3 Body Problem: Countdown – Season 01 – Episode 01 – RECAP

3 Body Problem: Countdown - Season 01 - Episode 01 - RECAP
3 Body Problem: Countdown – Season 01 – Episode 01 – RECAP


Its only episode one and a lot of things going on although not much since everything surrounds a single mystery, ever since I saw the trailer this TV series got my attention since it has to be related with some sort of alien tech although I was not sure if its also time travel related or both??

I feel the story is a little bit crowded to start with a lot of characters, there is the main character so far Ye whose daughter killed herself after probably watching a count down same as other scientist who have been going through the same trauma but in the case of Ye she is a survivor from a revolution in China during the 60’s, a revolution mainly about science, I’m still not clear what were their demands but their leaders were after something big, trying to communicate with something out there, do they mean space? or future?

A group of friends, all scientist suffer the death of her teacher Vera, most of their projects are been shut down due to lack of results a common denominator across many Particle Colliders around the world and now one of the them is starting to see the count down everywhere she goes, the question is how, when and why would it stop or what it means?? certain only sci-fi events happen like the universe wink at you, like the starts start to Morse code all at once.

IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13016388/
– Platform: Netflix

3 Body Problem: Countdown - Season 01 - Episode 01 - RECAP
3 Body Problem: Countdown – Season 01 – Episode 01 – RECAP

Revolution during the 60’s going on in China, looks like a witch hunt, they hunting scientist but I’m not sure if its because they teaching or believe in certain not proven or wrong theories? Ye Wenjie father is on stage accuse, he refuse to accept there is space for God in any of the theories he teach so is this revolution about God? come one people make up your mind.

It seems that this was the young ones only, the puppets, Ye after loosing her father got recruited by higher ranks because they needed scientist like her with lot of talent to help with their communications experiments, makes me think then why kill her father? well probably he was at the wrong place at wrong time, a bit confusing this part of the story and this is not good for viewers.

3 Body Problem: Countdown - Season 01 - Episode 01 - RECAP
3 Body Problem: Countdown – Season 01 – Episode 01 – RECAP

Benedict Wong from Avengers show up this time as an investigator, his name Da Shi; working on a case where different scientist kill themself for unknown reasons, this last one had high possibilities of getting the novel prize on physics, Vera experiment also discover something they could not explain so is there something or someone killing all this scientist on purpose before they get to close to a big discovery?? this is the part that starts to get interesting, there is a connection between all this dead scientist.

3 Body Problem: Countdown - Season 01 - Episode 01 - RECAP
3 Body Problem: Countdown – Season 01 – Episode 01 – RECAP

Continue with introducing characters, Saul was working with Vera on her experiment and its the last day the Collider will remain functional after they were shut down because their experiment was going no where, Saul is very irrelevant at this point but he still alive that’s what matters because what if this is a type of The Ring effect where everyone one of them start to see the count down at some point? Different than others Vera look very calm and cool before she kill herself jumping into a pool of some sort of fluid, probably deadly, her last question to Saul was about God.

3 Body Problem: Countdown - Season 01 - Episode 01 - RECAP
3 Body Problem: Countdown – Season 01 – Episode 01 – RECAP

Next in the group of friends, Jin and Auggie; at a bar having a drink were notified by Saul about Vera’s death, they were discussing the anomalies on Vera’s experiment and how physics and science over all have got to a dead end but I think they were talking about physics mostly, there are other parts of science probably making discoveries and working on things, it was at this moment that Auggie start to see the count down, it started as a Matrix glitch effect until numbers came up in front of her eyes making what ever was behind them look blurry.

3 Body Problem: Countdown - Season 01 - Episode 01 - RECAP
3 Body Problem: Countdown – Season 01 – Episode 01 – RECAP

After Vera’s funeral all five friends gather to have a drink and talk about how weird all this was. John Bradley play the role of Jack Rooney but he is not a scientist, I like he is not playing a nerdy shy role as he usually does, this time a kind of ass hole all about money guy, as usual he is very funny. Auggie has been feeling off after constantly watching this count down even visit a Neurologist to figure out whats wrong with her, only Jin knows at the moment, that night she step out of the bar for a smoke and a young women offers to light up her cigarette with a very devilish smile on her, she tells Auggie she knows about the countdown and the only way to stop it is if she shuts down her lab, Auggie has a nano tech lab; its like some one is trying to stop different experiments going on that could probably lead to new tech? or the end of the world? again this is the part, the idea, that is interesting.

3 Body Problem: Countdown - Season 01 - Episode 01 - RECAP
3 Body Problem: Countdown – Season 01 – Episode 01 – RECAP

Jin visits Vera’s mother, Ye; after a few days to help her and get some clues of why Vera would kill herself and Ye mention everything look normal with her, nothing strange, nothing out of the ordinary except a video game that Vera would play none stop, thats when Ye gave Jin the headset, looks like a piece of metal no lenses or headphones. I wonder why Ye been a scientist too didn’t put it on after Vera die, trying to figure out the death of her daughter?

It seems critics and audience are in sync about this series, solid 7/10 on IMDB and RTT, I agree on this after watching the first episode I would say solid 7.5 for me, the mystery about why this scientist can see this countdown and why the women who talk to Auggie ask her to shut down her lab only tells me that either she will make a big discovery or could turn out very bad for humans, Aliens in movies usually want to help humans from eradicating themself although its not clear who is making this scientist watch this count down. The headset I want to see more of that and find out if it is really a game or a simulation of whats going to happen, the story about the China revolution not so interesting to me unless this series is about time travel and they have discover a way to send messages through time, lots of questions, I’ll definitely continue to watch this series but on the traditional one episode a week since I don’t like watching them all at once Netflix release style.

#skiptvads, #inleo, #hive,

Tokyo Vice: The Noble Path – Season 02 – Episode 08 – RECAP

Tokyo Vice: The Noble Path - Season 02 - Episode 08 - RECAP
Tokyo Vice: The Noble Path – Season 02 – Episode 08 – RECAP


I believe Tokyo Vice is a very underrated series and not because it has a low rating, reason why is because not many people knows about it or talks about but, at times it can be a bit slow as any other police / journalist tv series who are after the bad guys but then it picks up very quickly.

On season one for me it was always Jake, Samantha and Sato the main characters but on season two things have change a bit but always with Jake in the middle of the storm, Samantha has turn into a disposable character with her moments but not as focus as in first season, Sato has probably remain at the top three but now Tozawa and Katagari next to Jake all the time.

Episode eight was every exiting to watch with a lot of retaliation specially at Chihara-Kai ever since Hayama took over after their Oyabun death, the monster that Tozawa has turn in after he came back is expanding rapidly starting to control not only the streets but high power inside the government and probably the US embassy.

IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2887954/
– Platform: MAX

Tokyo Vice: The Noble Path - Season 02 - Episode 08 - RECAP
Tokyo Vice: The Noble Path – Season 02 – Episode 08 – RECAP

Episode starts with a Yakuza arrest in the the US while they were having a good time in Hawaii, after they got busted its not known if they are part of Tozawa clan, this arrest seem very random without much details like Yakuza overall is expanding in the US without limits, similar to the wave of violence that is happening in Japan at the moment with Tozawa just watching from the distance like he is promoting all this without been directly involve.

Tokyo Vice: The Noble Path - Season 02 - Episode 08 - RECAP
Tokyo Vice: The Noble Path – Season 02 – Episode 08 – RECAP

Jake return from the US early because he found evidence that can tie Tozawa to a case of corruption, how he got to the US and got a liver transplant along with many other charges, Katagiri is now pushing Jake to publish but Meisho won’t allow it mainly because he doesn’t have much proof and besides it seems someone inside is working for Tozawa ever since the evidence tape at Meisho burn down, video tape that involve the Transport Minister in a murder case.

Tokyo Vice: The Noble Path - Season 02 - Episode 08 - RECAP
Tokyo Vice: The Noble Path – Season 02 – Episode 08 – RECAP

Samantha as usual hits rock bottom again but she is not alone this time, Sato is back with her out of nothing and it sucks because he was always there for her and only after her club got shut down and she needed a shoulder to cry she let in Sato knowing one of her models was going out with him, what a bitch. Sato also needs a shoulder and some support because he was thrown out of Chihara Kai after Hayama took over, to make things worst his brother join Chihara Kai and most likely will be abuse or end up dead very quick, Sato is looking for a way to get his brother back, there is a lot of revenge going on in this episode because Sato does get what he is looking for and what his Oyabun Ishida wanted all the time if he ever died.

Tokyo Vice: The Noble Path - Season 02 - Episode 08 - RECAP
Tokyo Vice: The Noble Path – Season 02 – Episode 08 – RECAP

Jake came early to Japan, at Meisho there were a lot of people mad at him after his last tantrum before he left, the reason he left; brought them some gift and try to make amends although Tin Tin deserve it after acting like a cry baby when he got played by the Minister and blame Jake for it. That story about the Yakuza bust just came up at Meisho, Trendy and Jake are assign to it and this could serve as a piggy back for Jake so he can keep digging although he already got his answers, now he has to some how connect them to hard prove to publish, once again he gets shut down by the corrupt system who latter on will slap everyone on their faces.

Tokyo Vice: The Noble Path - Season 02 - Episode 08 - RECAP
Tokyo Vice: The Noble Path – Season 02 – Episode 08 – RECAP

Jake’s boss, Emi; has been instructed to investigate the Meisho current director Baku after the video tape evidence burn down, they are suspecting that Baku is working for Tozawa because if they had publish that story it would connect the Minister of Transport and Tozawa to a murder case and some one would have talk to safe their ass, specially Minister of Transport who already told the truth of what was going on between him and Tozawa after one night Katagiri got tired of playing by the rules and went down ninja style into his place, treating to cut his finger off. After all Tin Tin did found and old article from Tozawa home town where Baku interview him directly so this is a start, some how Baku and Tozawa know each other.

Tokyo Vice: The Noble Path - Season 02 - Episode 08 - RECAP
Tokyo Vice: The Noble Path – Season 02 – Episode 08 – RECAP

There is constant humor into this series specially coming from Tozawa, the guy is constantly making fun of people because he can basically do what ever the fuck he wants, this time comes into the room after his wife was trying to sneak around a deal with the Transport Minister behind his back but Tozawa has eyes and ears every where so he got there to remember the Minister of certain video tape that could come back at any moment and destroy his career, he does not want a Transport Minister, he needs the Minister of Justice on his side.

Tokyo Vice: The Noble Path - Season 02 - Episode 08 - RECAP
Tokyo Vice: The Noble Path – Season 02 – Episode 08 – RECAP

Tozawa again displaying his power, Katagiri new boss Nagata was making a lot of progress busting Yakuza left and right, now getting closer to Tozawa thanks to Jake and Katagiri but the moment she got too close to the sun her wings burn down, there is a new Justice Minister, Nagata gets replaced, Jake had a meeting with Yabuki, Tozawa’s right hand; to let him know if he continues with his story they going to kill him.

Sato getting back to Chihara Kai does not surprise me I really though he would eventually but how Tozawa start to control everything and kill Ishida shows a lot of power out of him right now, when he left he was very ill and didn’t have this much power on the government and the streets but after killing Ishida and taking over his Wife’s family organization he got stronger than ever been able to pull strings everywhere and cover things up so he doesn’t get involve, even showing up at the police station to proof his innocence, its just ridiculous.

Question at hand is, will Sato retaliate and go after Tozawa? will Jake work with him? its going to be war in the streets and Tozawa has a lot of enemies after him, also those who work for him like Baku and the new Justice Minister are been secretly investigated, there are a lot of twist to this series although it looks very basic from the outside, I give Episode 8 a 7.5/10.

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The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: What We – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP

The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: What We - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP
The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: What We – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP


Rick and Michonne are back at it in the wild, this is good because from now on the series will be more versatile in terms of whats going to happen next, its not anymore about CRM conspiracy but also surviving in the wild so possibilities are infinite. Before they came to an agreement to stay together an entire twenty four hour argument had to happen, this episode made me feel like I was in my 20s again having an argument with my girlfriend, those type of argument that last for days and not even how hard you try can’t come to an agreement, it was exhausting and I was constantly wanting to fast forward but that would ruin the episode for me so I had to stay put with all the bullshit of this episode, I have to say TWD does have a strong fan base because on IMDB this episode got a 9.2 with over 2600+ votes, WTF!

In my opinion this is the worst episode from the last three spin off considering this is the best spin off out of the three, it sounds weird but that’s just how I see it, besides there was nothing special about the ending, I didn’t like it at all but that doesn’t mean its a 1/10 that would be ridiculous just as some people score movies and tv series online, to be fair I would give it a 6/10.

IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9859436/
– Platform: AMC+

The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: What We - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP
The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: What We – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP
The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: What We - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP
The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: What We – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP

On episode three after their mission, the CRM helicopter was heading back to Philadelphia during a storm, Michonne open the helicopter door and take Rick down with her without even knowing where they would land, there is no way she knew they were over water at that point, probably saw something from the front helicopter window but still. Landed in the water, went back to shore and got into a building where the entire argument starts, Rick immediately ask for the PBR (GPS) back since he lost his, to let know the CRM where they are.

