Citadel : Spies Appear in Night Time – Season 1 Episode 2 – RECAP

Citadel : Spies Appear in Night Time - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP -
Citadel : Spies Appear in Night Time – Season 1 Episode 2 – RECAP


Citadel : Spies Appear in Night Time - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

I think now I know people were expecting too much from this series, the trailer and the “on the next episode” scenes show too much, builds up that expectation, this second episode I think was a bit more mellow than the first but still had a lot of action and more story of what happen and who were Mason and Nadia, the story is still around Mason, Nadia and Bernard, there are no secondary characters with a side story and that’s fine since this episodes are still revealing what happen to them after the train crash in Italy eight years ago, a fact from the series, Mason and Nadia didn’t forget anything, they had this device on their neck that when the Citadel network cant locate them or communicate with them for certain amount of time it activates and delete their memories, once they reconnect upload them to a server to then genetically store into an injection, this is full science fiction so I don’t mind it, sounds way too ahead in time but we are living in a world where AI is present, something that in the 80s thought it was a myth.

Remember, If its on TV they probably already doing it! - tv series divider
Citadel : Spies Appear in Night Time - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

Citadel : Spies Appear in Night Time - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP -
Citadel : Spies Appear in Night Time – Season 1 Episode 2 – RECAP


After the train crash Nadia fall into the water and got out hurt very bad but a man going down the road stop to help her, he takes care of her but had her handcuff to the bed at his shed, I don’t know if he was Manticore or was just a creepy guy who didn’t trust Nadia because she had a bullet on her, Nadia got mad and fucking up real bad, they had this very nice fight, I’m sure you going to like it, after the fight the device that erase her memory activate and she was aware of it, it was not something new. I remember seen in the comments of a review that the spy was suppose to start working on remembering things about their past, that’s the “standard procedure” that Citadel did it wrong but actually it was planned to delete their memories and the way to recover them was planned too so there is nothing wrong, its just a tech that Citadel use to keep their secrets tight. Nadia wrote on her arm “Go to Valencia Asha” probably Citadel had an HQ over there or its planned for her to be there if her memories are deleted, like a spawning point on a RPG game, don’t matter she didn’t remember anything all she had to do was go to Valencia and see what happen but it was intentional so others from Citadel knew where to look for her, that’s fkn smart, usually when spies loose their memory they don’t know where to fkn go, who they are and what to do, at least on Citadel there is a plan if this happen. The problem with Mason is that when the device deleted his memories probably he was unconscious and didn’t have time to write his clue of what to do when he wakes up.

Citadel : Spies Appear in Night Time - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP -
Citadel : Spies Appear in Night Time – Season 1 Episode 2 – RECAP


Citadel : Spies Appear in Night Time - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP -
Citadel : Spies Appear in Night Time – Season 1 Episode 2 – RECAP


Back in the US, Mason still not sure how he is going to pull the entire spy role, get into a top security facility and come out with the X Case with all Citadel secrets, Bernard is he one pulling the strings and similar to Rabbit Hole Tv Series, Bernard tells the spy what to do and when since he is usually watching CCTV cameras and in constant communication with the agent, this method work out perfectly and they manage to get out with the case, probably just too easy in my opinion. The music, the small fight scenes and the split screens of Bernard watching what was going on and telling Mason what to do were very cool.

Citadel : Spies Appear in Night Time - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP -
Citadel : Spies Appear in Night Time – Season 1 Episode 2 – RECAP


After they escape with the X Case, Bernard start telling Mason more about Citadel and how to use the case to locate other agents so it start scanning, Bernard need to find Nadia and get her to work back with Mason, he also explains Mason about why he “lost” his memories and how he have to inject himself the liquid solution with his name that is on the suit case, the coward that Mason is he hesitated and didn’t do it when he could. Andre Silje who work for Manticore was chasing them without them knowing and shot Bernard from the back, he is not dead but the impact was so hard it knock him out, the Van crash and the injection with Mason memories broke so now its all gone, no memories for Mason, but the X Case did locate Nadia in Valencia and that’s where Mason is heading next.

Citadel : Spies Appear in Night Time - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP -
Citadel : Spies Appear in Night Time – Season 1 Episode 2 – RECAP


When Mason arrive Valencia he start looking for Nadia and finally locate her at a restaurant, he start telling her who she really is and explaining what Citadel is but she was not having any of that, Mason pull the same throwing a knife at you trick to get her muscle memory react but she didn’t catch it just avoid it and got mad at Mason. I think that’s because Mason is all show off, when he present himself he said “Mason Kane, spy, hot stuff” LOL, Nadia on the other hand is smart so why catching it if she didn’t have to, just avoid it.

Mason gets closer to her with the X Case and when the case detected Nadia it grand access to it that’s when it clicks for her, Mason already explain her about her memories but same as him didn’t inject back her memories.

Citadel : Spies Appear in Night Time - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP -
Citadel : Spies Appear in Night Time – Season 1 Episode 2 – RECAP


Andre Silje the Mentacore agent got to the restaurant with another agent and a big fight started, Mason is still not up to speed so his fighting skills are poor to none and Nadia was getting her ass kicked too until she inject back her memories and everything change, it was Nadia Sinh Citadel agent fighting, knocks out Andre and escape. Problem for Nadia and Mason is that Bernard was not dead and now Mentacore has him to interrogate him. - tv series divider

Citadel : Spies Appear in Night Time - Season 1 Episode 2 - CONCLUSION -

I decided to make the Conclusion section a PRO and CONS so it can be easier to explain and others identify what I like about the episode and what I didn’t.


There is something weird to this TV Series, there are constant shooting and kicking action scenes but some how feel distant, I cant complain about the action scenes, special effects are good, I like how Nadia is the though one, the script is not dumb and is funny too, so far I like Citadel, solid 7/10 for me.


What I REALLY DISLIKE is the outro, the “on the next episode scenes” , WHY THE SPOILER, why you have to do that, they gave out probably like 30% if not 50% of the action scenes and probably that’s why people complain, I hope they don’t keep doing this.


Citadel : Spies Appear in Night Time - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1: - tv series divider


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Fatal Attraction : The Watchful Heart – Season 1 Episode 3 – Recap

Fatal Attraction : The Watchful Heart - Season 1 Episode 3 - Recap -
Fatal Attraction : The Watchful Heart – Season 1 Episode 3


Fatal Attraction : The Watchful Heart - Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Alex not looking so good, after been rejected by Dan, Alex has now brought this new personality of hers, it haven’t been said but it looks like she takes some kind of therapy and if not she should because rejection doesn’t go well with her and the worst part is that she has to deal with it the entire time she is at work, been Dan a very renounce lawyer everyone knows him and interact with him every corner he look at, this is wont do any good to Alex, not only that she is basically gone looking at her on the mirror at a point on the scene for HER only her the lights go out and she is alone in the dark, its only when a woman comes into the bathroom and she reacts, Alex is deep into a trauma that will make her take wrong and extreme decisions soon. From now on I expect all kind of craziness from Alex public exhibition, taking her rage against others, doing drugs, alcohol, harassing Dan at home and work, even suicide attempt, when I say attempt is because she wont do it she just wants Dan attention. - tv series divider
Fatal Attraction : The Watchful Heart - Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

Fatal Attraction : The Watchful Heart - Season 1 Episode 3 - Recap -
Fatal Attraction : The Watchful Heart – Season 1 Episode 3 – Recap


This is Dan face coming into court after he sees Alex, Alex is covering for Conchita, the interesting part is that I’m not sure since when and why, Alex brought the officer on this picture some fritters, they were just chatting and when she gave him the fritter he said “You need to stop this” is Alex hitting on the officer too? or just asking for favors in court? worst part is that the officer gave the fritters away to the guy in charge of the court agenda, this for sure make Alex mad, she even ask if they were good.

