The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Coming Home – Episode 6 – Season 1 – RECAP

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Coming Home - Episode 6 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Coming Home – Episode 6 – Season 1 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Coming Home - Episode 6 - Season 1 - RECAP - INTRODUCTION -

Going Home, Episode Six of Daryl Dixon, Season 1; in my opinion almost fall too simple towards the end too predictable but its expected that they reach their destiny but when Carol show up probably because I have seen her from the OG series it was a rush got to say, as always she looks so calm and now older that you would never expect her to kick your ass but also out smart you but she can. The episodes starts where it left with Daryl facing Zombies in an arena now that Genet got them all including Laurent, her main idea is to show off her power and make others believe Laurent and her are working together to unite people but that’s just not true, she is really looking to establish her regime all over France and Daryl has become a stone on the road after he single handed almost destroy one of her ship with a ton of Zombies they were running experiments on, particularly one who was very strong and agile to be a Zombie, I wonder were this experiments go on season two if she will finally raise a Zombie army and it is already known that Laurent has some sort of influence over Zombies most likely because when his mother was on labor she was already bitten, infected with the virus but it never fully went into Laurent, reason why they kept saying he is a miracle, his mother turns into a Zombie right after labor when she died.

Compare to Dead City, Daryl Dixon was way better probably because it was a bit more rudimentary not sure if that’s the word, Dead City was in Manhattan and Daryl Dixon happens on so many places, the go through France to reach The Nest, from open fields to a rusty Paris with the Eiffel Tower swinging from side to side almost singing, really enjoy this series and now finally make my last post about season one.

Platform: Amazon - tv series divider
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Coming Home - Episode 6 - Season 1 - RECAP - EPISODE DETAILS -

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Coming Home - Episode 6 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Coming Home – Episode 6 – Season 1 – RECAP –


The fight scene was a great opening to the last episode of season one, at first Genet thought she was going get away with killing Daryl in front of all this people and show off her power to increase the support from Paris population, how many times have we seen Daryl fight more than three Zombies at the same time although this are not normie Zombies, Genet had her scientist develop some kind of drug that jap the Zombies making them go 0 to 100 real quick, more like Zombies from World War Z, if we can get those in masses for season two would be sick!!!

Probably Genet best chance was to tire Daryl fighting Quinn and then let go the Zombies but she was so sure her plan was going to work, look at her smug smile, well that change real quick after Daryl and Quinn started to work together and annihilate her Zombies, there was one with metal around his head that even attack another Zombie, its still very grey area how to control them properly to know who the enemy is.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Coming Home - Episode 6 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Coming Home – Episode 6 – Season 1 – RECAP –


So far Daryl Dixon has another thing that is very similar to the OG series and that’s the tones and colors of scenes, its always that dark greenish theme on all scenes, I remember with the OG series at some point the intro made me sad just listening to the song and all the dark green color makes you feel sad about the thing but you still wanted to watch it, obviously Daryl was not going to die on season one there still gas in the tank but who did had to die Quinn, after all he was brought from the death after Isabelle abandon him when Zombies started to pup up, Quinn had to pay a high price.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Coming Home - Episode 6 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Coming Home – Episode 6 – Season 1 – RECAP –


Karma, Irony and Coincidence kick in hard on episode six, this is when I think the episode started to became too predictable and then what are the odds some of this things to happen to Quinn? probably was the perfect Karma payback

  • Zombie bites him in the back
  • He agree to Daryl cut his hand off to get free
  • Laurent stab him in the head after he turn

Karma is a bitch!! the amount of payback in a single episode, consider he confess Isabelle he was fucking her sister, Laurent’s mother; he also told Isabelle to get rid of her sister and drop her at a near hospital so they can move on to then many years latter when he realize who Laurent is try to claim him as his son and asks Isabelle to be with him, even force her to do it leaving her without many options in exchange for a ticket on a ship or some how get Daryl into a ship to USA, the irony on all this was that Laurent had to kill him and that sux because imagine a kid under that circumstances he basically killed both his parents, his mom during labor and then had to stab Quinn on the head to protect Isabelle, none of those were his fault but still if we go to numbers he is 2-0.

I didn’t like how easy Daryl escape the compound, that’s the magic of TV; the first car he check on he finds his back with all his stuff even his blade and “medieval flail”, I had to look that up lol; on top meters close to him was Fallou to help him get a truck running, he knows mechanic because his uncle had a shop??; it became so predictable and unreal at this point, who didn’t imagine Quinn was going to turn and attack them I think that was obvious.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Coming Home - Episode 6 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Coming Home – Episode 6 – Season 1 – RECAP –


I always like to think that every TV series and even episodes themself have a gas pedal that writers and directors use to control the excitement, you cant keep people producing dopamine indefinitely during 45 minutes episodes, you might be able to do it on one episode and not at 100%, after Daryl escape with Isebelle and Laurent their truck broke down and Codron track them down, when he had Daryl at his mercy he could not kill Daryl or Laurent for some reason, Laurent did told him “God loves you” but still I don’t think that mean anything to  Codron, he kills the rest of Genet’s goons and let Daryl go away, even figure out where the nest is and told them to walk north, less than a day, Mont Saint Michel after he picks up Daryl watch from the floor and he kept it, I wonder if latter on Genet will figure out that’s the Nest??, at Mont Saint Michael the entire town was expecting Laurent. Not much happen after they arrive but to me this part of the episode was not boring since the place, the castle, the scenery was beautiful, sometimes I imagine all the people that work to build places like that and even live for so long there while my country still had nothing similar, this is for many other countries, Europe was WWWAAAYYYY more advance back then.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Coming Home - Episode 6 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Coming Home – Episode 6 – Season 1 – RECAP –


Codron was stupid enough to go back alone to Genet with the story on his hand that everyone got killed except him because he was chasing Laurent and Daryl killed the rest of Genet’s goons, cmon that was stupid as fuck, she came up with this story of how she work for a long time as security at a museum and learn to read paintings, who was lying just by looking at their eyes.

At The Nest, the got Daryl a ride back home and he decided it was time to go home, on his way he found the his grand father tomb, he was a soldier who died in France during war, close to that field Daryl had to fight Zombies and from there with the episode so close to finish if you look at the time left it was uncertain was going to happen but those Zombies were really looking for him because of Laurent, he was close and Zombies following WTF!! after all the kid does seem to have some power or control over Zombies that he has not develop obviously because no body have though of that, to make things even better there is a small scene when Carol shows up after following a biker who had Daryl’s bike, he never saw it coming but in matter of minutes she already had him tight down in the trunk of her car, he tells where he got the bike and now she is on her way to the same guys who put Daryl on the ship in the first place.

Episode six left us with a couple of hot topics hanging for next season

  • Laurent powers over Zombies, what they really are? will he develop it?
  • Genet caught Cordon who has Daryl pocket watch, will she figure out where is the Nest and attack?
  • Carol is on her way to the camp where Daryl got imprison, will she fucked up? - tv series divider

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Coming Home - Episode 6 - Season 1 - RECAP - CONCLUSION -

Season one of Daryl Dixon was just awesome, the entire season got an average of 7.7/10 with the last episode an 8.6/10 at IMDB and numbers do make sense compare to what I saw, it was way better than Dead City, more action, more similar to the OG series from the theme of the scenes, colors, even the intro was on a similar vibe and that is very important for the brand to go on and keep fans interested, I think that’s probably why Dead City didn’t got that much acceptance and to be honest Daryl Dixon spinn off at first I was a bit skeptical because are they really going to release two spinn off the same year so close to each other considering Fear The Walking Dead was still running but it turn out to be more successful than I expected, this series goes against what I have mention of a minimum of 8 episodes but it is very rare to be this successful with very little episodes, consider it had one of the bad ass characters from the OG series, on 2024 there will be the continuation of Dead City and Daryl Dixon plus there will be another spinn off “The Ones Who Live” where there will be Rick and Michonne as main characters, I have higher expectations for this next spinn off.


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Coming Home - Episode 6 - Season 1 - RECAP - PREV Episodes - - tv series divider

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - SEASON 1 - TRAILER -

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Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP

Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP -
Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP –



Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP - INTRODUCTION -

Slowly but surely I’m almost done with Special Ops Lioness, I got so use to watch content on VR that either sometimes I’m too tired to put on the headset when I have time to watch series or I’m lazy and just don’t but watching at my computer is not the same anymore besides a very long time I stop using Tv’s I just don’t anymore, probably should buy a big ass TV this year and get use more to it.

Special Ops Lioness is a little under cover agent/army drama series that will most likely will get a second season, haven’t seen any news saying that it has been cancel or there wont be a season two although the mission does complete from what I have seen on IMDB episodes descriptions, anyways it should get a season two after such good performance through rating sites but it could also be a one season deal, that would sux but that just how it is with the industry, never get to attach to series although some times its inevitable.

Second episode pick up some action towards the end but for the most part its just fun to see Joe mad for the most episode, she is mad because how her team got heat on their ass because of the ops at the south on top Cruz gets into a mess situation at a bar, other than that it was a very girly episode, btw Joe’s daughter broke her deal of top off only.

Platform: Amazon - tv series divider
Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP -
Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


I can see how the girly scenes between Cruz and Aaliyah can ruin the episode but lucky it doesn’t repeat that often and its the only way the series can represent how Cruz takes information from her, for the most part the entertaining side of the episode is when Joe, her team members and Kaitlyn her boss jump into the scene, so far Joe had now clue who Aaliyah was getting marry with but since Cruz is getting closer to the group they have manage to get some intel on the guy although the are been extra careful since she already experience how fast Cruz can fuck things up and this was not the exception, on previous episodes Aaliyah would prefer to chose who to marry with but that’s just a cliche of this kind of story, not saying its fair or not but you know what I mean, again the boring side of the episode.


Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP -
Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


Even Joe and her crew felt the same way about them monitoring the marker, “spying on spring break”, Aaliyah had everything she could dream about except “freedom”, many would think different since there are levels of money that can buy you happiness but we are still human and at the end its the simple things that matter the most, this scene was the ramp up of the shit storm that was coming to Joe, not only the one she knows about this is with the shitty work Kyle pull with her team on the south. I like the tough attitude of Joe but some times Zoe Saldana exaggerate a bit and goes over board making it look force, some might consider this show silly or waste of time because of the girly scenes and its a cliche to see undercover operations happen overseas when it comes to Arabic characters, IMO I think it does make it more entertain, watching a totally different culture and not the American way makes it more interesting.


Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP -
Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


Exactly as Tex describe it to Joe, the job at the south was a shit show and I got a problem with this, I still don’t know why the hell Joe accept to lend Kyle part of her crew, been a special ops team already working on a mission, so far they haven’t give any background between Kyle and Joe, they both are special agents who met at a restaurant, well Kyle was following her and she agree to give him a few men for his unplanned suicide mission?? makes complete no sense, Kyle almost pull the job but the EMP bomb was not big enough to shut down cameras around him so how his ass is on the line and by consequence he sets Joe ass on fire too, it seems like the asset had some good intel on terrorist but until that’s proven they both Kyle and Joe are deep on this, if the media gets the footage.


Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP -
Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


Liar Liar Pants on Fire, since when the fuck that’s a good advice, top off is fine just keep your pants on when dry humping?? does that really work now days?? for sure never work with any of the women when I was young that’s just how a young human brain works, selfish ass Kate got into a car wreck badly, not her fault but my mom always told me at the end the truth comes to the light, always. Sadly for her his dad not only finds out she is pregnant and she is very very fucked up, but she also betray his trust that’s probably that hurts the most when you are a father but he was very naive too, Kate been pregnant is on him, he knew who Joe was when they got together and her work line so Joe not been at home is not the excuse, that’s the problem with anyone who works with that kind of confidential information for security agencies.


Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP -
Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


Remember how I said Joe knows Cruz can fuck up things any moment, well she did again, this is becoming a thing, Cruz getting in trouble during the mission for any random reason and I feel its not the last time it will happen, although Joe did got her once on a tough situation at Aalyah house the first visit, this time Cruz went to bar with Aalyah and her friends, there she meet a guy who drug her and almost rape her if it was not for Joe who thought it would be good idea to keep close to Cruz, I wanted to put the scene when Joe caught the guy, Cruz was laying on the floor in the woods, think about it Joe was already pissed at Kyle and her daughter Kate got into a bad car wreck, she busted the guy badly, went all savage mode destroying the guy balls, then brought Cruz back to the hotel where she is still trying to fight the drug effect to wake up and Kailtlyn just arrive to talk to Joe about the Extraction Ops at the South between Kyle and her team, this episode was a total shit storm for Joe. - tv series divider

Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP - CONCLUSION -

I’m still on Episode four with another four to go, this are not very long episodes so probably I will just keep charge my VR headset with my headphones and burn down four hours of Special Ops next week since this weekend is Xmas, for far a series that I have really enjoy, I hope all episodes were like the first one but its kind of a good contrast and I hope one or two episodes get to that level of dopamine, if not it will feel like they burn all their gunpowder on the first episode, yeah the girly scenes kill the excitement but it also feels nice that not much character introduction has happen, they cut it out on the first two episodes and that gives more room for the rest of the story to spread its wings, you get more for your time invested on watching the series, others are slower at first a good example this year was Wheel of Time Season two was extremely slow at first to then blow your brains out with the last three episodes, Special Ops Lioness seem to be a more leveled series in terms of pace of the story, really enjoy this episode.


Special Ops: Lioness – The Choice of Failure – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP - PREV Episodes - - tv series divider

Special Ops: Lioness - SEASON 1 - TRAILER -

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Monarch: Legacy of Monsters – Departure – Season 01 – Episode 02 -RECAP

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - Departure - Season 01 - Episode 02 -RECAP -
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters – Departure – Season 01 – Episode 02 -RECAP –


Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - Departure - Season 01 - Episode 02 -RECAP - INTRODUCTION -

MONARCH could easy be one of the best TV series of 2023, the scores are not crazy high across sites like TMDB, IMDB and RTT but it has been everything I hope from the start, that was introduce a good story about all the characters this means Keiko, Shaw Lee, Cate, Bill and now their grand child and on top good monsters with an S scenes and not just Godzilla, this TV series has also push me to watch the three movies related to it so I could have a better understanding of why things happen in certain way and there is still one scenes I cant get why, that’s when Bill is been chase by a giant spider filming ask someone to forgive him for all he “Bill” took from him.. still probably one of the best TV series of 2023 with great contenders like Silo and The Wheel of Time, no doubt the Hollywood Strike hit hard the industry but there are still some gems from 2023 and MONARCH is one of them.

Episode two Departure is still part of that stage of knowing why things are happening and it will be like that probably until episode four when things settle down and it covers for the most part the present time, but I think this season main focus is to explain how things started back on the 50’s with Kieko, Bill and Shaw, that is exactly what MONARCH is after now, the youngsters Cate, Kentaro and his ex-girlfriends May have discover some files from audio and video at his father office, Hiroshi is suppose to be missing or dead but it might not be the case and there is only one person alive that might help them figure out exactly what happen and that Shaw Lee.

Recently read about an interview that was done some time ago to Wyat Russell and how he didn’t want to work with his father until he makes it out by himself, they both are very similar and I guess many other productions have though about them to be included for the same purpose of going back and forward in time lines of the same character, it work out great for MONARCH.

Platform: Apple+ - tv series divider
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - Departure - Season 01 - Episode 02 -RECAP - EPISODE DETAILS -

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - Departure - Season 01 - Episode 02 -RECAP -
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters – Departure – Season 01 – Episode 02 -RECAP –


It was the late 50’s in Japan, Dr. Keiko Miura was probably not taken serious by many for a couple of reasons, I guess men were very dominant on her field of work and second she was basically chasing a ghost so when Shaw Lee the III was assign to her as military escort he didn’t take her serious neither and paid a great price right from the start, not only he was cocky but he was kind of pissed been assign as an escort probably as punishment after getting into a bar fight, he even though she was trying to hook up with him when they met, he thought Dr. Miura had to be a men and he was so wrong, this got him more than once to be ashamed of his actions until he started to understand what was going on and why her work was so important despite been almost along on this journey.

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - Departure - Season 01 - Episode 02 -RECAP -
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters – Departure – Season 01 – Episode 02 -RECAP –


Moving into the present we know Kentaro and Cate found some files at their father office in Japan but had no clue what they were about, Kentaro ex-girlfriend knew how to handle some of this old format of data storage and decided to dig into it but this alert MONARCH about it, this are probably OG Bill Randall and Keiko Miura files, how everything started, this documents are important and MONARCH want them back.

On a second trip to his father office Kentaro started to look at some files and found a video tape too, between the files came up Shaw Lee and a document that mentions how he has been admitted at a retiring community that latter on end up been a prison for MONARCH related people, they need to keep their secrets tight even though G-day already happen they don’t want the population know that there are more than just one massive monster going around, this would cause huge panic. Kentaro latter on said his mom told him about how to locate Shaw but it is not true, he got the place name from the documents at his father office.

The entire Kentaro / May relationship is kind of boring and annoying because it has not been properly explain, we know he dump her but why? besides she is hiding something and that could be the reason why he dump her but he was not brave enough to call her out? this is just me making conclusions.

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - Departure - Season 01 - Episode 02 -RECAP -
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters – Departure – Season 01 – Episode 02 -RECAP –


Cate is traumatize by what she went through on G day at San Francisco, I mean who would not if you see face to face good old GOJI!!! she had front row seats at the San Francisco Bridge when Godzilla show up and start screaming its lungs away so now every time she starts feeling claustrophobic her first though is GOJI is coming, that’s what happen when Tim try to soft kidnap her after she denied to talk to him, Cate starts to scream and scramble inside the car and kick the Duval in the face who was driving and then crash badly, not sure how Duval and Tim got out of that crash like it was nothing.

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - Departure - Season 01 - Episode 02 -RECAP -
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters – Departure – Season 01 – Episode 02 -RECAP –


That same night after the crash they raided May apartment and went looking for Kentaro, not only they were very close one place to the other but Duval and Tim look fresh, not like they have gotten out of a bad car crash something I find annoying after watching the episode again, making this post makes me realize things I didn’t on the first watch, that’s another reason I like this posts recaps. Again WTF is May hiding and why she look like running away from something, she catch Cate out of her apartment and brought her to a restaurant where she is hiding a bag with supplies, money and multiple passports like she is ready to disappear anytime if needed. I also like how Kentaro mom help him to escape, was very cool how she look all naive even asking Duval if she was single an available for Kentaro LOL, making time for Kentaro to run away.

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - Departure - Season 01 - Episode 02 -RECAP -
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters – Departure – Season 01 – Episode 02 -RECAP –


Episode Two explain how the three person who started MONARCH met, Keiko, Bill and Shaw, latter on Bill and Keiko become a couple, not sure if they get married because how long did it pass after they met and episode one when Keiko die? weird, I like Randal always creative and running his mouth, but he did see things different than others and had a big imagination, and Shaw as sarcastic as usual.

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - Departure - Season 01 - Episode 02 -RECAP -
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters – Departure – Season 01 – Episode 02 -RECAP –


This pattern right here will come up multiple times on the series, same as Skull Island was a mythical place surrounded by a storm it seems this side of the Philippines has host for very long time a monster that only natives talk about but why governments haven’t notice, it was late 50’s so I guess nobody give a shit about it, G-day only happen until 2014 so the public didn’t know about titans until then, everything else that happen was just stories and legends that no body believe, Bill describe this as a migration pattern.