The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: What We - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP
The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: What We – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP

Surprise surprise, Michonne with Rick with, you have another kid his name is Rick too, how about that, she was pregnant when Rick disappear after the bridge incident, his son is the one who call him the Brave Men. Comando, episode reference for Rick jeje; answers back we have to go back

The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: What We - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP
The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: What We – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP

This is if I’m not mistaken the first 20 minutes of the episode, every argument ends up with give me the PRB we need to go back, doesn’t matter how and how many times Michonne tries to raise the case that they have children back home waiting for them, asking for their father and Rick refuse to go back mainly because he fears Jadis will go looking for them because she is all in for the CRM cause and that implies to keep it a secret.

The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: What We - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP
The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: What We – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP

The next day after the storm Michonne is over arguing with Rick because he is the one who does not want to go back so she gave him the PRB and notice that the helicopter they were flying in had hit the building next to them, she save Rick by jumping from the helicopter, this means they are “dead” too, minutes after they notice this another CRM helicopter comes in and launch rockets to destroy the helicopter that had crash trying to leave zero evidence of the CRM behind. Another argument about the hole situation starts, my eyes role back thinking here we go again but Michonne this time cut the bullshit and decided to go home without Rick and he finally decided to go with her, wasn’t easy because the first time they try after another big argument there were walkers outside who stop them from leaving.

The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: What We - Season 1 - Episode 4 - RECAP
The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: What We – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP

Finally after all the arguments and talking Rick explains why he could not go back with her, it was not the fear that the CRM or Jadis will go looking for them, Rick lost his memories, he forgot Carl face first and then fear he would forget Michonne too, that’s why he kept trying to dream about her, there was episode with Rick and Michonne eating in the park, I was like that never happen why this images, well it was Rick forcing himself to not forgetting Michonne face, that is why Rick couldn’t go back with her, at times he totally forgot what he felt for her and now that she is back he remembers but there is some weird confusion going on with him.

If you ask me this is not a confusing episode, its very simple, Rick try everything he could to escape the CRM and go back with Michonne for years, more than eight years trying to escape form the CRM even cut his arm to the point he start forgetting his love ones, like his son Carl and fear he forgets about Michonne too but when he finally took the desicion to go all in the CRM, when the military life suck him in, Okafor gave him a purpose again a life within the CRM by promoting him, days latter Michonne appears again on his life, the decision was easy go back with her but he didn’t he actually made things worst for them by taking Michonne back with him to Philadephia because Jadis now knows they together and I’m sure that most likely she will go after them the main reason for this assumption is because Rick knows way too much about the CRM and Jadis did mention that if they escape would be the first ones to do it, the CRM will lift every stone on earth to find them and finish them.

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Shogun (2024): Tomorrow Is Tomorrow – Episode 3 – RECAP

Shogun (2024): Tomorrow Is Tomorrow - Episode 3 - RECAP

Shogun (2024): Tomorrow Is Tomorrow - Episode 3 - RECAP - INTRODUCTIONJohn Blackthorne is moving fast in the ranks but not because of his own means so far but because he as become the perfect obstacle for the Council in favor of Toronaga, Yoshii has use him as a pawn on this, so far; silent war he has against the other four most powerful men in Japan.

What intrigue me the most is how far will Yabushige will remain alive playing the double agent game, for the most part he makes everyone believe he is on Toronaga’s side but behind close doors he constantly talks to Ishido even advice him how to move against Toronaga and tries to make him use John as a pawn on this side too but the truth is that Yabushige intercept John when Ishido send for him, then Yabushige deliever John to Toronaga, this looks like Yabushige is with Toronaga but trying to hustle Ishido, looking for any land or power he can get from him for his personal use, I doubt Yabushige will be able to betray Toronaga before he finds out or kill him.

IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2788316/
– Platform: FOXNOW

Shogun (2024): Tomorrow Is Tomorrow - Episode 3 - RECAP - RottenTomatoe Rating
Shogun (2024): Tomorrow Is Tomorrow - Episode 3 - RECAP - Episode Events
Shogun (2024): Tomorrow Is Tomorrow - Episode 3 - RECAP
Shogun (2024): Tomorrow Is Tomorrow – Episode 3 – RECAP

Episode two had a dramatic ending with for almost everyone on Toronaga’s clan, after John reveal to them that the Portuguese run a gun warehouse Mariko suspect this was used on their war against the Taiko, same war that Toronaga fought meaning they are not their friend but their enemy making all kind of profits under their own noses without even noticing, Yabushige was probably like wtf just happen?

Shogun (2024): Tomorrow Is Tomorrow - Episode 3 - RECAP
Shogun (2024): Tomorrow Is Tomorrow – Episode 3 – RECAP

Toronaga has decided to move out of Osaka, he was able to delay his impeachment but thats not enough and with what John has reveal to him changes everything, before he goes kinda broke relationship between the church and Japan closing the port for them this also got Ishido suspecting and now if the other Catholic members of the Council remain loyal to their faith are they also Ishido’s enemy but in the meantime allies against Toronaga?

Shogun (2024): Tomorrow Is Tomorrow - Episode 3 - RECAP
Shogun (2024): Tomorrow Is Tomorrow – Episode 3 – RECAP

This scene is a very funny one, aside from the mind games there is certain comedy happening specially between Mariko and John, he has no other option since she is his interpreter although he is trying to learn Japanese, he is short on options so they have become some what close and Mariko makes fun of him every time she can regarding how he is a barbarian since he knows nothing about their traditions, in this case the Dr. taking care of his wound suggest they get him a women to calm him down where Mariko translate for him and latter ask if he prefers a male companion.

Shogun (2024): Tomorrow Is Tomorrow - Episode 3 - RECAP
Shogun (2024): Tomorrow Is Tomorrow – Episode 3 – RECAP

I’m following the series episode by episode every week, let me tell you that Chiyo is going to become a very important part of John life, after her husband and baby where killed because her husband insulted Ishido she is now going to serve Toronaga to gain a place on his clan, there is suppose to be a romance relationship between John and a women but I’m not sure yet if its Mariko or Chiyo, both went through the same circumstances, both serving Toronaga to remain on his clan and gain a seat, but I’m still not sure if any of the two will fall in love with John.

Shogun (2024): Tomorrow Is Tomorrow - Episode 3 - RECAP
Shogun (2024): Tomorrow Is Tomorrow – Episode 3 – RECAP

Japanese honor is something very beautiful that in the case of John he knows nothing about, but he does take certain risks specially lie about certain things, in this case he saves Toronaga by making a full of himself trying to stop Ishido’s soldier to look into the case where women where transport, saying how disrespectful is to peek at a women’s quarters, if he didnt do this Toronaga was going to be discover for sure but NONE of the Toronaga clan was going to make a fool of themself like John did because of honor, they just do not behave that way no matter what, in that case they probably prefer Toronaga getting discovered and fight for their lives.

