Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP

Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog



Episode eight of Fatal Attraction brings multiple revelations from Alex wild imaginary world to the her real killer, sorry to spoil it for people who haven’t seen this drama series but Dan was never her murder, its shocking the reason why she was murder, Dan had way more reasons to kill Alex from been an abusive stoker, suspect of his mother in law murder, took his daughter not going to say kidnap because se was return but its close, so Dan or even Beth were the ones with true motives to end Alex’s live but they didn’t. The ending of this series felt a bit rush but I guess that’s the problem with most mini series, it does conclude some of the mayor questions, for example:

  • Did Dan killed Alex?
  • Does Dan wins the case?
  • Who killed Alex Forrest?

At the end of episode eight all this questions were answer and may be that’s what matters but there were some other situations that emerge left without resolution, from my point of view it sucks because I know there will never be a second season or additional chapters to this series so this subjects wont be resolved.

Another thing that also got answer is that Beth never stop loving Dan, on this episode that was confirm, there is a scene where Dan is so tired he fall sleep with his cloth still on and Beth enters the room and look at him, she was probably thinking how he destroy his carrier and family because of a mistake but I think it was on a good way, I believe that even though some one makes you any kind of damage good times are never forgotten, you can be mad at the present but the past was probably so good it helps you overcome the current situation, in their case Dan having an affair with a delusional women who needed professional help with her mental health that ends up dead right at the moment her short affair relationship with Dan has ended, Beth tells Dan she doesn’t need a judge to confirm he was innocent as his appeal was denied, the system would never let him win besides that they know he lied to protect his family and not been send to jail for life, Dan was the hero at the bureau so everyone was waiting for the day he gets in trouble to dog pile and get revenge, for some people its more fun to a hero died, even I enjoy it form time to time, its part of human nature.

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Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog


In an attempt to reason with Alex before she was killed, Beth decided to meet her and talk to her with the goal in mind to make peace with Alex and make her go away but she had no idea who she was dealing with, at this point there was no going back for Alex, that ship has sailed and now she is living in a world of her own imagination, she even say she was pregnant when she was not.

Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog


I could tell probably how disappointed but probably relieved in some way Dan felt after his appeal was denied, he did his best effort to get it approve by doing proper investigation with Mike and contrary to what anyone may think he had support from people involve on all this mess that after many years support him like Beth and his daughter Ellen, he probably felt when you are told you are over qualified for the job and you were still the top performer from the company, at this point nothing makes sense anymore and the Alex case story began to faint, it was more about what will Dan do next?

Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog


Dan got promoted at the firm he was working at after got out of jail but seems he will have to live with people thinking and even asking how he killed Alex now that he is off the hook he probably tell the “true story” to those who ask for it but he was not Alex murder, there is a lot of people who doesn’t believe him including Earl and those who matter to him like his daughter Dan would still like to prove them he didn’t do it but his opportunity has vanish and will have to deal/live with it, feels like Dan gets bully about Alex murder every day.

Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog


This was probably one of the best moments on episode eight, Beth was just thinking out loud and ask if they should have Dan over for dinner, Arthur and Ellen look at her like WTF!!! then Beth ask if it would be weird, one thing is his ex wife and daughter having dinner with Dan but then including Arthur, Beth’s new husband after Dan got to jail, besides Dan knew Arthur and he also paid for a big part of the legal fees for Dan case, this moment did make me laugh.

Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog


The opening to what the writers would consider a big finale for the mini series, not sure if its the opening also for another mini series or something else, remember how Ellen was spying on his professor and Stella who was having a relationship with him, not sure if he was married but still, Ellen got Stella kicked out of school when she snitch on her, all this happen after Ellen have already try to convince her professor and Stella to stop seen each other on separate occasions. Stella knew it was Ellen so she confront her but Ellen looked very cold like she could not care less, I found weird why would she spy on them if she had no interest in any of the two unless she did.

Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog


Probably the answer everyone was looking for, WHO KILLED ALEX?? well after seven episodes I had no clue but only believe Dan didn’t do it because how he was presented on the series, the moment and motives he had to kill Alex and never did it but seems that Arthur decided to step in at the time either because of friendship, loneliness or love for Beth, at the time all Beth knew about Alex and her mother “accidentally” died, Arthur’s wife was dying because of cancer, Beth called him crying because was was frustrated from all the things going on with Alex, Dan, her mother and daughter, Arthur couldn’t control himself and decided to kill Alex to end Beth’s problems, seems he did a great job because no body knew he was the killer and after Dan goes to jail then he wants to tell the truth but it was too late, the damage was done and his lawyer told him to shut up if he didn’t want to go to jail because him telling the truth wont set Dan free.

Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog


Here the part that frustrates me, until the part where Arthur wants to tell everyone he killed Alex I think that was the right ending a classic ending, but this scene comes up, the time Alex took Ellen for a walk without telling her parents decides to give her a small brain wash speech, telling her how his parents were lying to her specially his Dad and she has to learn who to trust, like she could trust Alex and from all the things she tells Ellen I got no clue how we jump into the last scene.

Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog


I had this idea that it was possible Ellen was in love with her professor Richard but not to the point she would edit a bunch of audios of him to build up a scene where she could hear him saying how much he wants her, Ellen shows up at his apartment without him knowing not sure for what reason, obviously she wants him but to fuck? to kill him? to kidnap him and lock him down on the basement so only she could some how have him? the guy is shitting bricks he scared and who wouldn’t if a women shows up without permission without you giving her a key and have this look on her face.