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - Departure - Season 01 - Episode 02 -RECAP -
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters – Departure – Season 01 – Episode 02 -RECAP –


It feels nice how the series presents a goal, that is looking for monsters and right there they find what they were looking for, the scenery on VR is awesome, the rusted big ship in the middle of a field, the dark scenes thanks to the vintage camera stile of Bill make it look cool since it was not your classic dark scene I can’t see shit and suddenly monsters pop up, you could see details of the ship from inside and what look like the crew who was some how turn into solid material cover by mucus?? or saliva?? This ship was the Lawton that sink close to Pearl Harbor on 1943 more than seven years ago and Bill was on that ship, he didn’t know it was going to be there but he hope for it, this time was also when Shaw started to believe on Bill and Keiko theory about this monsters when he was driving away after been dismissed by Keiko from his duty when he try to tell her what to do, Shaw saw on the sky exactly what Bill describe as “path of fire in the sky” or a path of radiation left behind, so he drives back as fast as he could and help them out of a hairy situation, present to you The Dragon, at the cover image. - tv series divider

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - Departure - Season 01 - Episode 02 -RECAP - CONCLUSION -

This episode was great, just the second episode and we already have another monster that has been reveal, I doubt it will be the same on every episode but this ramps up the hype when finally glorious GOJIRA shows up to wreck one of them, may be not may be on season one it doesn’t fight anyone and they show Keiko study its behavior, on previous movies Godzilla has been describe as the Titan that brings balance to the system thats why Dr. Ishiro on Godzilla 2014 ask the admiral to let them fight and figure it out, something that for MONARC was a bit dumb. The Russell duo works great for MONARCH and now we are going to watch Shaw Lee in the present reveal some of this secrets Keiko and Bill kept with them so it makes easier for the story to unfold and faster, Kentaro and Cate doesn’t have to look for their father along wondering but now they have Shaw help so I think the balance between characters story and monsters showing up is working out great, from the start the main thing I kept reading was people saying it was going to suck if Godzilla didn’t show up or fight but with all this monsters been reveal I think is crafting more the tittle of the series “Legacy of Monsters” in plural and not just Godzilla.


Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - Departure - Season 01 - Episode 02 -RECAP - PREV Episodes - - tv series divider

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - SEASON 1 - TRAILER -

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Fallout Tv Series 2024 – Fails before start?

Fallout Tv Series 2024 - Fails before start? -
Fallout Tv Series 2024 – Fails before start? –


Fallout Tv Series 2024 - Fails before start? - INTRODUCTION -

Its not very often that I make a post about a trailer although this is a game adaptation to a TV series that many have been waiting for and past weekend drop a few trailer from other very popular TV Series, I have recently read a few post online and watch videos about how good or bad could this series be, for me it has not started so I can not tell if it will be any of the two, although I can give my opinion of my first impression and how I think some people feel about it based on what I have read or watch.

Fallout TV Series might fit, didn’t want to say fall; into a problem that seem to be eating alive all kind of good story or character now days, for example very recent Bob Iger from Disney said about their productions

“movies should “entertain first, not [push] messages”

Fans, that’s not me; want to watch a production as close as possible to the original story, Fallout has six games in total with probably plenty of material to make more than three seasons but there are already signs that the story is far from what the games are on top signs that the TV series will be pushing messages of awareness instead of focus on a post apocalyptic fiction story at the same time making it as close to what the game is. - tv series divider

Fallout Tv Series 2024 - Fails before start? -
Fallout Tv Series 2024 – Fails before start? –


From my understanding and it makes sense to give that suspense to the story no body knows who drop the first nuclear bomb but as it is shown on the trailer it was not one but many of them, by now nuclear shelters were a thing that there were many faults, on the TV series the main character Lucy, was on Vault 33, number on their uniforms and at the end on first image; I don’t know if the first episode starts with her going out because latter on the trailer she is shown inside the vault, probably they tell the story with a moving time line going back and forward, that is a common thing now days, point is she wants out and some of her partners did not like the idea, probably try to stop her as there is a guy on the floor and her lip has blood, this tells us Lucy probably knows how to throw her hands.

Fallout Tv Series 2024 - Fails before start? -
Fallout Tv Series 2024 – Fails before start? –


Different that most vault or silo TV series, Lucy makes it out of the Vault and starts exploring the Earth, everything is destroy, almost a huge desert although there is still water oceans exist, anything that remain out of the Vaults was most likely affected by radiation or climate, this is going to be a creepy show, look at the size of that cockroach, that’s what they call a rat-cockroach, things are the size of a Dog, there will be all kid of mutant creatures, some bigger, some totally different, production will let their creation fly with this creatures for entertainment purpose.

These scene right here is suppose to be off the game timeline, the explanation for this is that California can’t be this bad at the time the TV Series is happening, this speculations come from the fact that at the time of the series there is already a new order taking place, the NCR (New California Republic); trying to reestablish society, Fallout world is full of multiple tribes or groups of people from raiders, mutants and there is the NCR trying to bring everyone together under one regime, we won’t know if there is a timeline issue until the series release on April 2024 but fans need to understand and this is for everyone watching anything on TV, if its not a documentary it won’t be 200% accurate or not even close, that seem to be a new trend, I understand those who dream about watching their favorite character on a Movie or TV series but entertainment is first and by entertainment I mean money for the studios who produce them, I don’t make the rules.

Fallout Tv Series 2024 - Fails before start? -
Fallout Tv Series 2024 – Fails before start? –


There is going to be a lot of shooting on this series, from scenes inside the vault, things are not great, people are loosing their minds, not sure if its because they are sick of been lock down because everyone goes wild, like the women on this picture with a fork on her eye shooting at everyone, this images gives me vibes that this will be a very cynic type of series meaning might be the perfect scenario to push “messages” even during the trailer Lucy mention how she never imagine things would be like that outside the vault, she always had everything to survive inside and things are very different outside. For me most of this behaviors from a character don’t matter as long as its entertaining but the problem with that is they tend to deviate from the original story and that’s when true fans who have play the game in this case get piss off because the character is not acting as on the game, this is the production using the movie as a way to promote certain social messages trying to fix the world but shitting on the TV Series that is suppose to be a Game adaptation.

Fallout Tv Series 2024 - Fails before start? -
Fallout Tv Series 2024 – Fails before start? –


The Steel Brotherhood look very bad ass, this probably going to be one of the great attractions of the series, seen them shooting massive guns, fighting all kind of bandits, mutants and raiders, with their main porpuse as describe on Fallout Fandom Page, paramilitary order with chapters operating across the territory of the former United States … core purpose is to preserve advanced technology and regulate its usage; so I’m not sure if they are going to make tech illegal for others to use, after a nuclear war, holocaust like what is shown when all the Nukes hit USA, tech will become rare and powerful to have, most people will be riding animals or walking while the Steel Brotherhood transport using vehicles like the Vertibird.

Fallout Tv Series 2024 - Fails before start? -
Fallout Tv Series 2024 – Fails before start? –


The men or in this case based on game description Ghoul above, describe as The Ghoul on IMDB; might turn to be one of the main characters, hard to say if he will be friendly to Lucy but he will have his own story of how was his past life before the holocaust, there is a scene of him riding a horse wearing a Cowboy uniform yellow and blue with a girl most likely his daughter, the moment nukes hit the ground, on the game Ghoul are describe as men who survive the wasteland, feeding from radiation.

Bellow The Ghoul they show Maximus, at first he is seen flying on a Vertibird and now running after they get attack, he is the only one not wearing a Steel Armor, that factor makes him special to the story, as a regular viewer and not a fan who knows the story this tells me right from the start there will be multiple stories that at some point come together, so going back and forward on different timelines means to understand the series you will have to pay attention to it. - tv series divider

Fallout Tv Series 2024 - Fails before start? - CONCLUSION -

From the point of average viewer the series seems great, I expect a lot of comedy since when things are over exaggerated tend to funny and some times gross, action scenes look very cinematic, on the trailer its mention that the studios behind The Boys, if they can tone down the series it probably gets to that perfect balance where anyone can watch the show and don’t feel like its too cynic because that’s the main topic here, its everything goes on the wastelands and Lucy now has to survive, she wanted out and now has to learn this new world and find a safe place to stay to adapt, my opinion is DO NOT expect Fallout to be a top tier series like The Last of Us or House of Dragon.

  • The story might not be 100% as the games
  • They probably will rush things out

But if you are only looking for a series to kill time, laugh, a few dopamine rush and have that desire of exploring a new place, what would be Earth after a world wide nuclear bombing then I think Fallout will be an ok show, from the start a 7/10 its not crazy, probably a similar case like The Rings of Power where its not 100% as the original story but the action scenes, the production, the actors make it up to be an ok series.

Personally I don’t care if a Movie or a TV Series is “Canon” or not, I’m a fan of many stories and characters and if someone makes content that is good, entertaining out of this character and changes a couple of things as long as I have a good time I personally I’m fine with it, people have to accept, they don’t have to understand but to accept that is how the entertainment business works, games, comics, most adaptations wont be exactly as the original story for many factors, budget, time but a the same time producers, writers, they have to be very cautious not to rush things or deviate too much, for example Secret Invasion to me was an ok TV Series until episode five, shit hit the fan on episode five, they totally screw up the ending and I’m sure many Fallout fans will be led down by this tv series because the script and the story might not be the same as the games, six games that’s a lot to digest.