Shogun (2024): Tomorrow Is Tomorrow - Episode 3 - RECAP
Shogun (2024): Tomorrow Is Tomorrow – Episode 3 – RECAP

Once again Toronaga playing mind tricks at the rest of the council, before Taiko died the orders were simple and explicit, there MUST be five Regents to vote if not they cant but now Toronaga quits the Council leaving only four regents, this moves are starting to make Ishido loose his patience, I think its silly that they cant vote if Toronaga quits, first he can’t quit and second if he does then he can be by default declare an enemy of the council.

Shogun (2024): Tomorrow Is Tomorrow - Episode 3 - RECAP - Conclusion

This series is just getting better and better, we only on episode four as this week, I’m loving all the mind games Toronaga is playing on everyone not only on the council members but also on Yabushige, it seems that been a hostage as little gave him every advantage he needed to develop this mind state, I think we now get into the stage where John starts to go up in the ranks, learn their culture, their language, handle a sword, this is very familiar….last samurai type of thing, but still interesting to me, I’m sure most people are enjoying this tv series a lot.

Shogun (2024) - Trailer

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Masters Of The Air: Part Six – E06 – RECAP


The show is currently on episode 8 about to finish this Friday 15, I have been keeping up with the episodes but had delays as usual to post recaps, it has been a blast for the most part but as any other mini series there are a few slow episodes. Episode six in my opinion doesn’t fall into the full hype episodes and I think from here one the story is about giving some closure to all the characters, specially Crosby, Buck and Bucky. There is something unusual on this mini series, having some other strong characters like Captain Rosie who are so strong but not given enough screen time, the entire problem is that there is too much to the story that does not fit into one season and its a shame AppleTV didn’t think this way, there is so much potential and they decided to make it a mini series.

Episode six is a drama episode but starts with some action, Buck is alive, landed in Germany after he had to jump ship but he was quickly capture by locals and then detain by the Military, this episode is all about Buck. There are other characters who keep developing the story like Crosby and Rosie, both send to rest and clear their minds out of base.

IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2640044/
– Platform: AppleTV+

In times of war must be a constant adrenaline rush to be in the middle of enemy territory, alone with just your pistol and trying to stay hidden from any pair of eyes that come across, you have to assume everyone is the enemy but can’t take defense actions because you will be quickly out number, you might take out a few but once their bodies are discover a lot of heat will be after you, in a very short term this is what happen to Buck, he was found by locals and then detain.

After the last very rough mission some of the personnel were send out to clear their mind, Crosby was send to Oxford for a conference where there would be all kind of members from the Allies Military Forces, he gets letters from his wife and before Bubbles died he was a bit dry when ever talking about her. Rosie and his crew were send out directly to a resting place, not a spa but all kind of activities to relax, as a fact that was the direct order relax, they were the only survivor of their last mission and the scene where all they see were airplane parts falling from the sky must put a lot of weigh on their shoulders, who would want to go up in the sky again after what they saw? but after all they were the only ones who came back so there must be something special about that Rosie and his crew, Co. want them back sharp as fuck but understood they have to calm down and relax after all the carnage they went through.

Allies are starting to bomb Germany, they going deep and cities are starting to fall, Buck and some other pilots that were capture were been transport by train until they got to a point were the city was destroy and the train had to stop, from there they had to walk but the main problem were the people around them at the moment, the city just got bombarded by the Royal Air Force at night, the minute people saw American Pilots they brought down the hammer, attacking them, stab them, German Soldiers allow all this until it was enough mayhem and started to put them down one by one with a bullet to their heads, I guess it was a dramatic cliche scene but when the German Soldier tries to kill Buck, he ran out of bullets.

Buck instead got knock out and though dead, the group of pilots were going to be burred in the outsides of the city but Buck was still alive and try to escape, he was just too weak and now military caught him again, this was the best outcome because he was either going to be burred alive or shot before been 7ft under ground.

There were all kind of spies on both sides during war, we have seen this many times on WWII TV series recently like A Small Light, The New Look, All the Light We Cannot See, spies was a thing, probably not the James Bond type of spies just regular people that were a sell out, Germany had a lot of intel on American pilots and the moment Buck was capture they knew a lot about him, he was brought to interrogation although he as many others refuse to answer any questions other than his name, rank and serial number.

This last four episodes of Masters of The Air I think will mostly touch on other topics than air battle, they will probably be more about the physical and psychological struggles of pilots and soldiers during war, in the case of Crosby and Rosie who have gone through so much and they are still free and alive, others with less fortune like Buck were send out to camps where all American Soldiers capture went to, on this series the camp was mostly full of Air Force members, they also show a scene how civilians were taken to work camps it was brutal to see all that people asking for help, I always see the educational side of this scenes, many jump the gun into conclusions like its propaganda on any of the two sides although all I can think is that no body should be treated this way but we also have to realize during war times this things are going to happen or worst.

Part Six brings a now well known actress Bel Powley, from A Small Light, she now plays the role of Sandra Westgate who ends up to be Crosby roommate at the Oxford conference and they build a bond, I do not applaud cheating on your wife just for been out of the country for that long but we can’t denied that the women is a key component of all adult men, some cant be without one at least for closure for a companion, Crosby has gone through so much and probably after a long time he found something of this on Sandra; their moment ended quickly this time since she was called back to HQ and had to go leaving Crosby hanging.

As you can tell from the cover image Bucky is alive, Buck is capture and during an escape attempt re capture but it was the best it could happen to him after locals try to finish him on the streets and German soldiers participate too, the series is starting to fall mainly into drama of what the Pilots, Soldiers and regular people went through during the war, since Bucky and Buck are back together we will see the rest of the episodes leaning more into their release, escape or death, I have keep up with watching the episodes every week but this are the type of posts that takes me the most to write and haven’t had the proper time, I think I might just speed run the next episodes for the rest of the week so I can finish the episode recaps on Saturday.

It has been a blast so far watching this series, I think most people had a good time specially during the first five episodes when it was full of air battle action, sadly NOW that the allies fighters show up they will have very few minutes of screen, I kept asking to watch a battle with fighters as escorts of the bombers but so far never got it, for the ending of the series I’m open for anything, after all a lot of people were send send to death march where they either die marching on the snow or they got killed by soldiers, sad episodes but again that’s how brutal war is and there is nothing we can do about it just avoid it at all costs because there is no good outcome out of war, never is.

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The Walking Dead: Bye – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP


Right now it feels like a great time for TV series with so many productions, great shows releasing and some about to end or finish their season like Masters of The Air and Halo, last year I felt there were not this many great series like The Ones Who Live and Shogun, 2023 TWD spin off stared a bit weak with Dead City even giving the impression that they were just trying to milk the cow a bit more although towards the end Negan took the wheel and ended very strong in my opinion.

The Ones Who Live is just getting better and this is only the third episode, more mysteries are been reveal on this episode at the same time it starts to make me feel like not trusting Rick or others, like Michonne is the only good one here. It is also confirm that no body has escape so far from the city and Rick has been the only one so far that had that many attempts and almost got off when he cut his arm.

IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9859436/

– Platform: AMC+

I still don’t get why if the CRM does’t allow A (strong leaders) in, how Rick, Jadis and Pearl make it because all the CRM wants are sheep they can control and been citizens, Jadis now is high in the ranks of the CRM but then the same question comes up why she was allow inside? she is so higher than Rick that she actually got him by the balls making him take desperate actions asking Pearl for favors and I’m starting to think that Jadis knows about this.

On episode 3 there were a few scenes with a lot of impact, Jadis been the only knowing about Rick and Michonne puts a lot of weight on him even giving him an ultimatum, if anything happens to her she left all the necessary documentation so they CRM knows about them, Rick beg her not to and let Michonne go but she is right about something, it was Rick to brought her back, she should have stay out, although Rick probably consider her chances to survive the CRM were higher been inside having him looking after her, its just sick how Jadis has total control over Rick to make him beg.

It was a matter of time and circumstances for Michonne to show off  her killing skills, its a natural thing on her knowing how to fight and kill walkers and people too, she had one job; not to let others see this other side of her but she blew it off for the first time during her shift after she had to take actions to safe one of her co workers before a few walkers jump her, it does look like the CRM gathers the sheep only.

Pearl different than Rick is a soldier, she follows orders, she actually didn’t like him although Major Okafor got them closer before he died, thats the only reason why she help Rick getting Michonne into Philadelphia, before Okafor died Mayor Baele ask Rick if he could trust him and Okafor like he was smelling what they were cooking and its no coincidence that now so quick after Okafor died both Pearl and Rick go higher in the ranks, in my opinion Baele is setting the bait to know what were Okafor plans and if both Pearl and Rick are still on it.

Rick doesn’t give two shit about the CRM, Pearl didn’t but some how she got brainwash after her debrief when she was giving the Major rank. Rick is still trying to get away but now he needs to help Michonne escape, its better one outside than both inside the CRM, he had everything perfectly lay out, tries to trick Michonne but she could not go alone, lot of people died during her journey to find Rick so there is no way she is going back home empty handed knowing she did find Rick. I think this is very selfish from her knowing she has a kid back home.

Pearl is going to pull ranks with Rick, the inevitable has happen and now all eyes are on Michonne who was presented as this poor women trying to survive, another survivor that was looking for a community to join, obviously what sold her off were her fighting skills and Pearl did advocate for her at first but now has no other option. She calls Rick and basically told him WTF? what I’m suppose to do or say about her when she is basically showing off all this talent to kill walkers, this force Rick to tell Michonne is over between them but she doesn’t buy it, the most interesting and dramatic scenes happen during a mission they were part off but I better not discuss that scene until next episode, that’s all the action shown during the episode so its better of you to watch the episode.

Since episode one I knew the hole CRM situation had Rick desperate to the point that he cut his arm to escape, this is usually wild animal behavior when they fell its over, when they are cornered with no where to go, this is confirm during his conversation with Jadis how he beg her to let Michonne go, I knew this spin off was going to be great because of the main characters but this is turning out awesome, not that much action between episodes but the drama generates peak dopamine, the best thing about this spin off is that cliff hangers between episodes are not that big of a deal, just enough to make you want to watch another episode  and enough not to make you mad because now you have to wait a week for the next episode.

#thewalkingdead, #oneswholive, #tvseries, #rickandmichonne, #compellingsaga, #tumultuousworld, #survival, #existentialcrisis, #scottmgimple, #danaigurira, #andrewlincoln, #pollyannamcintosh, #iconicroles, #originalseries, #aftermath

Shogun (2024): Servants of Two Masters – Episode 2 – RECAP


Shogun (2024) is turning into one of the best TV series I have seen ever, I think many viewers agree been that its online score remains so high after every episode, every scene is interconnected even though there are many characters on this story every single one of them have to do with the other in the middle of this war that is starting to shape up, consider there was already a war going on specially against Yoshii Toronaga but this war is expanding potentially putting part of Japan against Portugal leading this front will be Toronaga, things about to get very very spicy but first he needs to find a way out of Osaka, he already accomplish to delay and cause some division amount the rest of the council but there still a lot more to be done so he can go back home, most likely taking Anajin John with him.

IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2788316/
– Platform: FOXNOW

First thing I would like to mention from this episode is the Taiko’s Samurai Armor, the thing is so beautiful, all shiny, glowing with yellow and orange details even has a mustache probably representing his age and wisdom.

Taiko is ill and dying, everyone knows this, he first offer Yoshii to be the regent leader but he knew this would be the perfect excuse for this enemies to gather up and kill him for the power and taking over the throne, Taiko Toyotomi Hideyoshi knew Toronaga was smarter than that so he had already papers done where the council will be the five most powerful men of Japan including Toronaga and all decisions have to be taken under one common agreement.

The Portuguese first intention was to get John killed for piracy but based on his journal he knows more than they though, even some of the Portuguese secrets that it was on their best interest to keep hidden from the rest of Japan, without direct intentions Toronaga will discover this, an event that will change everything and divide the Catholic Church and Japan including the Regent Council turning this entire story into a free for all match.


Teasing and incentivizing the split of the other four members of the council, Toronaga schedule an audience with John, he had no interest on him but what he can represent, within the council there are Catholic members who would consider John’s presence disrespectful and would be eager to finish him as soon as possible before moving forward with any other business and Toronaga knew this, he is a very smart man part of this because as a kid he was offered as a hostage what is consider a high honor and learn from other enemies.


Toronaga’s audience with John had a Portuguese father Martin Alvito and Toda Mariko as interpreters, Toronaga didn’t fully trust the Catholics so he had one of his clan who knew Portuguese to be present. Audience was interrupt by Ishido Kazunari who consider it absurd and disrespectful falling into Toronaga’s trap, Ishido’s presence there add certain importance to the audience forcing others to pay attention, meaning the other members of the council so it work out perfectly, John was detain and by now Toronaga had what he wanted from him, he didn’t mean anything to hiim anymore.


Mariko was the first one to understand Toronaga’s plan before everyone else but there was no certainty that it would work, not even Toronaga knew this for a fact but been there are their mercy it was his only chance and hope for at least delaying things and buy him some more time before the council dictate measures against him with the most possible outcome of death for him and his entire clan.


The next morning everything work out just perfectly, when Ishido and the three other members of the council meet to take actions against Toronaga there were higher matter to touch besides Toronaga but not for Ishido who demand from the other members to vote on Toronaga and then they can move into other business but religion and honor are first, Toronaga is political, this situation has created a delay on Toronaga’s future but he is not out of danger, once John is executed then Toronaga would be next.