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FATAL ATTRACTION S01E02 CONCLUSION - www.skiptvads.blog

The finale of this mini series was truly a surprise, the accusation and proofs against Dan were basically

* Lied about not been at her place
* His fingerprints at Alex place
* He knew Alex

To be honest there was not much, what really put him against the ropes is that he lied about not been at her place and avoid the hole affair situation, justice is not fair all the time, actually I would say that 80% of the time its not, Dan was just the perfect example, the perfect trophy, worst part is that those who were not directly affected and were his “friends” turn their backs on him, his boss, Conchita, the entire building that knew him for so many years but only his wife and Mike, who was like family; never turn his back and they in fact got directly affected, Alex killed Beth’s mother. Fatal Attraction does show you the truth about humans once your ass is on the line and can be affected, everyone turns their back no matter for how long they knew you, most of the time only family stick, not even friends.

I give this show a 7/10, I think score sell out score sites like IMDB and RTT gave it a low score because it didn’t stick to the movie story, they doing the same thing with anything that is a reboot example Dead Ringers, another great mini series and scores are very low.


A Small Light : Welcome to Switzerland - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP PREV Episodes - www.skiptvads.blog

Episode 1: https://peakd.com/hive-121744/@skiptvads/fatal-attraction-pilot-season-1
Episode 2: https://peakd.com/hive-121744/@skiptvads/fatal-attraction-the-movie-in
Episode 3: https://peakd.com/hive-121744/@skiptvads/fatal-attraction-the-watchful-heart
Episode 4: https://peakd.com/hive-121744/@skiptvads/fatal-attraction-beautiful-mosaics-season
Episode 5: https://peakd.com/hive-121744/@skiptvads/fatal-attraction-medial-woman-season
Episode 6: https://peakd.com/hive-121744/@skiptvads/fatal-attraction-the-dillingers-season
Episode 7: https://peakd.com/hive-121744/@skiptvads/fatal-attraction-best-friends-season

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Fatal Attraction: Best Friends – Season 1 Episode 7 – RECAP

Fatal Attraction: Best Friends – Season 1 Episode 7 – RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Fatal Attraction: Best Friends – Season 1 Episode 7 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog


Fatal Attraction: Best Friends – Season 1 Episode 7 – RECAP INTRODUCTION - www.skiptvads.blog

Fatal Attraction Episode 7 is probably the crown jewel and at the same time if you kept judging Alex this entire time probably it will make you feel bad about it, since day one anyone who saw the movie and knows the what this series is about already knew Alex was mentally ill in some level, I did and never like her, she in fact did terrible things but it was hard to know her real motive, goals and background, well on this episode we get a lot of her background. I remember on the first episodes Alex talking to a therapist that couldn’t assist her since she had a valid license in California but insist on her looking for help, this therapist was Sarah.

Sarah was Alex therapist since she got out of College and probably prior to that stage of her life but its not describe on detail, this episode tells how a father that phytologically abuse of her, Alex father manipulate her, lie to her, lie to her mother, cheat on her mother with other women and trick Alex to be ok with that, even be her partner in crime assisting to this dates he had with other women but still making Alex feel it was ok to be like that, makes me fkn mad to see that picture, looking at him smile, I probably say that at this point in my life because I have been through worst and bad, after so many mess up I finally know what’s good for me and my children but at some point in life you have to recognize how badly you did, Stanley: Alex father never did, even after she was dead. He was the cause of all her traumas, when Alex became older she started to realize how bad her father was but still love him so much she never took a side and opt for distance from him although never took a stand and say all he did was bad for her, I mean she was in between that line is he good or bad for me? to avoid this decision decided to move out to another state without telling him.

Alex started having episodes since she was in College, this kept her from been good at working with others, it feels like she always stay at the defense thinking people are going to betray her or put her aside, make her feel like she is a second option, at the same time kept looking at people over the shoulder, this is the reflection of how her father was with her and her mother, Alex was the second option for his father and was only important when he need her, he also look at everyone over the shoulder saying he was such a great engineer and how he was above every job post he found and that’s why he was unemployed, its amazing how she even discover the love for pain after she spend an entire afternoon living her own reality for hours sitting down on the sofa after she had a very bad argument with her father, he really broke her through the years.

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Fatal Attraction: Best Friends – Season 1 Episode 7 – RECAP EPISODE DETAILS - www.skiptvads.blog

Fatal Attraction: Best Friends – Season 1 Episode 7 – RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Fatal Attraction: Best Friends – Season 1 Episode 7 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog


Probably by the time the movie came out in 1987 this type of stories were very few in real life but now days its very very close to what we know as reality, I still have one more episode to watch and still believe Dan didnt do it but he is going to jail, also that he love Beth and was willing to pay for his mistakes as a man and as a citizen, on this scene Beth thinks that the most obvious option to explain things out is the truth that Dan had an affair with Alex and she went crazy about him, not the entire story but as a lawyer he knew that will only bring public shame to his family and put him in jail for sure so he decided not to tell that story and safe Beth and his family from that circumstance as much as he could even knowing that he almost had no chance of not going to jail.

Fatal Attraction: Best Friends – Season 1 Episode 7 – RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Fatal Attraction: Best Friends – Season 1 Episode 7 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog
Fatal Attraction: Best Friends – Season 1 Episode 7 – RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Fatal Attraction: Best Friends – Season 1 Episode 7 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog


Stanley, Alex Father; really broke Alex and her mother to a point that they were competing for him, he broke the mother daughter bond, her mother should know better but that’s the problem, I have always thought there are those who do bad because they dont know better, doesn’t mean they are not accountable for their actions but thinking this way makes it useful to understand why things are happening certain way, he was constantly abusing from both, from Alex mom by not having a stable job and not been the leader of the house and from Alex making her his wing man at dates with other women even giving away her toys without her permission to kids from the women he was dating, both Alex and her mother love him very much and were blind by that love, confuse but there is nothing that can last for ever not even love when its hurt.