Fandom Wiki: - tv series divider


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The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Deux Amours – Episode 5 – Season 1 – RECAP

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Deux Amours - Episode 5 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Deux Amours – Episode 5 – Season 1 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Deux Amours - Episode 5 - Season 1 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Episode five of Daryl Dixon will answer many questions, from why Daryl ended in France, why Genet wants him, I would not say dead but lock down at least even before Codron, Daryl always kept saying he ended up in France because he join the wrong people and he was looking for something new out there but on this episode the truth comes to light, same goes for Genet experiments with Zombies, everything comes together and start to build up for next season.

I believe this new format of six episode season for spinoff series can’t build up enough momentum for itself with the short amount of episodes, a lot can happen in one hour with the magic of TV, adding two or if possible four episodes more then gives the story enough time for one last kick, on Daryl Dixon spinoff the series is going to fall short and viewers will have to wait until season two to really find out why he left home and now is trying to get back to Carol, we now know how he got to France but not what exactly he was looking for. - tv series divider
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Deux Amours - Episode 5 - Season 1 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Deux Amours - Episode 5 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Deux Amours – Episode 5 – Season 1 – RECAP –


Not much is reveal about the Nest, the place where Azlan and Daryl are taking Laurent, from his description all been said is that its a quite place, peaceful and might be an island from a watch Azlan carry with the Nest engrave, the name Nest most like was given after the Zombie Apocalypse, living in an island is one of the most reasonable places to be at during such times as long as you have a way to go in and out of the island, after all Zombies can’t swim, but I wonder if they float?? on this very same series we saw a Daryl been attack by Zombies under water.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Deux Amours - Episode 5 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Deux Amours – Episode 5 – Season 1 – RECAP –


I took this screenshot above mainly because it reminds me of the original Walking Dead series, how many times we didn’t see Daryl pushing a bike with his cross bow on it, such a classic it made its way to his spinoff, he cross path with Jones a man who has a camp, looking for hunters who want to work, Daryl is out of gas so makes sense if he gets paid to buy some and get back home.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Deux Amours - Episode 5 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Deux Amours – Episode 5 – Season 1 – RECAP –


At the camp there were others wanting to work with Jones, the man behind this camp, paying everyone was Dr. Lafleur, who was paying very well for Zombies, even more for fresh ones but that open, rules were simple

  • No fights
  • No stealing
  • Nothing sexual

I get the two first rule but what the hell is sexual about a bunch of guys hunting Zombies, its the apocalypse so I guess there are not many women around so some might change their sexual preferences, who knows.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Deux Amours - Episode 5 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Deux Amours – Episode 5 – Season 1 – RECAP –


Daryl got to work and start impressing other with his skills, if he was getting paid for catching Zombies I guess he was going to pull a Raikkonen, for F1 fans; and make the company go broke with the amount of Zombies he was getting, one after another, the part is that he works alone meaning he doesnt have to share his profits with anyone while the rest does.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Deux Amours - Episode 5 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Deux Amours – Episode 5 – Season 1 – RECAP –


Daryls always mind his own business but does not share or promote abuse, there was a guy a the camp who knew shit how to hunt, wanting to join others to team up but no body wanted him so what they do? there was this guy Juno, white beard with red hat; motherfucker killed the kid and sold him as a Zombie, Daryl got into a fight over it because the guy even had rope marks around his neck so he was killed, Jones didn’t seem to care it was still a Zombie and they were all getting paid so both Juno and Daryls gets kick out the moment the fight starts….to be continue

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Deux Amours - Episode 5 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Deux Amours – Episode 5 – Season 1 – RECAP –


On another subject, our boy Quinn was living like a fucking king, a lot of people die and a lot of people left Paris, a wealthy city with a lot of opportunities for those brave enough who stay and we willing to take it, that was Quinn, he got everything, the mansion, the luxury, wine, paintings, servants, everything anyone could dream off, he also had his Queen, Anna; until after many years destiny brought him back Isabelle, the women he was dating before the Zombie apocalypse who left him behind to safe her sister that had Quinn’s son on the way, Laurent, that’s a Mexican tv novel right there.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Deux Amours - Episode 5 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Deux Amours – Episode 5 – Season 1 – RECAP –


Poor Quinn flew too close to the sun and is about to get burn, never ever mistreat a women specially when she got enough dirt on you, not that you have but specially not under certain circumstances, in the case of Quinn, Anna knew everything about him, his business, deals with Genet, enemies. On top of that Isabelle only got with him until she make sure Laurent and Daryl got out of town safe, when that happen she was about to kill Quinn but her dark days were over, she might not be a hard core nun but she was no murder, she could not do it.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Deux Amours - Episode 5 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Deux Amours – Episode 5 – Season 1 – RECAP –


On the other hand Anna did throw Quinn into the lions den, the moment she had a chance fuck him up badly, Quinn was invited to an event at Genet base but when he and Isabelle arrive Genet already know all the lies Quinn told her about Laurent and Daryl.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Deux Amours - Episode 5 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Deux Amours – Episode 5 – Season 1 – RECAP –


This duo, oh since the day they met at the convent, Daryl constantly gets piss off at Laurent, mainly because he is so naive and that is Isabelle fault, this time he did one of the most stupid things and that’s letting go the boat because he didn’t want Daryl to leave him, Isabelle fault again for not raising him to be a men and not just a kid in a bubble, they had no other option than walk, to make things worst that night their camp got attacked by a few Zombies that killed Azlan.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Deux Amours - Episode 5 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Deux Amours – Episode 5 – Season 1 – RECAP –


So predictable, the moment they start walking a patrol was passing by, Daryl gave the watch with the engrave of the Nest to Laurent and told him to go away, he will take care of them but he didn’t and gets caught too, you can tell how piss Daryl was when he notice Laurent got caught too, he sacrifice himself for nothing.

They both get transfer to Genet place where she is hosting and event, a display of her new warriors, her plan with Laurent is to make people in France believe Laurent is on her side since he got so popular.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Deux Amours - Episode 5 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Deux Amours – Episode 5 – Season 1 – RECAP –


I got now clew when the memo that said “If you fight we send you to the Zombie ship” got pass around, out of no where Daryl and Juno get send to the boat they were putting all the Zombies, the ship was also a lab so it seems they travel the world by sea, during this time they make experiments and kept getting Zombies from the never ending supply.

This is the reason why Genet wants Daryl dead, he was the one who got out and fucked up everything, he trick the guards to get out, kill a few of them, in the process a container got on fire, this container was a mobile lab, creating a big explosion that fucked up big part of the boat and all the progress to the drain. - tv series divider

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Deux Amours - Episode 5 - Season 1 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

Episode five was very entertaining, the only detail missing is why they got send to the boat, that doesn’t make sense and they probably skip the part, if you fight you get send to the boat, everything else was great, this was really a satisfactory episode because now it makes more sense how Daryl got to France and Genet experiments too. On previous episodes all we saw was a Zombie getting injected who went crazy to then had his head explode but on this episode we saw Daryl fight a Zombie like it was a fucking fighter, he move different, was fast, no intelligent but almost had him besides the Zombie took everything Daryl throw at him, I wonder if Daryl jump off the boat if the Zombie would follow him, probably the Zombie didn’t because of the explosion.

This series is getting better but now I only have one episode left to watch, my only concern about long series episodes, those that are close to one hour is that there is a fucking tone of scenes I like to screenshot because they give sense to the story, leaving me with over 30 screenshots every time I make a post like this, the editing process takes me about two hours plus another hour writing the text, still this is my hobby that now I have found a way to monetize thanks to Hive.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Deux Amours - Episode 5 - Season 1 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4: - tv series divider

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - SEASON 1 - TRAILER -

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Special Ops: Lioness – Bruise Like a Fist – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP

Special Ops: Lioness – Bruise Like a Fist – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Special Ops: Lioness – Bruise Like a Fist – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Special Ops: Lioness – Bruise Like a Fist – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Special Ops is a army/terrorism related drama I have been watching, there are tv series that I use to fill in time when I don’t have anything else to watch and this does not mean they are bad, some times it also depends on the time that I manage, there is so much content out there that anyone with a job a family cant keep up on a daily bases. Special Ops finish its first season with a score of 7.7/10 on IMDB, that’s a great accomplishment for a series that didn’t have that much of advertisement online in my opinion, similar to Citadel who ended up with a lower score but for different reasons.

The series starts hard with a lot of action but moving into the second and third episodes its partial action and more drama, I think this is mainly because the job of Cruz, the women above; is to infiltrate Aaliyah Amrohi daughter of a high profile terrorist that everyone believe is a ghost, on the side there is Joe who lead the Lioness programs with problems of her own at home with her kids and husband who barely see them because of her line of work, she constantly have to travel around the world and can’t tell or give details about her job, everything is top secret.

The two main characters Joe (Zoe Saldana) and Cruz Manuelos (Laysla De Oliveira) in my opinion had done a great job, I have seen a few comments online saying their acting is weak but this is just probably people expecting more action from the series considering is terrorism war related, consider this is not a field series this is espionage/undercover also its more oriented to a undercover women trying to infiltrate another women so its obvious we will see girly stuff scene, keep expectations to the ground. - tv series divider
Special Ops: Lioness – Bruise Like a Fist – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

Special Ops: Lioness – Bruise Like a Fist – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Special Ops: Lioness – Bruise Like a Fist – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Fucking Monday, that’s what this episode is about, a shit storm that is coming towards Joe, it all starts by helping another agent who knows about her operation, his name is Kyle and his specialty is Drug Cartels, he needs to do an extraction, one of his informers got caught and he needs to take him out of custody before they transport him to jail, if that happens he is a dead men and most likely will snitch on Kyle revealing all his operation. There has to be some relationship between him and Joe since she accept to give him three agents for 48 hours to get this job done, she must really trust him.

