Secret Invasion: Beloved – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP

Secret Invasion: Beloved – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Beloved – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Beloved – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP INTRODUCTION -

I was giving some though yesterday to Secret Invasion after I found this ratings from Rotten Tomato on Twitter, re post it on Inleo (Here Post) , I understand the MCU have basically spoil many generations since 2008 when the first MCU movie came out, Iron Man; its like they started strong kicking ass with mainstream human super heroes, then move to space exposing other species out of earth, the move into some mystic practices with my LOVELY Scarlett Witch and Dr. Strange so its natural that at some point in time they will give us other type of super hero, a more down to earth mortal like Nick Fury, they guy after all is very smart and can see things coming before others, we also now are aware that many of this skills he develop the time he had all this Skrulls spying on humans, believe it or not that’s how you get wise, going through many experiences good and bad you start building up this library of knowledge of what humans are capable under different situations, that’s why you never finish knowing some one until you have been through multiple situation even better when this situations are one worst than the other, that is who Nick Fury is a very wise, smart guy but human after all, they compare it to other MCU productions that could have exploited better like the Quantum Realm, Eternals I think run out of time just too long of story and recent Marvels, this I can understand it been more of a comedy similar to Thor movies but with still some action.

So its been two or three minutes complaining why this series has such bad ration but for me its fine, its a good watch although at times the story feels crunch but that’s how we humans are, never satisfied. Episode four Ghia becomes a Super Skrull without anyone knowing, this are the things I feel are crunch, the episode is full of disappointment and betray, remember how Gravik gave Talos the last sign of respect on previous episode well on episode four he fucks him up, Skrulls are deep into the US Government but no body knows because it goes all over to the top. - tv series divider
Secret Invasion: Beloved – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

Secret Invasion: Beloved – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Beloved – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


Ghia save her ass by the skin of her teeth after Gravik find out she is the mole within his organization and set her up, she tries to escape but he was lurking around the compound and found her, he didn’t think twice before putting a bullet to her chest but lucky her without anyone knowing turn herself into a Super Skrull to this I have a few complains:

  • Was it that simple, jump into the machine and no side effects?
  • Then why Gravik didn’t turn his best soldiers into Super Skrulls and only him?
  • Shen turns on this machine that takes all that power and no body notice

This are the kind of questions that might trigger hard core fans and critics, yes its TV/Fantasy but you need to have all this details on the table for the more than your average viewer stay satisfied, for others viewers that are not so much into details and let the dopamine do all the work distracting them with Ghia regenerating her glowing chest while quickly showing how she because a Super Skrull in a few flash backs, for this second type of viewers that’s fine.

Secret Invasion: Beloved – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Beloved – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Beloved – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Beloved – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


Disappointment, thats what Fury feels when he finds out his wife Priscila, a Skrull; is talking to Rhodey who is in fact a Skrull working for Gravik, there is no body he can trust at this point, Fury had a suspicion Priscilla had something to do with Gravik while he was gone, after all it was her who brought Gravik to Fury when he lost his parents, she did try to persuade Rhodey not to kill Fury explaining he was not a threat but orders are orders and they both have to follow them.

Secret Invasion: Beloved – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Beloved – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


We did get more details on how Fury and Priscilla end up been married, even how she took her face, Fury really love her for who she was still understanding that he was involve with a shape shifting Skrull that could put in danger his career and agency, now his life. Fury love very much Priscilla and she too, that is why she never stop trying to protect Fury from Gravik and now they coming for her, she doesn’t kill Fury and they both let go and continue to work as a team and a couple but Fury knows he has to put his foot down and go all in if he wants to get Gravik.

Secret Invasion: Beloved – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Beloved – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


More disappointment, this time from both Ghia and her father Talos, who was the original Skrull commander on Earth when they got there, he was suppose to get a home to the million Skrulls that fled with him to Earth but things got complicated and he never found out a way to accomplish that task, they had no infrastructure, no land, they were unknown guests with no rights on the planet, hiding behind a mask and Gravik was the result of all that time when Talos couldn’t get them a place where they could be themself without hiding, Ghia is now a target and ask him what is his plan but Talos plan remain the same, been friends with the humans until they accept them but she is of the same thought as Fury, that’s not going to happen so she call him delusional after hearing how she still truly believes that Humans and Skrulls can live together on Earth.

Secret Invasion: Beloved – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Beloved – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Beloved – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Beloved – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


Fury pays a visit to Rhodey and I guess his plan was to shake him up by bluffing, he probably thought Rhodey would become nervous when he tells him he confirm that there were Skrulls in the Goverment close to the president, like oh shit he discover me but that same as how Ghia became a super Skrull was lame, Rhodey is a shame shifter and unless Fury shoot him or cut him up to prove he got his Skrull ass expose then he would not accept it, on the other hand he is the one that intimidate Fury with footage from Russia when Gravik change into Fury and shoot Maria, got that on video so in case Fury attempts anything against him, well that back fire badly.

Secret Invasion: Beloved – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Beloved – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Beloved – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Beloved – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion probably would have been best if it was a movie and not a mini series if they were going rush things, comes the best action scene of the entire mini series so far, Gravik’s plan to kill the US president rolls out and Rhodey gets him the president right where he wanted him but they underestimate Fury and Talos, from this scene my complain is why Gravik was the only Super Skrull and IF it was because of lack of DNA samples to mix it with other Skrulls then WHY Gravik or anyone else within the lab project found out that there were missing DNA when Ghia turn herself into a Super Skrull??? see lots of fucking details misssing.

Secret Invasion: Beloved – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Beloved – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Beloved – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Beloved – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


Gravik did manage get very close to kill the president but if it wasn’t for Talos and Fury the US President would be toast, the car flips upside down and there was no anyone else than Talos break the bullet proof glass, the US President was locked up inside, pass out, but Talos was hit that’s why he lost his human face.

Secret Invasion: Beloved – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Beloved – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


Whit all the shooting Gravik manage to shape shift into one of the US Soldiers and got close to Talos, this was in purpose because he probably felt that if he could not kill the US President at least he will cut for good the ties between Fury and Skrulls by killing Talos, he could have kill him before, even on last episode but I feel Gravik respected Talos very much but it was time to demonstrate the others who is in charge now, consider Skrulls fighting for him will see his failure as weakness as any other soldier would, with his super powers Gravik had the chance to wipe out the entire field of soldiers if he wanted but he didn’t because he want it too look like it was the Russians so a War could start between humans and not with Skrulls.

Secret Invasion: Beloved – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Beloved – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP –


Fury tries to stop Gravik but he miss twice, same as Talos to Gravik there was an attachment from Fury to Gravik so he probably didn’t want him dead the first time he shoot him and then got close shooting him in the face, from Gravik face that piss him off like really? kill me? I mean he killed Fury’s best friend Talos, Gravik regenerates and gets away, Fury had to leave behind Talos since he got the US President inside his car, fight between US Soldiers and Skrull kept going and the episode end, at least they should have waited for the fight to be over or Skrulls surrender so they both get out of there because when Skrulls are hurt or killed they loose their human face meaning soldiers find out they were Skrulls but no body said anything until Talos was shoot, were the rest of Gravik army just regular humans? more missing details. - tv series divider

Secret Invasion: Beloved – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP CONCLUSION -

Even though Secret Invasion is fine for me I think MCU fans not like me, I’m more of an average viewer who appreciate entertainment but MCU fans who come from the comics might need more details about the story and don’t feel its rush because from my perspective that’s the only problem of the story, again an average viewer opinion; episode four is the pinnacle of missing details, things that happen or didn’t happen without a reason, but at least I have to say I enjoy the first half when Fury and Talos get their pride slap by their most love ones, Priscilla who was probably on Gravik’s side until it was proven she was not because Fury’s life was on the line if he decided love over his life and Ghia calls his father delusional after he explain her he was still firm on the plan to coexist with humans. Until that point the episode felt like a solid 7/10 but then starts to fall with some none sense like Fury trying to scare Rhodey with revealing he is a Skrull and then Gravik been the only Super Skrull because to be honest I though there were going to be a fucking bunch of them wiping the entire field but I get his intentions was to make it look like it was the Russians but then again why reveal his powers? that was a very childish move from him as a “General” it was that plus his respect to Talos and Fury make him look like he still the same kid that use to work for them.