Fatal Attraction: Best Friends – Season 1 Episode 7 – RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Fatal Attraction: Best Friends – Season 1 Episode 7 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog


Sarah, Alex’s Therapist; probably for the longest since she was in College, they don’t specifically mention it but Sarah was good for Alex, she understood the problem was her father and told her many times, specifically mention it was a waist of time to fight him, Alex wont get anything useless out of him and I think that at her adult age she was not looking for love and attention anymore but for some kind of retribution, it was always a mix bag of feelings with Alex and her father, one day they love each other the other day kept fighting because he was not the center of attention until one day she decided to move away from him, move to California but sadly for Alex she stop seen a therapist, when someone is so broken like Alex she cant stop going to therapy, she needed help, those on her daily life routine don’t know or understand her problems so she needed someone qualify to help her, worst part is that she could not recognize it, that’s why didn’t take her too long to cause troubles in California, with her neighbors, co workers and eventually with Dan.

Fatal Attraction: Best Friends – Season 1 Episode 7 – RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Fatal Attraction: Best Friends – Season 1 Episode 7 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog


Besides been a Alex episode, it has a bit of everything, one thing that caught my attention is that Ellen, Dan’s daughter is spying on her teacher, at first I thought she did it because wanted to safe her friend Stella from been a second plate for her professor Richard but I don’t think its the case anymore, there is just something going on that if there is not a second season we probably wont details.

Fatal Attraction: Best Friends – Season 1 Episode 7 – RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Fatal Attraction: Best Friends – Season 1 Episode 7 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog


Episode 7 does give the meat and potatoes of Dan’s trial, he was put against the wall many times, without revealing he had an affair with Alex basically lying because excluding part of the truth can be consider lying, I’m no lawyer; for him was like fighting with his hands tied to his back, he tried everything but eventually knew he had to take it and go to prison for a crime he didn’t do, within the justice system he was too big and failing was a big story, had so many against him that he had no chance, same thing happen when he appeal his case, the judge at the time told him he had received enough attention, basically she was not going to give him the luxury of proving he was innocent, sometimes that’s how the system works.

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Fatal Attraction: Best Friends – Season 1 Episode 7 – RECAP CONCLUSION - www.skiptvads.blog

On episode 7 we finally understand WHY Alex was broken, her childhood had a bunch of red flags, perfect combination of bad parenting
– Mom & Daughter jealous over father
– Father cheating with other women
– Mother blames daughter for not telling where is dad
– Father puts up his mistress daughter before Alex

It was just a matter of time before that kid start growing confuse of whats right and wrong, kids are so delicate mentally, they don’t have the experience nor the malice to distinguish why her father in this case, behave that way and question if is is right or not, and finally when she grow up she fells his father is all she has, in this case he feels threatened that now grown up Alex will take the spot light out of him so he starts to diminish her accomplishments and decisions, she feels along, only person she loved and trust is not supporting her so when depression hits not everyone takes it the same way, she got affected badly to the point to seek refuge in pain for how bad she was feeling, after this episode I still don’t like Alex but I start feeling sorry for her.


Fatal Attraction: Best Friends – Season 1 Episode 7 – RECAP PREV Episodes - www.skiptvads.blog

Episode 1: @skiptvads/fatal-attraction-pilot-season-1
Episode 2: @skiptvads/fatal-attraction-the-movie-in
Episode 3: @skiptvads/fatal-attraction-the-watchful-heart
Episode 4: @skiptvads/fatal-attraction-beautiful-mosaics-season
Episode 5: @skiptvads/fatal-attraction-medial-woman-season
Episode 6: @skiptvads/fatal-attraction-the-dillingers-season

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Fatal Attraction: The Dillingers – Season 1 Episode 6 – RECAP

Fatal Attraction: The Dillingers – Season 1 Episode 6 – RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Fatal Attraction: The Dillingers – Season 1 Episode 6 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog


Fatal Attraction: The Dillingers – Season 1 Episode 6 – RECAPINTRODUCTION - www.skiptvads.blog

If anyone could get Dan out of trouble was this guy, on the series Clay was patient zero, the first man who saw and experience Alex mental health problem, he also had a background of family with mental health problems and it was several times were Alex basically snap at him for no reason or just because he didn’t agree with her or even remind her of what she have said in the past, we didn’t see that behavior with Dan but with Clay she use to forget what she said and repeat the contrary, Clay who quickly notice it knew something was wrong with her but he like her, Clay try to stay with Alex and I would say even help her with her problems, there was a scene at a roof top where he said

What ever is bothering you just let it go…

Trying to send a message to Alex, she didn’t say anything at the moment but look like wanting to cry while she hold his hand, when ever she was pissed for some reason she quickly take it on others, for example her neighbor Emma who was a very kind woman, she talks a lot but was nice, the dark side of Alex have no mercy and quickly told her she didn’t care for her AT ALL!!! , on the last three episodes of this season we quickly see how dangerous Alex was, its like her character comes from been a normal person that’s at first when she was with Dan, first episodes where everything was great between them and she was happy to the point where the series start really tell who Alex was.

Clay kept trying to bond with Alex, kept telling her its ok to have problems and its ok to be herself and cope with her problems with her mental health, its weird because it doesn’t look like love, it looks like pity or compassion based on what he saw his mother go through and I think that’s what upset Alex, she might have metal health problems but she is not stupid and constantly bother how Alex try to “help” her, probably if he kept so playing along she probably stay with him and never be part of Dan’s affair, that would be a twist to the story and probably Clay was the right person to her but he rush things instead of waiting for the right moment to have an opinion about Alex problems because they were just dating, they haven’t even fuck once and he already want to help her.