Special Ops: Lioness – Bruise Like a Fist – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Special Ops: Lioness – Bruise Like a Fist – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


On the Cruz side of things, she arrives to Laysla place, got no clue what to talk about, who their friends are, if she is in danger or not, security is tight as fuck but the guys were smart enough to hide all mics on her, the way Joe tries to get Cruz blend in is a bit different than the “traditional” strategy we see on movies where agents get a full debrief of the target before they move in, Cruz doesn’t because Joe wants it to be natural as possible to really make it work.

Special Ops: Lioness – Bruise Like a Fist – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Special Ops: Lioness – Bruise Like a Fist – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


At an episode three is normal for new characters to pop up, specially when this series is still moving very slow, there still five episodes to go, Laysla start to introduce all her friends to Cruz, they running a mini Melrose Place thing, for all the OGs; where all her three friends have slept with two men and take turns depending on how drunk they are, the other two men are friends with Laysla too, one is her fiance cousin, Nala, Malika and Nashwa, the most friendly is Nala who I think in the future will have to do with Cruz, idk.

Special Ops: Lioness – Bruise Like a Fist – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Special Ops: Lioness – Bruise Like a Fist – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


If you have seen my previous two post, remember how Joe put Cruz through the grinder, beat the hell out of her at a ops base? well she is all fucked up and Laysla made a big deal out of it because she knows some one abuse Cruz, calls a doctor to have her check, the entire drama, Cruz cover almost got blown out by the Doctor but she manage to put on a sad face with tears about to pop so he believe her the “abuse” from her boyfriend is over so she can move on, bit intense scene but it was obvious nothing was going to happen, it is just too early on the series, good guys cant die yet.

Special Ops: Lioness – Bruise Like a Fist – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Special Ops: Lioness – Bruise Like a Fist – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Joe problems, not only Kyle ask to borrow some of her guys, not only Joe almost blown Cruz cover because she didn’t need to put Cruz on a grinder to find out if she really breaks or not, everybody does at some point; she finds her daughter Kate at home making out, when she ask her husband wtf was suppose to be that he answers back “top only…pants stay on, sacrifice top to keep the bottom safe” LOL that was fkn funny, her daughter Kate is full teenage savage mode always arguing with Joe about how she is never there for them and comes back home pretending to be parent, its a valid point when she has no idea what’s her mom job and that’s something Joe has to live and deal with.

Special Ops: Lioness – Bruise Like a Fist – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Special Ops: Lioness – Bruise Like a Fist – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Moving forward, the three most action junky agents from Joe group accept to work on this mission she ask for volunteers without knowing wtf it was about until they were on the truck with Kyle and start to ask questions, Kyle is against the wall on this mission, is from zero to hero or his entire operations goes belly up, he is in desperate mode and everything has to go through flawless, plan is to intercept the transport, use an EMP to shut down cameras and so they can jump in and take his informant, simple right? at this point in time Two Cups, Tucker and Tex (Joe’s agents) want to think over what they are about to commit when its just too late, they already aboard, no way back out.

Special Ops: Lioness – Bruise Like a Fist – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Special Ops: Lioness – Bruise Like a Fist – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Things didn’t go as smooth as planned, they did get the informer back but Drug Cartel members were already after him and try to front run Kyle so the only thing they achieve was to keep him alive, informer cover has been blown and is worthless for Kyle, Two Cup and Trucker and to put up some work to get rid of the Cartel goons, their main problem is that this job was suppose to be clean as fuck but when you have more than two car wrecks and half a dozen bodies some one is going to dig deep enough to figure out who did all this mess.

Special Ops: Lioness – Bruise Like a Fist – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Special Ops: Lioness – Bruise Like a Fist – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


After the entire bruises drama, Cruz got invited by Laysla to party without knowing here until she finds herself inside a private jet where the team cant probably listen to her anymore and also might become hard to track her so they now are in a rush to get close to Cruz again as soon as possible, Cruz did manage to read the plane plate before they were gone so Joe can find out where the plain was going. - tv series divider

Special Ops: Lioness – Bruise Like a Fist – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP CONCLUSION -

As you can tell this is not a series you need to expect a lot of shooting and constant action scenes, yes first episode probably sold the series like that, they open up with massive attack to the US Army base, a fucking warthog going down on the terrorist it was insane but this episode specially was very slow, bit of action towards the end with the extraction but the series is more about the drama, the suspense of how deep can Cruz gets into Laysla family, they trying to attend the weeding with the hope that Laysla father will be present, Cruz orders are to kill him the moment she gets in contact with him, I don’t know how is that going to happen, are there thing to be consider like Cruz safety or does she has to go kamikaze on Laysla’s father?


Special Ops: Lioness – Bruise Like a Fist – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2: - tv series divider

Special Ops: Lioness - SEASON 1 - TRAILER -

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Monarch: Legacy of Monsters – Aftermath – Season 01 – Episode 01 -RECAP

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - Aftermath - Season 01 - Episode 01 -RECAP -
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters – Aftermath – Season 01 – Episode 01 -RECAP –


Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - Aftermath - Season 01 - Episode 01 -RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Monarch Legacy of Monsters is turning to be a great TV series with three episodes already in, the series doesn’t look full of promises without putting up a show, I have try to cover the movies that connect to the series and also put up a post about the trailer and something that I mention that is key for me when watching any type of content that goes around a certain monster is the monster itself, in the past movies tend to just show parts of the monster and small scenes of it compare to the rest of the story and I was afraid this might be the case but its not, on the first episode we see one fight and two attacks from all different type and size of monsters, along with this a side story of a disappear man who have two families without each other knowing, this man has a secret life that none of his two families know of but it was necessary to keep them protected.

The series is not perfect, there are a few characters that I don’t like too much but I have come to the conclusion that some times that’s how it is suppose to be, when an actor makes you feel certain way because of his/her character and not because of their acting itself then this means its working and in this case it’s Kate and Kentaro, both daughter and son of the disappeared Hiroshi Randa who has been studying all this monsters, this too kids some times get my nerves, both annoying and always arguing like teenagers.

Monarch so far does a great job a resembling to the predecessor movies Skull Island, Godzilla (2014) and we still haven’t seen much related to King of the Monsters and that’s fine because I think when the series get to that point its show time, full blown Goji ready to destroy. - tv series divider
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - Aftermath - Season 01 - Episode 01 -RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - Aftermath - Season 01 - Episode 01 -RECAP -
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters – Aftermath – Season 01 – Episode 01 -RECAP –


Episode one opens up strong with Bill Randa at Skull Island, this was either a part of the original movie that was not shown or a second tour to the island, he is recording himself, asking someone to forgive him but I’m not sure who is he referring too although it will be useful for the future in the series. Bill is running away from a giant spider that was seen on the Skull Island movie but this time it is trying to eat him probably or at least kill him and when he is at a dead end on a cliff throws a bag with his recordings to the ocean, right after that another monster shows up, giant Crab stands up from the ground to fight the spider and Bill gets away, I think this was a perfect opening scene, you got a monster fight, one monster that was never seen and brings a characters from the monster verse movies.

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - Aftermath - Season 01 - Episode 01 -RECAP -
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters – Aftermath – Season 01 – Episode 01 -RECAP –


As any other first episode its time to present all different main characters and provide context, meaning to their stories, on the image above Kate, a women who her father “died” or disappear, at this point she and her mom are not sure what happen, looking for answers she goes to Tokyo after finding a set of keys to an apartment and probably documentation that tells her about her father apartment in Tokyo.


OG Godzilla story starts in Japan so what a great detail to the series without trying to make it so American, the story at first feels like there is a lot going on and you just got drop in the middle, trying to figure out who is who and what is what but its not complicated, Godzilla at this point in time has appear a few times and already attack San Francisco in the US, that’s reference to Godzilla (2014), Japan is now heavily loaded with weapons against a possible attack, would be ridiculous seen that many missile turrets around the city.

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - Aftermath - Season 01 - Episode 01 -RECAP -
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters – Aftermath – Season 01 – Episode 01 -RECAP –


Kate gets to her fathers apartment to figure out he had a second wife and son that no body in the US knew about, there is confusion all over the scene but this is the part that annoys me, how Kate and Kentaro fight about their father, both in a position that one of the is lying instead of trying to figure things out.

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - Aftermath - Season 01 - Episode 01 -RECAP -
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters – Aftermath – Season 01 – Episode 01 -RECAP –


Kentaro and his mother Emiko cools down but Kate is just a spoiled brat and kept acting like a bitch about her father cheating trying to make Kentaro and Emiko like he is a bastard, that sux and is very shitty from her. Emiko is a sweet women, very patient, before Kate left to the airport an alarm sound off, possible Godzilla attack and everyone ran into the subterranean, Kentaro and Emiko help Kate to cool down and at that moment when she felt vulnerable and supported my Emiko she cools down and lower her guard.

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - Aftermath - Season 01 - Episode 01 -RECAP -
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters – Aftermath – Season 01 – Episode 01 -RECAP –


To clear things out and find out exactly what their father was up to, Kentaro takes Kate to his father office, where they kept arguing because Kate is still bitching about her father secret life, they found a safe in the wall with a bunch of recordings and there is when the adventure to figure out what their father work with and potentially what happen to him but they need help to read all this very old data.

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - Aftermath - Season 01 - Episode 01 -RECAP -
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters – Aftermath – Season 01 – Episode 01 -RECAP –


May steps up to the scene, she is Kentaro ex girlfriend that for some reason he dump, she is a sweet heart too, I like her, May is very good with computers and after some more arguing with Kentaro she agrees to help them because of him and because she is curious about the story behind this documents.