Ishido makes a move incentivize by his anger against the members of the council who decided to pause Toronaga execution also after Yabushige planted distrust on Ishido against them, only working on this own benefit Yabushige suggested John could be a powerful ally in case the other members of the council decided to go against him. Ishido decided to take John under his protection, probably fake his death but never realize Yabushige was working for Toronaga at the same time although he knew about it but was probably not 100% certain, Yabushige rescue John and brings him back to Toronaga and its here with Mariko as interpreter that John finally told Toronaga about the Portuguese gun running bases protected by Ronin and the fact that Portugal only wanted to make them think they were independent.

I see a big great fight shaping up between armies where Portuguese will be involve too and makes me think if ships will soldiers will arrive or if this is just going to be a Civil War while Portuguese run away or stay out of the conflict, what John reveal was a big deal for everyone in Japan either if they are allies or not unless they are sell outs, honor goes above anything on this story just as an example they guy who interrupted the council audience insinuating Ishido insulted Toronaga, he had to offer his life and his only born son to get his honor back, this kind of attitude its insane and to some point barbaric, I get been this strict is probably the only way why everything is so perfect but still how you going to kill a baby just because his father made a scene?? tf.

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ECHO (2024) – Chafa – Episode 1 – RECAP

ECHO (2024) Episode 1 Recap - Chafa
Dare Devil vs ECHO (2024) Episode 1 – Chafa


ECHO (2024) - Chafa - Episode 1 - RECAP - INTRODUCTION - www.skiptvads.blog

There are two character that makes me wanting to like ECHO, this two characters are Dare Devil and Kingpin; there are several reasons for this, first is because I remember Kingpin the most from the Spider Man cartoons so brings back memories from when I was a kid and Dare Devil I have always like the red armor suit, although in this series looks a bit over weight or short I don’t know whats the deal, he is one of those super hero who has no powers, yes there is the fact that he train and develop his hearing more than anyone else although she doesn’t fly or shoot lasers, we can say he is on the same super hero category as Batman and Iron Man, this two other have no super powers neither its just their brain and training so for this I really like Dare Devil plus all the stunts he pulls on every movie or TV series he is in, remember how he catch that brick on Spider-Man No Way Home?

The first episode of ECHO but it is very evident that they trying to cover a lot of ground and time will be against it, this is the first Marvel show for 2024 and I was expecting it to be good but episode one I could only give it a 7/10 at best, most of the votes on IMDB are the same and Audience acceptance over all on RottenTomatoes is very low on the 65%, I only hope that this series is not that bad, 7/10 is an OK score.

Episode one try to resume how Maya Lopez lost her leg as a kid, her family from his father side was not the most straight, it looks like her fathers last name meant trouble everywhere they go, Maya and her mother got into a bad car wreck because some one cut the breaks out of their truck trying to hurt her father or family, her uncle is The Kingpin and runs New York who stop her before she became a trouble for him and gave her a job as part of his mafia but things didn’t go that well between them.

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ECHO (2024) - Chafa - Episode 1 - RECAP - EPISODE DETAILS - www.skiptvads.blog

ECHO (2024) Episode 1 Recap - Chafa
First Choctaw Family on ECHO (2024) Episode 1 Recap – Chafa


From previous videos and the trailer across episodes we are going to get more information about Maya Lopez roots, the story of how the first Choctaw people came to earth, from where she gets her power, part of their narrative on how things became to exist and their culture, that is something production and the Choctaw themself have try to communicate through this TV Series, make more people aware of their culture.

ECHO (2024) Episode 1 Recap - Chafa
Bonnie and Maya Sisters – ECHO (2024) Episode 1 – Chafa


As a kid Maya had a very happy life living with her parents and having her cousin Bonnie coming home, although I wonder who is Bonnie’s father? things go so fast during the episode that Bonnie arrive with her grand parents to Maya’s house, I did look up online and I believe Bonnie’s father is Henry Lopez, I would also assume this because latter on when Maya comes back home she look for him and had a quick talk about her plans, Maya and Bonnie were very close and they consider themself as sisters.

ECHO (2024) Episode 1 Recap - Chafa
Maya loose more than her leg on – ECHO (2024) Episode 1 – Chafa


When Maya and her mom got into the accident this was devastate for the family, Maya lost her leg but the worst part is that she feels its her fault her mom is dead, took some time for her father to let her know what happen, Maya thinks its her fault she is dead because she wanted hot chocolate and they had to go to the store. Her father was offered a job in New York, far away from Maya’s home town, the Lopez last name is means trouble and her grand mother Chula knew this, she never approve Maya’s father.

ECHO (2024) Episode 1 Recap - Chafa
Maya overcoming obstacles on ECHO (2024) Episode 1 – Chafa


Maya had it rough growing up with this minor disability at first but she figure it out to overcome it although most people underestimate her and that’s part of her super power, Maya was full of anger, causing troubles left and right, she became really good fighter but her father was still dealing and making business most likely with the wrong people and that got both into deep trouble, the episode happens as the very same pace as I’m describing it, it felt like the story got really rush during the entire episode.

ECHO (2024) Episode 1 Recap - Chafa
Family so distant and close on ECHO (2024) Episode 1 Recap – Chafa


One night Maya comes back to the shop and finds someone inside killing every one on the shop, if you saw the Avenger movies and Dr. Strange you will recognize him right away, besides the first time ECHO shows up on the screen was on Hawkeye’s series, so cat is out of the bag, after the blip Hawkeye went rouge and start going after every possible criminal he knew, no matter the reason he wanted to kill them all, the more dangerous the mission the better, he lost his family during the blip so he was blind by rage, this most likely lead him to work with other criminals, he was not an Avenger anymore, he was an assassin, Maya goes into the shop and found her father dying after Hawkeye stab him.

ECHO (2024) Episode 1 Recap - Chafa
Maya first mission for her uncle on ECHO (2024) Episode 1 Recap – Chafa


After loosing her father Maya became double the trouble so Kingpin got her something to do, a purpose as he describe it, a place and a reason to keep going, she was a great fighter although was not a murder yet so at her first mission when things got rowdy she froze, didn’t know what to do looking at all this guys fighting and shooting, people dying on the spot, until one of them attack her and became her first victim. During this scene Dare Devil shows up although it was nothing special about it, they had a short fight that was not impressive at all, not saying it was bad but it was not the climax of the episode.

ECHO (2024) Episode 1 Recap - Chafa
Maya finds a purpose with her uncle on ECHO (2024) Episode 1 Recap – Chafa


Hawkeye and Kingpin were the climax of the episode but things start to get rush, cut, slice, the damn episode became just this scenes after scene of nothing, just indicators of what was going on so for a first episode NO BUENO, I’m not the type of guy who gives up on a series that easy but I hope this gets better, at least Maya figure out who kill her father when she finds Hawkeye and he confess it was Kingpin who gave the order.