The only reason this episode remains as a 7/10 for me is because the shooting part safe it, the way Talos was there to rescue the president, how the soldier got spoke when he saw Talos changing back to his natural look and Fury had to intervene all that in the middle of the shooting safe this episode if not could have easily fall into a 6/10. I feel we will continue to watch all this MCU content because its from our times, anyone 30 years old and higher but I think for newer generations is not appealing anymore and thats why they are about to reboot many of this productions to keep milking the cow.


Secret Invasion: Beloved – Season 1 – Episode 4 – RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3: - tv series divider

Secret Invasion - TRAILER -

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Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP

Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Compare to other Marvel TV Series Secret Invasion in my opinion is not bad as people might think but for sure not its best work, there is not much action until now, its more about an espionage TV Series and probably the way it should be because besides Skrulls on this story there are no super heroes with powers or a suit and I think that’s the way it was intended just humans against the infiltrated Skrulls from Gravik.

Episode three is just that, start to unveil the traitors on both sides from the Gravik camp and the more divided humans group leading Nick Fury but just way too divided between MI6, US Government, after all Skrulls is probably the main reason humans are so divided, its the result of many years work dividing to conquer that was exactly what Gravik was looking for and he is now Skrull General after getting the full support from the Skrulls counsel after showing he does have what it got to make Earth the home they were looking for and convincing them that it wont be achieve by been friends with humans but by making them go against each other at war while Skrulls just watch humans become extinct, it will be very hard for Nick Fury to stop this plan but he has Talos on his side and I think this war wont be won by force but by out smart the enemy. - tv series divider
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Back when Gravik was chosen as Skrull General there was a few of them that were not too sure of his methods, Skrulls are a pacific species and those who had to fled their home know how bad war could turn out for them, if they loose to humans it could be game over, at the end I think that’s going to be the card that make Nick win this war against Gravik, show other Skrulls how wrong is Gravik at fighting humans instead of living together in peace with the option to stay on Earth or find another planet to claim.

Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Initially Gravik plan was to infiltrate humans thing that he did perfectly at taking hostage the Captain in charge of a submarine with missiles probably powerful enough to do a lot of damage or at least enough as Nick said to start World War III, with the help of Talos he was able to stop the launch, Talos is a bit against killing people specially Skrulls but this time he was the one pulling the trigger when the Skrull rebel mention his daughter what brings to mind if he knows/suspects G’iah is providing information to Talos then Gravik must too.

Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Sonya is helping Nick too, they might not be from the same agency or country but its on their best interest win this war against Skrulls, she is aware of whats going on even a few steps against Nick with the intel that she has but is aware that at times they might need to exchange intel to move forward not like Rhodey who thinks Nick needs to stay out of all this situation.

Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Talos is just too good of a guy but his feelings were hurt on episode two after he had to revile Nick there were a million Skrulls on Earth, he never lied about it to never told Nick, what he did make clear is that Nick would not be promoted or successful as he was at S.H.I.E.L.D if he didn’t have Talos and his network of Skrull spies working with him probably the reason why he was always always miles away up front, I can only imagine how Fury had the agency itself infiltrated because the feeling has always been that Fury is a fucking ghost, a ninja that no body else knows how he is many steps ahead before things happen and now Talos reminds him of this but most important Talos shows Fury he is his true friend, despite him been a Skrull or Human he is his friend before any difference but he wanted to feel special too or at least equal and made Fury beg him for help just a bit to make it fun.

Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Talos had this meeting with Gravik where they were playing a lot of mind games, I think Gravik has some respect for Talos as he was probably the original Skrull General at Earth when they arrive also Talos was there when Fury brought in Gravik to work for him but from this meeting things definitely going to change, Gravik show Talos how many Skrulls are with him when every single one on that room shape shift into Gravik, this is a way to show Talos who rules now and his last sign of respect to him, Talos was lucky Gravik didn’t kill him on the spot.

Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Skrulls can regenerate but I think its not instant although before Talos goes he stab Gravik on his hand and left but after Gravik pull his hand from the knife instead of taking it off, spliting his hand in too and then instantly regenerate with his hand glowing like generating energy or fire, sign that he already mutate results of their experiments for Super Skrulls with the machine that appears on this post cover.

Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Gravik has convince a big part of the Skrulls community on Earth including having the Skrull Counsel on his side either by force or not so this probably puts him in the same position as when Fury had his private Skrull Spies Network, so for sure no body is ahead of him, probably he might not be as sharp as Fury because he is young and lack the same experience, eventually his finds out Ghia was working with her father Talos, after some of the Skrulls got caught in Russia he know someone was feeding information and it was just a matter to use the right bait to get the traitor, the plan to launch the missiles on the submarine was that, the bait to lure out the traitor, he probably did trust Ghia at first but for sure always had that suspicion that she might betray him. When Ghia tries to leave camp he was there waiting for her, he was probably had people monitoring her all day, Gravik shoot Ghia and she falls to the ground, I don’t think she is dead but she makes that sound when they shape shift after falling meaning at least she is knock out.

Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Last but I think most important I think, its that Fury wife who is a Skrull, who told to his face that she has nothing to do with Gravik is now looking for him and potentially have to do with Gravik plans. She was the one who brought Gravik to Fury back in the day so she probably have some attachment to him since she took him over, probably consider him a son and consider she is a Skrull after all, even though she got involve with Fury they are not the same species, blood calls blood. - tv series divider

Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP CONCLUSION -

I feel like Secret Invasion is going to ramp up a lot after episode three, Gravik powers and machine has been openly shown and the entire Super Skrulls concept will bring that super power side characteristic of Marvel content but so far I think the lack of action and fantasy that super heroes bring in is what people were expecting this was going to be about, I remember making an article when the trailer came out and so far I dont see it as false advertisement or like it oversold what this series was going to be, probably viewers felt this had to be a longer series and not just a mini series so there was more time to develop the story but all this was about is Fury spies network and how it started, even Gravik I think is a plus because he is also the result of what Fury did before the blip.


Secret Invasion: Betrayed – Season 1 – Episode 3 – RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2: - tv series divider


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The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP

The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP -
The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP –


The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Different than popular opinion from Crystal Generation I did enjoy The Continental specially Episode Three for sure was the best, It’s true that it was not so close to John Wick himself but that is the best part because this could the door that opens to other spin off from the same world, I kept saying it on my other two post of episode one and two, it was very little what was known about the High Table not even Charon knew the extend of it I might even dare to say not even Cormac for just thinking he could bring down the High Table, not even John Wick himself was able to bring it down but rather win under their own terms and he still dies on chapter four.

After a very slow episode two as expected the last episode was pure fire with constant action, I really enjoy how not only one character was able to put up some really good shooting and fight scenes, Yen, Miles, KD but the one who really stole the show as Lou, on episode two she did a great display of her fighting skills going against a gang that was bullying her but on the third episode I saw a fight scene I could never imagine.

The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP -
The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP –


I have heard of shooting or fighting inside an elevator but fighting on a fucking phone booth? the greatest part is the balance of this fight, what make it so amazing is that it was not two crazy skill fighters but a man Mayhew who is way bigger and potentially stronger than Lou on that tight space and then Lou who is skinny, less weight, less brute force but she fucking him up so badly all inside of a two by two phone booth, this was only one of the few scenes that made this last episode amazing, on IMDB episode three got a solid eight and that says a lot, over all I give this series an eight out of ten. - tv series divider
The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP -
The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Winston manage to assemble a small crew but he is after something way bigger and that’s Mazie’s army although he haven’t crack her code yet, Love that’s is all she wants but what kind of love exactly? Miles and the rest almost back out when he told them Mazie is not yet with them but he was right they going to war so even with here there is no guaranty that their plan will work out, they are taking over a hotel that is basically a fortress.

The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP -
The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Ray McKinnon was a great addition to this mini series playing as Jenkins, an old sharp shooter who refuse to to recognize he is now old and need glasses, Mile’s old friend still got it and turn out to be a key asset to take over The Continental, McKinnon also adds in my opinion the entire side of the comedy aspect of this mini series.

