Secret Invasion: Resurrection – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP

Secret Invasion: Resurrection - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Resurrection – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


Secret Invasion: Resurrection - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Secret Invasion is a Mini Series I had in mind watching, I got no clue if this is an adaptation of the story or not but I thought it might be entertaining, its probably just me that love to watch all this stories but sometimes feels like slowly building a library in my mind of all this TV series, I was a bit skeptical to watch Secret Invasion since rating on score sites like RTT and IMDB are not that high with scores of 6/10 or less, for me this is just the first episode and found it entertaining enough, very cinematic, most actors are already known to the MCU but I’m not sure if people were expecting a show stopper, I remember making a short post of the trailer when it came out, most of this trailers look like an actual MCU movie so may be that’s why people were expecting so much of it. To be honest from all the Marvel Studios TV series there are very few banger, there is Loki, Moon Knight, Daredevil and then you can argue if any of the others are hits for me I can include WandaVision just because I really like her devilish style but the rest were No Bueno. Marvel Studios probably have thousands of projects to work with and not all with be hits, they know they also have a very large loyal amount of fans so as long as Movies stay blockbusters TV Series can take a few hits here and there.

Secret Invasion is the story of Gravik, Nick Fury and Talos. Nick Fury comes back to Earth from S.A.B.E.R the international space station project he is working on because rumors of a Skrull secret rebellion has spread, his old Skrull friend Talos welcomes him back and confirm that after he was gone things have change and that Gravik another Skrull Nick was related too and feels some what responsible for everything that is happening so he has come back down to earth to make things right and take care of this suppose Skrull rebellion, mix into all this events is Talos daughter G’iah who is on Gravik’s side.

Secret Invasion: Resurrection - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS - - tv series divider

Secret Invasion: Resurrection - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Resurrection – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP –
Secret Invasion: Resurrection - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Resurrection – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


From the trailers I know that the earth is flooded with Skrulls to the point that agents can’t trust each other, imagine a world like this were you just don’t know who is human or not, you will never know if you are giving the information to the enemy directly, that’s exactly what happens at first between Agent Prescod who is paranoid about the threat from this new Skrull movement by Gravik, there are rumors that a bomb attack is going to happen, Agent Evertt Ross who for the most part has been on Fury’s and Avengers side, told Prescod he needs evidence and will bring it to Fury end up been another Skrull playing the double agent game, kills Prescod after he found out.

I was watching this scene a couple of times trying to find out how Prescod figure out Ross was a Skrull, some other times its very evident but this time it didn’t seem, it would be great if there was a real reason why he figure this out, all Ross said “I will give this information to Fury” I don’t see how that is a detonator unless because he already said Fury was in space, but he could send the files or a report.

Secret Invasion: Resurrection - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Resurrection – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


Before I continue I have to ask WHAT THE FUCK is this, was Fury at a lan party, is he playing new CS2? he shows up with, exit what is suppose to be some sort of space ship with a couple of gaming chairs in the back?

Secret Invasion: Resurrection - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Resurrection – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


Former Deputy Director of S.H.I.E.L.D, Maria Hill welcomes Fury back to earth, Talos and Maria give evidence and details to Fury of Gravik’s plan. Talos talks to Fury because a lot have change starting with him, after The Blip, that’s when Thanos make disappear half of the universe population including Fury; Fury was not the same and then went into space leaving a lot of people behind including Skrulls that have been working with humans thats when Talos got kicked of the Council, G’iah went MIA and now Gravik took control creating a sort of regime to protect their own behind a feeling of abandon and revenge against Fury and humans.

Secret Invasion: Resurrection - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Resurrection – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


The moment Fury sets foot into the Earth everyone starts talking about it, at the White House and now MI6, Sonya Falsworth did a mini kidnap on Fury for a private meeting, they try to get information from each other but no luck, for sure she is more aware of whats really happening but seems that she only wanted to look at Fury and see if he is really the man he use to be, everyone keeps saying after the Blip he change but no one so far said how did he change, he does look old, even Sonya tells him straight to his face that he is out of shape probably meaning she knows he can deal with Gravik but not on his current shape.