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - Aftermath - Season 01 - Episode 01 -RECAP -
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters – Aftermath – Season 01 – Episode 01 -RECAP –


May manage to read the data that is encrypted, but it seems that part of the encryption work against a remote server that authenticates or decompress the data some how, because the minute she starts reading all this data an alarm is set off at Monarch that gets to Tim who work for Monarch and is very interested to know who is working with this documents that seem to be lost and they want them back badly.

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - Aftermath - Season 01 - Episode 01 -RECAP -
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters – Aftermath – Season 01 – Episode 01 -RECAP –


Finally the pioneers of MONARCH, from left to right, Dr. Keiko Miura, Lee Shaw and Bill Randa, they story goes back and forward through their time lines making reference to younger versions of Bill and Lee.

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - Aftermath - Season 01 - Episode 01 -RECAP -
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters – Aftermath – Season 01 – Episode 01 -RECAP –


Same as Godzilla all this monsters feed from radiation, they are after a location that has high radiation readings that come and goo like there is a radioactive material but something is feeding from it creating all this peak readings, they get to what seems to be an old power plant that must had a core and they did find what they were looking for, MUTO (Massive Unidentified Terrestrial Organism) a term they came up with for some of this monsters, a category.

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - Aftermath - Season 01 - Episode 01 -RECAP -
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters – Aftermath – Season 01 – Episode 01 -RECAP –


This is where the episodes gets intense, Keiko was very talented and brave, she volunteer to go down where all this glowing eggs are to take genetic samples, Lee seem to be in charge of their security that Keiko and Bill doesn’t seem to care that much , their passion for the science blinds their judgement exposing them to high risk specially Keiko. Lee and Keiko go down but the place seem to be very unstable and after just a few minutes of walking the surface where the eggs are the place start to crumble and go down, I have a theory that what ever monster that lay down the eggs felt them and was coming making the place shake, monsters that look like insects, look like cockroach, start to run towards Lee and Keiko, that’s how we get to the cover image were Keiko is trying to climb back but the insects got to her, Bill was pulling her up but could not hold the rope, there was too much weight after the insects got her and she falls down. - tv series divider

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - Aftermath - Season 01 - Episode 01 -RECAP CONCLUSION -

Working with two time lines gives the series the ability to recreate multiple scenes that sparks that rush of dopamine and then slow things down again, in the case of episode one you have attack at Skull Island with Bill running for his life, the Godzilla attack in San Francisco and at the end the scene where all this insects end up killing Keiko, well I assume she is dead. My point is that its not a boring constant story trying to only figure things out as they go, allowing the series to always have two or three action scenes per episode, at least that’s my expectation.

So far as I mention above the monsters scenes have been as expected, nothing ridiculous, they are not going to give you a big Godzilla fight on the first episodes, probably we get one or even two big fights on season one but so far so good in that department, the story behind the disappearance of Hiroshi seems very interesting also making sense with the movies that back it up, I give episode one a 8/10 because it was very entertaining and had bits of all the movies and the story behind them but this series is not GOT or The Rings of Power so giving it a 10 is very hard for me, Monarch is delivering everything I expected from it and I’m glad not everything was shown on the trailer. - tv series divider

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - SEASON 1 - TRAILER -

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The Walking Dead – Dead City: Doma Smo – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Doma Smo - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Doma Smo – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead - Dead City: Doma Smo - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

“We are at Home” Doma Smo, as the tittle of episode six says we are at home makes me think if now Negan is at home?? I have now finish season one of Dead City, probably the first spin off of the original The Walking Dead series that really has nothing to do with zombies, at the same time I was watching Daryl Dixon that is a bit different in that sense because over there it has to do a lot with Zombies but not in the traditional way where they are after you only. Season One of Dead City still feels a bit slow and to be honest episode six does feel like a to be continue episode, lot of things are left hanging and we will have to wait for season two, Hollywood Strike is over meaning that productions will start to catch up so probably we will have season two next year.

Episode six finally reveal the true reason why Maggie went looking for Negan, on episode five Giny call Maggie a liar after she find out there was no missing grain at the Hill Top before he escape to Manhattan looking for Negan, episode six also confirm that anyone who thought that The Croat or Maggie wanted to kill Negan it was never the case, the man was more safe than a deposit box, at Manhattan they wanted Negan to lead them, a higher power was behind the curtain waiting, wanting him to be the new king of the hill for the war that is ahead them. - tv series divider
The Walking Dead - Dead City: Doma Smo - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Doma Smo - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Doma Smo – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP –


After Giny and Maggie got out of the tunnels for some mystic reason they met with Negan, that’s how TV works so don’t ask me because Negan and Perlie were on their way to the dock, Manhattan is so fucking huge and they just some how manage to met again after all the debacle that is going on, I really thought Giny was going to talk this time like finally she is going to spill the beans but it was Negan that kept talking about how she should not be there etc etc and I was like LET THE GIRL TALK!! but she didn’t and Maggie had the chance to dodge a bullet on the spot after Negan ask him if she knew anything about Giny been there to what she answer mmmeee?? NNNOOO!! asking like she doesn’t know Giny can set her liar ass on fire anytime she wants, meh Negan goes with Maggie after he gave a pep talk to Giny and Marshall Perlie takes Giny back to firm land, back to the Hill Top, at this point Giny becomes irrelevant for the rest of the episode.

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Doma Smo - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Doma Smo – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP –


Negan and Maggie take refugee inside a tall building, looking out side the window waiting for someone to show up on the streets, The Croat? , well I’m not sure about that because if I was looking for someone I would probably be on the roof top where I have more sight, anyways TV magic again and a car shows up on the main street.

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Doma Smo - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Doma Smo – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP –


You tell me how they know its The Croat? they decided to go after the car, unless they car parks on the main street, that it didn’t it would be easy to find it ON FOOT!!! this are the things that I dont like about episode six, all this details feel rush, may be when you are watching the episode you dont pay much attention but its the adrenaline and dopamine running through your brain that makes you forget about it, how the fuck they go down twenty story building and still have energy to run after the car??

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Doma Smo - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Doma Smo – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead - Dead City: Doma Smo - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Doma Smo – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP –


See,it was not on the main road but lets say that big smoke cloud helps them to locate it, after all Zombies don’t know how to start a fire so there must be humans inside, as they walk into the building, good old silver fox Negan question Maggie about why Giny would come to Manhattan and if she knew anything about it, like he just wanted to understand Giny, you know been a good guy, probably even good step father. It is here where Maggie drops the ball telling Negan she assume Giny wanted to talk to him explain him why she came to Manhattan and Negan was like “Giny talk to me? Did she talk to you? When did Giny start fucking talking?” Giny doesnt even talk with herself, barely whistle.

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Doma Smo - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Doma Smo – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead - Dead City: Doma Smo - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Doma Smo – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP –


Maggie pulls one of her knifes after she look at Negan and probably though “Fuck I just fuck it up…Giny talking, that was so stupid of me”, tries to stab Negan but he manage to run away until they get to this scene where they are fighting on top of a structure with a lot of Zombies below them, I knew none of them were going to fall so it was a bit over the top and predictable, you tell me if Negan doesn’t want to change his life and make up for his mistakes in the past that he doesn’t kill Maggie and even let her turn him in.

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Doma Smo - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Doma Smo – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP –


At this point he finally understood why The Croat took Hershel and why Maggie went looking for Negan, it look weird that when The Croat was chasing him at the stadium it was like he was trying to be friends with him to the point he thought about it latter on but still Negan wanted to do the right thing and help Maggie get back her son from The Croat. The Croat tells Negan how he has been looking for him for months, he want him alive, how after thinking how to get him finally find out about Maggie and knew she was going to be the key to get Negan, Doma Smon saying like we are home Negan, its here where we belong.

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Doma Smo - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Doma Smo – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP –


They get to a bank where the exchange is going to happen, they had Hershel inside the bank safe, at this point Negan still doubt if he is going to be ok but in that universe they are its most likely he might die, Negan gives in without putting any fight and the only thing he ask from Maggie is to take care of Giny, Maggie felt shitty but probably her thirst of revenge against him was bigger, Maggie gets Hershel but her son is still kidnap even when its free in the out world, mentally Hershel is broken, they already had all kind of problems him knowing about what happen to his father and thinking Maggie tries to safe the world for everyone except him.

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Doma Smo - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Doma Smo – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP –


After Marshall Perlie drops off Giny at the Hill Top where for now she agree to stay, Perlie goes back to New Babylon where is gets interview by their leader, he let Negan live after they bond, remember Negan safe his ass at the island more than once so he was in debt with him.

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Doma Smo - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Doma Smo – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead - Dead City: Doma Smo - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Doma Smo – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP –


Perlie sits there at the office with a few other Marshall, he is welcome as a hero, lie his ass telling them how he killed Negan, I really thought they were going to hang him, Perlie been at Manhattan was actually a happy accident for New Babaylon, seems they are interested in The Croat Methane Mix, he have found a we to turn Zombies into fuel, meaning they can have tech running again, not only cars but generators and other type of machinery with the most abundant resource on Earth at the moment, Zombies.