At the time all this happen Clay use to work at Legal Aid, Dan had a few people over there that didn’t like how much power he had, how successful he was and some times how he make wining a case so easy to do so it was obvious that when Dan fall he had no hope, he had no chance, he was too big to fail and he did fail so Dan became a trophy for the system.

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Fatal Attraction: The Dillingers – Season 1 Episode 6 – RECAP EPISODE DETAILS - www.skiptvads.blog

Fatal Attraction: The Dillingers – Season 1 Episode 6 – RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Fatal Attraction: The Dillingers – Season 1 Episode 6 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog


This was the exact moment when Alex got tired of Clay trying to correct her, remind her of what she said or not, with age this is a natural thing for humans to repeat things or forget what they said a few days ago but I have a feeling Clay wanted to make it all about her mental problems, like anything she does wrong has to do with it and its probably that he was obsessed with this topic because of his mom history mental health, so Alex telling Clay to fuck off had nothing about she been crazy or not, as any other human she got tired of him trying to correct her and been pity.

Fatal Attraction: The Dillingers – Season 1 Episode 6 – RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Fatal Attraction: The Dillingers – Season 1 Episode 6 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog


At first Dan didn’t have the right name of Clay, he and Mike thought it was a Biff, Cliff, Smith something like that but they had to go to Legal Aid and ask, waiting for them was Ruth another person who back in the day didn’t like Dan for what ever reason but mostly the obvious, his power, his success, the most expecting thing to do, don’t help Mike, that’s what her order to the department, Ruth was just one of the many people that were not friends with Mike mostly because he was with Dan.

Fatal Attraction: The Dillingers – Season 1 Episode 6 – RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Fatal Attraction: The Dillingers – Season 1 Episode 6 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog


If I had to make a list of Mike and Dan “enemies” I would be out of ink and paper, deputy Ibarra also didn’t want to do anything with their investigation, after all its a fifteen year old case so he was off the hook although at some point he was also chased by Alex but never said anything about it formally and was not called to testify on Dan’s case, we start see how the narrative of Dan been a trophy to the system starts to pick up.

Fatal Attraction: The Dillingers – Season 1 Episode 6 – RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Fatal Attraction: The Dillingers – Season 1 Episode 6 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog


Earl Broker, another one, in this case a crime investigator who was not part of Dan’s fan club, he and Dan had history and when he took the case he prepare Dan’s bed, set him a trap and Dan fall for it but the problem is not that he lie to Earl, the problem is that he had an affair with Alex so it wouldn’t help if he said the truth or not if no body take the blame for Alex murder with proof, because someone taking the blame for her murder doesn’t stop Dan been a big fish for the system to catch and put behind bars, even under that circumstances he could still end up in jail but its true that the worst thing he could do is lie to Earl.

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Fatal Attraction: The Dillingers – Season 1 Episode 6 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog



The only two that had Dan’s back when he didn’t had the money for his attorneys defense was Julia and her husband Arthur

This is something definitely helpful to remember down the line, at the time Julia had cancer and was dying slowly, Arthur love her very much, they were Dan and Beth best friends, it was a lot of money they were going to spend on Dan’s defense, Beth’s father didn’t want to help because he didn’t have the money and also said he wouldn’t even if he had it.

Fatal Attraction: The Dillingers – Season 1 Episode 6 – RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Fatal Attraction: The Dillingers – Season 1 Episode 6 – RECAP – www.skiptvads.blog


I don’t like rushing things and at the moment of this post I haven’t seen the other episodes so I’m not sure whats next but I don’t think we are getting a second season, hope we do.

On this episode we see how Ellen starts to get more attention than in other episodes, I’m not talking about screen time but things related to her specifically, we have to see her from time to time talking with Dan but she starts to stalk Stella and Richard, Stella a student partner and Richard a professor who have a relationship, Ellen at firs tries to tell Richard to stop it because its for the best this based on how Dan’s affair end up with Alex say Ellen had that example but now she is following them so I wonder if she was doing this because she wants Richard for her?? and not because she is doing him a favor

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Fatal Attraction: The Dillingers – Season 1 Episode 6 – RECAP CONCLUSION - www.skiptvads.blog

The most interesting thing we could get out of this episode is how bad Alex was mentally before he met Dan, at the same time she was still conscious of her actions proof of this is how she got tired of Clay but at the same time proof that she had temper issues is how she told Emma that she didn’t care at all about her, Alex had serious issues before she met Dan and I’m worry Ellen becomes a monster similar to Alex, would be very ironic but after all this is all fiction, the most obvious topic from this episode is how Dan had no chance and back then and even now everyone was against him, I still believe he didn’t do it, have no proof and it would be a hidden scene that comes up at the end but based on the facts until then for me he didn’t kill Alex, the moment he had all excuses and right motives to snap and kill her he stop himself and want to make her go away using his power at the court and just killing her.

The title makes reference to the story of Toni Wolff and Carl Jung, doctor and patient relationship, Toni end up as Carl’s mistress, the term medial mostly apply for people who live the reality and their own world, I’m no expert on the matter but it really applies to Alex, how she even had conversations with herself and tend to imagine things that never happen, but I wonder why they use that as the name of the episode when we saw that happening on previous episodes, unless I’m wrong and they referring to Ellen or Stella although so far both seem to be very realistic and had not mental health problems. Here a link that I found online about the topic.