Secret Invasion: Resurrection - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Resurrection – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP –
Secret Invasion: Resurrection - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Resurrection – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


G’iah, Talos daughter is working at Gravik’s camp a place they call Skrullos; she brings in new members but also manage other tasks that require someone loyal and that is up to it like buying bombs from another Skrull, behind whats going on this shows the possible amount of Skrulls in the world, how is it that Gravik the one who runs the show for Skrulls on Earth has to buy his bombs from another Skrull?

Maria and Talos caught G’iah in the act, she was transporting the bombs, Talos chase her to a moment when they stop and have a talk, they havent seen each other in a long time, I feel that G’iah join Gravik because she believes in his cause of making Earth a place for Skrulls but if humans wont accept them for what they are then they will claim Earth by force, in this conversation Talos had with his daughter he manager soft her up and help them stop the bombing, this shows that G’iah still loves his father and is on the good guys side but it was not that easy, Gravik knew this could happen and had plans for it.

Secret Invasion: Resurrection - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Resurrection – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP –

Gravik took Fury shape

Secret Invasion: Resurrection - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP -
Secret Invasion: Resurrection – Season 1 – Episode 1 – RECAP –


Even with G’iah helping Fury and Talos they had no chance against Gravik. Along the episode while Fury was talking a walk he was watching people on the street, one time went into a bar with Maria and talk to local Russian guy, during the bombing Gravik change into all this different persons meaning he was watching Fury all the time, he knew where he was, who he was with and probably next to him. Everyone starts running after three bombs detonate and Gravik takes Fury shape to shoot Maria Hill, real Fury shows up too late to only grap Maria on his arms and watch her die after Gravik shoot her. - tv series divider

Secret Invasion: Resurrection - Season 1 - Episode 1 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

I have to say this episode was not bad, it was a solid 7, very entertaining, we already know most of the actors and they deliver, the pace of the story look fine to me and this was just the usual first episode to show each main character of the season or in this case the mini series.

Mini series, a concept that some times is hard to develop when you have a story that could bring in a lot of details, I always bring the example of the last Ant Man movie how I thought they would exploit more the Quantum Realm but they didn’t so the movie falls short, at least for now Secret Invasion doesn’t feel crunch and vague, also I have notice that people including myself think they watching a season to latter on discover it was JUST a mini series and you wont know anything else about it when its done that can upset the audience too, I mention this because it could be a reason why people were expecting more out of this mini series.

The Earth is full of Skrulls no doubt and Gravik control most of them, its such a vast power to know when and where are your enemies all the time, Gravik has Skrulls secret agents that not even the Skrulls in the compound know who their real identities are, such an inception, you can be a Skrull thinking that you are out smarting the human next to you when it could also be another Skrull, we still early and a lot to develop, only six episodes that is starting to be a new format but I can say so far so good. - tv series divider

Secret Invasion Mini Series TRAILER -

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Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP

Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP –



Episode eight of Fatal Attraction brings multiple revelations from Alex wild imaginary world to the her real killer, sorry to spoil it for people who haven’t seen this drama series but Dan was never her murder, its shocking the reason why she was murder, Dan had way more reasons to kill Alex from been an abusive stoker, suspect of his mother in law murder, took his daughter not going to say kidnap because se was return but its close, so Dan or even Beth were the ones with true motives to end Alex’s live but they didn’t. The ending of this series felt a bit rush but I guess that’s the problem with most mini series, it does conclude some of the mayor questions, for example:

  • Did Dan killed Alex?
  • Does Dan wins the case?
  • Who killed Alex Forrest?

At the end of episode eight all this questions were answer and may be that’s what matters but there were some other situations that emerge left without resolution, from my point of view it sucks because I know there will never be a second season or additional chapters to this series so this subjects wont be resolved.