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Doma Smo - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Doma Smo – Season 1 – Episode 6 – RECAP –


Back at Manhattan, we get to the final straight of the episode, pedal to the metal, The Croat takes Negan back to their hide out, the building that had the big smoke cloud at the back, its a theater, at the dressing room was the lady he talk to on episode five, The Dama, wtf is with this people and their nicknames starting with “THE”, drop the THE (Facebook), its on this final scene that we get all the details of The Croat plan well The Dama plan because he is just a the tool to get their fuel and now get to Negan, the leader she was looking for, seems Manhattan is split between many groups but united can become a strong force not to fuck with and that’s what she wants, for some time now she hold control over a good part of Manhattan but there is also Harlem, even during the Zombie Apocalypse Harlem remains strong, she believes main land already know of their Zombie based fuel and they coming for it, she also tells Negan how all this can be his she just need him to lead the pack and not to leave him with unanswered questions she explain how she cleverly got him sitting where he is at right now, getting Hershel was not enough so she personally question him and crack him up to the point his soul is now hers, she even took a souvenir, pinky toe, so he never forgets she can go back and take another one, Hershell tells her about how Negan killed his father, besides they have been tracking him, getting intel on him and she figure out Negan must be trying to change his life, make up for his mistakes thats how she knew he would not say NO to help Maggie when she ask for. - tv series divider

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Doma Smo - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

Episode six I think gives a good closure but at the same time it doesn’t, it finally tell us exactly why The Croat took Hershel, why Maggie went looking for Nega because episode five tells us it was The Croat that ask her to look for him and bring Negan to him but not the reason why, The Dama came up to the stage and in less than ten minutes gives in all the details that help us crack the code of season one, Negan is the lone wolf they have been looking to lead and unite Manhattan Pack, The Dama loves Negan talent to put up a show and showing the rest who has big balls even when out number and out gun, exactly the type of leader she is looking for to control the entire island, for now looks like her intentions is not to conquer the world but to protect what they have and New Babylon the invaders but that still to be prove on season two.

There were a lot of details that I didn’t like about the series like how they move from one place to another, how they always manage to find each other like they wearing an Apple Tag or something but still when watching TV series you need to understand all this is fiction, meaning all this is a lie and bull shit like that goes on.

For season two I don’t think Maggie, Hershel of the Hill Top is out of the equation, as a fact because of Hershel and Maggie their entire community will be at risk, Marshal Perlie is been interview and caught bullshitting so what if he tells about the Hill Top?? New Babylon would love to take over it, with all the problems going on between Maggie and Hershel, he might run back to The Dama, when the episode is about to be over Maggie found Hershel’s drawings most refer to when he was kidnap and there was a portrait from The Dama so stupid Hershel can run back to her if he feels his mother is not on his side or he doesn’t feel safe or had any other trauma that makes him feel safer over at Manhattan, I see season two been the invasion of Manhattan, not a bad tittle.

Finally I’m done with season one, soon will build up an overall recap giving my opinion about it.


The Walking Dead - Dead City: Doma Smo - Season 1 - Episode 6 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4:
Episode 5: - tv series divider

The Walking Dead - Dead City - SEASON 1 TRAILER -

#skiptvads #tvseries #tvaddicts #tvseriesblog #cinetv #hive #thewalkingdead #deadcity #manhattan #zombies #maggie #negan #spinoff #lucille #episode6 #season1

The Walking Dead – Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Usually on Saturday I only post once but today I wanted to do a back to back Walking Dead Spin Off post since there is the Mexico GP I want to write about but also want to continue this two series I’m about to finish specially because there is another spin off about to start next year.

Episode three of Dead City was pack with action when Maggie, Negan, Tomaso and Amaia try to take over the stadium where The Croat was but it all look odd how nothing went according to their plan, I get that Ginny fucked up half of the plan but still it was like The Croat had everything plan to slip away leaving them behind fighting a mass of Zombies inside the stadium, main characters got away but the rest of the crew that was with them not, Negan end up splitting because after been the bait to lure The Croat out he ended as the prey, he is an old silver fox so he knows how to defend himself and survive but it was a different story for Amaia and Tommaso who took the sewers as their route to escape from the stadium, it was full of Zombies but there were some really weird things down there like an entire wall of flesh and fat don’t know from what exactly and then this three on one Zombie on the cover image, on this episode a couple of things that were reveal start to give closure and sense to season one of Dead City, opening the door to Season Two that has been approve already coming up next year but it would depend if Hollywood strike ends. - tv series divider
The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


After everyone try to look their way out of the stadium Negan end up been prisoner of Marshal Armstrong who even after he safe him from the void, The Croat throw Perlie of the stairs to the void showing some good faith to Negan; I mention on my previous post that it was like he wanted to be friends with Negan but you never know with this crazy bastards it might all be a trick to get you, thats how you survive.

Negan tries to get into Perlie good side, remind him how he safe him from The Croat, how he can get a boat so both get out of the island but Perlie has everything figure out, after all he knows very well New York, he was from the Bronx and knew he need no boat, all the need was the dock that floats, he is getting Negan justice one way or another.

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


They kept going on their way to the dock so they could get out of the island but at a point they were cornered by Zombies, force them to get into what looks like a school, inside the find the remaining of a person who suicide, most likely was alone and could not handle the situation, either out of food, water, alone and setup a stand with books that held an ax, there was a bottle probably of some kind of booze next the corps on a table, this remind Perlie of his brother who he recently discover dead in his old apartment, his brother did something similar and left back a letter. It must be a very exhausting situation living like this, you don’t know when its going to end, you constantly have to look for food, watch out for your safety because not only Zombies want to eat you but humans might want to eat you too or raid your place, probably worst than living in a place at war.

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


Negan has change and its not the same man he once was, I kept saying this through all episodes, he tries to escape from Perlie but at some point he catch up although was not in a position to fight Negan, Perlie is hurt badly on a leg and might get caught easy by Zombies, Negan stops and help him, not been the man he use to be is going to become a problem for him soon, I think this might happen sooner on episode six.

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


Tommaso, Amaia, Maggie and Ginny are walking through the sewers, trying to get as far as possible form the stadium and here is where everything comes to light, on second image above Tommaso goes behind one of this barrels, take of his backpack to pull something out of it.

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


Turns out he is now the luckiest man in the entire Zombie Apocalypse, he just found two full bottles of oxygen with their mask and everything but he didn’t count that Maggie was way more sharp than he is and saw him taking the oxygen bottles out of his backpack, then she starts connecting the dots and figure out it was him who told The Croat about the plan, it was Tommaso all this time and that’s how The Croat got away and they stay trapped, when they were all corner at the stadium inside the octagon he was the only one missing at some point and came from the back to help them, this was no coincidence, he might not know exactly how things were going to happen but was way more steps ahead than the rest so that make him look like the mighty hero of the night, saving everyone ass. Maggie end his theater and take off the mask, letting Amaia know all the truth but latter on her pants got on fire too liar liar, pants on fire.

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


They had no other option and kept going, is not like they would go back or stay there, on this series every single man or women that act as a cheap bitch, a sell out, a snitch dies one way or another and some times pay back is so sweet, the sewers not only were full or dead bodies but some of them were Zombies, they walk and walk without finding any troubles until they took a rest because of all the methane. While they were taking a rest there was another big revelation, Tommaso told Maggie the truth about why he did it, The Croat promise him a place to stay in mainland, a place where everything was made of brick, guess what that place is? Hill Top, now Maggie has no other option to get Hershel and fly out of there is possible as fast as she can to get everyone ready at home to defend themself.

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


It was there when the took a rest when they got attacked, Tommaso and Amaia got the worst part of it, Tommaso got Amaia killed because if it wasn’t for him then probably the would not be down the sewers, he also got attacked and bitten on his neck badly, it was only Ginny and Maggie left but then Mr. Zombie, the one at the cover of this post; show up while Maggie got her foot stuck inside one of the corps laying down, leaving her still and all he could do was lay on her back and try to defend from this mutated Zombie, it look like someone put it together but would not be strange if Zombies remains could get stuck between them, its like there is a pile of them and they are so rotten they can go through each other but at some point get stuck inside another Zombie’s body, at least that’s how I think it could happen because Zombies do not grow or regenerate, all they can do is disintegrate, rot or turn apart.

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


All this time I have been thinking that Ginny only came back for Negan to be with him because she didn’t like Hill Top but that was not the only reason, when she was escaping Ginny was near a Silo and Maggie kept telling Negan how The Croat tool all their grain but at the Hill Top when she arrive they had food so before she hop on the dirt bike an escape she check the Silo and it was full. Maggie kills the six foot tall Zombie but she was exhausted and out of oxygen until she got out of a tunnel to escape, same tunnel that Ginny took and wrote on the wall LIAR, it was at this moment that Ginny knows something, probably not everything but something that can lead Negan to the real reason she wanted Negan to help her.

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP -
The Walking DeadDead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves – Season 1 – Episode 5 – RECAP –


I really like this kind of scenes where you don’t know what the fuck is going on but something is cooking. The Croat gave Maggie the Wanted Man flyer where Negan show up, he took Hershel; her son so she get him Negan, this is still and unknown reason for me same way as he visits this women who was inside a theater with another bunch of people, she looks like the one running town and both want Negan although I cant figure out why. Its like she wants Negan to lead her people or an army, she was reading a book of The European Conquest of Native American, so that takes me to this conclusion, she is preparing for something big, probably to defend themself from getting conquered from mainland. - tv series divider

The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

Different than Daryl Dixon spin off, Dead City is turning to be very good TV Series, entertain, traitors left and right, people lying to each other to try to survive thinking they have an advantage to the guy next to them but its actually not the case, that’s how so far has been between Maggie and Negan, also Tommaso and Amaia close to the end but they were not lucky enough to survive, The Croat has been playing all of them all this time and the one that knows the less out of all of them is Negan so I guess how is he going to react once he discover the truth, at least Maggies real plan, at some point the good old Negan is coming back and who knows if Lucile shows up too, that would be a proper ending to this season or start for season two.