Dan is action professional, he is trying to not let Alex affect his job or performance at court, Dan doesn’t love Alex it was an affair but Alex is getting the wrong signals, probably she have gone through other experience where the man doesn’t know better and gets to the same position as her, aggressive and keeps arguing with her, Dan probably knows better and staying neutral but Dan is still a man and he likes to fuck Alex so he is weak and will do it again when she give him the chance soon, that’s going to be trying to put off a fire with gasoline.

Fatal Attraction : The Watchful Heart - Season 1 Episode 3 - Recap -
Fatal Attraction : The Watchful Heart – Season 1 Episode 3 – Recap


As suspected, Alex does take and need therapy, here is she talking with someone on the line, at the moment saying how great things are which is a BIG FAT LIE but only on her own world everything is fine and at the same time mention she have been looking for someone referring to a therapist but cant find anyone that can work with her “busy” schedule and tries to convince this person on the line, who I assume was her therapist, to at least have sessions over the phone because all she needs is advice from time to time although this person sound very very opposed to the idea and ends up telling Alex she is not certified on California and she needs to keep looking. You know that moment it feels so awkward that you feel sorry for that person even though its not you on the spot, make me want to skip the scene, after she hangs up the call took her shoes off and hold ice cube on her hand while repeating “The hidden source is the watchful heart” a quote from a poem by Derek Mahon called “Everything is going to be all right” , repeating a phrase or a poem could work as a trigger to overcome stress or certain situations, all this are big red flags for Dan who is not aware of this side of Alex.

Fatal Attraction : The Watchful Heart - Season 1 Episode 3 - Recap -
Fatal Attraction : The Watchful Heart – Season 1 Episode 3 – Recap


Fatal Attraction : The Watchful Heart - Season 1 Episode 3 - Recap -
Fatal Attraction : The Watchful Heart – Season 1 Episode 3 – Recap


Fatal Attraction : The Watchful Heart - Season 1 Episode 3 - Recap -
Fatal Attraction : The Watchful Heart – Season 1 Episode 3 – Recap


All Alex dirty laundry is coming out on this episode, not only it has been confirm the she needs therapy, but it doesn’t stops there, her neighbor across the door name Paul is a therapist that had a few sessions with her but decided to stop and has been avoiding her to the point of not answering the door, we don’t know why for sure but I think she is the type of person that reacts aggressive when things don’t go her way, they bump each other on the hall and she start questioning him why he has been avoiding her, Paul didn’t want to be rude or cause problems but had no argument and all he could say was he has been just too busy, minutes latter we find out a men who probably had some sort of relationship or live with her send her a box with her things and have short argument, she still mad asking for an apology from him and he says there is nothing to talk about. When someone has so many people mad or avoiding them at the same time, she is the problem, that lovely woman we saw on the first episode and a half is gone, Alex needs help, she has also been stocking Dan at work and I think she imagine a conversation with him one time when they were close to each other, he didn’t said a thing it was all her imagination at first and then exchange a few words, good for Dan he knew how to keep the distance.

To continue unpacking all Alex craziness, this episode confirm my suspicion that she started the fire alarm at the restaurant plus she hurts herself when she feels mad I’m not really sure what she feels because now there are a lot of mix emotions but she once burn her fingers when Dan had to leave and then start hitting her knew with a dumb bell after he left, because he wanted him to stay? I cant tell what exactly was going through her head but has to be something really bad to the point that Dr. Paul her neighbor he move out days latter after they saw each other and had that awkward conversation, the guy left and change his address just not be near Alex.

Fatal Attraction : The Watchful Heart - Season 1 Episode 3 - Recap -
Fatal Attraction : The Watchful Heart – Season 1 Episode 3 – Recap


This train isn’t stopping yet, Alex is going through all the phases of someone who cant handle rejection, from the compassion and kind where she tries to come close to Dan again but he prove me wrong, seems he never fuck her again, not even drunk when he had the opportunity, respect to Dan he knew how to stay away and then politely told her is not going to happen again. Then she turns into the crazy person, notice I didn’t say woman because this state of mind can be achieve by men too, and left Dan a message basically saying she wont be available for ever so its now or never for him but she got it wrong by going to Dan place and talk to his wife, not sure what it was that about but then he goes back to Alex place and had an argument about it.

This woman is a menace, there are no limits, after her argument with Dan one night through acid all over his car, if from now on Dan never slept with her again and kept the distance I can really see why he declare himself guilty, Alex is the type of person who knows how to and is willing to stage up everything to incriminate Dan, as he told his daughter Ellen, in order for him to get out or at least keep that option available he had to plea guilty and wait a few years. He is now working with his old friend Mike, who was his lawyer to bring back the case and prove his innocence but no body is willing to help him.

One last Alex crazy thing she did, remember that case she was working for Alex, the woman who was unconscious at the hospital that SHE TALK TO and took her declaration to identify the aggressor, that was another big fat lie to come closer to Dan, that woman was brain dead, Dan got that call right before he discover Alex was at his place. - tv series divider

Fatal Attraction : The Watchful Heart - Season 1 Episode 3 CONCLUSION -

I knew that at some point the script will unpack all what Alex did to Dan or Dan did to her so she ends up dead and Dan behind bars but this was crazy quick, it was trauma after trauma all the things that Alex was dragging from where she use to life and her neighbors, the fact that Dr. Paul avoid her as a therapist, a probable previous relationship send her things to her, how almost everything she said or did was just to make Dan be with her, cant understand how people kept saying this is a bad series, episodes are getting higher scores on IMDB and I’m sure there is a lot of things to unveil before Dan can prove he didn’t kill Alex.


Fatal Attraction : The Watchful Heart - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2: - tv series divider


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A Small Light : Motherland – Episode 3 – RECAP

A Small Light : Motherland - Episode 3 - RECAP -
A Small Light : Motherland – Episode 3 – RECAP


A Small Light : Motherland - Episode 3 - RECAP - INTRODUCTION -

Miep and her husband Jan have become really good at hiding people, they have now added to their belt hiding their tenant’s grand kids after their father got arrested at the train station but they have also got very good at taking risks, the nerves you need to have to do what they have done so far, sneaking people and supplies right in front of German Officers, lying to their face but I think the most dangerous thing they have done is trust other people that help them, that first step is the most dangerous having to trust someone you don’t know, someone who could be working for the Germans and putting everything at risk with a single decision.

I sense soon Jan is going to become more than just a messenger for the resistant, I think during those times it all works like a ladder that he climb with every mission he accomplish, he has now gather papers and even safe kids that are not his because he was ask to cooperate, soon he might have to do something more risky all this without telling Miep, if things go south for him the moment Miep finds out she will be devastate feeling helpless because she didn’t know anything of what he was doing and for who.

Like it was not enough that they taking all this risks for Mr. Frank, friends and family now a wolf step to their door, Mr. Tony Ahlers shows up, a man who is part of the German Party NSB has come to collect after he heard Mr. Frank talking about the the war and how bad it would end for Germans, basic blackmail but Mr. Frank cant pay him now, Tony is putting pressure on Miep and the rest of her co workers to give in Mr. Frank, things will get intense soon, this man wont go away that easy. - tv series divider
A Small Light : Motherland - Episode 3 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

A Small Light : Motherland - Episode 3 - RECAP -
A Small Light : Motherland – Episode 3 – RECAP


Jan has officially started working with the resistance, this is making him become more comfortable at taking risks but there are times when he just want to shit bricks of how scare he is, after watching today episode I think it would not be strange for him to get killed since he is getting more expose going out there getting things done for the resistance this increase the possibility of him getting caught, as he become more effective his boss will assign new missions to him probably more difficult than the previous one but Jan is also taking benefits from the resistance so you can say its a fair trade? not sure because he we think about it Miep and Jan had no obligation to help others, they doing it because they want it and is the right thing to do but its very rare the people that will put their life on the line just to help others and do the right thing, that’s quality in a human but some times taking excessive risk can be foolish.