Another thing that also got answer is that Beth never stop loving Dan, on this episode that was confirm, there is a scene where Dan is so tired he fall sleep with his cloth still on and Beth enters the room and look at him, she was probably thinking how he destroy his carrier and family because of a mistake but I think it was on a good way, I believe that even though some one makes you any kind of damage good times are never forgotten, you can be mad at the present but the past was probably so good it helps you overcome the current situation, in their case Dan having an affair with a delusional women who needed professional help with her mental health that ends up dead right at the moment her short affair relationship with Dan has ended, Beth tells Dan she doesn’t need a judge to confirm he was innocent as his appeal was denied, the system would never let him win besides that they know he lied to protect his family and not been send to jail for life, Dan was the hero at the bureau so everyone was waiting for the day he gets in trouble to dog pile and get revenge, for some people its more fun to a hero died, even I enjoy it form time to time, its part of human nature. - tv series divider

Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP –


In an attempt to reason with Alex before she was killed, Beth decided to meet her and talk to her with the goal in mind to make peace with Alex and make her go away but she had no idea who she was dealing with, at this point there was no going back for Alex, that ship has sailed and now she is living in a world of her own imagination, she even say she was pregnant when she was not.

Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP –


I could tell probably how disappointed but probably relieved in some way Dan felt after his appeal was denied, he did his best effort to get it approve by doing proper investigation with Mike and contrary to what anyone may think he had support from people involve on all this mess that after many years support him like Beth and his daughter Ellen, he probably felt when you are told you are over qualified for the job and you were still the top performer from the company, at this point nothing makes sense anymore and the Alex case story began to faint, it was more about what will Dan do next?

Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP –


Dan got promoted at the firm he was working at after got out of jail but seems he will have to live with people thinking and even asking how he killed Alex now that he is off the hook he probably tell the “true story” to those who ask for it but he was not Alex murder, there is a lot of people who doesn’t believe him including Earl and those who matter to him like his daughter Dan would still like to prove them he didn’t do it but his opportunity has vanish and will have to deal/live with it, feels like Dan gets bully about Alex murder every day.

Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP –


This was probably one of the best moments on episode eight, Beth was just thinking out loud and ask if they should have Dan over for dinner, Arthur and Ellen look at her like WTF!!! then Beth ask if it would be weird, one thing is his ex wife and daughter having dinner with Dan but then including Arthur, Beth’s new husband after Dan got to jail, besides Dan knew Arthur and he also paid for a big part of the legal fees for Dan case, this moment did make me laugh.

Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP –


The opening to what the writers would consider a big finale for the mini series, not sure if its the opening also for another mini series or something else, remember how Ellen was spying on his professor and Stella who was having a relationship with him, not sure if he was married but still, Ellen got Stella kicked out of school when she snitch on her, all this happen after Ellen have already try to convince her professor and Stella to stop seen each other on separate occasions. Stella knew it was Ellen so she confront her but Ellen looked very cold like she could not care less, I found weird why would she spy on them if she had no interest in any of the two unless she did.

Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP –
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP –


Probably the answer everyone was looking for, WHO KILLED ALEX?? well after seven episodes I had no clue but only believe Dan didn’t do it because how he was presented on the series, the moment and motives he had to kill Alex and never did it but seems that Arthur decided to step in at the time either because of friendship, loneliness or love for Beth, at the time all Beth knew about Alex and her mother “accidentally” died, Arthur’s wife was dying because of cancer, Beth called him crying because was was frustrated from all the things going on with Alex, Dan, her mother and daughter, Arthur couldn’t control himself and decided to kill Alex to end Beth’s problems, seems he did a great job because no body knew he was the killer and after Dan goes to jail then he wants to tell the truth but it was too late, the damage was done and his lawyer told him to shut up if he didn’t want to go to jail because him telling the truth wont set Dan free.

Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP –


Here the part that frustrates me, until the part where Arthur wants to tell everyone he killed Alex I think that was the right ending a classic ending, but this scene comes up, the time Alex took Ellen for a walk without telling her parents decides to give her a small brain wash speech, telling her how his parents were lying to her specially his Dad and she has to learn who to trust, like she could trust Alex and from all the things she tells Ellen I got no clue how we jump into the last scene.

Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: Caregiving – Season 1 Episode 8 – RECAP –


I had this idea that it was possible Ellen was in love with her professor Richard but not to the point she would edit a bunch of audios of him to build up a scene where she could hear him saying how much he wants her, Ellen shows up at his apartment without him knowing not sure for what reason, obviously she wants him but to fuck? to kill him? to kidnap him and lock him down on the basement so only she could some how have him? the guy is shitting bricks he scared and who wouldn’t if a women shows up without permission without you giving her a key and have this look on her face. - tv series divider


The finale of this mini series was truly a surprise, the accusation and proofs against Dan were basically

* Lied about not been at her place
* His fingerprints at Alex place
* He knew Alex

To be honest there was not much, what really put him against the ropes is that he lied about not been at her place and avoid the hole affair situation, justice is not fair all the time, actually I would say that 80% of the time its not, Dan was just the perfect example, the perfect trophy, worst part is that those who were not directly affected and were his “friends” turn their backs on him, his boss, Conchita, the entire building that knew him for so many years but only his wife and Mike, who was like family; never turn his back and they in fact got directly affected, Alex killed Beth’s mother. Fatal Attraction does show you the truth about humans once your ass is on the line and can be affected, everyone turns their back no matter for how long they knew you, most of the time only family stick, not even friends.

I give this show a 7/10, I think score sell out score sites like IMDB and RTT gave it a low score because it didn’t stick to the movie story, they doing the same thing with anything that is a reboot example Dead Ringers, another great mini series and scores are very low.


A Small Light : Welcome to Switzerland - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4:
Episode 5:
Episode 6:
Episode 7: - tv series divider


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The Continental: Brothers in Arms – Episode 1 – Recap

The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - Recap -
The Continental: Brothers in Arms – Episode 1 – Recap –


The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Lets start with the obvious, this is a mini series, this is not about John Wick (at least episode one) so don’t expect to see anyone else related to John other than Winston, Charon and the hotel, other than this so far nothing else points to John Wick himself.

Been a three part mini series it feels kinda packed with a lot of information, specially the amount of characters, on episode one there are about a solid two digit amount of characters that are important to the development of the episode and they start to die very fast, different than other series that promise a lot of action right from the go The Continental did promise and deliver, there is a lot of shooting, car chase, Frankie robbed the hotel safe, there was a helicopter scene towards the end but I think they ran out of time to make a great scene out of it or probably budget, been on Peacock doesn’t give me too much confidence on the series, also there are a few faces I have never seen although the actors were ok I got no complains, The Continental seem like a great idea for a full Tv Series but no body had the time, cast or money to develop it but some one didn’t want to let the idea waste and gave it a shot with some what low budget, no disrespect to any of the actors its just how it feels.

The Continental is about Winston, after 20 years of not seen his brother Frankie, Winston is kidnap by Cormac (The Continental Manager) and send him back to US because his brother just stole something valuable for him and the organization (The High Table), Frankie stole and old coin press from the organization, now Cormac wants to use Winston as bait but he tries to outsmart him back to safe Frankie and his wife Yen. - tv series divider
The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - Recap -
The Continental: Brothers in Arms – Episode 1 – Recap –


Frankie is Winston older brother, since they were little got in trouble and Frankie was always there to protect him, latter down the line Frankie did time in jail taking the fall and letting Winston out of trouble but then Frankie’s involvement with The Continental pulls Winston back.