The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP -
The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP –



On Episode three many are seeking the truth and revenge at the same time and if we pay attention almost every single story goes back to Cormac and the hotel, for example Lou and Mile’s father use to work for Cormac and different to what Lou knows of her father he was another assassin under contract with Cormac, her brother Miles try to protect her from this sad truth but it was a local Asian Gangster name Chen who open her eyes, he gave her the very own gun her dad use to kill many, I’m no gun expert but that’s a big ass gun looks like a .50

The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP -
The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Another revelation from this episode was KD story, she started the series as just investigating gangster that were going in and out of the hotel but she was after Frankie, I think she only mention him twice, after Frankie went MIA for her then she focus on Winston and the Hotel, never understood what truly happen inside the Hotel but she knew they protect all kind of criminals and latter infiltrate with a High Table Coin she got from a dead shooter who work for Cormac, her true story is that she was the only survivor after the fire Winston and Frankie started on an apartment, never told anyone all this time until she finally put her hands on Winston and was ready to pull the trigger and take vengeance by her own hands.

The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP -
The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP –


The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP -
The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP –


Last best fight of the night was between Yen and The Twins, specially the Gretel who shoot Frankie in the head after he gave up and jump from the helicopter, the twins Hansel and Gretel were under contract by Cormac, Yen is a character that carry a lot of fighting power and now is full of rage to the point she doesn’t care about her life anymore all she wants is to kill the twins, she doesnt even care about Winston plan thats why she goes old school when she met Frankie and puts on a C4 vest to blow up when she catch the twins. This was a very freaky fight from Gretel, this is a good example how an actor can be good at performing their role and not saying a word, in my opinion from the two Gretel was the best at it.

The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP -
The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP –


After everything was settle and the fight was over, it’s obvious this was a fight the good guys would win, many died but at the end it was expected for Winston to take over the Hotel, after all on the movies he is the manager of the continental, he faces the Adjudicator who pay him a visit, to a certain point she left Cormac to die because the High Table never send reinforces but Winston was aware she was not the person he would talk to but he had to send a message to those at a higher position within the High Table so he did what no body else would that’s kill the Adjudicator, this action kinda contradicts how Winston behave on the movies when he did what the Adjudicator told him too although he was always trying what Cormac did, try to win using their own rules against the High Table, this was many years before the John Wick movies so probably he was young and wild back then. - tv series divider

The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP CONCLUSION -

The Continental was a mini series that at first I was skeptical about it since it landed on Peacock as its not a a AAA streaming media in terms of the content that is release on this service, another thing that got me worry is that most of the cast was a not very well known except Gibson and many have the opinion he is going down hill on his career, after all this I decided to give it a try for many reasons probably the most important one is that I love the underdog and this was the case, a series with a great story but release on a not popular streaming service with actors that not many know off.

After three good episodes I give The Continental a solid 8/10, the second episodes as expected was the slowest one but the first and third really nail it with a good story and packing a lot of action, many though this was going to be around the story of the High Table and probably John friendship with Winston but it was not the case, it was all about Winston and how he started at the Hotel, how he started doing business with the High Table, if we pay attention not much is reveal about the High Table during the series and this opens the door for some other spin off.

I didn’t want to take the fun out of the action scenes so I didn’t describe them just the final outcome of the different side stories besides Winston, everything on this story happen because of Cormac so it was just a matter of time before people like Winston, Lou, Frankie, KD and even the High Table take revenge.


The Continental: Theater of Pain – Episode 3 – RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2: - tv series divider

The Continental TRAILER -

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Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP

Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Until Episode Two I don’t see why Secret Invasion got so many bad reviews although considering how it did episode by episode on IMDB I’m probably soon to find out and already have that hunch that they rush the story to keep it short for who knows what reason, this min series only has six episodes why not make it ten if the problem was time but also have to consider how much did the Hollywood Strike affect the production of Secret Invasion, right now compare to the rest of the MCU TV Series is not that bad considering that there are two heavy hitters at the top with Loki and Moon Knight, been my favorite so far.

Episode two right out of the gate reveal me a few things I already had a suspicion, first is how Gravik and Nick Fury met, Gravik has this revolutionary mindset that usually comes from some one that has suffer a lot but also is brave enough to stand up and take the justice by his hands because that’s exactly what he has been doing so far, after Gravik lost his parents he was brought to Fury as a refugee at a young age, at the moment Fury saw Skrulls as agents with their special capability of shape shifting could be a great asset for his cause. Fury invites them to join him, this Skrulls were lead by Talos; and told them if they kept their promise to help him he will keep his side of the deal to make Earth their home too, this is were everything started with a promise that was never fulfill that’s when Gravik feels he was betrayed by Fury. - tv series divider
Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


“..keep my home safe…we will find you a new one” this is what Fury told this group of Skrulls when he invite them to his cause but Fury is a bag full of tricks, he never said Earth was going to be their home and also never mention how long it would take, I don’t want to say he took advantage of their need to stay safe at Earth and not be hunted but they probably underestimate the situation and didn’t know exactly who they were making a deal with, Fury is a SPY, you can’t fully trust him, its all over the problem that Banner had with Natasha even if they love each other, even Natasha would not trust herself, that’s how you need to treat anyone working for a government or special agency. Skrulls probably wanted faster results than what he was delivering, after the blip Fury was one of the many Thanos made disappear and it took time for the Avengers to bring everyone back plus when Fury was back he started on a new project to build a space station so consider the was gone for over six years, during that time Gravik kept growing wit the uncertainty that his people will ever find a planet they could call home so why not take over Earth?

Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –



After the bombing in Russia Talos safe Fury, latter on revelations kept coming up and during a train ride they were both in Fury start talking about a game he play with his mom as a kid “Tell me somthing I dont know”, from that moment Talos should know better, Fury was about to brake him in pieces before he knew it and ask the key question “Tell me something I dont know about the Skrulls that fled” to what Talos answer they are all here a million Skrulls, obviously there must be more than a million now so the real question is how many are with Gravik and what is their current power position in human society. We already saw there are some powerful Skrulls that could get their hands on bombs and who knows what else, they had the time and special skills to infiltrate humans to the point they could even infiltrate governments deeply, but Skrulls are not violent by nature so they try to coexist with humans.

Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


From what I have seen so far it seems that G’iah is not on Gravik’s close group, even though he does not trust anyone he does have some Skrulls who he assign important missions, G’iah is basically running errands him some of them important but she is not in charge of anything very important, on this episode she starts to get a grip of how dangerous he can be, so far she only imagine but now starts to see from first hand how Gravik would go to kill their own kind if he feels there is a slight chance they lying to him, on Gravik mission there is no room for treason.

Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


G’iah is willing to work with her father Talos after there last chat but that is something I not a fan of because at first she was all revolutionary and had a fix mind of new Skrullos and after one meeting with Talos she has now change sides and is trying to play the double agent, sneaking around Gravik’s base and got the room where scientist are trying to work on a DNA to make Skrulls stronger, this is the same room we see Gravik throw Furry in.

Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Having Fury on every camera when the bombing in Russia happen was not the best advertisement for the USA, they now after his ass and the only reason he is not in jail or dead is because Talos safe him but it seems that the US Goverment also wants him out of the equation, in a meeting with Rhodey; Fury try to explain things of how everything really went down but the political damage is done and there is no way to erase it, so Fury play his last card telling Rhodey about the Skrulls and how an invasion is going on but he didn’t care, remember Rhodey is a soldier who obey orders but only at extreme during extreme circumstances bend but not break the rules same thing happen in Avengers: End Game. Rhodey notify Fury he is out but he didn’t like the news and went all Nick Fury on Rhodey “Even when I’m out I’m In”. I think its understandable he feels this way because he has no control of whats going on, that’s his thing been steps ahead of everyone but he is fighting an enemy that he can’t see, a million shape shifters that could be Rhodey himself.

Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Closing the episode another great scene from the trailer happen, that’s when Sonya from MI6 shows up to a Butcher Shop where Russians held a Skrull inside the freezer at the back of the Shop good old fashion scene with the pigs hanging cut in half but they could not make the guy talk, this is a Skrull they caught after the bombing, so first thing Sonya does is make sure he is a Skrull by cutting a finger, the moment the finger is separated from the body it turns to its natural skin so now that she knows who she is dealing with next is to use an injection that will raise his blood temperature, as a reptile or human this is NO BUENO but I guess for a reptile might be worst and thats the guy at the top on the post cover boiling from the inside.
Eventually Gravik shows up to the place to rescue him but it was too late, he could not resist to Sonya torture and didn’t want her to inject him anymore but at that point he already gave the names of the scientist behind the experiments to create a new generation of Skrulls, Super Skrulls, G’iah also did some digging on the name Rosa Dalton at their local database, she found experiments with roots, beasts but could not continue reading since Gravik came into the room at that moment, its like he feels when someone is lying to him but still doesn’t caught G’iah.

Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Like it was not enough about the lying to each other species, Fury comes back home his very own house on Earth and he is married to a Skrull, nothing against that but if it wasn’t for Talos they would never met now the question is, is that really Nick Fury holding his weeding ring next to his Skrull wife or is he another Skrull? for now I will keep it simple and believe that is Fury. - tv series divider

Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP CONCLUSION -

In my opinion great episode but keep in mind I am NOT a Marvel geek so I do not now if this story is close to the comics or not, still great episode now that we get to know a few more things about Talos and Fury, those were the two characters that reveal the most important information in this episode because with a million Skrulls, starting number; how many is Fury facing? and Fury’s wife been a Skrull that even make me doubt on what side will Fury be at the end of the battle, but that was just the last scene so we don’t know if she knows anything about the invasion and what is her stand about it.

Everything else was just drama about what happen in Russian, pure speculation and aftermath of countries debate if USA had anything to do with the bombing or not just because Fury was there and then USA giving Fury its back, trying to shut him down, probably on episode three and four we get more information about this experiments and the Super Skrulls, probably even see them battling, we already know Gravik is one of them from the trailer.

Secret Invasion: Promises – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1: - tv series divider

Secret Invasion Mini Series TRAILER -

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The Continental: Loyalty to the Master – Episode 2 – RECAP

The Continental: Loyalty to the Master - Episode 2 - RECAP -
The Continental: Loyalty to the Master – Episode 2 – RECAP –


The Continental: Loyalty to the Master - Episode 2 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Just like Winston I recently had a very bad week to the point that I had no time to keep going with my regular daily posts and didn’t even had the humor to login and engage or some micro blogging, usually when I’m get pissed I have time for nothing else other than the problem I’m facing and I cant move forward until I find a solution.

Winstons is force to come back to New York because Cormac kidnap him and brought him back to use him as bait so he can get to Frankie, Winstons brother; who is now dead after feeling it was the only way to safe his wife, Yen; and brother after he stole from Cormac and old coin press. At this point in the story from how everyone reacts to what is The High Table, it seems it was still a deep secret within the hotel, probably even the workers at the hotel had no clue what it was including Charon who look very naive to everything on this episode even to who Cormac really is, only Cormac knows who they are and probably the real power, this is something really link with the John Wick movies.

Episode two is about revenge and knowing a bit more about Frankie, even though he is dead by now, episode two gives us a brief description how Frankie and Yen met. After Frankie dies Winston starts to put up a crew to kill Cormac but over this crazy idea evolves a new one and is to take over The Continental, there has always been rumors of what goes on inside but no body knows so now Winston, Miles, Lou and Lemmy want to find out, they want to know the truth and for this will not only have to take down Cormac but get deep into The Continental Hotel. - tv series divider
The Continental: Loyalty to the Master - Episode 2 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

The Continental: Loyalty to the Master - Episode 2 - RECAP -
The Continental: Loyalty to the Master – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Little is known about Yen on the series, on episode one it was evident she was not American but the question was how did she and Frankie met, why are they together and does she knows English?

Episode two explains a bit about their story and here are some of mine assumptions too, they met when Frankie was in the army, went to Vietnam war and she was some ones puppet probably trying to be a patriot, one day her “master” brain wash her into putting a bomb-jacket to enter a bar full of soldiers and explode, she follow all her orders but the bomb never activates, never explode, she try hard because she hits the trigger many times.

The Continental: Loyalty to the Master - Episode 2 - RECAP -
The Continental: Loyalty to the Master – Episode 2 – RECAP –


After Yen tries to kill everyone she gave up, Frankie saw her from the table he was drinking, my theory is that Frankie free her, they sit together have a small talk until she comes straight and ask him to help her, he gets rid of the bomb and from that moment protect her, Yen was very devoted to him but Frankie went a bit crazy when he started to discover what The High Table was, he didn’t know exactly what it was but knew it was way bigger than Cormac, he takes the coin press not to sell it or fuck Cormac but use it as a way to unveil what The High Table was.

Yen knows English very well, she only speaks when she is pissed and she is at Winston because she feels he didn’t do enough to try to safe Frankie, Yen join forces with Winston and the rest to bring down Cormac.

The Continental: Loyalty to the Master - Episode 2 - RECAP -
The Continental: Loyalty to the Master – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Winston got tired of been under Cormac all his life, he went away from NY because he knew he would never become some one if he was close to Cormac but Frankie decided to stay, Miles mention that at first he was independent but latter on he got closer to the Hotel and then became part of Cormac crew, Frankie was good at killing and handling weapons so he becomes and asset for Cormac but not under The High Table direct orders.

Winston puts everyone on notice that he is going for Cormac, he wants to bring him down but the rest knows it doesn’t end there, they need to take over The Continental.

The Continental: Loyalty to the Master - Episode 2 - RECAP -
The Continental: Loyalty to the Master – Episode 2 – RECAP –


The Continental: Loyalty to the Master - Episode 2 - RECAP -
The Continental: Loyalty to the Master – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Winston and the crew knows they might have the amount of guns with Miles supply but they need more people, more hands to pull triggers, more people willing to bleed to take Cormac down, Winston knows of a underground army control by a women, this women is Mazzy; this underground army relates to who on the John Wick movies is known as Bowery King who runs a network of spies and soldiers around the city aside from The High Table until he becomes a problem and they decided to make an example out of him, the same way as Mazzy runs their army independent from The High Table.

Mazzy and Winston didn’t really close a deal on their conversation but all she ask back is Love, I think she mainly talks about unconditional loyalty ask she explains how she help all this people who have all kind of troubles on their life then help them to get back on their feet and then become part of her family, her loyal to each other army.

I will finish watching the third episode tonight, what I think might happen is that she and her crew safes Winston ass on the last minute.

The Continental: Loyalty to the Master - Episode 2 - RECAP -
The Continental: Loyalty to the Master – Episode 2 – RECAP –


The Continental: Loyalty to the Master - Episode 2 - RECAP -
The Continental: Loyalty to the Master – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Cormac gets a visit from The Adjudicator, she is the highest rule enforcer from The High Table, the role as in John Wick: Chapter Four is the same she is here to take care of business, as identification they have a special type of coin that represent her in this case, every order she gives better be executed as requested if not it is very likely that the end will be excommunicated “excommunicado” meaning you are out, no protection from The Continental so most likely you are is on the line and there is a contract for your head. The gives Cormac a final warning to get the coin press back if not he will suffer the concurrences.

The Continental: Loyalty to the Master - Episode 2 - RECAP -
The Continental: Loyalty to the Master – Episode 2 – RECAP –


On the John Wick movies, there were cops who knew who he was and his profession, at the moment of this story cops had no idea what goes down at The Hotel and are not suppose to go inside, all they know its if you do most likely will get killed for sniffing around. KD (Kady Silva) was sniffing around a lot, she was after Frankie and a few others at the hotel, even paid a visit on episode one and now is getting closer to touch the tip of the iceberg that The High Table is, not much happen on the mini series with her only that she still investigating and recently got a call that Frankie died but then when she arrives the body was gone, she brings down the hammer to the guy who works at the morgue and got him to sing, gives her a few clues of who took Frankie’s body in this case was Winston. Probably after Winston takes over The Continental she works with him on the side but I’m not sure how because Winston on the movies was never a friend of The High Table although love their business.