A Small Light : Motherland - Episode 3 - RECAP -
A Small Light : Motherland – Episode 3 – RECAP


At the Frank’s hiding place things are not going very well, confinement is taking the best out of them, in my case during the pandemic having my two kids with us at the apartment was not hard because they are still little but having two teenagers in such small place might be harder, been on house arrest plus the fear that you put yourself there because they are looking for you makes it harder for everyone, there is also the fact that they have a guess family and a friend so every fight or argument is heard by everyone, there is no privacy and at some point someone will give their opinion on the matters discuss without been ask too, making things harder for everyone, its just pure madness and chaos, Anne is constantly arguing with her mother and Mr. Frank have to deal with them the best he can.

A Small Light : Motherland - Episode 3 - RECAP -
A Small Light : Motherland – Episode 3 – RECAP


Going through the line of events, remember how dangerous is to trust people you don’t know but have no option because you are desperate and need help, this is Jan who was send to pick up some papers from an apartment raided by German Officers, the guy who send him to pick up the papers is suppose to help him hiding his tenant grand kids, see how none of this people are friends or family or had no tights to them but he is still a good man trying to safe lives, he was told papers, a package in a drawer but actually was a kid, this entire saga of taking risks at some point will led him to think he can do things and that could get him caught, lucky for him this time he wasn’t and was able to retrieve the package.

A Small Light : Motherland - Episode 3 - RECAP -
A Small Light : Motherland – Episode 3 – RECAP


Hermine, that’s Miep real name, she was also rescue given to a Dutch family to hide her, when she arrive she knew no Dutch and that’s one of the reasons she was so close to Casmir one of her step brothers, funny how her step parents at the start of the series wanted her to marry Casmir, he was the only one who speak German at the house when she arrive and gave her the name Miep because Hermine sounded like an old lady name, they became very close and only talk German at home so others cant understand them, Casmir is having a hard time with the Germans too as he is homosexual, German regime is also against homosexuals at the time so he may have to go in hiding if he cant control himself, Miep tries to explain him this but he doesn’t want to listen reason, he knows Miep has a secret but she wont tell, not even Casmir, must be hard to lie to love ones and keep such secret but then its your and others lives on the line. - tv series divider

A Small Light : Motherland - Episode 3 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

This is one of those series I have no complains at all, usually I’m a fan of long series where you have five to eight seasons but with this couple of Mini Series I have been watching like Florida Man, Swarm, The Patient, Obsession I’m starting to like the format, is mostly pure action packed on each episode, not necessarily kicking and shooting action but on A Small Light is the constant suspense of whats going to happen next and if things will continue end in favor of the good guys, how Miep and Jan start to get all this value contacts, people form the resistance but their first German threat has knock on their door with Mr. Tony Ahlers looking for Mr. Frank to collect.

I just notice I have been using Season 1 on previous two episodes and their cover image, Im still working on formats and getting use to blog, only my fourth month.

A Small Light : Motherland - Episode 3 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2: - tv series divider

A Small Light : Motherland - Season 1 - TRAILER -

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Dead Ringers : Three – Season 1 Episode 3 – RECAP

Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP -
Dead Ringers : Three – Season 1 Episode 3 – RECAP


Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP - INTRODUCTION -

Things between the twins is getting more intense, more tension, more drugs, more selfish, more savage, Elliot just cant stand Beverly having someone she cant and on top takes her away. Elliot is having a very hard time at accepting Beverly could be on a serious relationship, at least for now and this bring her to the border of madness, Beverly on the other hand doesn’t know how to feel now that she has everything, has the lab, the birthing center, has a girlfriend but cant handle been famous and successful, there are fields where you will attract a lot of haters when becoming successful at what you do and Beverly cant handle it but this haters are not far from the truth, now with all the resources she needed Elliot is going full throttle at artificially creating humans, its clone wars all over, Elliot without any type of supervision is working out side of the law, testing and trying all methods she can or want, worst part is that humans tend to do desperate things when there is no other option, failing at procreating is one of them, failing at it for any reason over and over let women and men to take desperate actions to achieve this goal and there are people like Elliot who take advantage of this situation using them for their experiments. Creating humans artificially by some is consider playing at been God, since there is no secret formula for to achieve this or a button that you can press and give life then on the way to achieve this there are all kind of failures, this failures most of the times are consider murder since we talking about a baby, that’s the sad part when this process go bad and takes part of our humanity, until today humans have not approve of find an argument that let humans been produce at a factory because as in any factory there is a margin of error, on a humans factory that margin of error becomes life’s that are lost, in a sense killing other humans. - tv series divider
Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP - EPISODE DETAILS -

Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP -
Dead Ringers : Three – Season 1 Episode 3 – RECAP


Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP -
Dead Ringers : Three – Season 1 Episode 3 – RECAP


The series has jump in time and the Matel’s birthing center and lab are ready to go, they starting to have their first patience and this place doesn’t look cheap or accessible to others at all just as Rebecca told Beverly, she took this decision as an investment not necessarily to change the world. I like how the production have develop the look of futuristic at the same time bizarre looking, just look at the building looks a bit futuristic like in 90s movies and the dressing on this crew, it give me some flash backs of Hunger Games, same goes for the rest of the personal including the twins they all dressing red uniforms, very low lights, the birthing room is basically a cinema with chairs and a big showcase for those invited to see the process. The birthing center is getting lots of guest as they call them, Beverly insisted because they are not sick and that’s true, traditionally calling them patients might put them in the category of been sick but its just a term misunderstood.

Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP -
Dead Ringers : Three – Season 1 Episode 3 – RECAP


This TV series is more about this trio, the birthing center is just the narrative based on their goals and carrier but its about the toxic relationship that the twins have, a toxic relationship that they accept and promote at times for example when Beverly use Elliot as her escape goat when she is not ok at a certain event or handling someone she is not comfortable with, Genevieve had this party after the TV show she work at finish filming and Beverly asks Elliot to be her because she is more fun and loose at this events, but Genevieve catch it and was able to differentiate between the twins, she only ask them to stop it for this time but then Beverly is not willing to share Genevieve with Elliot but aloud Elliot to be her under other circumstances, this is the case where you cant be with God and the Devil at the same time pretending everything will be ok after. At some point Elliot will pretend to be Beverly without letting her know about it and sleep with Genevieve.

Elliot cant stand be without Beverly and Genevieve is getting on their way, soon she will have the need to get rid of Genevieve, Elliot is so possessive but also only because Beverly aloud it, in this occasion Beverly and Genevieve go out for the weekend.

Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP -
Dead Ringers : Three – Season 1 Episode 3 – RECAP


Feeling the need to some how control Beverly, Elliot takes Tom one of the guys at the Lab, basically her right hand and have him jerk off to get his sperms I think some how the act of fertilizing Beverly ovum gives her power over Beverly? she told Elliot she didn’t want to have a baby anymore before this or is she doing it to get Beverly back on having a baby so she can have her attention again? I’m sure is not for the tech since Elliot now has tons of patients who want her to test on them.

Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP -
Dead Ringers : Three – Season 1 Episode 3 – RECAP


After Beverly and Genevieve went out for the weekend Elliot didn’t know what to do with herself, nothing could calm her down, not the lab, not the drugs, not the alcohol, she go out and took a bunch of people from a bar to have a party at her place, the amount of cocaine she was taking in was absurd to the point she start having hallucinations with a neighbor that she hates, they had a fight braking stuff at Elliot’s place and then end up talking in the balcony while Elliot patch her up but then things became twisted, Elliot neighbor who she nick name Skinny start telling her how little she is, how she have to split her life with Beverly but in a bad way like Beverly takes everything from Elliot and that makes her mad, sick to the point she push Skinny off the balcony, realize what she have done but when she goes downstairs into the garbage where Skinny fall there was nothing, no body, then she realize whats going on on her way up to the apartment, Elliot is loosing it, she cant be away from Beverly and certainly not with someone else, Elliot calls Beverly to come back asking for help. - tv series divider

Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP - CONCLUSION -

I really liked this episode, the first part was ok with all the lab stuff, what they doing and the classic fight between Rebecca and Beverly but the really interesting part was when Genevieve takes Beverly how Elliot start to loose it and the end when Elliot, Two Face and Skinny start going at each other making a mess braking stuff and then having a chat but its all result of Elliot imagination, all the drugs and alcohol she did, Elliot couldn’t take the insults and how little Skinny make her feel and now we know Elliot is capable of killing someone for Beverly, she might kill Genevieve at least is on the table to keep Beverly with her, different than SWARM this tv series is creepy and could make you sick but that’s just the lab part, the interesting drama is between the twins.

Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP - PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2: - tv series divider

Dead Ringers : Three - Season 1 Episode 3 - RECAP - TRAILER -

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Florida Man : One More Day – Episode 4 – Recap

Florida Man : One More Day - Episode 4 - Recap -
Florida Man : One More Day – Episode 4 – Recap



That is how it feels sometimes, Mike is almost under water with very little space to breathe, his plan lacks execution, so far we know his that kinda was never there for him when he was little and his dad does seem to lack those parenting skills this tip him over and is constantly arguing with him making things difficult to move forward besides they really fucked up putting responsibility on Buzz, the guy can barely talk and gets distracted with a fucking plane besides letting him carry a gun, at some point things would go wrong.

Mike also is now getting chase by Moss since he haven’t give him any solid evidence on Delly murder, Moss could be as stupid as Buzz but he had to learn one or two things about been a gangster from his father so he is starting to lose trust on Mike, after all Mike owe him a lot of money and the only reason why he took the job to find Delly is to get of the hook from those gambling debts and start fresh but since she was “murder” then he is now in charge to find who killed her, he came up with all this bullshit story that someone is trying to send a message to Moss, probably rival gang but that’s just to stay with Delly until the find the gold, at this point they still do not know for sure there is gold on that truck and I think they will end up with empty hands, not like its enough pressure from finding the gold, Moss, his dad but now Iris is in town and she is on duty as a cop, this going to get really tight for Mike and Delly. - tv series divider

Florida Man : One More Day - Episode 4 - Recap -
Florida Man : One More Day – Episode 4 – Recap


This is Buzz, as always fucking things up, Sonny trust him because he is loyal and I get that but letting the guy not only carry a gun but also having the guy around was a big red flag, he is constantly talking none sense and this time happen with the crane operator, Buzz was so excited about the Porsche at the bottom that when the operator arrive start talking about the Porsche and eventually mention the gold, operator thought he was slick and try to pull a new deal but Buzz felt like the boss man, pulls the gun and couldn’t take the operator mocking him so shut him without thinking about the consequences.

Cleaning up a murder scene is a lot of work, getting rid of the body, cleaning everything, not leaving anything behind that can turn into a clue and that team alone is not going to pull it, they are very close to get caught either by the police or someone else who finds out about the gold, like the crane operator.

Florida Man : One More Day - Episode 4 - Recap -
Florida Man : One More Day – Episode 4 – Recap



More heat coming up for Mike and Sonny, Moss got tired of listening to Mike excuses and not coming up with any real evidence that Delly is dead, who killed her and why she got murder, the only reason could be to her relationship with Moss but it was very unlikely so Moss is starting to lose faith on that story that Mike came up with and now sends to Florida a guy called Dutch, one of his father old goons, his mission is to locate Mike and find out what he is up to.

Sonny had a deal with Officer Andy after he retire, Sonny seem to do things close to the edge of illegal and the deal with Andy was to stay out of his business because he kept him on that job even gave him the job at the police office but he also haven’t been patient with him and some times even diminish him so Andy is starting to have enough of it. Sonny still feels like he is the big boss to some of the police officers but the truth is that he is not, after he retire he turn into another civilian.

Florida Man : One More Day - Episode 4 - Recap -
Florida Man : One More Day – Episode 4 – Recap


During the series mike gambling addiction has not been explain into details but he and Iris split for this reason, they were married and now she is investigating a case that definitely involve Mike, not that he has been doing a bunch of illegal stuff but he did cover up Moss plus Mike been with Delly doesn’t help neither, sometimes even if you don’t do anything wrong just by been with the wrong people at the wrong time could create a bad impression for who is judging and they bring you into the case just for the doubt, not exactly whats going with Mike because after all he is the driver of a gangster involve on a murder case plus he is fucking that gangster girl friend. I’m sure Iris wont be happy when she uncover the truth and her past with Mike wont matter to her, what we see on the image above is the raw truth of an addict, emerge into gambling so bad its 3 a.m and Mike was at the Casino during vacations with Iris while she was basically begging him to stay with her at the room and he didn’t, when Mike talks about gambling he does regret been an addict and tries to stay away but he haven’t really meditate enough of everything else he lost or destroy because of his addiction, I don’t see this story ending with Mike in jail or even dead.

Florida Man : One More Day - Episode 4 - Recap -
Florida Man : One More Day – Episode 4 – Recap


Florida Man : One More Day - Episode 4 - Recap -
Florida Man : One More Day – Episode 4 – Recap


Iris knows Mike too well and already got him before she even starts investigating, she goes to his family and got a solid answer that Mike is in town but his sister wont sell him out and now she is at the dock where the boat Mike and Delly where after initially for the gold, all it takes is Iris to find footage of Mike with Delly to get the police after him just for the fact he is with Delly.

Florida Man : One More Day - Episode 4 - Recap -
Florida Man : One More Day – Episode 4 – Recap


Dutch, Moss’s guy, finds Mike and cut a deal with him, he doesn’t like Moss neither but this deal had a short life time after Ray Ray comes in and I’m not sure why he went into search and destroy mode immediately because he didn’t know who Dutch is and right away mention he will do it to protect Patsy and Sonny, this felt a bit rush but the end was great, Mike push Dutch into a portable toilet and Dutch light up his lighter making the entire thing explode, the problem is now Dutch wont be able to report back to Moss so soon he will send more people after Mike, Mike is running out of time and he knows it, he is getting desperate and wont let this go no matter who is on the line, there is that gambler mentality because he is not thinking he is putting a lot of people at risk Patsy, Delly, Iris some of them can take care of themself but others cant, Sonny is on this too so basically Mike is just like his father. - tv series divider


Everything is against Mike, he is running out of time, Iris is getting close now that she knows Mike is in Florida with Delly, the reporter he once to get information on Delly, Kaitlin Fox now find out he doesn’t work at the Department of Transportation so now she is also investigating him, with Dutch dead Moss will send more people after Mike, officer Andy just turn his back on Sonny now going after Mike and Sonny not to forget the mess that Buzz did by killing the crane operator at the start of the episode, so many people after Mike that its just a matter of time before he gets caught.


Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3: - tv series divider


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The Patient: Issues | Mom wont turn me in | Recap

THE PATIENT Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP -
THE PATIENT Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP


The Patient: Issues | Mom wont turn me in | Recap - INTRODUCTION -

Alan is getting more desperate to get out of Sam house and notice someone is walking upstairs so he obviously start calling for help until Sam’s mother came down, Candace. Sam is not putting any effort into moving forward with the therapy or freeing Alan, I can understand someone can feel that impotent and disturbed by his past, after all it seems Sam’s father did beat him for no reason based on his testimony and now his mother back it up although he lied to Alan the first time so moving with caution is Alan motto from now on until he finds out the truth, Sam just want Alan to fix his brain like a mechanic change a broken part but its not that simple until he put a serious effort into stop killing people, same as his father beat him without a proper reason just because he is the authority now Sam practice the same principle that just because someone acts fishy or think they slick and can do things their way then he thinks he is there to make things right and correct them, the problem is that he takes “justice” by his hand and ends up killing people, plus he has become good at it, on previous episode he show Alan a box full of things he got from other victims like watches, wallets, etc and the police still hasn’t caught them. Alan is trying a new approach bringing his mother in to try to help Sam but I really think he is just trying to manipulate the situation and get out as soon as possible, he knows Sam can kill him in any moment if he feels things are not going his way and diminish or disrespected in any way. - tv series divider
The Patient: Issues | Mom wont turn me in | Recap - EPISODE DETAILS -

THE PATIENT Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP -
THE PATIENT Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP


Episode starts with Candace, Sam’s mother, going down stairs and meeting with Dr. Alan after he asks who is walking upstairs, she is aware of what’s going on and knows that Sam kills people from time to time, at first she asks for Mary, I wonder if she is really on Sam’s side or she is also trying to manipulate him some how, when she asks for Mary, Alan tells her he cant discuss that, Candace said she read Alan’s book so who really got Alan into the house was it just Sam idea or was it mainly by Candace, I would ask this questions to myself because under this type of circumstances nothing is safe, a man who kill people just because he doesn’t agree with their behavior, not necessary that they did anything illegal and a mother who is aware of this and let his son chain someone to a bed in her house. Everything on this picture is wrong, from start to finish and Alan’s life is on the line.

THE PATIENT Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP -
THE PATIENT Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP


Alan constantly keeps trying to convince Sam that at his age he is no thread to him and shouldn’t have him chain to the bed, its obvious that the second he has to escape he will, he even have a vision where he cut Sam’s throat, Alan keep nagging about the chain will eventually get him beat up, Sam wont let him go until he feels that he has been cure and that could take months or most likely will never happen, his brain could be damage to a point of no return, from what I have seen so far more than just therapy he may need medication to cool off for some time and stay away from all that anger and people that may make him feel that way, been on that job expose him to that temptation, he is supervising others, making inspections, meaning he is the one who says what’s don’t right and what not, the only option for Alan is to escape since I don’t think he will be able to make Sam feel he has been cured and who knows if he still kill Alan because he knows everything he has done.

THE PATIENT Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP -
THE PATIENT Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP


Sam has this trauma that he think having therapy with his mother is not productive but also I sense he feel ashamed of doing therapy with her, may be makes him feel he is not the alpha, after all that’s part of the reason why he kill those who are out of line based on his believes, he is the alpha and have to show them the way, probably same at home he is the alpha and needs to protect his mother and he is the only one responsible for his actions. Candance as a mother she doesn’t want anything bad to happen to Sam but who knows to what level could she over protect him in the past, they both say his dad use to beat him up and one day he left but why did he left? that’s a question without answer so far.

THE PATIENT Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP -
THE PATIENT Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP


Another reason why Alan wont be able to cure Sam at least for now, its because Sam wants immediate results and he starts to put himself at risk of feeling that anger, during the session with his mother Alan ask Sam when ever he feels that anger and need to kill someone tell himself he wont do it to protect his mother from anything that can hurt her, if he goes away that would hurt her, Alan failed there and I don’t know if it was intentional to expose Sam to get caught but Sam does exactly that, goes to a restaurant where there is this manager he already has his eye on, wait for his food and park outside but the rage is stronger than him and surprise surprise Sam kidnap the restaurant manager, its a no brainer that he need to stop going outside and remain isolated from the world, right now he is a menace for the rest of the world and himself, that’s why people get locked up for the first months when trying to rehabilitate, this is a man who has become good at killing people, hunts them, feel the need to show them a lesson, just talking wont do the trick. Sam brings the restaurant manager to his place and locks him up next to Alan while he watch how Sam drags the guy into the next room and secure him to chair with duct tape. - tv series divider


As short as this episodes are it feels satisfying, there are not many details or characters, so far only what four people but still there is that suspense of what will happen next, some of the things are predictable but in what order will it happen? Alan wants to escape and also kill Sam if he gets the chance, Sam want to stop murdering people right now at least that’s what he says but for how long he can keep up with Alan nagging about the chain, Sam’s mother helping him or he not feeling Alan is trying to cure him if he keeps feeling this way at some point he will snap and think either Alan is treating him like a fool or doesn’t want to help him at all and just trying to manipulate him to escape.

The Patient: Issues | Mom wont turn me in | Recap - PREV Episodes -

Episode 1: - tv series divider


Citadel : The Human Enigma – Season 1 Episode 1 – RECAP

Citadel : The Human Enigma - Season 1 Episode 1 - RECAP -
Citadel : The Human Enigma – Season 1 Episode 1 – RECAP


Citadel : The Human Enigma - Season 1 Episode 1 RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Citadel is the story of a spy organization that doesnt belong to any country or specific group of people, they work above other agencies like CIA, FBI, Mi6 and only work in the best interest of human kind, preventing wars, hunting terrorist but now after so much success became the prey and opposite type of spy agency Mantricore is hunting them down to destroy them, after all only two agents will be able to safe Citadel, Mason Kane played by Richard Madden from The Bodyguard and Nadia Sinh played by the gorgeous Priyanka Chopra Jonas who played Sati on The Matrix Resurection. Both almost died when Mantricore attempt to kill them but got out, Mason lost his memory and for now its very little what its known about Nadia but she still alive.

Citadel is not a mission impossible TV series and its average starting at a 7/10, most people I think are waiting for something like that after the trailer was release, every review I see it says disappointment, expect better with very low reviews down to one, I really don’t understand what is on this people mind, who hurt them so bad they feel this way for a TV series, worst part is that most of this reviews online only talk about the first episode, I have mention it before that some times there are TV series that get strong after the third episode and some others that start strong but then its just down the cliff, I have only watch the first episode and I give it a solid 7/10 and Im been fair, reasons:

– Good cast, Richard Madden, Stanley Tucci, Lev Gorn, Priyanka Chopra Jonas
– Solid fight scene at the bullet train
– Story drama not the best, felt there was a hole on the amnesia part
– Effects and Production look solid

Good enough to keep me entertain, yes I felt it too, the hole part of where Mason lost his memories after the crash felt weird, the jump in time seem too fast. - tv series divider
Citadel : The Human Enigma - Season 1 Episode 1 RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

Citadel : The Human Enigma - Season 1 Episode 1 - RECAP -
Citadel : The Human Enigma – Season 1 Episode 1 – RECAP


This is the scene that brought havoc, some times people expect so much, any anyone who watch the trailer is expecting Mission Impossible level shit, but who ever watch the trailer and got their expectations that high for a Tv Series really does watch Tv Series, even on movies sometimes we get scam by a trailer, I think its more easy to do with Tv Series.