The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - Recap -
The Continental: Brothers in Arms – Episode 1 – Recap –


Frankie work for Cormac, the same mobster that put them on the street after his father took a loan that latter on could not pay but down the road Frankie discover what was going on at The Continental, it was the 70’s and different than the John Wick movies where everyone knows he is an assassin because we are watching the movie through his eyes, on The Continental is different, during the times of this mini series it was not known what The High Table was, they just knew The Continental could not be touch, even the cops knew this.

The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - Recap -
The Continental: Brothers in Arms – Episode 1 – Recap –


So far I’m not sure why Frankie thought it was a good idea and what was his goal at stealing this coin press, if you saw the movies then you know that on chapter four, John goes to middle east and talks to an Jerome Berrada who is in charge of making the coins so this coin press that Frankie steals is probably nothing else than a relic, he almost gets caught after his partner betray him.

The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - Recap -
The Continental: Brothers in Arms – Episode 1 – Recap –


Winston earn his life making business at London, big money, he is very smart and slick, always steps ahead of the people he is trying to make business with but had no clew what his brother has been doing back at home, New York, for the last twenty years.

The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - Recap -
The Continental: Brothers in Arms – Episode 1 – Recap –


Cormac, as mention the mobster now running The Continental, he is ruthless, will do anything to make others do his willing even killing themself, always has a leverage against others and this time he thinks that leverage against Frankie is his little brother Winston, he brings him from London to find Frankie, after all Cormac saw them grow up together and knows this two love each other even they cant live together as grown ups.

The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - Recap -
The Continental: Brothers in Arms – Episode 1 – Recap –


Fucking Peter Greene as Charlie, a man who knew Winston and Frankie since they were little, Peter Green was making films since I was a kid, appear in Pulp Fiction, he had a small part on this mini series but still did ok I think. He helps Winston, gave him a gun, a coat and his car, a mustang very similar to John’s Mustang int he movies, also told Frankie was probably at a Karate Dojo, I will look because probably at some point Winston gave this car to John as gift, after all they were good friends.

The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - Recap -
The Continental: Brothers in Arms – Episode 1 – Recap –


Winston decides to visit the Dojo, Burton Karate, here he meet Miles and Lou, brothers who run the Dojo but there is no business with the Dojo, Miles use it as a cover for his guns traffic business, looks like Frankie was staying there for some time after he left. Winstons ask for their help to find Frankie before Cormac so Miles only told him what he knew, Miles and Frankie work together until he got to the hotel, Frankie was good with all kind of guns and probably good at killing people too.

The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - Recap -
The Continental: Brothers in Arms – Episode 1 – Recap –


There are other characters that are not develop yet, they will have more influence on episode two and three, she is The Adjudicator, most likely works for The High Table, on this scene she got the guy who betray Frankie, she is trying to extract information from him without much luck, over all not many people knew who this organization was, I think not even Cormac exactly new, I remember even Winston on Chapter for didn’t know about certain rules and things that the Marquis could do.

The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - Recap -
The Continental: Brothers in Arms – Episode 1 – Recap –


There is also KD, she is investigating a criminal under the name of Francis Scott, she once chase him to The Continental but was stop by her boss Mayhew who she is fucking too, Mayhew knows better and stops her before she gets killed but she still want in so one day the guy at the door let her in, everyone on the hotel immediately knew she was not one of them, she notice how they pay with the coins, how everyone was packed even the receptionist was arm, it was not the type of hotel she was expecting, for sure she finds out something latter on that will involve her with Winston.

