an opposite direction on foot but this was just to gain some time before Lanfear figure it out. Moiraine plan didn’t work as she thought because Logain was suppose to teach Rand how to explode his power but that never happen, now he is unprepared and Lanfear is after them, she also told him the truth, this is just starting and a higher dark power has been unleash.

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


Perrin finally gets some good amount of screen time, we already know he is a tracker but for some reason he is having a hard time to accept what he is, Elyas tries to guide him although he is not a big help since he is of the mind that the pack has to stay together and all Perrin can think about is his friends who have been capture by the Seachan Army, one of them Uno Modesta killed when he revise to swear loyalty.

Eamon Valda and the White Cloaks, children of the light, a blast form the past season one, Eamon torture Perrin because he is consider a monster, anyone who can channel is a monster for the White Cloaks, they have now take over the small village that Seachan Army and High Lady Suroth attacked.


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


When Perrin return to the Village with the intention of finding some of his friends or where they were taking, he free Aviendha who is a Maidem of the Spear, a great fighter that was capture by the White Cloaks and put on a cage, Perrin who has a great heart free her without knowing who she is but soon she show him her skills as a fighter, a fucking John Wick of the Spear putting down a good amount of White Cloaks when they surround them after Perrin free her, she is now in debt with him so she follow him where ever he goes.

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


Things start to unfold at The White Tower when Verin Mathwin gets back, there are rumors of Aes Sidai missing, she also went looking for Egwene and Nynaeve but they were no where to be found at the tower, she seek information on her two friends at the library who can get her more information about this reports, who got in and out of the tower but something is odd about the reports, like either someone fake the reports or use some sort of spell what they call a weave, in this case on Sheriam Sedai who wrote the report. This would only mean that there is a traitor between the lines of the Aes Sidai, someone join the dark power, one of her sisters.

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


At this point no body knows at The White Tower but the traitor is Liandrin, I have been thinking why she did it and there is only one answer, her son who is dying, she actually explain this to Nynaeve before knock her out and deliver her with Egwene and Elayne to High Lady Suroth by orders of Ishamael, Liandrin had some compassion for Nynaeve and before she left cut her ropes so they could have a chance to escape. This shows how Liandrin is not that bad but still a selfish traitor after all.


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


Verin Sedai caught Liandrin when she was coming back, of course Liandrin had alibi and brought some white asparagus to try to sweet Verin wiith but she already know something is cooking and is after the traitor, she doesn’t know yet Liandrin is guilty.


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


High Lady Suroth is just part of the army, she is not the one in power to dictate what their people do or not, in fact Ishamael is using her, High Lady Suroth doesn’t seem she can channel, nos sure how then they get to such high power probably just been part of a royal family. Ishamael was after the Horn of Valere and deliver it to the High Lord Turak who is commander for the Seachan Army, I dont know what is up with this people and long nails but it seems a symbol of high power among them, High Lady Suroth nails get trim because she disobey orders at invading land she was not suppose to but this was Ishamael plan all this time.

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


To calm down things and get on High Lord Turak good side, Ishamael not only offer The Horn of Valere as a gift but also brought a very powerful women, this was Egwene who gets put on a’dam, a very powerful collar and then a leach by her new master, I like this scene very much since Madeleine Madden did a great job at showing Egwene pain when she was put on the collar, it has some sort of power over those who can channel that makes Egwene scream in pain and put her on her knees without giving her any orders, just looks insane, also the way the collar turns into a half chest piece in a transformer way look so sick.

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Wheel of Time: Damane – Season 2 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


During the entire episode Moiraine and Rand were running from Lanfear until they got back to her home, at home was her sister and nephew who welcome both, Moiraine was running out of time and knew it was only a few days or hours before Lanfear find them, she once gave her sister an advice and that is to truly think if things are necessary, in this case means “Does Rand really needs to be protected from Lanfear?” even though he is not in control of his powers Lanfear would have kill him long time ago, been with Rand for three months and it was just fucking around, literally, so Moiraine throw him into the lion den, let Rand sleep so Lanfear can come to him that way they will find out her real plan, that’s the cover image for this post. - tv series divider

The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

There is really no excuse to think this TV Series is crap, its true that season two started very slow but it was necessary, even though the TV Series is not probably word by word close to the books they at least taking some time to not rush things, make it last as much as possible to develop the story at a pace that doesn’t feel they cutting corners like for example the Perrin story, it was about time his character get a bit more of screen time, same goes for Mat and I think they will on the next episodes, it cant be always Egwene, Nynaeve and Rand, so to balance things some episodes need to be a bit slower, for example episode five there was not much fighting but there was a lot of good drama and unfolding more of what Ishamael and High Lady Suroth want, that’s to take over Seachan, he is expecting Rand to join them at their city and be on their side too, WOT is just getting better and better.

