The Continental: Loyalty to the Master – Episode 2 – RECAP

The Continental: Loyalty to the Master - Episode 2 - RECAP -
The Continental: Loyalty to the Master – Episode 2 – RECAP –


The Continental: Loyalty to the Master - Episode 2 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Just like Winston I recently had a very bad week to the point that I had no time to keep going with my regular daily posts and didn’t even had the humor to login and engage or some micro blogging, usually when I’m get pissed I have time for nothing else other than the problem I’m facing and I cant move forward until I find a solution.

Winstons is force to come back to New York because Cormac kidnap him and brought him back to use him as bait so he can get to Frankie, Winstons brother; who is now dead after feeling it was the only way to safe his wife, Yen; and brother after he stole from Cormac and old coin press. At this point in the story from how everyone reacts to what is The High Table, it seems it was still a deep secret within the hotel, probably even the workers at the hotel had no clue what it was including Charon who look very naive to everything on this episode even to who Cormac really is, only Cormac knows who they are and probably the real power, this is something really link with the John Wick movies.

Episode two is about revenge and knowing a bit more about Frankie, even though he is dead by now, episode two gives us a brief description how Frankie and Yen met. After Frankie dies Winston starts to put up a crew to kill Cormac but over this crazy idea evolves a new one and is to take over The Continental, there has always been rumors of what goes on inside but no body knows so now Winston, Miles, Lou and Lemmy want to find out, they want to know the truth and for this will not only have to take down Cormac but get deep into The Continental Hotel. - tv series divider
The Continental: Loyalty to the Master - Episode 2 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

The Continental: Loyalty to the Master - Episode 2 - RECAP -
The Continental: Loyalty to the Master – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Little is known about Yen on the series, on episode one it was evident she was not American but the question was how did she and Frankie met, why are they together and does she knows English?

Episode two explains a bit about their story and here are some of mine assumptions too, they met when Frankie was in the army, went to Vietnam war and she was some ones puppet probably trying to be a patriot, one day her “master” brain wash her into putting a bomb-jacket to enter a bar full of soldiers and explode, she follow all her orders but the bomb never activates, never explode, she try hard because she hits the trigger many times.

The Continental: Loyalty to the Master - Episode 2 - RECAP -
The Continental: Loyalty to the Master – Episode 2 – RECAP –


After Yen tries to kill everyone she gave up, Frankie saw her from the table he was drinking, my theory is that Frankie free her, they sit together have a small talk until she comes straight and ask him to help her, he gets rid of the bomb and from that moment protect her, Yen was very devoted to him but Frankie went a bit crazy when he started to discover what The High Table was, he didn’t know exactly what it was but knew it was way bigger than Cormac, he takes the coin press not to sell it or fuck Cormac but use it as a way to unveil what The High Table was.

Yen knows English very well, she only speaks when she is pissed and she is at Winston because she feels he didn’t do enough to try to safe Frankie, Yen join forces with Winston and the rest to bring down Cormac.

The Continental: Loyalty to the Master - Episode 2 - RECAP -
The Continental: Loyalty to the Master – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Winston got tired of been under Cormac all his life, he went away from NY because he knew he would never become some one if he was close to Cormac but Frankie decided to stay, Miles mention that at first he was independent but latter on he got closer to the Hotel and then became part of Cormac crew, Frankie was good at killing and handling weapons so he becomes and asset for Cormac but not under The High Table direct orders.

Winston puts everyone on notice that he is going for Cormac, he wants to bring him down but the rest knows it doesn’t end there, they need to take over The Continental.

The Continental: Loyalty to the Master - Episode 2 - RECAP -
The Continental: Loyalty to the Master – Episode 2 – RECAP –


The Continental: Loyalty to the Master - Episode 2 - RECAP -
The Continental: Loyalty to the Master – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Winston and the crew knows they might have the amount of guns with Miles supply but they need more people, more hands to pull triggers, more people willing to bleed to take Cormac down, Winston knows of a underground army control by a women, this women is Mazzy; this underground army relates to who on the John Wick movies is known as Bowery King who runs a network of spies and soldiers around the city aside from The High Table until he becomes a problem and they decided to make an example out of him, the same way as Mazzy runs their army independent from The High Table.

Mazzy and Winston didn’t really close a deal on their conversation but all she ask back is Love, I think she mainly talks about unconditional loyalty ask she explains how she help all this people who have all kind of troubles on their life then help them to get back on their feet and then become part of her family, her loyal to each other army.

I will finish watching the third episode tonight, what I think might happen is that she and her crew safes Winston ass on the last minute.