MEDIAL PERSONALITY – Part 1: Definition, History, and Related Concepts from an Autodidact’s Perspective


Fatal Attraction: The Dillingers – Season 1 Episode 6 – RECAP PREV Episodes - www.skiptvads.blog

Episode 1: https://peakd.com/hive-121744/@skiptvads/fatal-attraction-pilot-season-1
Episode 2: https://peakd.com/hive-121744/@skiptvads/fatal-attraction-the-movie-in
Episode 3: https://peakd.com/hive-121744/@skiptvads/fatal-attraction-the-watchful-heart
Episode 4: https://peakd.com/hive-121744/@skiptvads/fatal-attraction-beautiful-mosaics-season
Episode 5: https://peakd.com/hive-121744/@skiptvads/fatal-attraction-medial-woman-season

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Fatal Attraction: Medial Woman – Season 1 Episode 5 – RECAP

Fatal Attraction: Medial Woman - Season 1 Episode 5 - RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Fatal Attraction: Medial Woman – Season 1 Episode 5 – RECAP


Fatal Attraction: Medial Woman - Season 1 Episode 5 - RECAP INTRODUCTION - www.skiptvads.blog

Alex has started to create her own world after not dealing well with rejection from Dan, in her world only what she wants matter, only what makes her happy and have proven to do what ever needed to be done to get Dan do her will the easy way or the hard way.

Episode five drop bombs from start to finish, lot of things are reveled and some of my theories are proven by Mike and by Ellen, this episodes name Medial Woman comes from a paper Ellen is writing about “Structural Forms of The Feminine Psyche” by Toni Wolff and there is a quote that fits almost perfect to Alex

She must for instance express or act what is “in the air,” what the environment cannot or will not admit, but what is nevertheless a part of it. It is mostly the dark aspect of a situation or of a predominant idea, and she thus activates what is negative and dangerous. In this way she becomes the carrier of evil

Alex is creating this world where she wants to live in, she wanted to be pregnant from Dan to the point where she start to believe her own lie, she is living between both world the real world and her fantasy world, she think she feels pregnant and seems “happy” about it but then takes a test, came out negative and took it on Beth burning down a house she was in. Then tries to bring in Dan closer to her the hard way, threatening with an anonymous letter to his boss, a letter that relates to HR matters who start an investigation on Dan at the end been release from it not before HR mention that Alex safe his ass so she wants him to feel like he owe her something to feel an obligation to say thanks or something. On this reality that Alex is living in every time it doesn’t turn out her way she just end up hurting people or in the case of Beth mom, killing innocent people but Dan draw then line when it comes to Ellen.

Mike and Ellen both come to the same conclusion that Dan didn’t cheat on Beth because there was something about Alex, he did it because he couldn’t handle the fact that he was not getting the judge position after many years, he felt his carrier was a failure and he didn’t have enough time to wait for the next opening in four years like he ran out of time and Alex was his escape route, unlucky Dan he mess with the wrong person, Alex mentally unhealthy besides him not telling her the rules of the game from the start letting her believe there was something between them but Mike said it once, that’s all Dan, he always put up the show so people like him, at least those that matter for him because there were a few that now turn their backs on him because he treat them like shit, sometimes they deserve it and sometimes it was just Dan under pressure not knowing how to deal with it. Dan goes all out on Alex, day at the beach with the dog, ran away with her late night to a restaurant, sneaking to see fuck her, four times was enough to make Alex believe there was something growing and look probably like a long time for her, even though Alex needed therapy and was not very well balanced this was Dan’s fault most of it.

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Fatal Attraction: Medial Woman - Season 1 Episode 5 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS - www.skiptvads.blog

Fatal Attraction: Medial Woman - Season 1 Episode 5 - RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Fatal Attraction: Medial Woman – Season 1 Episode 5 – RECAP


A lot of things come to light on episode five, Alex did murder Beth mother, she was still around their place after visiting and saw the backyard gate open, comes in and found Dan’s dog then came out Beth mother to thank her to get the dog before he went out, she invites her for a coffee that turns into a cup of wine and after a few minutes of chatting she mention how Beth and her father sometimes live their own separate world that probably they wouldn’t notice if she was missing, I think this makes Alex angry either feeling the same way with Dan like he doesn’t notice her anymore and probably angry at Beth for been ungrateful with her mother, at least from Alex perspective, Beth mother wanted to close the pool cover and she falls into the pool at that moment Alex decide to close the cover making Beth mother drowned, then she ran away after cleaning everything to make it look like she was never there but Dan knew, he had that suspicion that it was Alex who did it.

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Fatal Attraction: Medial Woman – Season 1 Episode 5 – RECAP


Dan tells his wife Beth the truth about Alex, this one was painful to watch, the day Beth mother dies, Alex killed her, Dan tells her whats happening but the real bad part is not the why he is telling her but that he is forced to tell her by the events happening, soon or latter he would tell Beth because Alex was putting too much pressure with what she have been doing but killing Beth mother was the drop spilled the glass although he didn’t have any concrete proof, it was devastating for Beth facing her mother death and that her husband cheat on her and is only telling her now because he feels they are in danger because of something that he did, something that he didn’t need to do, something no body force him to do and something he did without measuring the consequences, that’s the main problem form acting on impulse.