I know I’m behind on this series but I love it and prefer to take my time to enjoy it, not staying up late during weekdays, I usually load up everything into my VR setup and watch all this TV Series on Saturdays when I stay home, relaxing.


The Wheel of Time: Damane - Season 2 - Episode 5 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

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Episode 3:
Episode 4: - tv series divider

The Wheel of Time SEASON 2 TRAILER -

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Citadel : Time Renders Us Enemies – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP

Citadel : Time Renders Us Enemies - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


Citadel : Time Renders Us Enemies - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

I’m not going to lie that I mainly start watching this movie because of Priyanka Chopra Jonas, when I saw her on Matrix I melted jejeje then when Citadel came out there was a lot of hype behind it because of the trailer, it literally look like a James Bond movie, I have mention this a few times on previous posts (Citadel) and as usual a lot of people came out giving a bad rate to the series because it was not constant action as they thought, even James Bond movies are like that. In my opinion none of the episodes have disappointed, I don’t put Citadel at the top with other series like Sorpanos, Braking Bad, The Last of Us but I would put it on a second tier of series, should make a post about ranking Tv Series and why.

Episode five of Citadel keeps unwinding the entire conspiracy theory of who sold out Citadel and why, at first everyone point their fingers at Nadia but now seems she had their own reasons and part of those reasons were shared with Mason Kane, they had a son but she never told him, he did offer to marry before and she turn him down because he is Mason Kane after all, the guy who you cant trust and is always steps ahead of everyone including Nadia so she knew there was no way even if she love him, problem is she got pregnant and didn’t know at that time, probably she still would not marry him and after Mason Kane said about having a kid with her she would abort it, the guy is very cold thinking for a few things and its always the mission first no matter what, he send Nadia best friend into a program that would wipe out/backup her memories without telling Nadia or Abby, the wipe out girl; meaning that he would do it to anyone just to makes thing work out for him and Citadel. The entire I don’t remember shit plot is falling down and truth is coming up float, its like the Spider Man meme pointing at each other between Mason Kane, Nadia and Carter looking for the agent that was guilty for selling out Citadel but at the end each one had some fault into it, I guess that’s how things work when you are part of a ultra secret operation, probably why its been said that people with this kind of job can have long term relationship or married, reason is they cant trust anyone and no body cant trust them, except Hawk Eye but he kept his family a secret from the secret organization LOL. - tv series divider
Citadel : Time Renders Us Enemies - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

Citadel : Time Renders Us Enemies - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


The episode starts with Mason and Nadia at a Hotel, seems things are going great with their latest mission and they now have to pretend to be a married couple, Mason decided would be the best moment to ask her to marry him, she turn him down “this is some part of your playing?” she knows there is always something more to it, Mason is they guy that always has plans but it was not this time, he confess that when he is with her is the only time he can be himself, there is more explanation to this latter on the episode and towards the end of the season, whey Mason behaves like this and why he join Citadel.

Citadel : Time Renders Us Enemies - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


I found this part funny, at first was impressive but Anders must had some sort of metal plaque on his head, just when he was going to free Bernard Orlick in exchange for getting him to Celeste Graham, the agent that Mason Kane wipe out, she was Anders love one before the entire story happen, Dahlia Archer put a bullet to his head, Anders manage to walk to her and tried to choke one of her guards before he fall dead.

Citadel : Time Renders Us Enemies - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


This is the moment where everything went south for Citadel, Nadia Sinh gets an encrypted message from ID 001, no clue who that is but most be a founder? high rank?, saying Celeste Graham her friend was backstopped, the most obvious reason was that Mason Kane authorize there for she only had to ask one person to verify this info and it was Bernard who didn’t have to say a word when she ask him, this is when the Pandora Box was open, the two mayor spy in the agency going at each other, Mason Kane betray Nadia’s trust but the mission is above friendship for him.

Citadel : Time Renders Us Enemies - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


Nadia confronts Mason Kane, most people might think its so simple he betray her trust so fuck him….hold my beer, BIG TWIST, Nadia Sinh was the one who stole The Oz Key, she thought no one knew about it and at some point was true but Mason knew about it and never said or ask her anything so he took out Celeste to protect her from HERSELF, because of her own doing now Nadia was at risk and for Mason Nadia Sinh was above any mission because he loved her, obviously she was blinded because a minor detail, Mason Kane wipe out her friends memory without telling any of them.