The Continental: Loyalty to the Master - Episode 2 - RECAP -
The Continental: Loyalty to the Master – Episode 2 – RECAP –


The Continental: Loyalty to the Master - Episode 2 - RECAP -
The Continental: Loyalty to the Master – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Cormac gets a visit from The Adjudicator, she is the highest rule enforcer from The High Table, the role as in John Wick: Chapter Four is the same she is here to take care of business, as identification they have a special type of coin that represent her in this case, every order she gives better be executed as requested if not it is very likely that the end will be excommunicated “excommunicado” meaning you are out, no protection from The Continental so most likely you are is on the line and there is a contract for your head. The gives Cormac a final warning to get the coin press back if not he will suffer the concurrences.

The Continental: Loyalty to the Master - Episode 2 - RECAP -
The Continental: Loyalty to the Master – Episode 2 – RECAP –


On the John Wick movies, there were cops who knew who he was and his profession, at the moment of this story cops had no idea what goes down at The Hotel and are not suppose to go inside, all they know its if you do most likely will get killed for sniffing around. KD (Kady Silva) was sniffing around a lot, she was after Frankie and a few others at the hotel, even paid a visit on episode one and now is getting closer to touch the tip of the iceberg that The High Table is, not much happen on the mini series with her only that she still investigating and recently got a call that Frankie died but then when she arrives the body was gone, she brings down the hammer to the guy who works at the morgue and got him to sing, gives her a few clues of who took Frankie’s body in this case was Winston. Probably after Winston takes over The Continental she works with him on the side but I’m not sure how because Winston on the movies was never a friend of The High Table although love their business.

The Continental: Loyalty to the Master - Episode 2 - RECAP -
The Continental: Loyalty to the Master – Episode 2 – RECAP –


The Continental: Loyalty to the Master - Episode 2 - RECAP -
The Continental: Loyalty to the Master – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Before the first shot was fired to take over The Continental the attack already started, Winston knows this job is easier with an inside man, Charon a young man who has been protected by Cormac has also been lied about how he will help him bring his Father to America, Winston did some investigation and wants to use Cormac many years of manipulation of Charon against him basically trying to make Charon open his eyes and make him understand that any day Cormac can snap and kill him. Winston pull a kidnap not kidnap on Charon and try to make him understand the true animal that Cormac is, at first I think this meeting didn’t have a big impact on Charon points of view.

Everything change when Charon got back to the hotel and saw his friend Thomas laying on the ground with his head split in two after Cormac went to town on him just because Thomas told him he invited Charon to come with him to the conservatory but he denied, Cormac interpret this as taking or stealing from him, in the topic of stealing like Frankie did; so he smash Thomas head with a golf from Behind. Looking at Thomas laying on the floor cover in blood, listening to Cormac excuse that no body takes from him and now he wants to bring Charon’s father to America to be the new resident musician makes Charon think twice who he is dealing with and now might put his father at great danger. - tv series divider

The Continental: Loyalty to the Master - Episode 2 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

I have to admit there was a lot of talking on Episode two and not a lot of action but I did enjoy a few parts like known a bit more about Yen, also when Cormac hammer down Thomas head with the golf stick, I guess everyone was expecting more action from the series but I think more important than action until now it was to make the series relate to the movies and maintaining some of their characters and know more of their past was very important like Charon story, The Adjudicator who is not the same as John Wick movies probably this one already died when the movies happen, also Mazzy who was probably the pioneer of Bowery King army all this details satisfy my curiosity, I’m starting to think this spin off was to bring more details about the movies rather than a series full of action John Wick style because besides John and Caine there were very few other characters that could raise your adrenaline every time they show up on the scene.

I’m going to watch the third episode of The Continental tonight after a horrendous three days at work, at least TV Series make me forget about all those problems, last night put on my VR Setup and burn a good three hours of The Wheel of Time, last three episodes where literally fire and cant wait for the new season.


The Continental: Loyalty to the Master - Episode 2 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1: - tv series divider

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The Continental: Brothers in Arms – Episode 1 – Recap

The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - Recap -
The Continental: Brothers in Arms – Episode 1 – Recap –


The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Lets start with the obvious, this is a mini series, this is not about John Wick (at least episode one) so don’t expect to see anyone else related to John other than Winston, Charon and the hotel, other than this so far nothing else points to John Wick himself.

Been a three part mini series it feels kinda packed with a lot of information, specially the amount of characters, on episode one there are about a solid two digit amount of characters that are important to the development of the episode and they start to die very fast, different than other series that promise a lot of action right from the go The Continental did promise and deliver, there is a lot of shooting, car chase, Frankie robbed the hotel safe, there was a helicopter scene towards the end but I think they ran out of time to make a great scene out of it or probably budget, been on Peacock doesn’t give me too much confidence on the series, also there are a few faces I have never seen although the actors were ok I got no complains, The Continental seem like a great idea for a full Tv Series but no body had the time, cast or money to develop it but some one didn’t want to let the idea waste and gave it a shot with some what low budget, no disrespect to any of the actors its just how it feels.