The Continental: Loyalty to the Master - Episode 2 - RECAP -
The Continental: Loyalty to the Master – Episode 2 – RECAP –


The Continental: Loyalty to the Master - Episode 2 - RECAP -
The Continental: Loyalty to the Master – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Before the first shot was fired to take over The Continental the attack already started, Winston knows this job is easier with an inside man, Charon a young man who has been protected by Cormac has also been lied about how he will help him bring his Father to America, Winston did some investigation and wants to use Cormac many years of manipulation of Charon against him basically trying to make Charon open his eyes and make him understand that any day Cormac can snap and kill him. Winston pull a kidnap not kidnap on Charon and try to make him understand the true animal that Cormac is, at first I think this meeting didn’t have a big impact on Charon points of view.

Everything change when Charon got back to the hotel and saw his friend Thomas laying on the ground with his head split in two after Cormac went to town on him just because Thomas told him he invited Charon to come with him to the conservatory but he denied, Cormac interpret this as taking or stealing from him, in the topic of stealing like Frankie did; so he smash Thomas head with a golf from Behind. Looking at Thomas laying on the floor cover in blood, listening to Cormac excuse that no body takes from him and now he wants to bring Charon’s father to America to be the new resident musician makes Charon think twice who he is dealing with and now might put his father at great danger. - tv series divider

The Continental: Loyalty to the Master - Episode 2 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

I have to admit there was a lot of talking on Episode two and not a lot of action but I did enjoy a few parts like known a bit more about Yen, also when Cormac hammer down Thomas head with the golf stick, I guess everyone was expecting more action from the series but I think more important than action until now it was to make the series relate to the movies and maintaining some of their characters and know more of their past was very important like Charon story, The Adjudicator who is not the same as John Wick movies probably this one already died when the movies happen, also Mazzy who was probably the pioneer of Bowery King army all this details satisfy my curiosity, I’m starting to think this spin off was to bring more details about the movies rather than a series full of action John Wick style because besides John and Caine there were very few other characters that could raise your adrenaline every time they show up on the scene.

I’m going to watch the third episode of The Continental tonight after a horrendous three days at work, at least TV Series make me forget about all those problems, last night put on my VR Setup and burn a good three hours of The Wheel of Time, last three episodes where literally fire and cant wait for the new season.


The Continental: Loyalty to the Master - Episode 2 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1: - tv series divider

The Continental TRAILER -

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Secret Invasion: Resurrection – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP

Secret Invasion: Resurrection - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Resurrection – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Resurrection - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Secret Invasion is a Mini Series I had in mind watching, I got no clue if this is an adaptation of the story or not but I thought it might be entertaining, its probably just me that love to watch all this stories but sometimes feels like slowly building a library in my mind of all this TV series, I was a bit skeptical to watch Secret Invasion since rating on score sites like RTT and IMDB are not that high with scores of 6/10 or less, for me this is just the first episode and found it entertaining enough, very cinematic, most actors are already known to the MCU but I’m not sure if people were expecting a show stopper, I remember making a short post of the trailer when it came out, most of this trailers look like an actual MCU movie so may be that’s why people were expecting so much of it. To be honest from all the Marvel Studios TV series there are very few banger, there is Loki, Moon Knight, Daredevil and then you can argue if any of the others are hits for me I can include WandaVision just because I really like her devilish style but the rest were No Bueno. Marvel Studios probably have thousands of projects to work with and not all with be hits, they know they also have a very large loyal amount of fans so as long as Movies stay blockbusters TV Series can take a few hits here and there.

Secret Invasion is the story of Gravik, Nick Fury and Talos. Nick Fury comes back to Earth from S.A.B.E.R the international space station project he is working on because rumors of a Skrull secret rebellion has spread, his old Skrull friend Talos welcomes him back and confirm that after he was gone things have change and that Gravik another Skrull Nick was related too and feels some what responsible for everything that is happening so he has come back down to earth to make things right and take care of this suppose Skrull rebellion, mix into all this events is Talos daughter G’iah who is on Gravik’s side.

Secret Invasion: Resurrection - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS - - tv series divider

Secret Invasion: Resurrection - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Resurrection – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP –
Secret Invasion: Resurrection - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Resurrection – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


From the trailers I know that the earth is flooded with Skrulls to the point that agents can’t trust each other, imagine a world like this were you just don’t know who is human or not, you will never know if you are giving the information to the enemy directly, that’s exactly what happens at first between Agent Prescod who is paranoid about the threat from this new Skrull movement by Gravik, there are rumors that a bomb attack is going to happen, Agent Evertt Ross who for the most part has been on Fury’s and Avengers side, told Prescod he needs evidence and will bring it to Fury end up been another Skrull playing the double agent game, kills Prescod after he found out.

I was watching this scene a couple of times trying to find out how Prescod figure out Ross was a Skrull, some other times its very evident but this time it didn’t seem, it would be great if there was a real reason why he figure this out, all Ross said “I will give this information to Fury” I don’t see how that is a detonator unless because he already said Fury was in space, but he could send the files or a report.

Secret Invasion: Resurrection - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Resurrection – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


Before I continue I have to ask WHAT THE FUCK is this, was Fury at a lan party, is he playing new CS2? he shows up with, exit what is suppose to be some sort of space ship with a couple of gaming chairs in the back?

Secret Invasion: Resurrection - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Resurrection – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


Former Deputy Director of S.H.I.E.L.D, Maria Hill welcomes Fury back to earth, Talos and Maria give evidence and details to Fury of Gravik’s plan. Talos talks to Fury because a lot have change starting with him, after The Blip, that’s when Thanos make disappear half of the universe population including Fury; Fury was not the same and then went into space leaving a lot of people behind including Skrulls that have been working with humans thats when Talos got kicked of the Council, G’iah went MIA and now Gravik took control creating a sort of regime to protect their own behind a feeling of abandon and revenge against Fury and humans.

Secret Invasion: Resurrection - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Resurrection – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


The moment Fury sets foot into the Earth everyone starts talking about it, at the White House and now MI6, Sonya Falsworth did a mini kidnap on Fury for a private meeting, they try to get information from each other but no luck, for sure she is more aware of whats really happening but seems that she only wanted to look at Fury and see if he is really the man he use to be, everyone keeps saying after the Blip he change but no one so far said how did he change, he does look old, even Sonya tells him straight to his face that he is out of shape probably meaning she knows he can deal with Gravik but not on his current shape.

Secret Invasion: Resurrection - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Resurrection – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP –
Secret Invasion: Resurrection - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Resurrection – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


G’iah, Talos daughter is working at Gravik’s camp a place they call Skrullos; she brings in new members but also manage other tasks that require someone loyal and that is up to it like buying bombs from another Skrull, behind whats going on this shows the possible amount of Skrulls in the world, how is it that Gravik the one who runs the show for Skrulls on Earth has to buy his bombs from another Skrull?

Maria and Talos caught G’iah in the act, she was transporting the bombs, Talos chase her to a moment when they stop and have a talk, they havent seen each other in a long time, I feel that G’iah join Gravik because she believes in his cause of making Earth a place for Skrulls but if humans wont accept them for what they are then they will claim Earth by force, in this conversation Talos had with his daughter he manager soft her up and help them stop the bombing, this shows that G’iah still loves his father and is on the good guys side but it was not that easy, Gravik knew this could happen and had plans for it.

Secret Invasion: Resurrection - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Resurrection – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP –

Gravik took Fury shape

Secret Invasion: Resurrection - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Resurrection – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


Even with G’iah helping Fury and Talos they had no chance against Gravik. Along the episode while Fury was talking a walk he was watching people on the street, one time went into a bar with Maria and talk to local Russian guy, during the bombing Gravik change into all this different persons meaning he was watching Fury all the time, he knew where he was, who he was with and probably next to him. Everyone starts running after three bombs detonate and Gravik takes Fury shape to shoot Maria Hill, real Fury shows up too late to only grap Maria on his arms and watch her die after Gravik shoot her. - tv series divider

Secret Invasion: Resurrection - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

I have to say this episode was not bad, it was a solid 7, very entertaining, we already know most of the actors and they deliver, the pace of the story look fine to me and this was just the usual first episode to show each main character of the season or in this case the mini series.