The Walking Dead - Dead City: Stories We Tell Ourselves - Season 1 - Episode 5 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4: - tv series divider

The Walking Dead - Dead City - SEASON 1 TRAILER -

#skiptvads #tvseries #tvaddicts #tvseriesblog #cinetv #hive #thewalkingdead #deadcity #manhattan #zombies #maggie #negan #spinoff #lucille #episode5 #season1

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Paris Sera Toujours Paris – Episode 3 – Season 1 – RECAP

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Paris Sera Toujours Paris - Episode 3 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Paris Sera Toujours Paris – Episode 3 – Season 1 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Paris Sera Toujours Paris - Episode 3 - Season 1 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

I don’t know what is it with this series but we are already in episode three of a six episode season and it feels like for ever, I know I’m only watching one episode per week and probably this short seasons are intended to watch in one or two days, still would not make sense but I can’t think of why it feels so slow, nothing of real context rather than Laurent life is happening, yes everything goes around him on this season but there is not much fighting, shooting, kidnap, bullying, survive, that’s what traditional Walking Dead is, bring out that survivor side of the characters, actually episode one was way better than two and three.

There are a couple of things that need to be clarify for example whats going Genet army, what kind of experiments are they really doing not only on the ship that Daryl escape from but now on this episode we also have the opportunity to look at a facility where they running experiments on Zombies, Walkers, from what I saw its a kind of super strength or rage I say this because there was a Zombie on chains go wild and break loose but then his head explode.

On this episode I think we only get more context of Isabelle and Laurent, where they come from not the country but what was their life before the Zombie outbreak, we already know Laurent is Isabelle nephew but what about Isabelle? first part of episode two was mostly about her and now episode three does a similar thing towards the middle, uncovering part of her past with Quinn her ex boyfriend who survive after she ran away with her sister on Quinn car leaving him behind but let me tell you Quinn is full of surprises. - tv series divider
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Paris Sera Toujours Paris - Episode 3 - Season 1 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Paris Sera Toujours Paris - Episode 3 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Paris Sera Toujours Paris – Episode 3 – Season 1 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Paris Sera Toujours Paris - Episode 3 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Paris Sera Toujours Paris – Episode 3 – Season 1 – RECAP –


Daryl has kept his part of the deal, he got Isabelle and Laurent to Paris but it looks like everything is dead, streets are empty, Zombies everywhere like people has loose hope, all you can hear is the Eiffel Tower moving with the wind, that must be impressive all that silence and suddenly listing to that giant rusty metal structure swinging, their home town, initially they were looking for a man who live on a theater, a musician, they have talk over the radio before but it seems he has been alone for too long to the point he has gone mad, crazy, nuts, some how he have tied a bunch of Zombies to instruments and now they play for him as an orchestra, it was very impressive to see all the Walkers “”playing”” the instruments, so there is no radio, no hope of communicating with others, Isabelle is disappointed but Daryl is pissed, he is not a God’s man and hates loosing time specially when he knew it was a waist of time.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Paris Sera Toujours Paris - Episode 3 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Paris Sera Toujours Paris – Episode 3 – Season 1 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Paris Sera Toujours Paris - Episode 3 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Paris Sera Toujours Paris – Episode 3 – Season 1 – RECAP –


After the disappointing encounter with the mad musician at the theater they start exploring, have no clue where to go but destiny finds them, Fallou a men who knew father Pere Jean cross their way. Fallou runs a small community of survivors, they are pacific, strong and have build a sustainable environment where everyone has a role to play to keep it going, there are workers, teachers, cooks, everything is going smooth, Fallou knows about Laurent, well what father Pere Jean convince them, the prophecy that Laurent will safe the world from this apocalypse but so far he is just a kid that has been lied all this time along and things are going to get bad once he start to learn his true story, on episode two he abandon the idea of going to Paris and wanted to stay with the other kids at the school they found on their way so its just a matter of time before he knows his true story and turn against Isabelle for keeping him in the dark and lying to him all this time.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Paris Sera Toujours Paris - Episode 3 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Paris Sera Toujours Paris – Episode 3 – Season 1 – RECAP –


This was funny scene, after they failed at locating a radio now at Fallou’s camp they don’t use radio they use pigeons to communicate so Daryl goes mad again, not only he is among a group of religious people who has silly believes in his opinion but now they want him to stay sitting for days or weeks waiting for a pigeon with a message, that’s IF big IF the pigeon returns.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Paris Sera Toujours Paris - Episode 3 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Paris Sera Toujours Paris – Episode 3 – Season 1 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Paris Sera Toujours Paris - Episode 3 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Paris Sera Toujours Paris – Episode 3 – Season 1 – RECAP –


In some part of Paris, Codron has finally met Genet, he brings her proof that he knows who Daryl Dixon is, the American who escape from the ship and did some damage to it that cost her time and money to rebuild so she still have on her plans locating Daryl, all Codron wants is to capture him and if possible kill him in revenge of his brother, they go about why she have to trust him to which he doesn’t much context other than he wants revenge and he has seen Daryl before because that’s the truth, he knows nothing about Daryl, this are some of the things that make me feel this episode was vague as fuck and slow too, they spend about five minutes at her office while she tries to light up a smoke and Codron not really proving why he is the man for the task, anyways she put him in charge of finding Daryl.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Paris Sera Toujours Paris - Episode 3 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Paris Sera Toujours Paris – Episode 3 – Season 1 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Paris Sera Toujours Paris - Episode 3 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Paris Sera Toujours Paris – Episode 3 – Season 1 – RECAP –


After Daryl got pissed about them waiting for a pigeon to carry their message, Fallou offer them the option to look for some one who can help Daryl get into a boat to America, that is a truly fucking task locating a boat to get him from one continent to another, after all he probably got lucky and there is no way he can go back.

They are in Paris, Isabelle home tome and she left a stash at her apartment, money, drugs, jewelry, things they can use to trade, Daryl already kept his part of the deal to bring Laurent safe to Paris, now Isabelle feels she is on Daryls debt list so she is willing to do as much as it takes to keep her part of the deal. Some times Daryl is a fucking bastard, Isabelle was telling him about Quinn but that is part of her stupid past, they he makes fun of her how she upgrade Quinn with God, like that is as stupid as been with Quinn.

Zombies got into the building and got them surrounded at her apartment, while trying to escape Isabelle froze after she saw a little girl who use to life into the same building a as her turn into a Zombie the weird part is that she was not as deteriorated as the other Zombie what makes me think she was probably killed or die of some natural cause, remember in Walking Dead eventually everyone turns into a Zombie after dying unless you stick something through their head right away. The exit was blocked by thick branches that Daryl could not cut and he notice this Zombies were burners too, their touch and insides burn anything, same as they Zombies that he saw on episode one at the warehouse so he use one of the to burn down the branches with their acid insides.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Paris Sera Toujours Paris - Episode 3 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Paris Sera Toujours Paris – Episode 3 – Season 1 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Paris Sera Toujours Paris - Episode 3 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Paris Sera Toujours Paris – Episode 3 – Season 1 – RECAP –


Daryl, Isabelle, Fallou, Laurent and Silvie got to a club, its the end of the world but seems people in Paris will keep on partying, question is where do they get the drinks, how they get currency, why do they get paid, there has to be some sort of economy to keep the place going, the man in charge was Quinn, Isabelle’s ex boyfriend who safe them from getting robbed from local smart ass you were trying to out play Isabelle and Daryl to keep their drugs as they were trying to make a deal for boat.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Paris Sera Toujours Paris - Episode 3 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Paris Sera Toujours Paris – Episode 3 – Season 1 – RECAP –


I really thought Quinn was going to be pissed and lock them down, after all he runs the place, got a crew and out power them but he wanted to play the big boy card, the play boy card, he owns the place, has money, power so Quinn takes Isabelle and Daryl to his office where he has everything from paints, antiques, champagne, offers them a drink but they just want to make a deal and get out.

Doubt if its true or not but after Isabelle tells him she is nun now and refuse to stay with him he reveal to her that Laurent is most likely his son, that her sister Lily was carrying his son so he was fucking her at the same time he was dating Isabelle, he wants Laurent to know the truth in exchange of getting a boat for Daryl but Daryl refuse and leaves then Isabelle gets pissed at Daryl, I didn’t get that right was it either Quinn just wanted Laurent to know he is his father or is it also that he wants Quinn to stay?? I think was just Laurent know the truth.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Paris Sera Toujours Paris - Episode 3 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Paris Sera Toujours Paris – Episode 3 – Season 1 – RECAP –


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Paris Sera Toujours Paris - Episode 3 - Season 1 - RECAP -
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon – Paris Sera Toujours Paris – Episode 3 – Season 1 – RECAP –


Cordon is after Daryl, some how he knows he was at Quinn place, back at Fallou’s camp Quinn and Isabelle kept talking about Laurent and her destiny, but Daryl is still pissed at how she lies to the kid, his father now, his entire life, Daryl had enough with his failed attempts to get a boat helped by Isabelle, Laurent heard them and tries to run away after telling them he hates them.

Cordon got to the camp and starts chasing Daryl, before he left the camp Daryl tells Isabelle to meet her at the apartment, some lame chasing starts, then Cordon and Daryl got into a fight but nothing impressive, it was a very dark scene with both dress in black, the music was lame too, very bad ending for the episode in my opinion. - tv series divider

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Paris Sera Toujours Paris - Episode 3 - Season 1 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

This episode was not bad but at best I give it a 7/10 and that’s been generous, its on the verge of a six, there were a few interesting scenes like the musician with the Zombie band playing, Quinn’s underground bar but then it raise the question of how he keeps the place running, the small drama that he is Laurent father was a good twist but nothing really interesting or impressive on this episode, what I really want to know is the purpose of Genet experiments with Zombies and why Daryl was a prisoner at her ship, eventually he will kill Codron that’s for sure, the Laurent story I cant really care less, in my opinion is all about if and how Daryl gets back home, very lame episode, I hope the other three pack some punch.


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Paris Sera Toujours Paris - Episode 3 - Season 1 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

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