Citadel : Time Renders Us Enemies - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -

Citadel : Time Renders Us Enemies - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


With every scene the truth starts to unfold and it look like Nadia Sinh was the one who sold out Citadel and got all those agents around the world killed but something was not clear enough yet, she was even accuse by Carter Spence who was the IT director at Citadel, he mention she was working with a terrorist Rahi Gambhir.

Citadel : Time Renders Us Enemies - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -

Citadel : Time Renders Us Enemies - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


After they recover Carter they felt some one was chasing them but during the entire ride they were discussing who did it, who sold out Citadel, Nadia was under a big pressure from both Carter and Mason until she stops and tells the truth, she ran away because she was pregnant with Mason’s daughter, even on the train mission she said to Mason “I lied to you…”, Rahi Gambhir is her father, the man who Carter Spence said is a terrorist, so she ran away to Valencia to give birth far from Citadel but she DID NOT sold out Citadel, the question remains who did it?

Citadel : Time Renders Us Enemies - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


Dahlia had a squad following Mason, Nadia and Carter after they got him out but things turn out worst, a bit too predictable for me that after Nadia Sinh confess she had a daughter with Mason now Dahlia kidnap her and wants them to help her take over a submarine with nuclear weapons.

Citadel : Time Renders Us Enemies - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


The submarine shot was very cool, some times depending on the Tv Series I tend to watch them on VR and the submarine closing in was very immersive - tv series divider

Citadel : Time Renders Us Enemies - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

Probably the episodes with the most insights of what really happen with Citadel, why everyone got killed except a few, why Nadia and Mason memories were wipe out, its all very odd but I have my theory that either Bernard Orlick or Mason Kane sold out Citadel because they were dirty and got ties with Manticore either they had family kidnap or something precious like secrets they didn’t want Manticore to expose, there were not a lot of explosions and action as the season trailer suggest but it was very interesting to see the truth unfold besides the actors are good enough to keep me entertain, as I mention keep in mind you are not watching something as good as say Mandalorian, Citadel is not on that league, its a bit lower with the semi pros, I’m really enjoying this tv series and season 2 has been announce so at least it wont leave us hanging.


Citadel : Time Renders Us Enemies - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4: - tv series divider


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Silo : The Janitor’s Boy – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP

Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Episode 5 of Silo : The Janitor’s Boy really tells how the administration, sheriffs and judicial have different interest and agendas for the Silo, for their people, for the structure and the future. The entire plot about the internal conspiracy from why they are really inside the Silo and if the outside is really safe or not is very interesting but every time they mention how they are confine to this space and how its an eternal circle of people been born and die inside the Silo without really seen the outside world, without experiencing what is to be free makes me sad and claustrophobic, the Silo does look big and when they go through the apartments looks like small corridors of a small city within the Silo so its very big although you can go from top to bottom in a single day as they have mention before so compare to been free outside and travel to any country or place you want makes a lot of difference, you are still limited to planet earth but its way more bigger and you get to meet different people every day, see the world, the landscapes, different cities, been free is just more than what they consider free on the Silo, besides they are not really free as George Wilkins thought and probably discover the reason why there is a conspiracy and why they are all tricked into thinking the outside is not safe and how the Silo population is manipulated by those in high hierarchy charges like judicial or the mayor.

On this episode we also know more about Robert Sims from judicial and his ambition, at the end he tells Trumbull how hard was life for him as a kid, as the Janitor Son, his father was a janitor who was proud of his job and how important it was for the Silo despite of what other said but Robert as a kid probably didn’t think the same and grew up with that ambition of been important and have power to step over those who look him and his father over the shoulder, now as part of judicial he has got part of that power that he wanted but his ambition is bigger than that, Bernard is there to remind him he is in charge and not Robert, as an intern mayor, I think this intern position was all planed and we are soon to discover how they did it, there has to be a network of spies, mics and cameras around the Silo and probably secret passages, rooms and doors that aloud them to control and do things without people noticing. - tv series divider
Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


It seems that the Mayor and Judicial always have plans to been steps ahead of the Silo sentiment, right now after the murder of the mayor and a sheriff people are scared to go out, kids to go to school, adults to go to work because they think a murder is loose out there and they could be next, after all there is not much room to run away, to prevent this chaos the mayor and judicial have come up with ideas to distract people, Sims idea (judicial) is to offer a holiday, Forgiveness Day although Bernard is more creative and came up with a celebration to commemorate Marnes and Ruth as an in love couple who were murder but the narrative is to talk about how great their last years together were, how much they love each other and on that day do things they “like” , for example having a race to the top in honor of Marnes, Robert disagree with the idea but Bernard idea generates a story, more than just giving a day off to the Silo and keep people thinking about a murder that is still out there, this two are going to clash in the future but Bernard is in charge, Robert cant step over him.

Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


As the clever man Bernard is, he tries to guide Jules around Judicial, not for them to be friends but to keep her alive, Im sure he already knows why she took the Sheriff job and wants her to also stay distracted thinking she can solve George murder case but at the same time keeping her away from the truth that might involve either him or Sims, keeping here running in circles but Jules is too smart to fall on that game, she is going to become a problem for Bernard and Sims.

Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


I would say that the first ten minutes of the episode was the interesting part where you have to analyze how Bernard, Robert and Jules think, how they react to each other, Paul Billings was there too but more like a compliance auditor since he knows so much the pact but the real talk and tension was between this all three, Bernard thinking he is the smart one on the room and have everyone figure out, Sims trying to step over Jules and Jules not giving a fuck about anyone and determine to discover what really happens with George.

This scene shows how Ruth and Marnes are buried together as a couple something that was just for married couples based on the pact but Bernard made an exception as the mayor, this was part of his plan for people to think about a couple in love and not about a couple with high hierarchy jobs murder, that was smart.

Jules gives a small speech that really reminds how sad is living within the Silo, how they are all trap without knowing why, how there a large population that knew Ruth as their only Mayor since they were born, this shows the monarchy and monopoly of politics within the Silo.

They are buried at a very low depth in a field of apple threes, everyone bites an apple an throw it at them because they will now serve as fertilizer for the apple threes and all those apples they bite are the seeds, the cycle of life and death within the Silo.

Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -

Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


Its all about distractions, shining things and mirrors, but this time Jules caught it right, she front runs Judicial and got Patrick Kennedy under her custody without telling anyone else, few days after Ruth was murder Marnes visit Patrick as a suspect of his witch hunt and got his ass kicked, he was the last person to have an altercation with Marnes and now Judicial wants to incriminate him, Jules picked up that thought fast enough to safe his Patrick’s live but also putting her own at risk, she was going after someone with way more power than her, Sims, who mention at the first scene of the episode how he was visit Marnes the night he died to convince him to make Paul Billings Sheriff so he could have inside man of his own. Jules takes Patrick and then stay around his apartment waiting for someone from Judicial to show up and she was right, Douglas Trumbull a man who was mislead by Sims under the impression he was a candidate to be Sims shadow, he was doing the dirty work for Sims and when Jules caught him in the act of planting false evidence on Patrick’s apartment there was a chase that ends on him pushing Jules over the stairs railing where she almost fall, same as George died, it was an intense scene.

Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -


After Douglas failed to plant false evidence on Patrick’s apartment, got discovered by Jules and failed to murder her after he got caught, it was evident that he was a threat to Sims, its here where Sims shows how drunk with power he is and his complex of been the Janitor’s Boy, he gives Douglas a pep talk about how hard was for him to be the Janitor’s Son and how after all the limitations he got to the point he is, even tells Douglas that he is going to be his shadow, the man smiles at Sims of happiness because it but Sims throws him to the bottom of the Silo, this shows how twisted and sick Sims is and he will anything to stay in his position of power, but I’m sure there is more to it, how he kills a man publicly and gets away wit it, there must be an insurance system that lets him manipulate the stories. - tv series divider

Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

I got to say I really enjoy Episode 5 of the Silo: The Janitor’s Boy, there was a lot of suspense and the action scenes were intense, on this Episode Sims starts to become an important character of the story, I remember how I mention this before, we start to see how Bernard and Sims are the ones really in charge of the Silo, from the first two episodes when Bernard was introduce he look like a robot, never thought he could be so sleek, sharp and manipulative, how he came up with the story of Ruth and Marnes been in love to change the narrative around the Silo, Sims show his true colors manipulating Paul, Douglas and telling Jules straight to her face how he is going to work to get rid of her and send her back to mechanical. I still don’t know who killed Ruth and Marnes, going to watch the episode again if cant figure out then probably on the next episode they will figure out the murder.

Silo : The Janitor's Boy - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4: - tv series divider


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