Mini series, a concept that some times is hard to develop when you have a story that could bring in a lot of details, I always bring the example of the last Ant Man movie how I thought they would exploit more the Quantum Realm but they didn’t so the movie falls short, at least for now Secret Invasion doesn’t feel crunch and vague, also I have notice that people including myself think they watching a season to latter on discover it was JUST a mini series and you wont know anything else about it when its done that can upset the audience too, I mention this because it could be a reason why people were expecting more out of this mini series.

The Earth is full of Skrulls no doubt and Gravik control most of them, its such a vast power to know when and where are your enemies all the time, Gravik has Skrulls secret agents that not even the Skrulls in the compound know who their real identities are, such an inception, you can be a Skrull thinking that you are out smarting the human next to you when it could also be another Skrull, we still early and a lot to develop, only six episodes that is starting to be a new format but I can say so far so good. - tv series divider

Secret Invasion Mini Series TRAILER -

#skiptvads #tvseries #tvaddicts #tvseriesblog #cinetv #hive #ecency #waves #secretinvasion #marvel #mcu #nickfury #shield #talos #skrulls

Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP

Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP –



Episode eight of Fatal Attraction brings multiple revelations from Alex wild imaginary world to the her real killer, sorry to spoil it for people who haven’t seen this drama series but Dan was never her murder, its shocking the reason why she was murder, Dan had way more reasons to kill Alex from been an abusive stoker, suspect of his mother in law murder, took his daughter not going to say kidnap because se was return but its close, so Dan or even Beth were the ones with true motives to end Alex’s live but they didn’t. The ending of this series felt a bit rush but I guess that’s the problem with most mini series, it does conclude some of the mayor questions, for example:

  • Did Dan killed Alex?
  • Does Dan wins the case?
  • Who killed Alex Forrest?

At the end of episode eight all this questions were answer and may be that’s what matters but there were some other situations that emerge left without resolution, from my point of view it sucks because I know there will never be a second season or additional chapters to this series so this subjects wont be resolved.

Another thing that also got answer is that Beth never stop loving Dan, on this episode that was confirm, there is a scene where Dan is so tired he fall sleep with his cloth still on and Beth enters the room and look at him, she was probably thinking how he destroy his carrier and family because of a mistake but I think it was on a good way, I believe that even though some one makes you any kind of damage good times are never forgotten, you can be mad at the present but the past was probably so good it helps you overcome the current situation, in their case Dan having an affair with a delusional women who needed professional help with her mental health that ends up dead right at the moment her short affair relationship with Dan has ended, Beth tells Dan she doesn’t need a judge to confirm he was innocent as his appeal was denied, the system would never let him win besides that they know he lied to protect his family and not been send to jail for life, Dan was the hero at the bureau so everyone was waiting for the day he gets in trouble to dog pile and get revenge, for some people its more fun to a hero died, even I enjoy it form time to time, its part of human nature. - tv series divider

Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP –


In an attempt to reason with Alex before she was killed, Beth decided to meet her and talk to her with the goal in mind to make peace with Alex and make her go away but she had no idea who she was dealing with, at this point there was no going back for Alex, that ship has sailed and now she is living in a world of her own imagination, she even say she was pregnant when she was not.

Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP –


I could tell probably how disappointed but probably relieved in some way Dan felt after his appeal was denied, he did his best effort to get it approve by doing proper investigation with Mike and contrary to what anyone may think he had support from people involve on all this mess that after many years support him like Beth and his daughter Ellen, he probably felt when you are told you are over qualified for the job and you were still the top performer from the company, at this point nothing makes sense anymore and the Alex case story began to faint, it was more about what will Dan do next?

Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP –


Dan got promoted at the firm he was working at after got out of jail but seems he will have to live with people thinking and even asking how he killed Alex now that he is off the hook he probably tell the “true story” to those who ask for it but he was not Alex murder, there is a lot of people who doesn’t believe him including Earl and those who matter to him like his daughter Dan would still like to prove them he didn’t do it but his opportunity has vanish and will have to deal/live with it, feels like Dan gets bully about Alex murder every day.

Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP –


This was probably one of the best moments on episode eight, Beth was just thinking out loud and ask if they should have Dan over for dinner, Arthur and Ellen look at her like WTF!!! then Beth ask if it would be weird, one thing is his ex wife and daughter having dinner with Dan but then including Arthur, Beth’s new husband after Dan got to jail, besides Dan knew Arthur and he also paid for a big part of the legal fees for Dan case, this moment did make me laugh.

Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP –


The opening to what the writers would consider a big finale for the mini series, not sure if its the opening also for another mini series or something else, remember how Ellen was spying on his professor and Stella who was having a relationship with him, not sure if he was married but still, Ellen got Stella kicked out of school when she snitch on her, all this happen after Ellen have already try to convince her professor and Stella to stop seen each other on separate occasions. Stella knew it was Ellen so she confront her but Ellen looked very cold like she could not care less, I found weird why would she spy on them if she had no interest in any of the two unless she did.

Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP –
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP –


Probably the answer everyone was looking for, WHO KILLED ALEX?? well after seven episodes I had no clue but only believe Dan didn’t do it because how he was presented on the series, the moment and motives he had to kill Alex and never did it but seems that Arthur decided to step in at the time either because of friendship, loneliness or love for Beth, at the time all Beth knew about Alex and her mother “accidentally” died, Arthur’s wife was dying because of cancer, Beth called him crying because was was frustrated from all the things going on with Alex, Dan, her mother and daughter, Arthur couldn’t control himself and decided to kill Alex to end Beth’s problems, seems he did a great job because no body knew he was the killer and after Dan goes to jail then he wants to tell the truth but it was too late, the damage was done and his lawyer told him to shut up if he didn’t want to go to jail because him telling the truth wont set Dan free.

Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP –


Here the part that frustrates me, until the part where Arthur wants to tell everyone he killed Alex I think that was the right ending a classic ending, but this scene comes up, the time Alex took Ellen for a walk without telling her parents decides to give her a small brain wash speech, telling her how his parents were lying to her specially his Dad and she has to learn who to trust, like she could trust Alex and from all the things she tells Ellen I got no clue how we jump into the last scene.

Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP –


I had this idea that it was possible Ellen was in love with her professor Richard but not to the point she would edit a bunch of audios of him to build up a scene where she could hear him saying how much he wants her, Ellen shows up at his apartment without him knowing not sure for what reason, obviously she wants him but to fuck? to kill him? to kidnap him and lock him down on the basement so only she could some how have him? the guy is shitting bricks he scared and who wouldn’t if a women shows up without permission without you giving her a key and have this look on her face. - tv series divider


The finale of this mini series was truly a surprise, the accusation and proofs against Dan were basically

* Lied about not been at her place
* His fingerprints at Alex place
* He knew Alex

To be honest there was not much, what really put him against the ropes is that he lied about not been at her place and avoid the hole affair situation, justice is not fair all the time, actually I would say that 80% of the time its not, Dan was just the perfect example, the perfect trophy, worst part is that those who were not directly affected and were his “friends” turn their backs on him, his boss, Conchita, the entire building that knew him for so many years but only his wife and Mike, who was like family; never turn his back and they in fact got directly affected, Alex killed Beth’s mother. Fatal Attraction does show you the truth about humans once your ass is on the line and can be affected, everyone turns their back no matter for how long they knew you, most of the time only family stick, not even friends.

I give this show a 7/10, I think score sell out score sites like IMDB and RTT gave it a low score because it didn’t stick to the movie story, they doing the same thing with anything that is a reboot example Dead Ringers, another great mini series and scores are very low.


A Small Light : Welcome to Switzerland - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4:
Episode 5:
Episode 6:
Episode 7: - tv series divider


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The Continental: Brothers in Arms – Episode 1 – Recap

The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - Recap -
The Continental: Brothers in Arms – Episode 1 – Recap –


The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Lets start with the obvious, this is a mini series, this is not about John Wick (at least episode one) so don’t expect to see anyone else related to John other than Winston, Charon and the hotel, other than this so far nothing else points to John Wick himself.