The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - Recap -
The Continental: Brothers in Arms – Episode 1 – Recap –


Wisnton finally finds Frankie and his girlfriend Yen, very vague Frankie explains him what is going on at the hotel, he is talking about The High Table but doesn’t know much, same as the beginning this part of the episode is packed with shooting and close contact gun fight, but the ending I didn’t like so much. - tv series divider

The Continental: Brothers in Arms - Episode 1 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

I’m going to talk about the ending of episode 1, I think this series over sold a story, everyone is probably going to watch The Continental thinking it had to do something with John right from the start and they will get the same kind of quality but its not, the ending of episode 1 same thing, we loose Frankie because he knows that if he doesn’t let Winston and Yen go the end will be the same everyone dead, but WHY did he took the coin press? I think that made no sense, now that Frankie is gone him been the man of action, say the John Wick of the series who kills people with anything at hand, who is going to take that spot? , the first episode was NOT bad, I give it a 7.5/10 since it does has action as promise and it is related to the John Wick universe, lets see how the other two episodes develop and where does it takes us, I hope they are same or better than episode one. There were a few characters I didn’t mention on my recap because they are not as important been episode one is always about presenting the main characters, their motives and where is the story going and episode 1 did all this very well. - tv series divider

The Continental TRAILER -

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Drops of God: Food and Wine – Season 1 – Episode 7 – Recap

Drops of God: Food and Wine – Season 1 – Episode 7 – Recap -
Drops of God: Food and Wine – Season 1 – Episode 7 – Recap –


Drops of God: Food and Wine – Season 1 – Episode 7 – Recap INTRODUCTION -

Drops of God, Episode 7 took by surprise everyone including Issei and Camille with a contest that they never thought may happen, they at first knew this was a contest with serveral test but never imagine one of them would be in front of a crowd and judges, this episode also explains how Luca turn out to be worst than Issei and Camille mothers, this story is way more complicated than it seems on the series, from what I have seen so far I think there wont be another season, but who knows, I have said this before taking in consideration that the anime is forty four volumes.

Issei live turn less painful, a guy who had everything in his life, he came from a wealthy family at least from his mother side, financially secure, not the best relationship with his parents but at least had a great one with his father and when the opportunity to be part of a contest to inherit the biggest wine collection in the world came up, his entire life falls down, his parents split up, his father ran away, his grandfather kick him out of the family and finds out his mother lie to him his entire life, his real father is the man who train him, the man who left the biggest wine collection as price for the contest he is now in, for Alexander Ledger inheritance, this story is more complicated for Issei than Camille. On Episode 8 Issei finally confront his mother, told her straight to her face he knows about the affair she had with Alexander and that his real father is Alexander, typical Honoka she throw him out of the apartment with his girlfriend Yurika. At least on episode eight Issei finally finds happiness with Yurika and even with Camille, after everything they had to through from been rivals for their father heritance they become friends, ironically on the same property his mother and her father met.

On episode seven was explain why Luca didnt want Camille next to him, she turn him down to continue with the Ledger Guide, a famous Wine Guide her father create when he start his business in Japan, it grew to the point of been the Bible of Wine, if your property and wine was hoisted on the Guide, the property and the wine went up in value, at first Camille use the Ledger Guide as a tool to get wine makers let her taste their wine on her trip to Itally but then understood how dangerous it was for the entire Wine Market, on episode eight Luca took off the mask and went directly against Camille, told her to her face he will do anything in his power to make her loose, during one of the contest other judges notice this as he tries to elevate Issei decisions, even Issei had a weird face expression when Luca talk about this wine selection with food he knew Luca was overacting and exaggerating things but didn’t know his motive. - tv series divider
Drops of God: Food and Wine – Season 1 – Episode 7 – Recap EPISODE DETAILS -

Drops of God: Food and Wine – Season 1 – Episode 7 – Recap -
Drops of God: Food and Wine – Season 1 – Episode 7 – Recap –
Drops of God: Food and Wine – Season 1 – Episode 7 – Recap -
Drops of God: Food and Wine – Season 1 – Episode 7 – Recap –


Yurika, Issei new girlfriend started as a journalist who at first didn’t like him at all, she found him a spoil rich guy who was looking to get attention, but once he open up to her she understood on the inside he was constantly having troubles at home and when his father left he took the chance to be honest with her, she was the only person he open up with and told her everything wrong in his life, she took it very serious and decided to give her a chance to know him better, finding he is a noble person and probably miss guided because of how most of his family is, referring to his mother and grandfather, every time he is next to her she makes him happy, Yurika was the only person that was next to him during all this bad times, when his father went away and all the stress he went through during the contest for Alexander Ledger inheritance.