The Continental is about Winston, after 20 years of not seen his brother Frankie, Winston is kidnap by Cormac (The Continental Manager) and send him back to US because his brother just stole something valuable for him and the organization (The High Table), Frankie stole and old coin press from the organization, now Cormac wants to use Winston as bait but he tries to outsmart him back to safe Frankie and his wife Yen. - tv series divider
The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - Recap -
The Continental: Brothers in Arms – Episode 1 – Recap –


Frankie is Winston older brother, since they were little got in trouble and Frankie was always there to protect him, latter down the line Frankie did time in jail taking the fall and letting Winston out of trouble but then Frankie’s involvement with The Continental pulls Winston back.

The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - Recap -
The Continental: Brothers in Arms – Episode 1 – Recap –


Frankie work for Cormac, the same mobster that put them on the street after his father took a loan that latter on could not pay but down the road Frankie discover what was going on at The Continental, it was the 70’s and different than the John Wick movies where everyone knows he is an assassin because we are watching the movie through his eyes, on The Continental is different, during the times of this mini series it was not known what The High Table was, they just knew The Continental could not be touch, even the cops knew this.

The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - Recap -
The Continental: Brothers in Arms – Episode 1 – Recap –


So far I’m not sure why Frankie thought it was a good idea and what was his goal at stealing this coin press, if you saw the movies then you know that on chapter four, John goes to middle east and talks to an Jerome Berrada who is in charge of making the coins so this coin press that Frankie steals is probably nothing else than a relic, he almost gets caught after his partner betray him.

The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - Recap -
The Continental: Brothers in Arms – Episode 1 – Recap –


Winston earn his life making business at London, big money, he is very smart and slick, always steps ahead of the people he is trying to make business with but had no clew what his brother has been doing back at home, New York, for the last twenty years.

The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - Recap -
The Continental: Brothers in Arms – Episode 1 – Recap –


Cormac, as mention the mobster now running The Continental, he is ruthless, will do anything to make others do his willing even killing themself, always has a leverage against others and this time he thinks that leverage against Frankie is his little brother Winston, he brings him from London to find Frankie, after all Cormac saw them grow up together and knows this two love each other even they cant live together as grown ups.

The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - Recap -
The Continental: Brothers in Arms – Episode 1 – Recap –


Fucking Peter Greene as Charlie, a man who knew Winston and Frankie since they were little, Peter Green was making films since I was a kid, appear in Pulp Fiction, he had a small part on this mini series but still did ok I think. He helps Winston, gave him a gun, a coat and his car, a mustang very similar to John’s Mustang int he movies, also told Frankie was probably at a Karate Dojo, I will look because probably at some point Winston gave this car to John as gift, after all they were good friends.

The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - Recap -
The Continental: Brothers in Arms – Episode 1 – Recap –


Winston decides to visit the Dojo, Burton Karate, here he meet Miles and Lou, brothers who run the Dojo but there is no business with the Dojo, Miles use it as a cover for his guns traffic business, looks like Frankie was staying there for some time after he left. Winstons ask for their help to find Frankie before Cormac so Miles only told him what he knew, Miles and Frankie work together until he got to the hotel, Frankie was good with all kind of guns and probably good at killing people too.

The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - Recap -
The Continental: Brothers in Arms – Episode 1 – Recap –


There are other characters that are not develop yet, they will have more influence on episode two and three, she is The Adjudicator, most likely works for The High Table, on this scene she got the guy who betray Frankie, she is trying to extract information from him without much luck, over all not many people knew who this organization was, I think not even Cormac exactly new, I remember even Winston on Chapter for didn’t know about certain rules and things that the Marquis could do.

The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - Recap -
The Continental: Brothers in Arms – Episode 1 – Recap –


There is also KD, she is investigating a criminal under the name of Francis Scott, she once chase him to The Continental but was stop by her boss Mayhew who she is fucking too, Mayhew knows better and stops her before she gets killed but she still want in so one day the guy at the door let her in, everyone on the hotel immediately knew she was not one of them, she notice how they pay with the coins, how everyone was packed even the receptionist was arm, it was not the type of hotel she was expecting, for sure she finds out something latter on that will involve her with Winston.