Been a three part mini series it feels kinda packed with a lot of information, specially the amount of characters, on episode one there are about a solid two digit amount of characters that are important to the development of the episode and they start to die very fast, different than other series that promise a lot of action right from the go The Continental did promise and deliver, there is a lot of shooting, car chase, Frankie robbed the hotel safe, there was a helicopter scene towards the end but I think they ran out of time to make a great scene out of it or probably budget, been on Peacock doesn’t give me too much confidence on the series, also there are a few faces I have never seen although the actors were ok I got no complains, The Continental seem like a great idea for a full Tv Series but no body had the time, cast or money to develop it but some one didn’t want to let the idea waste and gave it a shot with some what low budget, no disrespect to any of the actors its just how it feels.

The Continental is about Winston, after 20 years of not seen his brother Frankie, Winston is kidnap by Cormac (The Continental Manager) and send him back to US because his brother just stole something valuable for him and the organization (The High Table), Frankie stole and old coin press from the organization, now Cormac wants to use Winston as bait but he tries to outsmart him back to safe Frankie and his wife Yen. - tv series divider
The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - Recap -
The Continental: Brothers in Arms – Episode 1 – Recap –


Frankie is Winston older brother, since they were little got in trouble and Frankie was always there to protect him, latter down the line Frankie did time in jail taking the fall and letting Winston out of trouble but then Frankie’s involvement with The Continental pulls Winston back.

The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - Recap -
The Continental: Brothers in Arms – Episode 1 – Recap –


Frankie work for Cormac, the same mobster that put them on the street after his father took a loan that latter on could not pay but down the road Frankie discover what was going on at The Continental, it was the 70’s and different than the John Wick movies where everyone knows he is an assassin because we are watching the movie through his eyes, on The Continental is different, during the times of this mini series it was not known what The High Table was, they just knew The Continental could not be touch, even the cops knew this.

The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - Recap -
The Continental: Brothers in Arms – Episode 1 – Recap –


So far I’m not sure why Frankie thought it was a good idea and what was his goal at stealing this coin press, if you saw the movies then you know that on chapter four, John goes to middle east and talks to an Jerome Berrada who is in charge of making the coins so this coin press that Frankie steals is probably nothing else than a relic, he almost gets caught after his partner betray him.

The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - Recap -
The Continental: Brothers in Arms – Episode 1 – Recap –


Winston earn his life making business at London, big money, he is very smart and slick, always steps ahead of the people he is trying to make business with but had no clew what his brother has been doing back at home, New York, for the last twenty years.

The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - Recap -
The Continental: Brothers in Arms – Episode 1 – Recap –


Cormac, as mention the mobster now running The Continental, he is ruthless, will do anything to make others do his willing even killing themself, always has a leverage against others and this time he thinks that leverage against Frankie is his little brother Winston, he brings him from London to find Frankie, after all Cormac saw them grow up together and knows this two love each other even they cant live together as grown ups.

The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - Recap -
The Continental: Brothers in Arms – Episode 1 – Recap –


Fucking Peter Greene as Charlie, a man who knew Winston and Frankie since they were little, Peter Green was making films since I was a kid, appear in Pulp Fiction, he had a small part on this mini series but still did ok I think. He helps Winston, gave him a gun, a coat and his car, a mustang very similar to John’s Mustang int he movies, also told Frankie was probably at a Karate Dojo, I will look because probably at some point Winston gave this car to John as gift, after all they were good friends.

The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - Recap -
The Continental: Brothers in Arms – Episode 1 – Recap –


Winston decides to visit the Dojo, Burton Karate, here he meet Miles and Lou, brothers who run the Dojo but there is no business with the Dojo, Miles use it as a cover for his guns traffic business, looks like Frankie was staying there for some time after he left. Winstons ask for their help to find Frankie before Cormac so Miles only told him what he knew, Miles and Frankie work together until he got to the hotel, Frankie was good with all kind of guns and probably good at killing people too.

The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - Recap -
The Continental: Brothers in Arms – Episode 1 – Recap –


There are other characters that are not develop yet, they will have more influence on episode two and three, she is The Adjudicator, most likely works for The High Table, on this scene she got the guy who betray Frankie, she is trying to extract information from him without much luck, over all not many people knew who this organization was, I think not even Cormac exactly new, I remember even Winston on Chapter for didn’t know about certain rules and things that the Marquis could do.

The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - Recap -
The Continental: Brothers in Arms – Episode 1 – Recap –


There is also KD, she is investigating a criminal under the name of Francis Scott, she once chase him to The Continental but was stop by her boss Mayhew who she is fucking too, Mayhew knows better and stops her before she gets killed but she still want in so one day the guy at the door let her in, everyone on the hotel immediately knew she was not one of them, she notice how they pay with the coins, how everyone was packed even the receptionist was arm, it was not the type of hotel she was expecting, for sure she finds out something latter on that will involve her with Winston.

The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - Recap -
The Continental: Brothers in Arms – Episode 1 – Recap –


Wisnton finally finds Frankie and his girlfriend Yen, very vague Frankie explains him what is going on at the hotel, he is talking about The High Table but doesn’t know much, same as the beginning this part of the episode is packed with shooting and close contact gun fight, but the ending I didn’t like so much. - tv series divider

The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

I’m going to talk about the ending of episode 1, I think this series over sold a story, everyone is probably going to watch The Continental thinking it had to do something with John right from the start and they will get the same kind of quality but its not, the ending of episode 1 same thing, we loose Frankie because he knows that if he doesn’t let Winston and Yen go the end will be the same everyone dead, but WHY did he took the coin press? I think that made no sense, now that Frankie is gone him been the man of action, say the John Wick of the series who kills people with anything at hand, who is going to take that spot? , the first episode was NOT bad, I give it a 7.5/10 since it does has action as promise and it is related to the John Wick universe, lets see how the other two episodes develop and where does it takes us, I hope they are same or better than episode one. There were a few characters I didn’t mention on my recap because they are not as important been episode one is always about presenting the main characters, their motives and where is the story going and episode 1 did all this very well. - tv series divider

The Continental TRAILER -

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The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP

The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP -
The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP –


The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Danny confronts his Step Dad and Yitzhak offers him a place to stay!

This is the first time I see Tom Holland performing out of the Spiderman suit, as other actors who work a franchise, that is Spiderman; he had made a ton of money out of it and would be great to see him performing different characters, I had no interest on Uncharted but have seen him on The Devil All The Time and Cherry, now on The Crowded Room, I like his work, doesn’t seem force and the awkward different kid role suits him very well.

On episode two after Danny gets caught by the police he is now interrogated by Rya, a psychiatrist directing the interrogation for the police, the story starts to unfold, Danny starts to describe Ariana his roommate and partner in crime since the police have not got to her after the shooting, she was a wild one, the story develops around the 70’s with a lot of drugs, disco music and she was a creature of the night, always leaving home at night to party and arriving early in the morning, drunk, crying, she was very unstable and some how got Danny sucked into her world. Rya tries to pressure Danny to tell her more about Ariana, on that same roadmap is Yitzhak they are after him too, probably because they think there is more than the shooting but they know Danny was just a tool for Ariana and Yitzhak, Danny still doesn’t break or at least seem to do not know what was really going on but he also haven’t finish his side of the story, why they really try to kill that guy? where was Yitzhak all the time? what was Ariana hiding that disturbs her so much? those are the questions Rya is after. - tv series divider
The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP -
The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Rya starts doing some police work and goes back where everything started, The Ghost House, where Yitzhak, Ariana and Danny where staying, she thought she might find something useful in there, something that can she can use with Danny to dig up the truth or least show him he was all wrong thinking he was friends with Yitzhak and Ariana and he was just been used or at least that’s the impression I get from Rya. In the house she finds Danny drawing book, this was the 70’s, no internet, no cell phones, so people had to do common things to stay entertained, Danny’s was to draw things he think a lot about.