The scenes shown on the trailer look great even with the Sweet Dreams theme song, very 007 style but I think Citadel lacks story and not action, fights, shooting scenes look great.

Here we have Mason Kane and his partner/ex wife Nadia at least thats what I think they are based on the weeding ring comment from Mason, classic spies love story, they love each other but cant stand been together. They are after Gregor Yovanovich who is going to sell Uranium to the highest bidder but in reality he is part of Manticore an organization looking to destroy Citadel the organization Mason and Nadia work for, but this too are more powerful than he though and deffend themself very well until Gregor detonate a bomb inside the train, throwing everyone out, Mason lost his memory and started a new life while on this episode there is not much been said about Nadia only that she still alive.

Citadel : The Human Enigma - Season 1 Episode 1 - RECAP -
Citadel : The Human Enigma – Season 1 Episode 1 – RECAP


After the train accident, Mason lost his memory, he stayed at a hospital for some time, even though he lost his memory his body is so well trained that as a reflect once broke a male nurse arm at the hospital when trying to threat him, he was hurt very bad. New life, new wife even got a daughter, everything was looking great for Mason but deep inside he knew there was a lot he was missing, he was missing the truth about himself, who he really is and it hunts him, not known what to tell to his daughter about her grand parents or how he was when little, Mason was a book in blank, for this he seek therapy to try to find this truth he talks about or at least peace with himself.

Citadel : The Human Enigma - Season 1 Episode 1 - RECAP -
Citadel : The Human Enigma – Season 1 Episode 1 – RECAP


This is Bernard who still operates Citadel from the shadows, after the Manticore massive attack most Citadel members were killed but Bernard has been working to keep Citadel alive, there is this Citadel X Briefcase with lots of information from secrets, agents identities, politics even nuclear codes and Manticore is pushing the CIA calling in favors, seems Manticore work for governments probably as a mercenary agency sometimes making favors to keep a few in the bank for when needed.

Citadel : The Human Enigma - Season 1 Episode 1 - RECAP -
Citadel : The Human Enigma – Season 1 Episode 1 – RECAP


Citadel : The Human Enigma - Season 1 Episode 1 - RECAP -
Citadel : The Human Enigma – Season 1 Episode 1 – RECAP


Bernard abduct Mason and his family after knowing that Manticore is going after this briefcase, he did it to keep him alive and because its time Mason gets back to work with Citadel for his own and family safety, he is the only member that can work with Nadia to try to stop Manticore. It was not hard for Mason to understand Bernard and who he really was, after all this is what he wanted and many things match like how when medics found him there was no trace of him like he never existed because he was a spy. Bernard explains him what Citadel is and how they got double crossed eight years ago, an event that almost terminate them but its time for them to hit back, this is the only way for Mason to keep his family alive.

Citadel : The Human Enigma - Season 1 Episode 1 - RECAP -
Citadel : The Human Enigma – Season 1 Episode 1 – RECAP


On episode one there is not much been said about what happen to Nadia after the train crash, besides since the train scene I felt Mason is the main character even after the scene opens with Nadia, Mason seems the Alpha agent. Nadia survive the train accident too but what happen to her after, did she lost her memory too? she still remember Citadel? lots of questions to be answered but this is just the first episode to present main actors and the plot of the story, a 40 minutes episode with a short story. - tv series divider

Citadel : The Human Enigma - Season 1 Episode 1 RECAP CONCLUSION -

CITADEL not the best story but definitely a good production, effects, cast and it may take two or three episodes to get better, from the trailer there are great actions scenes very 007 style, it will be interesting to find out how Mason and Nadia are going to work back together after so long, its been eight years since Manticore attack plus they now working with USA agencies, Citadel is alone in a corner with Mason and Nadia been their only hope to keep going and fighting for humanity best interest, solid series to keep you entertain but again DO NOT EXPECT a great story line, at least not from this episode, will have to watch two more episodes to finally take build a statement about the story line, does it sucks and its just pure action with stupid story or its a solid 7/10 and people just judging a book by its cover? time will tell. - tv series divider

Citadel : The Human Enigma - Season 1 TRAILER -

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Drops of God: Foundation – Episode 4 – Recap

Drops of God: Foundation - Season 1 Episode 4 RECAP -
Drops of God: Foundation – Season 1 Episode 4 RECAP


Drops of God: Foundation - Season 1 Episode 4 RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Camille didn’t exactly start this competition with the right foot but there is more to come, things between her and Thomas has turn a bit tense now that she has started to directly show her feelings for him different than what he has been doing so far, he shows just too much interest on her to win the contest and has been doing what ever he can from taking her for hours drive trip to find a $10k bottle for her to taste or go to Tokyo just because he can be of big “help” for her, Thomas is just avoiding the big question, does he feel anything for her or not?

Regarding the contest itself so far Camille is no match for Issei, he is well trained, has a lot of experience at least compare to her plus he is very focus, its a one man army that works like a very well maintained machinery, but there are a few events happening that can tip him over a bit from his mother and grandfather not approving him competing for Alexander’s heritance and now his father that just had enough of the Tomine Diamonds, he had enough of been beaten down and diminish by Honoka every time she wants when he has always been there for her. Obvious answers most of the time are not the best, at first I though ok Alexander thought he had no one to leave his heritance to so he took Issei like the son he never had and that’s why got him into the contest but its more complex than that and on this episode a lot is revealed, Issei never question this neither but he was actually trying to learn more about his “father” Hirokazu, Issei starts to peek into the truth about why he is really into this contest. - tv series divider
Drops of God: Foundation - Season 1 Episode 4 RECAP EPISODES EVENTS -

Drops of God: Foundation - Season 1 Episode 4 RECAP -
Drops of God: Foundation – Season 1 Episode 4 RECAP


On this episode we will learn more about Alexander, how Honoka and Hirozaku became his students and how Issei end up as a participant of this great contest for the prize of probably the most value wine collection in the world, on this Tv Series. For this the series will show a younger version of this three characters, times when Honoka use to smile and a young Hirozaku for ever in love with her, Alexander as usual reckless and brave.

On the picture above there is Alexander on the left holding a wine bottle, Honoka in the middle and Hirozaku on the right, this picture is epic like they both competing for her but it was never a competition, Honoka and Hirozaku went to Phillip’s vineyard to taste rare wine and learn more about it, even meet young Thomas and that’s probably the very same table where Camille use to train with his father, back in the day there were some things that we build to last for ever like that table. Alexander was ask by Honoka to show them rare wine with character and he took the challenge.

Drops of God: Foundation - Season 1 Episode 4 RECAP -
Drops of God: Foundation – Season 1 Episode 4 RECAP


Hirozaku was in Honoka’s for ever friend zone but he was always there for here no matter the situation, until this point of the episode there is not much to say about them other than that, he was next to her mostly where ever she goes, on 1991 after Alexander failed to graduate, from what I think it was a Professional Sommelier, he failed to present his Thesis after loosing control on his interview talking about how there is a Wine Monopoly in France, Alexander was basically force to look for a new horizon ending up giving Enology classes in Japan, guess who sing up as son as she saw the name on the board, Honoka sing up and Hirozaku follow.

Drops of God: Foundation - Season 1 Episode 4 RECAP -
Drops of God: Foundation – Season 1 Episode 4 RECAP


Alexander was very passionate about wine and anything related to it, not every one is that passionate about something, for example I might be passionate about computers but I might not have the skill set to teach others what I already know, Alexander did take the time to elevate his students knowledge but his methods were not well seen among the University, until eventually Hirozaku ended up drunk at the University campus after one of Alexander after hour classes, he offer to take Honoka home but she refuse and tell him to go if he wanted, she was going to stay, the man had enough and was heart broken. It seems Honoka has always been selfish, we humans are selfish by nature but looks like Honoka have never hit rock bottom or needed from others so she didn’t put that much attention into those who surround her.