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Fatal Attraction: Medial Woman – Season 1 Episode 5 – RECAP


A written letter is send to Dan’s boss that accuse him of “things” they never said about what exactly but this opens an investigation that involve HR and puts Dan on halt until is over, he is send home and on the way took it on Earl, a detective who Dan treat like crap most of the time and things very little of his work, no wonder why when Dan gets out of jail and ask for his help, Earl tells both Mike and Dan to fuck off, Dan probably look over a few people when he was all mighty Dan Gallagher and now all those people are taking cheap shot at him when ever he ask for help. Alex is interview by HR and talk all this wonderful things about Dan and when the interview is done she makes this show like she felt dizzy and mention she probably pregnant, TF

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Fatal Attraction: Medial Woman – Season 1 Episode 5 – RECAP


Dan wants to spend time with Ellen his daughter but at doing this with Dan’s record he expose himself to hard truth and mixed feelings, there can be times that she understand him but others where she puts herself first, she didn’t grow up with her dad next to her so this person who came out of jail is not her dad, just someone who has the title of been her dad but they don’t know each other, didn’t took her too long to understand Dan didn’t cheat because he wanted Alex but he didn’t know how to deal with his problems, something that lead him to his worst mistake in a life time.

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Fatal Attraction: Medial Woman – Season 1 Episode 5 – RECAP


Dan is already suspicious that Alex killed his mother in law plus he knows she trow acid at his car and is harassing him constantly but he doesn’t know she also set on fire a house Beth was remodeling, while Beth and him were at the hospital got a call that Ellen cant be found after she came form school was suppose to go with their neighbors but nothing and he immediately thought this was Alex, Mike found her but even though without proofs and no plan to bring the case to the police Dan makes the same mistake again, wait for Alex out of her apartment and jump her from the back, throw her around even started to choke her but stop when she just let him do it, then he tells her he is going to the feds and don’t care about anything anymore and came up wit this brilliant phrase “if you want to die, you better hurry up” this was the perfect time to set him up after he put his hands on her, there is probably some soft of finger prints, hair, dna what ever that can proof he was there and put his hand on her, the episodes ends with a lot of blood on the floor, probably Alex’s blood, she killed herself and frame Dan.

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I have a feeling there wont be Season 2 and this is just another mini series although its not describe as a mini series, this was so far the best episode of the season, everything comes to light, Dan tells Beth the truth and now we know Alex was out there trying to hurt not only Dan but his family even killing his mother in law on its way but at the same time trying to get closer to him by “helping” him at work with the HR investigation, she doesn’t know whats black or white anymore and is fully tilted but Dan gave her the worst idea, to kill herself and frame him.


Fatal Attraction: Medial Woman - Season 1 Episode 5 - RECAP PREV Episodes - www.skiptvads.blog

Episode 1: https://skiptvads.blog/fatal-attraction-pilot-season-1-personal-thoughts/
Episode 2: https://skiptvads.blog/fatal-attraction-the-movie-in-your-mind-episode-2-season-1-recap/
Episode 3: https://skiptvads.blog/fatal-attraction-the-watchful-heart-season-1-episode-3-recap/
Episode 4: https://skiptvads.blog/fatal-attraction-beautiful-mosaics-season-1-episode-4-recap/

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Fatal Attraction: Beautiful Mosaics – Season 1 Episode 4 – RECAP

Fatal Attraction: Beautiful Mosaics - Season 1 Episode 4 - RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Fatal Attraction: Beautiful Mosaics – Season 1 Episode 4 – RECAP


Fatal Attraction: Beautiful Mosaics - Season 1 Episode 4 - RECAP INTRODUCTION - www.skiptvads.blog

There are moments in life where we have everything to be happy, nothing else matter, everything fits, nothing else is need but there is always a situation that makes you feel the total opposite for a moment that can make you change your mind and feel the total opposite like you still don’t have what you need to be happy. Most people when they finally make it with time then forget how it was before they make it.

Dan Gallagher had everything he needed to be happy, very often we confuse what we need with what we want, he had a good job, great carer, people respect him at his job, had a great family, lovely wife even a good dog with a very nice house but it was just that moment when he didn’t get what he wanted, named judged! that tip him over, blind folded and forget what he had, making one of his worst mistakes, having an affair but unlucky him with the wrong person, Alexa Forrest.

The series keep unfolding and now I don’t think it will ever stop going back and forward between time lines because after all Dan and Mike will try to proof again that he is innocent of murder Alexa Forest, the first clues that might help him are starting to show up, you can tell when a man fear a women because of what she knows and what she can do with that information, that guard who Alex brought fritters and told her to stop, the therapist who lived across the hall who didn’t want to talk to her anymore, turns out he was dealing drugs and she knew, Alex was a menace, she needed therapy and men where her target by now I know she didn’t have limits not even Dan family.

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Fatal Attraction: Beautiful Mosaics - Season 1 Episode 4 - RECAP - www.skiptvads.blog
Fatal Attraction: Beautiful Mosaics – Season 1 Episode 4 – RECAP


This is exactly how lives works, for now reason Dan’s wife Beth started to find things around the house, one by one, first when Dan went with Alex to the beach she lost an earring and this was not planted literally fall and Dan’s dog eat it, Beth found it on her dogs pop one night talking to him she was like ok you eat it whose earring would it be, meh silly dog, next doing laundry she found a single sock that was not Dan’s he took it from a closet with lost cloth they had at work after he came back from spending the night with Alex, next that night he got a ton of calls and kept hanging up, putting it on silence when he NEVER does that, he is the kind of guy who is always on call. Beth knew Dan was having an affair even before she start to really investigate whats going on, that’s just life for everything that you are not suppose to be doing, that is wrong, that makes you ungrateful.

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Fatal Attraction: Beautiful Mosaics – Season 1 Episode 4 – RECAP


That time Alex went to Dan’s house she wasn’t there to threaten him, she was actually doing recon, it seems she wanted to hurt him, remember we talking about someone who hurt herself in front of others but making sure they don’t notice, Alex is not good with rejection and Dan was trying to stay away from her as much as he could after he ended their affair, bad part for him is that he never explicitly told her it was just an affair and she thought it was something more serious. On episode four there is an incident where Beth’s mom stayed at home after she and his dad went shopping, she was suppose to keep the dog in and receive Ellen from school but when Beth got back found her face down drowning on the pool, Dan review the scene and how things probably happen, he thinks it was Alex, I also think its very likely, expect anything from Alex, from now on everything goes for her.