Issei mother, Honoka; single handed destroy his family, she lie to his grand father when she got pregnant during her affair with Alexander then getting married with Hirokazu a man that love her probably more than she deserve to then treat him like shit during many years, he probably stay with her for two reasons that was family honor and Issei, to the list we can add that latter on Hirozaku got tired of the way she treat him so decided to go away and she blame Issei for that, now Issei is obviously mad as fuck at her and confront her, as any other mother she throw him out of the apartment because she own it, ending up all alone, no husband, no son, no father.


Drops of God: Food and Wine – Season 1 – Episode 7 – Recap -
Drops of God: Food and Wine – Season 1 – Episode 7 – Recap –


This time Issei and Camille have to battle out in front of a crowd and three judges, they had a press conference, went through a knowledge test about wine and the combine wine with food they were given to taste, giving their opinion on their choices, they both had NO idea this was happening neither why, why it had to be so public, I think this entire event was probably modified by Luca, Alexander lawyer told Issie and Camille “I had nothing to do with organization of the event…. “, during the event Luca takes the stage and publicly mention how the winner will be the true succesor of Alexander Ledger, the winner will continue with the Ledger Guide, after all that’s all he cares about, that’s Luca’s business, even threw a cheap shot at Camille that other judges next to him caught, he said he would make sure Camille never win but he couldn’t.


Drops of God: Food and Wine – Season 1 – Episode 7 – Recap -
Drops of God: Food and Wine – Season 1 – Episode 7 – Recap –

Issei giving Camille a hint of what’s going on…

Drops of God: Food and Wine – Season 1 – Episode 7 – Recap -
Drops of God: Food and Wine – Season 1 – Episode 7 – Recap –


At some point in the story both Camille and Issei hated the contest, both were going to quit in different occasion, at first for Issei it was just a contest but with time when he find out Alexander was his real father I think he started to felt the same way as Camille, it felt it was evil to had his two children competing for his inheritance, the worst part is the irony of where the events happen, one of the last test happen in Phillipe wine yard, where Alexander train Camille every summer and where Honoka, Issei mother; fall in love with Alexander during a trip she did with Hirozaku, its like all of them met long time ago without knowing they will be competing for the biggest wine collection in the world, even Phillipe complain when he was ask to host the last test

Even dead, he’s still a pain in the ass.

Said Phillipe who probably knew or had his doubts about Issei and Camille been brothers, Phillipe had a client name Tomine a long time ago, it was Honoka, she use to buy a lot of wine from him, on the very first purchase she bought boxes to bring back to Japan so most likely she kept buying from Phillipe all the time she was with Alexander.

Drops of God: Food and Wine – Season 1 – Episode 7 – Recap -
Drops of God: Food and Wine – Season 1 – Episode 7 – Recap –


Now that they started to get along, Issei comes clean with Camille and told him he got lucky on the previous contest, he cant understand how she find out about Casa de Fossati, how she figure out it was the one because he taste the wine and there were no jasmine or any other fruit or flower mention on the painting, he also told her he got lucky because he had Alexander notes from thirty years ago when he was Honoka and Hirokazu teacher and in one of his lectures the painting was mention and next to it was the name of the wine so he gave it a shot without knowing if it was the one. Camille explains Issei she just have an ability to imagine or even listen how things taste, she correlate them with other things in her life to exactly remember what is what how things smell and taste, apparently it runs on the blood because after that Issei gave it a try, at first nothing happen but then it kick in when he imagine a strawberry on the desk after he taste the wine in front of him, was the perfect moment for the Wonder Woman sound, this is another series I really enjoy and Im hoping there is a second season, from the little I have read online the manga had a lot of content to keep the Tv Series going. - tv series divider