The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - Recap -
The Continental: Brothers in Arms – Episode 1 – Recap –


Wisnton finally finds Frankie and his girlfriend Yen, very vague Frankie explains him what is going on at the hotel, he is talking about The High Table but doesn’t know much, same as the beginning this part of the episode is packed with shooting and close contact gun fight, but the ending I didn’t like so much. - tv series divider

The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

I’m going to talk about the ending of episode 1, I think this series over sold a story, everyone is probably going to watch The Continental thinking it had to do something with John right from the start and they will get the same kind of quality but its not, the ending of episode 1 same thing, we loose Frankie because he knows that if he doesn’t let Winston and Yen go the end will be the same everyone dead, but WHY did he took the coin press? I think that made no sense, now that Frankie is gone him been the man of action, say the John Wick of the series who kills people with anything at hand, who is going to take that spot? , the first episode was NOT bad, I give it a 7.5/10 since it does has action as promise and it is related to the John Wick universe, lets see how the other two episodes develop and where does it takes us, I hope they are same or better than episode one. There were a few characters I didn’t mention on my recap because they are not as important been episode one is always about presenting the main characters, their motives and where is the story going and episode 1 did all this very well. - tv series divider

The Continental TRAILER -

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What to watch on September 2023

September is going to be fire with the upcoming Tv Series, at the moment of this post one of them already roll out, two of this five tv series come from solid background that is Daryl Dixon from The Walking Dead and The Continental from the John Wick Universe, The Wheel of Time after a solid season one comes back plus two series that I’m sure wont disappoint they are The Changeling and Gen V, I’m all in on the first four although Gen V doesn’t excite me that much since its a spin off from The Boys a series that I don’t like that much due to its dark humor, sadistic and a bit extra violent.


Prime Video ordered a second season of their epic series a half year before the first season premiered. That should tell you something about the streamer’s investment in Rafe Judkins’ fantasy juggernaut. Word has it, these new episodes will have bigger action, set pieces, and emotional stakes.


The Wheel of Time

The first season was fire, so far I have seen the first to episodes and they were a bit slow although we coming from Moraine loosing her ability to touch the source, all her powers are gone and the five kids the once took under her wing are spread out each living their own path but soon with meet once again, so don’t expect action right out of the back of the first episode on season 2, I have not read any of the books, if Im not mistaken its a 15 books story that started back on 1990, I’m sure they have more details that are not into the TV series so for sure worth the reading for any book worm, season one receive high scores around internet starting at 7.1/10 on IMDB probably the site that most people criticize without much base IMO so consider it a very high score, release date September 1. - tv series divider


The Changeling

From what I have read about this series it has some vibe like Servant (2019), “fairies” take a mans kid and left back a creature that looks like his baby, its a Victor LaValle’s novel adaptation, at times I feel it might sound ridiculous them trying to pretend nothing is wrong with the kid just like in Servant but I hope the story around the other characters keep the series alive, this kind of confusing stories are not successful all of the time and it could be worst if they move back and forward in the time line of events, just speculating on what might happen, release date September 8. - tv series divider


The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon

BAD ASS Daryl Dixon comes back to the screen, I never finish watching The Walking Dead, at the moment don’t even remember why but I think I got tired, to be honest at times it was depressing but I’m willing to watch it all over, the Daryl Dixon is one of the many spin off that will come out from the original Walking Dead, just as recently came out The Walking Dead: Dead City, the story is post the eleven seasons of the main series, I guess Daryl split out to continue his journey, I’m probably going to spoil the seasons I never finish but it is what it is for me, release date September 10. - tv series divider


The Continental: From the World of John Wick 

If you saw any of the John Wick movies you must be very familiar with The Continental, a network of hotels around the world that operate as neutral ground for criminals, mostly bounty hunters, professional assassins, in the image above young Winston Scott who turn out to be a great friend of John Wick, same as Constantine this is another series that every Keanu Reeves fan would love to see more of it, even Keanu admit that if there is a role he wants to play again is John Constantine but who knows if we will ever see him again as John Wick, at least this time there were four movies and the last one put up a good ending to the story, although having tv series from the John Wick Universe is a great addition to the fans, release date September 22. - tv series divider


September is going to be full of great series, this are just a few and for me the ones I will be looking for three of them will be great to watch with VR googles only to keep 100% focus plus they will be full of action, I already start The Wheel of Time Season two and planing to release my recap of episodes 1 and 2 before the end of this week, Gen V is a wild card I will give it a try to not too excited about it.

This is probably a series of articles that I will keep posting at the beginning of each month, I also got a few tech related post that can help other manage their video library and have a better experience at consuming online content too. From the time I was away working on a set of content I’m behind on other series that I plan to post the rest of the episodes RECAP.