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Fatal Attraction: Beautiful Mosaics – Season 1 Episode 4 – RECAP


This was telegraphed from miles away probably but its worth to mention that the first person Dan told he had an affair with Alex was Mike after they try to look up for the CCTV footage when she trow acid to his car but he was parked in a place that the camera didn’t cover, Dan was concern of what she could do and wanted to put a stop to all this but had no proof and she kept calling him so Mike advice him to let her be, stay away and do not respond, confront Alex would make things worst.

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Fatal Attraction: Beautiful Mosaics – Season 1 Episode 4 – RECAP


Now that Dan is out he needs to get a job, get back into society and prove he is worth of staying out of prison, he is on paroled, he has been looking for any firm that could accept him with his record but no one would take him, those who could make fun of him and get some payback did, Dan was not every ones friend and was very successful so he had made a few enemies back in the day but at least he had very few friends, Jorge an old colleague he helped back in the day got his back and welcome him immediately after he step foot on the law firm he was working at. Dan is starting to organize his life again because besides proving he is innocent he wants to get back to his daughter Ellen who for now play a secondary role far in the distance on this story but I’m sure that will change latter on.

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Fatal Attraction: Beautiful Mosaics – Season 1 Episode 4 – RECAP


Dan is going to have a very hard time trying to control himself when he face what potentially proofs he was innocent and was not the only one been harassed by Alex, he is going back to old co workers in this case Conchita, like her some talk to him out of respect for who he was, his reputation and his word for most means nothing because he admit to be guilty, Conchita told him about the guard (bailiff), Gabriel Ibarra from courtroom M71, he also had an affair with Alex but end it although she though different and made a unofficial complain about Alex harassing him and Conchita knew but kept it for herself, she have this train of thought that if Dan knew he would use it to make Alex look guilty and him get of the hook so Conchita never believe Dan didn’t killed her, I’m hungry to know how things went down during court for everyone to think Dan did it, seems a lot of people believe it before he admit it and turn their backs on him.

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Fatal Attraction: Beautiful Mosaics - Season 1 Episode 4 - RECAP CONCLUSION - www.skiptvads.blog

I like how the story is getting into a second phase, its only four episodes but we already went from having an affair, finish it, Alex start harassing, it is not a secret anymore because Dan tells Mike so someone else besides Alex and Dan knows and we getting into the part where Alex wants to hurt Dan but there still not solid proof of that yet, soon Dan will have to break the truth to his wife Beth because one thing is having an affair and you don’t want them to know but when they are in danger that’s something you cant take chances with just come clean, admit guilty and life with the consequences but keep your family safe, I think women in the state of mind where Alex is are far more dangerous than men and Alex is going to proof it.

For what the tv series is I feel its a great story, at first I remember there were tons of bad reviews, people saying it deviate so much from the movie but for me that’s the entire point, its not going to be the same as the movie if they want to make multiple seasons or at least I would like it to be three seasons, right now it has a 7.8/10 on IMDB and 68% of average audience on RTT.


Fatal Attraction - Season 1 PREV Episodes - www.skiptvads.blog

Episode 1: https://skiptvads.blog/fatal-attraction-pilot-season-1-personal-thoughts/
Episode 2: https://skiptvads.blog/fatal-attraction-the-movie-in-your-mind-episode-2-season-1-recap/
Episode 3: https://skiptvads.blog/fatal-attraction-the-watchful-heart-season-1-episode-3-recap/

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Fatal Attraction : The Watchful Heart – Season 1 Episode 3 – Recap

Fatal Attraction : The Watchful Heart - Season 1 Episode 3 - Recap - www.skiptvads.blog
Fatal Attraction : The Watchful Heart – Season 1 Episode 3


Fatal Attraction : The Watchful Heart - Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP INTRODUCTION - www.skiptvads.blog

Alex not looking so good, after been rejected by Dan, Alex has now brought this new personality of hers, it haven’t been said but it looks like she takes some kind of therapy and if not she should because rejection doesn’t go well with her and the worst part is that she has to deal with it the entire time she is at work, been Dan a very renounce lawyer everyone knows him and interact with him every corner he look at, this is wont do any good to Alex, not only that she is basically gone looking at her on the mirror at a point on the scene for HER only her the lights go out and she is alone in the dark, its only when a woman comes into the bathroom and she reacts, Alex is deep into a trauma that will make her take wrong and extreme decisions soon. From now on I expect all kind of craziness from Alex public exhibition, taking her rage against others, doing drugs, alcohol, harassing Dan at home and work, even suicide attempt, when I say attempt is because she wont do it she just wants Dan attention.

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Fatal Attraction : The Watchful Heart - Season 1 Episode 3 - Recap - www.skiptvads.blog
Fatal Attraction : The Watchful Heart – Season 1 Episode 3 – Recap


This is Dan face coming into court after he sees Alex, Alex is covering for Conchita, the interesting part is that I’m not sure since when and why, Alex brought the officer on this picture some fritters, they were just chatting and when she gave him the fritter he said “You need to stop this” is Alex hitting on the officer too? or just asking for favors in court? worst part is that the officer gave the fritters away to the guy in charge of the court agenda, this for sure make Alex mad, she even ask if they were good.