Alexander class was terminated after the incident with Hirozaku, the University decided it was because of Alexander methods of teaching after hours that students were setting the wrong example.

Drops of God: Foundation - Season 1 Episode 4 RECAP -
Drops of God: Foundation – Season 1 Episode 4 RECAP


Drops of God: Foundation - Season 1 Episode 4 RECAP -
Drops of God: Foundation – Season 1 Episode 4 RECAP


Liar liar, pants on fire! Issei is looking for his dad, trying to figure out what really happen to him, the reason why he left since at first he thought it was about and argument they had. I previously mention how until Episode three it was all about Camille well its not anymore, Camille and Issei roads are starting to cross. With Issei investigating his father and mother past he stumble to a photo that shows his mother, father and Alexander together, but when he ask his mother Honoka, her answer was she have never been into wine, it was his father who ask Alexander for a photo. Honoka was in love with Alexander and eventually seduce him, they ended having an affair, Alexander was a wild soul so he goes with the flow until he got Marianne pregnant, Honoka felt rejected but Hirozaku was there for her, Honoka also got pregnant but so far it has not been revel if Alexander ever knew, at the end Honoka tells Hirozaku she was pregnant both knew who the father was and he took the baby, that baby was Issei who is now competing against his step sister for their father inheritance. - tv series divider


I cant expect less from a manga master piece like Drops of God, I like how things can be predictable but not everything is reveal at once, there are still parts to the story that haven’t been clear out, for the viewer we now are aware that Issei and Camille are step brothers but there still that part where they find out, how they going to react, I think both will take it easy besides they don’t hate each other although Camille feels insulted at some point that she is been put to compete with someone who is not family, Issei on the other hand looks very peaceful, the hot sauce is what will Honoka do when the truth is reveal, a many years secret that can hit the press and let her proud father know she had an affair got pregnant and not by her husband, for anyone who have read the manga none of this is a secret but I wonder what happens with the contest after they find out they are related. Alexander is clever enough and if he knew about it before he died I’m sure he set some sort of rules for this circumstance for the competition to continue, after all the contest is to really keep teaching Issei and Camille after he died.

A Small Light : Welcome to Switzerland - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3: - tv series divider

Drops of God: Foundation - Season 1 TRAILER -

A Small Light : Welcome to Switzerland – Season 1 Episode 2 – RECAP

A Small Light : Welcome to Switzerland - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP -

A Small Light : Welcome to Switzerland - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Miep and Jan are starting to feel the pressure of taking care of the Frank’s while they hiding, they short on food rations, the Frank’s apartment was raided with all their things gone and Miep is having to lie so the girls don’t get hurt from whats going on out there.

I guess those times were different, during those times some one word had a heavy impact on their lives, if something similar happen now days I don’t see people covering up for each other and helping to the point of putting their lives at risk for someone else who is not even family, we recently went through a pandemic and yes people help each other during hard times but its very different that for helping someone hide a military puts a riffle to your head, one thing is getting killed by head shot another is dying from hunger or some illness. Miep and Jan are constantly putting their lives at risk to the point of taking favors from the “resistance” just by doing that alone they can get killed, Mr. Frank mention that this rumors and movements most of the time are promoted by Nazis to get those not in favor of their political believes. The tension and stress must be immense having to think that every time some one knocks at your door it could be the military looking for you to get arrested or worst. - tv series divider
A Small Light : Welcome to Switzerland - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP EPISODE EVENTS -

A Small Light : Welcome to Switzerland - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP -
A Small Light : Welcome to Switzerland – Season 1 Episode 2 – RECAP


With the girls having existential problems to adapt to their new place Miep has run out of food rations, all of them gone, this is where the real magician comes at work, Miep is very resourceful but for me or I would say anyone is not just the food shortage but knowing that their and now your live is at risk its either a friend, a co worker, someone who “help” you, there is a point you don’t even know who or what to believe since there are more and more spies everywhere working for the Germans.

Miep and Jan start to work with what they got to gather more food for the Frank’s, at first Jan start pulling some emergency food rations from work, those are suppose to be for clients but they now living the day by day with the Franks, Miep just trying to be charming with the butcher and sometimes make up stories of a sick parent to get someone else pity and some more food, at this point everything goes.

A Small Light : Welcome to Switzerland - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP -
A Small Light : Welcome to Switzerland – Season 1 Episode 2 – RECAP


Yeah I don’t think that’s any good but that’s exactly what they had to do to survive, lied, soon Miep and Jan will start to lie to most people they know to stay alive, get food, lie to friends, lie to family and sometimes even lie to each other because they taking extreme risks.

A Small Light : Welcome to Switzerland - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP -
A Small Light : Welcome to Switzerland – Season 1 Episode 2 – RECAP


Talking about lying to friends, Tess just keep showing uninvited, pushing on Miep to be fun, acting like she has nothing to worry because of her new rich boyfriend, even takes Miep and Jan to party probably expecting for them to get drunk and start talking about the Franks or anything related to hiding jews, every time I see Tess I cant stop thinking she is a spy, her boyfriend too, he even got Miep to talk about who are the good and bad guys a conversation that end up in politics but stop there after they saw a Germain Military Raid how they were taking jews from their homes including old people and kids.


A Small Light : Welcome to Switzerland - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP -
A Small Light : Welcome to Switzerland – Season 1 Episode 2 – RECAP


Miep and Jan were told about this place called the Comes Bookstore where there is a resistance who can get them more food rations, Mr. Frank already told Miep this is an old trick from the Germans, start a rumor that give them hope just to catch those out side their law but Miep and Jan still went for it, so far it seems it work, every step they take is a risk, now they have to give in the Franks papers in to get fake ones so they can keep getting food rations, what if this so called resistance is just a bunch of spies trying to lure them in to catch them all, not that I want to see them die but for me this is the intense part, how every decision they take is a risk that puts them to the edge.

A Small Light : Welcome to Switzerland - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP
A Small Light : Welcome to Switzerland – Season 1 Episode 2 – RECAP


Like it wasnt enought that Jan is taking all this risks with Miep but now his boss calls him to a meeting because of the few emergency rations he ask for, Jan gets invited into a group at work who is not friends with the Germans and have a plan to help everyone they can, how do you trust them? again back them peoples word had more value probably thats why Jan and Miep trust so many people, same goes for Mr. Frank, yes Miep is a friendly woman, noble, just, funny and probably gave him the impression she had a good heart but how do you put the lives of your family into someone you just met?

A Small Light : Welcome to Switzerland - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP -
A Small Light : Welcome to Switzerland – Season 1 Episode 2 – RECAP


This good heart and faith acting is what makes the group bigger and bigger, first it was just then Franks, then the Van Pels adding three more people to the group and now Dr. Pfeffer what next? the group just double in number, taking that much food will be suspicious at some point and at least is just food right now what happens if they get sick or hurt or worst when there is food shortage because of the war because that will eventually happen. Mr. Frank philosophy after all is that they have to do it, they have to help others if not they will just disappear referring to who they really are as a person, been locked up even if its on a big apartment for many months is not easy and it could easily brake and change people, going through it alone is worst, may be having this many people can bring in a different way to coup with the situation, the worst part is that they don’t know when all this is going to stop, they don’t have a date for this to end.