Drops of God: The Link – Season 1 – Episode 5 – Recap

Drops of God: The Link – Season 1 Episode 5 – Recap -
Drops of God: The Link – Season 1 Episode 5 – Recap


Drops of God: The Link – Season 1 Episode 5 – Recap INTRODUCTION -

Hirozaku is missing and Issei his son just got the news, him and his dad are very close but Issei cant keep asking himself why is he on this competition with Camille, he starts to question what could be the ties between him and Alexander Ledger rather than been just his student and its here when he discover he was more than just a regular student, after his dad disappear and his family officially turning his back on him Issei feels very low, lost stamina, out of strength. The story of Issei is finally getting stronger and starting to take shape, took it five episodes and it feels great because at this point we know a lot about Camille and here role on this series and I knew at some point Issei part of the story will become important, will be given more screen time, this episode is mostly about Issei and his family different than the first four when he was just on the side lines been the great Sommelier he is and stepping over Camille on the contest but not given that much screen time as he got on this episode.

At the moment of writing this episode I already saw episode six and I think for the rest of the season Honoka is going to get trashed badly, on episode four we learn how she and Alexander became lovers and Hirozaku save her reputation at taking Issei as his own son, making everyone think he is the father of a Tomine Diamond, the father of Honoka son when actually Issei is Alexander Ledger son, Camille step brother and the second reason he is on the contest, other than Honoka and Hirozaku no body else knows, at least until now her father Noboru Tomine haven’t show signs he knew so the moment this goes out to light because it will, at some point Issei is going to reveal this secret and bring it to the press, at least for now he just discover the real connection between Alexander and his mother but doesn’t have like real strong proof he is Alexander son, who knows if Honoka even kill herself the moment this news go out, we have seen on most Japaneses stories how some times the characters commit suicide when their honor gets beaten so hard and that’s whats going to happen with her and unfortunately with Hirozaku too because lets not forget that even though he did a great thing at taking care of Issei he also lied to the Tomine family for many many years.

Camille is evolving, now she has been offered to take care of his father book, The Ledger Guide, a wine guide that in the series represent basically the bible of wine, if your vineyard, your wine, and the editor talks well about it, it becomes and automatic success, Luca owns 45% of the Guide, it feels they want to use Camille because of her image, because of her last name but not really because they believe she can do same or better than her father after all Issei is way better than her on the technique and knowledge but she has this rare talent for wine tasting. - tv series divider
Drops of God: The Link – Season 1 Episode 5 – Recap EPISODE DETAILS -

Drops of God: The Link – Season 1 Episode 5 – Recap -
Drops of God: The Link – Season 1 Episode 5 – Recap


Until now Luca has been too good of a friend to Camille as he was to her father Alexander but if we look back is a man who is all about business and money, for example how Thomas offer to buy a $10k bottle of wine and took Camille to the vineyard that was miles away but when ask Luca he said he cant and wont open a $10k bottle just to wonder and ifs, all this time he has offer Camille his help, his nephew and Miyabi but this will change soon when Luca stakes on the Ledger and the contest itself look at risk by Camille actions.

Drops of God: The Link – Season 1 Episode 5 – Recap -
Drops of God: The Link – Season 1 Episode 5 – Recap


Honoka seriously is so selfish, for her everything is in second place even her son and husband, she calls Issei to inform him that his father ran away and left behind his wallet, keys and personal things without saying he was going, even try to make Issei responsible for it after he mention they had this argument before he ran away but the truth is Hirozaku ran away because he couldn’t take Honoka rudness on how she treat him, they had a date and she never went, it was the drop that spilled the glass. During the argument when Honoka try to put this on Issei he clearly said it back “You are the one who always humiliate him”, it is about time that people around Honoka stops thinking she is this golden women just because she is part of the Tomine Diamond family and it starts with her son and husband, this is just the beginning, soon all the dirty cloth will be out.

Drops of God: The Link – Season 1 Episode 5 – Recap -
Drops of God: The Link – Season 1 Episode 5 – Recap


Different than Honoka, her father Noboru is a bad ass and said things to your face, this is the moment when Issei is no longer part of the Tomine family, his grand father tells him he now MUST WIN, he has his support as grand father but Issei been on that contest discredit the Tomine family because he is or was the future of his family and didn’t need to compete for a inheritance, he already had one, Issei been on that contest is an insult that his grand father wont take, at least that’s his perspective, I’m not saying its my opinion, competing for Alexander wine collection is a huge price, Issie could do it for that reason and not because of the rest of the money but still that’s his grand father point of view and he is officially out of the family, the press conference was just a PR move from the family since Issei was getting so much attention on the news. Imagine, your father is missing, your own mother doesn’t support you and is a lying bitch and now your grand father kicks you out of the family, with a family like that you needs enemies.