ECHO (2024) Episode 1 Recap - Chafa
Time for a Queen on


Again, scene after scene with not much context, some how Kingpin got hurt badly and Maya was there but this time she was different and capitalize on the opportunity to put a bullet on his head or at least that is what she thought, Kingpin was not dead and now there was a bounty on her head, she goes back home and asks her uncle Henry for help but not exactly to get out of the family business but to control it, sending a message to those who work for Kingpin, she thinks its time for a Queen, she is that queen.

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ECHO (2024) - Chafa - Episode 1 - RECAP - CONCLUSION - www.skiptvads.blog

I think its very evident that I didn’t like the first episode that much and it has nothing to do the the characters but with the story, there were events happening one after another like it was an entire flash back scene without much explanation of why some things were happening, if it wasn’t for the fight scenes it would be bad, in fact even the fight scenes themself were too short, I kept wanting to see Maya fight for longer, the Dare Devil scene was also short but I cant understand it was a teaser for whats coming up and that is what I hope that once The Kingpin gets on his foot again, probably on episode three thinks start to pick up the pace and we get some context of the things that had happen so far, after all this is only a five episode mini series and I know this have been mention before on my posts but I don’t want this to be another Secret Invasion event where the last episode is so crunch that send everything to shit. Event when I was going through the images and trying to build up the story it feels like there is no context to it, very little dialog with just the obvious so I didn’t enjoy as much as I wanted, I wanted to have some nice looking takes from the fights scene but there were very little that I could use.

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ECHO - MINI SERIES - TRAILER - www.skiptvads.blog

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Special Ops: Lioness – Truth Is the Shrewdest Lie – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP


Special Ops: Lioness – Truth Is the Shrewdest Lie – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP INTRODUCTION - www.skiptvads.blog

In the spirit of conclusion I have decided that there are a few series I’m going to finish before moving forward, Special Ops: Lioness is one of them, I have recently been putting out other type of content that I wanted to start cover like articles about the Film Industry, Trailer reviews and soon I’ll be indexing data different but I still want to post my regular episodes recaps although they take me about four hours to do because of all the screenshots I take to put them into a “graphic representation” of the scene describing, at times it can be an exhausting hobby but I still like it or hate it depending on the day.

This series moves into split episodes, things never actually get to a conclusion in a single episode, they split the story here and there and episode five is the conclusion of four and opens the door to a situation I didn’t though at first but I think there is something going on between Cruz and Aaliyah, there is also the situation that Joe has been dealing with at home with her daughter Kate that got into a car wreck, part of the truth start go comes out like what her daughter really thinks about her and she also came up front with the reality that she is not the best mother but her reasons have valid grounds, she is a soldier after all and Joe’s husband has his own problems with that too, he can’t stand been with or without her, with actually turns a bit ironic because for been with Joe that’s her been on a mission she can’t talk about and that is killing Neal, looks like he can’t stand that situation anymore. Not much happen between Cruz and Aaliyah on this episode until the end they pick up on face time call where Aaliyah express herself/body just too much to Cruz and she notice it was too much so step back a bit, there might be a relationship brewing here but after all Aaliyah is like a bird on a cage made out of gold, she has everything she ever dream but at the same time has doesn’t own anything, not even her freedom.

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Special Ops: Lioness – Truth Is the Shrewdest Lie – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP EPISODE DETAILS - www.skiptvads.blog


On episode four Cruz went to a bar to party with Aaliyah and her friends where she got picked up by a guy who was a rapist, the guy drug her and pick her up after a fight started, Joe team got to her just in time on the woods where the guy was going to finish her on the spot, Joe took care of him and make him remember that moment for ever and think twice before raping another girl, Joe almost rip his balls apart, one kick after another. He never touch Cruz but she also didn’t remember a thing so she is was still confuse of what really happen but her team got there on time, well it was really close.


As I mention Joe’s daughter Kate got into a car wreck, so at the moment she had to deal with Kaitlyn , Kate and Neal at the same time, traveling from one place to another, Kaitlyn took her to the hospital but made sure she didn’t over extend her staying since there was business to take care of after she lend her team to Kyle, well not really her team.


Kaitlyn has been very supportive with Joe, this entire story is making me think that Joe is either the first or only Lioness that actually survive a mission, on first episode when she had to pull the trigger and drop a missile on a terrorist camp after her asset got discovered she ask Kaitlyn for advice like they have been on the same situation before and most of the Lioness doesn’t make it back. While at the hospital Joe and her daughter Kate finally got that conversation that settle things between them, she is not a kid anymore, got pregnant and almost die on a car wreck on top she lost the baby, at that moment Kate went through life time experience, got her ahead in time so fast that her life has fast forward almost ten years because how she knows what is to be pregnant and loose a baby, may be she didn’t go through the entire experience but for sure will never forget, Joe also comes forward and admit she is a shitty mother for not been there for her but it is what it is, she is a soldier. Lastly but still an important part of the drama Kaitlyn asks Neal not to give up on Joe, he still loves her but Kaitlyn knows its not an easy task to deal with Joe and her line of work.


Both Joe and Kyle gets their asses set on fire by Westfield, who is really the man behind the Lioness program and Kyle was something that should have never happen, Joe’s team is not hers it is lend by Westfield who is way higher on the government rank but Kyle intel was good so there is still a way to cover the shit show that they did on episode four after getting Kyle informant out of custody.


After Kyle intel was confirm they get lets say “yellow” light?” they can proceed with the capture mission but can shoot back if they get attacked? it was a capture mission only all this because no weapons or explosives have been confirm so far but once the targets get to the house they got monitor Two Cups and the rest of the team saw things were getting way hotter than they thought.


This scene where the get to the house was very cool, the shooting, bit dark but it was fast and clean, after confirm guns and explosives they finally get green light so its a capture/kill mission but no body is going to capture anyone besides they lack man power, as Bobby mention its a two squad mission and they are probably out number by two, got to mention that Cruz job was on point so at least she didn’t mess up, well she confirm it herself “this I know” before they went out.


Mission over, Kyle mess has been covered, Joe knows her daughter is alive but will take time to recover there are a few scars from all this, Kaitlyn thinks its a matter of time before another terrorist attack in US soil and Joe kinda mess up when she went back to the hospital, she was probably in a rush and didn’t clean up her face she still had blood and softy Neal notice getting all fired up asking her if she is now a hitman, WTF?? she is a soldier he knows it deal with it, he sees blood every day at the hospital but when his soldier-wife have some on her face then he goes all drama queen?

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Special Ops: Lioness – Truth Is the Shrewdest Lie – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP - CONCLUSION - www.skiptvads.blog

I would really enjoy a second season of this series, from what I have found online there is actually nothing about it, the series had good rating for what it is, this is not a AAA series although came together very well, there is some cliche here and there but nothing that makes you want to shut down the TV, action scenes so far have been on point, not every episode had them but I can say episode 1, 2, 4 and 5 had been the best at least for me, all episodes have over 7.5 on IMDB.