A Small Light : Welcome to Switzerland - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP
A Small Light : Welcome to Switzerland – Season 1 Episode 2 – RECAP


At the end of the episode this German Soldier shows up with two kids who are the grandchildren of Jan tenant, their parents were arrested at the train station and this Soldier felt pity for them and brought them home, this got me thinking how did he know they live there? they just move in a few days, a German Soldier felt pity for Jewish kids during those days? could that be a trap to find out if Miep or Jan are hiding any more Jewish people? He says he will be back and the kids better not be there so guess where are those kids going? yup with the Franks. Every single scene from now on feels it get things more and more complicated, a snow ball rolling down hill after Miep and Jan , when is this ball will bee too big and get them. - tv series divider

A Small Light : Welcome to Switzerland - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

I’m a little behind on this series because I’m short on time recently but this and Silo are getting very excited, on every corner, everywhere they look and every decision they take there is the danger of getting caught and get killed, but they still find a way to have a good time, go out and drink its like even though things can get worst they really cant, this occupation of Amsterdam by the Germans has taken everything from them, they have no peace, no privacy, no security, they cant stop thinking every time some one knock at the door that its a German Soldier coming for them, before this series came out I saw people making videos about how awesome the book is “Anne Frank Remembered: The Story of the Woman Who Helped to Hide the Frank Family” by Miep Gies. The production, wardrobe, music, actors everything is on point, so far this first two episodes I give them a solid 8/10.

A Small Light : Welcome to Switzerland - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1: - tv series divider

A Small Light : Welcome to Switzerland - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP TRAILER -

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Silo : Machines – Episode 3 – Recap

SILO : Machines - Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP -
SILO : Machines – Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP


SILO : Machines - Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Juliette has a lot on her plate now been offered the job as a Sheriff after Holston wanted her to be her successor and both dead Holston and George, to that add she may need to shut down the Silo generator for the first time in Silo history to repair it without room for failure or live in darkness.

On Episode 2 had enough of the Silo and decided to go out but before he took such a light decision he had two entire years after George died and Juliette show him everything George have discover so far, he must have discover the truth about the Silo but probably was a bit selfish at not telling anything to Juliette but after all going out its a one shot decision, all they see from the inside its what shown from a camera that IS controlled by the Silo, the outside looks doomed and everyone who goes out dies by the “poison”, its a gamble that on this episode is revealed for a very brief time, Holston left behind a signal that Juliette understood and make her take the decision to take the Sheriff job but only after she becomes the first woman and engineer to shut down the generator for the first time in Silo history and get it repaired, she is going in basically blind folded without knowing whats wrong with generator and with very limited time before things go BOOM!! - tv series divider
SILO : Machines - Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

SILO : Machines - Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP -
SILO : Machines – Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP


Juliette is still grieving for George, on episode 2 she did try to reach the bottom of the cave where George mention there is a tunnel with a door at the end but the amount of water down there is massive besides who knows what is down there, water is life and all of the sudden there is some creature down there or the water could be toxic, water in the dark is very scary too and for someone who has never seen the ocean or even a full size Olympic pool imagine how hard it could be to take a big ass rope and go down about twenty meters to then jump into that massive amount of water, also consider that the rest of the excavator that was use to made the Silo is under water too so for all she knows she can dive into the water and hit the excavator right away all that and alone in the dark, she cant tell anyone else, if that information goes into the wrong hands Juliette can easily get killed.

She gets so drunk Shirley has to come to her place, its been two hours and she haven’t reported yet but when Juliette was waking up and recovering the Silo started shaking, the generator has been having issues, big vibrations that can make it explode so they both run down to the machine room and see whats going on, after kicking and screaming, Juliette rule is no body else goes into the generator but her, they figure out the diagnostic was wrong, the vibration is getting worst and its on the opposite direction so they have to shut it down to repair it before its too late. Knox chief of engineering has to come up with a plan to do this, Juliette is pushing for this but soon will get all the backup she needed to make it happen.

SILO : Machines - Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP -
SILO : Machines – Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP


Mayor Ruth and Deputy Marnes are heading down to the machine room to talk to Juliette and offer her the job of Sheriff, its a tradition to offer the job no matter what after a Sheriff retire or pass out and leaves a candidate behind, first they stop by IT to try to get more information about her and ask Bernard head of IT, Juliette and him had some history after she took some heat resistant tape without permission but basically thats all she has on her to call her a thief.

Bernard must be part of the conspiracy, as head of IT he most likely knows the image on the screen is hijacked, what they showing is not the truth about the outside conditions, it shows a doom land but its the total opposite, on episode two I thought Holston was hallucinating when he saw clear sky, plants and trees but on this episode part of the truth is reveal although seem no body pay attention for this quick blip on the system.

Mayor Ruth also stop by to talk with Julitte’s father, Dr. Pete Nichols about her but as expected they don’t talk that much, they haven’t seen each other since she left to engendering when she was thirteen years old, since then not a word.

SILO : Machines - Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP -
SILO : Machines – Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP


Finally Mayor Ruth and Deputy Marnes get to the machine room and explain everything is going in the upper part of the Silo to Juliette, Holston left her as his Sheriff candidate and no body wants her, not IT, not the judge, even if they ask her father that’s a solid no, at first she even say no, it look like it was a done deal, she knows its more important for everyone for her to stay down there at least until the generator gets repaired but for some reason Mayor Ruth wants her to take the job, she didn’t say it directly but at least thinks if Holston leave her as his successor has to be for a good reason and probably also wants to respect his last wish. Before they go back to the upper part of the Silo, Deputy Marnes gave Julitte Holston batch and that’s when it kicks in, Hank saw something on the back of the batch that make Juliette change her mind, it said “Truth” but there is only one condition, she first has to repair the generator, after some back and forward with the Mayor it gets approve, no body likes it and its a big gamble. There are a lot of things that can go wrong, they got less than thirty minutes before the steam that moves the generator make the steam container blow up.

SILO : Machines - Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP -
SILO : Machines – Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP


The picture above shows the screen in the cafeteria, with the generator ON and then when they shut it down to transition into backup power, for a quick second the true image goes on but people were so scare, they have never been in the dark that probably not many notice, if you really zoom in you can see that on the first imagine there is Holston body on the ground, dead, but on the second one there is nothing.

SILO : Machines - Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP -
SILO : Machines – Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP


Nobody like that the Silo went into backup power but it seems Benard head of IT specially took it personal, but Juliette is now officially the new Sheriff in town, she took the job but only to keep working on finding the truth about the Silo and George death, Holston once told her he will send word when he finds something and him sending for her as Sheriff was that signal plus the word truth at the back of his batch, now Juliette knows there is more to why Holston decided to go out, for Holston it was a gamble but for Juliette its less, time will tell if she runs with same luck as George and someone attempt to kill her when she gets too close to the truth.

SILO : Machines - Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP -
SILO : Machines – Season 1 Episode 3 RECAP


For some very strange reason Mayor Ruth dies after she goes back to her office with Deputy Marnes, I cant figure out how they killed her, for sure she didn’t die because something was wrong with her, I never saw her eating anything during the episode she only drank water, probably her water was poison when lights went out, after all she was making some noise by not stooping to visit the judge and went directly to offer Juliette the Sheriff position against all the people she ask about Juliette. - tv series divider

SILO : Machines - Season 1 Episode 3 CONCLUSION -

This was a great episode with a lot of action, Juliette put her life on the line to get the generator fix, she knew it was now or never plus there is much more for her to discover now that Holston has send for her after selecting her to replace him but things wont be easy, the entity or people behind the truth of the Silo will do anything to keep things like they are, keep tight control of the people and the Silo, they can also quickly end anyone life just look at what happen to Mayor Ruth, they just filed a Sheriff vacancy now there is one for Mayor and I think the next Mayor wont be Juliette’s favorite.

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