Drops of God: The Link – Season 1 Episode 5 – Recap -
Drops of God: The Link – Season 1 Episode 5


Issei is getting all the love on this episode, he is now getting a lot of screen time and we starting to learn more of him as a person not just what a great Sommelier he is and that his family has money but more about how he is, why he was so arrogant at first, lets face it look at his mother and grand father, Issei for sure inherit that attitude from them. With his father missing and all this troubles with the rest of this family plus the contest pressure he is very down and look for someone who can listen to him, he has to vent out and choose Yurika Katase a journalist who he has been talking to in the past to get the contest covered, when they start talking about his father missing he still have the idea he ran away because of the argument the had but Yurika as a journalist see things different, why disappear now? he must have a secret? this is when Issei took interest on learning how his parents met at the university and whats really their story, he knew they both study together and met Alexander, he goes to the university to get more information about it with the excuse he wants to throw a party for his parents and bring this professor too. He ask her to help him find his father and she agrees with the condition that she gets an exclusive interview, Issei agree and she did help him, at least got a clue where his father went after he took the train.

Drops of God: The Link – Season 1 Episode 5 – Recap -
Drops of God: The Link – Season 1 Episode 5 – Recap


I was so curious and excited about Issue story on this episode that Luca offering Camille the Ledger Guide was like Meeeh, btw Camille throw herself at Thomas and he reject her one night the got drunk, this was telegraphed from far away. Luca, business, The Ledger Guide, Luca and the publisher lure Camille to continue with the Guide but why putting so much pressure into it? they had her taste a wine her father like very much and Luca said its that easy just your opinion the wine you try but who knows if that’s really what will appear on the Guide after it gets edited, she doesnt look interested.

Drops of God: The Link – Season 1 Episode 5 – Recap -
Drops of God: The Link – Season 1 Episode 5


Issei kept his word and gave Katase the interview she ask for, on that interview he recognize how his grand father support is real and how he can understand one thing is family business and another thing is him supporting him as his grand father, at the end of the interview makes clear he will never take the Tomine Diamond family business no matter the results of the contests for Alexander Ledger inheritance, this was public strike one for Honoka. When Issei went to the university to get info on his parents and Alexander he got the name of Alexander translator, she is now old and very kind and knew the truth about Honoka and Alexander, Issei was talking about his father Hirozaku but for the translator it was a different man, it was Alexander and here when she slip and mention “….giving the class just for her” Issei was like WTF my father Hirozaku was a student, wasn’t he?

Mic drop….. she reveal the true story of how Hirozaku became his father but his biological father is Alexander, now a lot of things make sense for Issei. - tv series divider

Drops of God: The Link – Season 1 Episode 5 – Recap CONCLUSION -

This episode was a blast from start to finish, it shows now Noburu really likes his grand son but has a family name to defend, Honoka house of cards is about to go down and Issei has no mercy to her, Issei is opening up and starting to realize he cant win this contest alone not with all this problems he is having at his family after all he is wining the contest and has a lot of tools and experience Camille doesn’t but all that stress generated by family problems might tip him over, Camille was basically irrelevant to this episode but the next episodes will be fireworks now that Issei might look at Camille different and become more friendly even try to get closer to her, this tv series is awesome so far 8/10 and how knows it could probably get a 9/10 with upcoming seasons.


Drops of God: The Link – Season 1 Episode 5 – Recap PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4: - tv series divider


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A Small Light : Motherland – Episode 3 – RECAP

A Small Light : Motherland - Episode 3 - RECAP -
A Small Light : Motherland – Episode 3 – RECAP


A Small Light : Motherland - Episode 3 - RECAP - INTRODUCTION -

Miep and her husband Jan have become really good at hiding people, they have now added to their belt hiding their tenant’s grand kids after their father got arrested at the train station but they have also got very good at taking risks, the nerves you need to have to do what they have done so far, sneaking people and supplies right in front of German Officers, lying to their face but I think the most dangerous thing they have done is trust other people that help them, that first step is the most dangerous having to trust someone you don’t know, someone who could be working for the Germans and putting everything at risk with a single decision.

I sense soon Jan is going to become more than just a messenger for the resistant, I think during those times it all works like a ladder that he climb with every mission he accomplish, he has now gather papers and even safe kids that are not his because he was ask to cooperate, soon he might have to do something more risky all this without telling Miep, if things go south for him the moment Miep finds out she will be devastate feeling helpless because she didn’t know anything of what he was doing and for who.