The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP -
The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Danny confronts his step father after him and Danny’s mother came looking for him, after Danny got beat up by Bill he didn’t know what to do and stay with Yitzhak but he was sure didn’t want to go back home and deal with his bully step father so he stay, Yitzhak protect him, Danny felt safe, he was just a kid, with troubles at home and school, someone new, someone he felt safe with make sense but he didn’t know better, Danny was the kind of kid who trusted everyone. Danny explains all this to Rya but she wanted more, I know for a fact when you are a kid and had that many troubles sometimes you act irrational, not everything you do has a meaning or a reason you just do you, most of the time you don’t think and don’t know better, that’s why when we are teenagers do stupid things that regret after, so when adults ask WHY? you don’t know what to answer because you don’t know why.

The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP -
The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Yitzhak was always out so Ariana and Danny where alone at the house for the most part, the first day he aloud Danny stay he lay down the house rules for him:

  • Go to school or GED
  • Pay rent in time
  • No party in the house
  • No sex in the house
  • No drugs in the house
The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP -
The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Ariana, the first time Danny met her she was kind with him and offer him food so she must be a good person right? that’s what probably Danny thought, he had this innocent expression in his face when she gave him a sandwich, like how nice of her.

The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP -
The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Things turn out different next day, she always came home early in the morning, drunk, high, crying, and when Danny offer her comfort all he got back was a “Fuck off Danny”, but Danny thought they got well together like they understood each other without even talking, at least on his head, that’s how Danny explains his relationship with Ariana to Rya.

The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP -
The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Rya kept setting traps trying to get Danny to slip and tell her what she is looking for, but Danny again either didn’t know shit and was been used or at the end he is going to be this psychopath who no one never saw coming because saw far all his answers are I don’t remember, I don’t know or everyone is nice to me.


The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP -
The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP –


There was this girl Annabelle, Danny was crazy for her and would do anything to be with her even braking house rules, everything that Yitzhak said was prohibit he almost did that night without the sex, worst part is that Ariana stole Annabelle from him that night with the excuse that she was drunk, Rya was right about that, Danny kept thinking Ariana was his friend when she wasn’t, Ariana was a selfish bitch who only care about herself, there was nothing to understand about her.

The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP -
The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP –


To close with Ariana, her erratic behavior was not only with Danny but to everyone else, she was constantly trying to be someone she was not, trying to show she always was the one in control even with Jerome a guy she date but only at the disco, when the party was over she try to pretend she was someone else.

The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP -
The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Rya kept pushing this narrative to Danny and finally he show more than his calm attitude and snap when Rya told him “what are you not telling yourself?” , he either got tired of her constant pressure for him to talk or say something he doesn’t know or there was a trigger point between Yitzhak getting rid of Ariana and Danny hiding the facts, the interview gets intense. - tv series divider

The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP CONCLUSION -

This is a series I’m picking up from June, a mini series with a lot of character, we got this kid Danny, confused, looked innocent, but at the same time could be a monster beneath that calm face, Ariana we already got clear who she was but what keeps me thinking is who are really Ytizhak and Danny, what are their agendas, who is the bad guy, there is a lot of mystery around Yitzhak. i got no complains about the actors, most of them are very well known for different performances Spiderman, Fauda, Shameless, Loki, Mr. Robot, The Dropout and the list goes on, the case is very good plus the story itself develop with Danny interview creating the entire structure of the story gives the viewer easy access to knowing whats going on without having to revisit scenes, having to pause and rewind.


A Small Light : Welcome to Switzerland - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1: - tv series divider


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Class of 09: Thank You for Not Driving – Season 1 Episode 3 – RECAP



Class of 09 Episode 3 brings the beginning of what will become Tayo’s real problem, in 2023 we are in the times when Artificial Intelligence finally reach average internet users with applications like Chat GPT and also those who are more familiar with the tech are starting to thinker with Artificial Intelligence models to generate text, images or even music. Agent Hour with a crew of talented engineers has develop this massive tool to keep agents in contact with all evidence possible and case files so they can come up with suspects faster than usual, its purpose was not to replace agents but to unite them in technology, the idea is to have one agent working on a case but with the help of all the data other agents have compile from similar cases having it available as fast an efficient as possible but no body in the Bureau sees it that way, most think that this new system will replace agents and make decisions for them although Hour’s system wont, even Lennix who seems to be a very smart guy on the series thinks this way, I think he probably did because it was others perspective too, group pressure.

Tayo on episode 3 was against the wall, he is facing a man that already try to kill him and is on the run, hurt badly his partner at the moment and all they got is one guy who wont say anything, his partners at the FBI pressure him at not using Hour system but he had no choice, they going no where with the only lead they have, here is when it starts, Tayo will become a victim of his own success, we have seen before a scene where he asks another ten years as FBI director to continue with his AI system, as any other Sci-Fi theme movie/series Artificial Intelligence finally understands humans are the problem and need to be stop. - tv series divider


Tayo is hunting, looking for Mark Tupirik, a man who runs a criminal/terrorist network who is willing to do anything he can to hurt the FBI, on previous episode he already demonstrate that no one is above his mission, killed his wife, almost killed an FBI agent (Tayo’s partner) and now is on his way to complete his plan, both Mark and Tayo are fearless.


Class of 09 moves back and forward through its time line, in the future after the AI system Tayo implemented and eventually mutate into something that goes out of control, totally different than what Hour and Amos wanted it to be, Poet visits Hour seeking for her help to stop the system, before Amos was killed at Poet’s apartment he gave her a card that might be the key to stop it. Poet at this point on her life is facing that she have been left alone in the world, no Hour, no Lennix and now no Bureau since this last thing that she loved too is gone after the AI system has replaced agents almost completely.


True friendship is very hard to find and some times people become blind because of their line of work, for Poet the FBI was everything back then, she always show it to everyone, that’s why she and Lennix were not together and why she accept to spy on Hour and eventually be the one who puts a stop to her program, Lennix on the other hard who had no attachment to Hour also follow orders and gets Poet to work with Hour as under cover so she could never see it coming, the entire project was Doom from the start, not because it works or what ever any one else though on the FBI but because Hour profile results say she might trust more technology than people or at least that’s the perspective the FBI has from her, unless humans find out a way to create conscious mind then AI will always be just a vast library of data with extremely fast access, AI wont be able to take that away from humans the decision making factor under certain circumstances where human emotions are involve, some times science can choose a total different outcome but doesn’t mean is the right one. In the case of Lennix, Poet and the FBI they were wrong about Hour program.


At first Hour new system was suppose to help agents, meaning they wont get the answers right away, they still had to investigate, Hour make it that way so it doesn’t replace agents but the agents perspective was different, although they had a hunch that if it end up as they thought, eventually AI will replace them, at the moment Tayo was desperate to put Mark behind bars, not only they were going no where with the suspect but also Mark just execute an attack to kill either Tayo or his wife so he decided to open the Pandora Box and go full send with Hour system.


Since Tayo use the system for the first time it work as intended, took the hours to get something of value form their suspect, there are theories that under pressure humans indirectly tend to give themselves out, under situations like this its either because they think can out smart the law or they so nervous eventually crack to move on to what’s next, took Tayo and the system with a room full of people analyzing the situation meaning it was working as intended, until they find a clue that puts them on the right track, the suspect was constantly drawing what looks like just lines but it was a logo at the center. After trying all kind of operation they could with the help of the state police like road blocks, they finally got to a truck where Mark was hiding a moving around, a truck from a Construction Company that the suspect was drawing during the interrogatory.


Going back to the future, after Hour accept to help Poet, after all they were best friends and it was obvious she had something for Poet, they go back to Amos place where they use the card he left Poet and start his system, the AI system in place, in the future, was taking decisions by its own, making arrests based on suspicious without prove just because someone could commit a crime, its not the same as stopping some one, if you haven’t done anything even though you can, that doesn’t mean you are guilty, on episode 3 also officially start the quest to stop Tayo’s AI system in the future time line.


Tayo finally gets Mark behind bars, he is now in what seems to be a ultra max security prison, cameras every corner analyzing his reactions and trying to read him, again the system is working as design, agents are not predicting the future, the system will only assist them based on their request and inputs, there is more to Mark’s plan, even though Tayo caught him, the plan still rolling and who knows what will happens next, agents are still in danger, Tayo thought stopping Mark was enough but its bigger than just him. - tv series divider

A Small Light : Welcome to Switzerland - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2: - tv series divider


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