Dan is action professional, he is trying to not let Alex affect his job or performance at court, Dan doesn’t love Alex it was an affair but Alex is getting the wrong signals, probably she have gone through other experience where the man doesn’t know better and gets to the same position as her, aggressive and keeps arguing with her, Dan probably knows better and staying neutral but Dan is still a man and he likes to fuck Alex so he is weak and will do it again when she give him the chance soon, that’s going to be trying to put off a fire with gasoline.

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Fatal Attraction : The Watchful Heart – Season 1 Episode 3 – Recap


As suspected, Alex does take and need therapy, here is she talking with someone on the line, at the moment saying how great things are which is a BIG FAT LIE but only on her own world everything is fine and at the same time mention she have been looking for someone referring to a therapist but cant find anyone that can work with her “busy” schedule and tries to convince this person on the line, who I assume was her therapist, to at least have sessions over the phone because all she needs is advice from time to time although this person sound very very opposed to the idea and ends up telling Alex she is not certified on California and she needs to keep looking. You know that moment it feels so awkward that you feel sorry for that person even though its not you on the spot, make me want to skip the scene, after she hangs up the call took her shoes off and hold ice cube on her hand while repeating “The hidden source is the watchful heart” a quote from a poem by Derek Mahon called “Everything is going to be all right” , repeating a phrase or a poem could work as a trigger to overcome stress or certain situations, all this are big red flags for Dan who is not aware of this side of Alex.

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Fatal Attraction : The Watchful Heart – Season 1 Episode 3 – Recap


Fatal Attraction : The Watchful Heart - Season 1 Episode 3 - Recap - www.skiptvads.blog
Fatal Attraction : The Watchful Heart – Season 1 Episode 3 – Recap


Fatal Attraction : The Watchful Heart - Season 1 Episode 3 - Recap - www.skiptvads.blog
Fatal Attraction : The Watchful Heart – Season 1 Episode 3 – Recap


All Alex dirty laundry is coming out on this episode, not only it has been confirm the she needs therapy, but it doesn’t stops there, her neighbor across the door name Paul is a therapist that had a few sessions with her but decided to stop and has been avoiding her to the point of not answering the door, we don’t know why for sure but I think she is the type of person that reacts aggressive when things don’t go her way, they bump each other on the hall and she start questioning him why he has been avoiding her, Paul didn’t want to be rude or cause problems but had no argument and all he could say was he has been just too busy, minutes latter we find out a men who probably had some sort of relationship or live with her send her a box with her things and have short argument, she still mad asking for an apology from him and he says there is nothing to talk about. When someone has so many people mad or avoiding them at the same time, she is the problem, that lovely woman we saw on the first episode and a half is gone, Alex needs help, she has also been stocking Dan at work and I think she imagine a conversation with him one time when they were close to each other, he didn’t said a thing it was all her imagination at first and then exchange a few words, good for Dan he knew how to keep the distance.

To continue unpacking all Alex craziness, this episode confirm my suspicion that she started the fire alarm at the restaurant plus she hurts herself when she feels mad I’m not really sure what she feels because now there are a lot of mix emotions but she once burn her fingers when Dan had to leave and then start hitting her knew with a dumb bell after he left, because he wanted him to stay? I cant tell what exactly was going through her head but has to be something really bad to the point that Dr. Paul her neighbor he move out days latter after they saw each other and had that awkward conversation, the guy left and change his address just not be near Alex.

Fatal Attraction : The Watchful Heart - Season 1 Episode 3 - Recap - www.skiptvads.blog
Fatal Attraction : The Watchful Heart – Season 1 Episode 3 – Recap


This train isn’t stopping yet, Alex is going through all the phases of someone who cant handle rejection, from the compassion and kind where she tries to come close to Dan again but he prove me wrong, seems he never fuck her again, not even drunk when he had the opportunity, respect to Dan he knew how to stay away and then politely told her is not going to happen again. Then she turns into the crazy person, notice I didn’t say woman because this state of mind can be achieve by men too, and left Dan a message basically saying she wont be available for ever so its now or never for him but she got it wrong by going to Dan place and talk to his wife, not sure what it was that about but then he goes back to Alex place and had an argument about it.

This woman is a menace, there are no limits, after her argument with Dan one night through acid all over his car, if from now on Dan never slept with her again and kept the distance I can really see why he declare himself guilty, Alex is the type of person who knows how to and is willing to stage up everything to incriminate Dan, as he told his daughter Ellen, in order for him to get out or at least keep that option available he had to plea guilty and wait a few years. He is now working with his old friend Mike, who was his lawyer to bring back the case and prove his innocence but no body is willing to help him.

One last Alex crazy thing she did, remember that case she was working for Alex, the woman who was unconscious at the hospital that SHE TALK TO and took her declaration to identify the aggressor, that was another big fat lie to come closer to Dan, that woman was brain dead, Dan got that call right before he discover Alex was at his place.

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Fatal Attraction : The Watchful Heart - Season 1 Episode 3 CONCLUSION - www.skiptvads.blog

I knew that at some point the script will unpack all what Alex did to Dan or Dan did to her so she ends up dead and Dan behind bars but this was crazy quick, it was trauma after trauma all the things that Alex was dragging from where she use to life and her neighbors, the fact that Dr. Paul avoid her as a therapist, a probable previous relationship send her things to her, how almost everything she said or did was just to make Dan be with her, cant understand how people kept saying this is a bad series, episodes are getting higher scores on IMDB and I’m sure there is a lot of things to unveil before Dan can prove he didn’t kill Alex.


Fatal Attraction : The Watchful Heart - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP PREV Episodes - www.skiptvads.blog

Episode 1: https://skiptvads.blog/fatal-attraction-pilot-season-1-personal-thoughts/
Episode 2: https://skiptvads.blog/fatal-attraction-the-movie-in-your-mind-episode-2-season-1-recap/

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