Like it was not enough that they taking all this risks for Mr. Frank, friends and family now a wolf step to their door, Mr. Tony Ahlers shows up, a man who is part of the German Party NSB has come to collect after he heard Mr. Frank talking about the the war and how bad it would end for Germans, basic blackmail but Mr. Frank cant pay him now, Tony is putting pressure on Miep and the rest of her co workers to give in Mr. Frank, things will get intense soon, this man wont go away that easy. - tv series divider
A Small Light : Motherland - Episode 3 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

A Small Light : Motherland - Episode 3 - RECAP -
A Small Light : Motherland – Episode 3 – RECAP


Jan has officially started working with the resistance, this is making him become more comfortable at taking risks but there are times when he just want to shit bricks of how scare he is, after watching today episode I think it would not be strange for him to get killed since he is getting more expose going out there getting things done for the resistance this increase the possibility of him getting caught, as he become more effective his boss will assign new missions to him probably more difficult than the previous one but Jan is also taking benefits from the resistance so you can say its a fair trade? not sure because he we think about it Miep and Jan had no obligation to help others, they doing it because they want it and is the right thing to do but its very rare the people that will put their life on the line just to help others and do the right thing, that’s quality in a human but some times taking excessive risk can be foolish.

A Small Light : Motherland - Episode 3 - RECAP -
A Small Light : Motherland – Episode 3 – RECAP


At the Frank’s hiding place things are not going very well, confinement is taking the best out of them, in my case during the pandemic having my two kids with us at the apartment was not hard because they are still little but having two teenagers in such small place might be harder, been on house arrest plus the fear that you put yourself there because they are looking for you makes it harder for everyone, there is also the fact that they have a guess family and a friend so every fight or argument is heard by everyone, there is no privacy and at some point someone will give their opinion on the matters discuss without been ask too, making things harder for everyone, its just pure madness and chaos, Anne is constantly arguing with her mother and Mr. Frank have to deal with them the best he can.

A Small Light : Motherland - Episode 3 - RECAP -
A Small Light : Motherland – Episode 3 – RECAP


Going through the line of events, remember how dangerous is to trust people you don’t know but have no option because you are desperate and need help, this is Jan who was send to pick up some papers from an apartment raided by German Officers, the guy who send him to pick up the papers is suppose to help him hiding his tenant grand kids, see how none of this people are friends or family or had no tights to them but he is still a good man trying to safe lives, he was told papers, a package in a drawer but actually was a kid, this entire saga of taking risks at some point will led him to think he can do things and that could get him caught, lucky for him this time he wasn’t and was able to retrieve the package.

A Small Light : Motherland - Episode 3 - RECAP -
A Small Light : Motherland – Episode 3 – RECAP


Hermine, that’s Miep real name, she was also rescue given to a Dutch family to hide her, when she arrive she knew no Dutch and that’s one of the reasons she was so close to Casmir one of her step brothers, funny how her step parents at the start of the series wanted her to marry Casmir, he was the only one who speak German at the house when she arrive and gave her the name Miep because Hermine sounded like an old lady name, they became very close and only talk German at home so others cant understand them, Casmir is having a hard time with the Germans too as he is homosexual, German regime is also against homosexuals at the time so he may have to go in hiding if he cant control himself, Miep tries to explain him this but he doesn’t want to listen reason, he knows Miep has a secret but she wont tell, not even Casmir, must be hard to lie to love ones and keep such secret but then its your and others lives on the line. - tv series divider

A Small Light : Motherland - Episode 3 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

This is one of those series I have no complains at all, usually I’m a fan of long series where you have five to eight seasons but with this couple of Mini Series I have been watching like Florida Man, Swarm, The Patient, Obsession I’m starting to like the format, is mostly pure action packed on each episode, not necessarily kicking and shooting action but on A Small Light is the constant suspense of whats going to happen next and if things will continue end in favor of the good guys, how Miep and Jan start to get all this value contacts, people form the resistance but their first German threat has knock on their door with Mr. Tony Ahlers looking for Mr. Frank to collect.

I just notice I have been using Season 1 on previous two episodes and their cover image, Im still working on formats and getting use to blog, only my fourth month.

A Small Light : Motherland - Episode 3 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2: - tv series divider

A Small Light : Motherland - Season 1 - TRAILER -

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SWARM : Fallin Through the Cracks – Episode 6 – Personal Thoughts