Episode five I thought was going to be a bit softy like Neal but that action scene pick up the speed of the episode very well, the drama at home with Joe is almost done with only Neal left so I think we wont have to listen to her daughter nagging anymore how bad of a mother she is, that was very annoying for a viewer who wants to see action and not a spoil child so I think for the last three episodes action is going to pick up a lot, I hope they don’t get to finish the mission yet because that would give us more chances of a second season.


Special Ops: Lioness – Truth Is the Shrewdest Lie – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP - PREV Episodes - www.skiptvads.blog

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Specialo Ops: Lioness - SEASON 1 TRAILER - www.skiptvads.blog

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Tv Series I’ll be watching on January 2024

After a never ending December Holidays as usual I’m behind a lot of content but I’m always looking forward since all it takes is a weekend night to put on the VR headset and burn through a few hours of TV series to catch up, there are a few series that will air on January that are worth watch in my opinion, there is a bit of everything from action, comedy, comic related, even some witchcraft. Here some of the TV series I will be watching on January, 2024 is set to be a great year for content after the Hollywood Strike is over now with writers, actors and studios in full force to pump out the backlog of productions and those that were patiently waiting their turn.
Some of the series I mention are on their first trailer so there will be more scenes and I will keep covering them and add more details to them on my profile at Micro Blogging platforms Inleo and Ecency.

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The Brothers Sun

I think Netflix have made a name when it comes to bring great Asian actors to expand their work across the globe,
The Brothers Sun is a comedy about a Taipei Gangster family, Charles Sun and his mother Eileen Sun have to deal with others Gangsters who are now trying to take power back after his father was shoot without anyone knowing the truth behind it, in the middle is his little brother Bruce who lives in L.A and has no clue about his family business, Charles and his mother are though but Bruce is nothing like them and wants nothing to do with this life style, just by looking at the trailer you can tell there will be a lot of action, blood and laughs, this is another one I plan to watch, probably not on January as I’m behind schedule most of the time.

IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt17632862/
Air: Jan 4, 2024
Platform: Netflix
Trailer: https://3speak.tv/watch?v=nordflix/wteryeda

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Sanctuary (2024)

Sanctuary a series based on a novel written by V.V. James from 2020, to start with I know nothing about the novel but when I saw the trailer immediately remember “A Discovery of Witches” a great series were we had Elaine Cassidy who in this case play the role of Sarah Fenn is the main character. Sanctuary is a story based in the UK where witchcraft is real and is a common thing among residents but everything goes south when there is an accident and the main character Sarah Fenn becomes the main suspect about the death of a teenager who died on this accident, murder by witchcraft, probably dark magic and people start to go against it, the series develops in modern times, so I expect this series to look more “unreal” or say less traditional witch TV series like “Salem” or the very well “A Discovery of Witches”. Going through some comments online this is the very thing some fans of the Novel are already talking about that it goes far from the original story and it’s a common problem with book adaptations so if you have read the novel don’t expect it to be exactly the same word by word but I do think can be entertaining if you are a fan of witchcraft series.

IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt21632986/
Air: Jan 4, 2024
Platform: AMC+
Trailer: https://3speak.tv/watch?v=nordflix/lrlfslpz

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ECHO (2024)

This is a series I have been expecting from some time since I heard about it, not necessarily because of ECHO herself but Dare Devil but know I got a bundle pack, got ECHO whose power is to copy any action or skill she sees, she is deaf and have a prosthetic leg; Kingpin and Dare Devil. ECHO character make it first appearance on Hawkeye the series that I haven’t watch reason I was not aware of it, after a rough season in New York she now comes back home and try to reconnect with her community and family but there is an entire war going on, this involves the ruthless Kingpin played by Wilson Fisk and you CAN NOT have the Kingpin without Dare Devil, by Matt Murdock; same as the Netflix series, the main reason I found out about ECHO, I have been waiting for a Dare Devil series after the Netflix version, this mini series is based on the comic although I do not know how close it is, five episodes only so it is very short and I fear the story gets crunch and feels too short for what it should be, PLEAS GOD this don’t be another “Secret Invasion”.

IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13966962/
Air: Jan 9, 2024
Platform: Disney+9
Trailer: https://3speak.tv/watch?v=nordflix/flnizjsn

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Ted (2024)

A six episode Mini Series, comedy; by Seth MacFarlane a guy behind exits like Family Guy, American Dad just to mention two great animated comedy, its true that this will be streaming on Peacock and yes they are not known for putting out AAA content but its entertaining most of the time so this is a watch in my opinion as long as the keep the bear personality from the movies, I know its the same voice but what makes me laugh about the 2012 and 2015 movies was its personality, this time the story goes way back to its original owner John Bennett who wished his teddy bear friend Ted life, John Bennett character is been played by Max Burkholder who also work with Seth on Family Guy and American Dad so I think this could be a little gem in the rough that will make you laugh some.

IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14824792/
Air: Jan 11, 2024
Platform: Peacock
Trailer: https://3speak.tv/watch?v=nordflix/oqccdkmg

www.skiptvads.blog - tv series divider


Masters of the Air (2024)

I’m in that group of people who are suckers for anything war related TV series, not that I promote war but because of all the drama and action it provides, its entertainment, comes Masters of The Air; I think this is going to be a banger, first of most of the series that Apple+ puts out are great and on top you got Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks producing a World War II drama series based on the book by Donald L. Miller, a series about the brave men of the 100th Bomb Squad during the Nazi War. Last war theme TV series I watch was “A Small Light” and I’m still pending on “All The Light We Cannot See”, two great productions that brought the drama of going through a war a civilian but this time we wont only have that perspective but from thousands of feet above on a bomber, back in the day there was not that much tech, things were very rough and different. The Cast in my opinion is OK, we got familiar faces, when I say OK I mean they are not ultra well known but have seen them in other movies and series, Austin Butler, Callum Turner, Anthony Boyle, Nate Mann, Barry Keoghan.
This series is dropping two episodes on January 26, followed by a weekly release schedule until March 15, 2024, meaning this will make Friday nights special.

IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2640044/
Air: January 26, 2024
Platform: Apple+
Trailer: https://3speak.tv/watch?v=nordflix/ngqketlc

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I think this will be enough to keep me entertain on those days where I have spare time to burn some hours, some others will be a must, I can see that already with Masters of the Air, ECHO and The Brothers Sun, I’m glad there is a mix on how the episodes will drop since it’s not my style of watching the entire series in two days, I’m a bit old school in that aspect back from the days we watch TV series from cable tv one episode per week but 2024 is set to be a great year in my opinion for entertaining and for crypto, most of my content is on the Hive blockchain using platforms like Inleo and Ecency, both great in their own way were you can actually own your data and can not be shut down so if you see this post on my blog feel free to contact and jump in to real Web3 platforms.

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