Episode 6 is a fake documentary, when I started to watch the episode I was so happy finally there is some light into the tunnel when Detective Loretta Greene comes up trying to explain how she figure out the hole thing, at first a girls name Andrea Greene pops up and I had to Google it, I knew that had to be Dre in “real life” but turns out its fake, Janine Nabers told the LA Times its a fiction story based on real events, meaning some of the events on this series did happen but not in the exact order or not all murders were done by the same person, as I watch the episode it feels like a fake documentary, like a parody at some point that’s when but it was still a good one as it gives more context to Dre story, one thing is certain that its possible this kind of murder happen within the fan culture that exist for mayor artist in real life, I’m talking about big celebrities, for the most part I think its women, I don’t remember the last man that show on the internet guilty for murder because someone insulted Snoop or 50 Cent, men who let influence them by rap music that’s another thing but what Dre. did during the series is a different motive. During the documentary there are a few things that were discover for example the different cars, she was robbing cars left and right, she stay at peoples house after she kill them eating their food and it wouldn’t be strange if she rob them their cloth, money because the only time I saw Dre during the series working was at the strip club. I really like they did an episode as a documentary because it clears up things, I think thats why I like this series that for some might look foolish but its different thats for sure, sometimes you get tired of always watching the same thing, same format, same context, Swarm is different and probably thats why viewers enjoy it. At the end Andrea Greene is not real but on this episode they did make it look like so, even gave out a phone number to call during the documentary I thought that was funny, Im sure someone is going to try to call.



At first Detective Loretta Greene is investigating a random murder that the local police was attending, they had no clue or a process to figure how things happen, Loretta with more experience doesn’t look like you classic movie’s detective with a leather jacket or a suit, she just look like any regular average person, she seems funny too but did show a set of skills that let her think and imagine how the woman was murder, by the direction and amount of blood on the wall and then on the floor, looking around for clues that let the person to murder this woman so violently, she mentions usually there is an event that gives motive but this was not the case so she had to dig deeper.


Loretta asks for the victim social media credentials, Tiffany Long was her name, she starts looking around at her Twitter account. Loretta explain how often people give in themselves posting the evidence on social media but this time she was looking for people who may be didn’t like her or what was Tiffany talking about that could trigger some one else to murder her.


Another murder case pops up and people who knew this victim had a tight alibi so Loretta goes back to the evidence that’s when she figure out based on what the person eat and how the place look that it was no white murder, had to be a soul sister based on the things laying around the house, there still no connection between the first two cases probably because Loretta didn’t look deeper into who was interacting with the Tiffany Twitter which I find naïve, if Dre killed her then for sure she probably answer something back after she talk shit about NihJa, accounts within a platform become a chain once they start interacting.


On episode two Dre killed a man called Reggie, a man who talk shit about Marissa and NihJa on Twitter, Dre was working at a strip club because she was after him, he mention on Twitter it was his second home, so when Dre and four other strippers from coming back from a party Dre’s car broke and Reggie shows up who had a repair shop at home and tow them, it was like he show up at the perfect time for Dre to kill him, one of the strippers was MAD AF with Dre, at the moment they knew her as Carmen and that’s when things start to fall apart for Dre, she was sold out by one of the strippers but they had the wrong identity, no body knew who Dre really was, after all Dre didn’t kill Regggie she try and failed and it was one of the other four strippers who pull the trigger trying to defend Dre, she got rid of Reggie for free. Loretta got interested on similar cases with the same trauma and that’s when one case pops up, its Khalid case, from here it was just a matter of time before Loretta finds out about who is Dre in real life.


Loretta visits Khalid house and talk to his brother, after asking him a few questions he talks about Marissa, didn’t say her name as he had no clue who she was on real life but knew she killed herself a few days before Khalid was killed, Loretta visits the Jackson’s house and here is where she finds out about the connection between Dre and Marissa, then subsequently the connection with Khalid, she also figure out how other victims were related to Dre and its because of the SWARM Twitter community, that’s when things started to click for Loretta. On this scene it was also explain how Marissa and Dre because step sisters, the Jacksons adopt Andrea Green aka Dre. They explain the entire process how Dre became this aggressive since very early age, how she was bully at school, how close Dre and Marissa were and that the Jackson’s return Dre to the foster house like she was an object, there were a lot of cool details about Dre relation with the Jacksons and how everything started.



At the end of the documentary Loretta got Dre, the woman on the picture really looks like Dre on the series, probably Dominique with different make up, it seems Loretta found Dre, they got her after she jump on stage at a concert, I knew she would try to get to Nihja again by the easy way or the hard way, remember this person Andrea Green doesn’t exist but I can GUARANTEE there is people who call that number to give information.

A very different episode, as I mention that’s probably I end up liking this series, at some point it can turn gross and a bit hard to digest when Dre start killing people, its not graphic with the murder scene but the amount of blood on the floor and how she starts eating after is disturbing, same as how she reacts when becomes desperate without a place to look up for answers that makes me feel sick, some times ashamed for her, but over all a very clever way to give context to the story, it couldn’t keep up with so many things without explanation like the cars, money, cloth, how was Dre surviving, this episode also reveals that she probably killed more people that the ones shown during the episodes, Dre easy has more than ten murders under her belt, I give this episode a solid 7+/10