Drops of God: Food and Wine – Season 1 – Episode 7 – Recap CONCLUSION -

I was just talking about this week about how you live long to see your heroes become the villain, that’s exactly what happen on this episode, the man who presented himself as a very simple man and best friend of Camille’s father turn out was just a vampire sucking out money and fame out of the Ledger Guide, the moment he saw his fortune threatened he turns his back to Camille since she decided not to continue, in revenge Lucas now wants her to loose the contest and sweet talk Issei to continue with the guide, problem for him is that Issei now is on Camille Team. I went through a similar situation when my grandfather died, some of my aunts and my grandmother all of the sudden change and start fighting over money and the inheritance, I was still very young but do remember the fighting, the phone calls, money change people in such bad way that it sux, some say that’s the true human face, some say you/I might not understand it because I don’t have that much money, now days I’m in a way more better economic situation and my wealth is starting to grow this past two years well enough but as a kid I remember how bad I felt some times, that’s something I don’t want for my children so this is something I got very clear to avoid having them watch their family fight over money, that’s so terrible for a kid.


Drops of God - Season 1 - PREV Episodes -

Episode 1: @skiptvads/drops-of-god-a-father
Episode 2: @skiptvads/drops-of-god-sky-earth
Episode 3: @skiptvads/drops-of-god-duel-episode
Episode 4: @skiptvads/drops-of-god-foundation-episode
Episode 5: @skiptvads/drops-of-god-the-link
Episode 6: @skiptvads/drops-of-god-legacy-season
Episode 7: @skiptvads/drops-of-god-food-and - tv series divider

Drops of God SEASON 1 TRAILER -

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Fatal Attraction: Best Friends – Season 1 Episode 7 – RECAP

Fatal Attraction: Best Friends – Season 1 Episode 7 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: Best Friends – Season 1 Episode 7 – RECAP –


Fatal Attraction: Best Friends – Season 1 Episode 7 – RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Fatal Attraction Episode 7 is probably the crown jewel and at the same time if you kept judging Alex this entire time probably it will make you feel bad about it, since day one anyone who saw the movie and knows the what this series is about already knew Alex was mentally ill in some level, I did and never like her, she in fact did terrible things but it was hard to know her real motive, goals and background, well on this episode we get a lot of her background. I remember on the first episodes Alex talking to a therapist that couldn’t assist her since she had a valid license in California but insist on her looking for help, this therapist was Sarah.

Sarah was Alex therapist since she got out of College and probably prior to that stage of her life but its not describe on detail, this episode tells how a father that phytologically abuse of her, Alex father manipulate her, lie to her, lie to her mother, cheat on her mother with other women and trick Alex to be ok with that, even be her partner in crime assisting to this dates he had with other women but still making Alex feel it was ok to be like that, makes me fkn mad to see that picture, looking at him smile, I probably say that at this point in my life because I have been through worst and bad, after so many mess up I finally know what’s good for me and my children but at some point in life you have to recognize how badly you did, Stanley: Alex father never did, even after she was dead. He was the cause of all her traumas, when Alex became older she started to realize how bad her father was but still love him so much she never took a side and opt for distance from him although never took a stand and say all he did was bad for her, I mean she was in between that line is he good or bad for me? to avoid this decision decided to move out to another state without telling him.

Alex started having episodes since she was in College, this kept her from been good at working with others, it feels like she always stay at the defense thinking people are going to betray her or put her aside, make her feel like she is a second option, at the same time kept looking at people over the shoulder, this is the reflection of how her father was with her and her mother, Alex was the second option for his father and was only important when he need her, he also look at everyone over the shoulder saying he was such a great engineer and how he was above every job post he found and that’s why he was unemployed, its amazing how she even discover the love for pain after she spend an entire afternoon living her own reality for hours sitting down on the sofa after she had a very bad argument with her father, he really broke her through the years. - tv series divider
Fatal Attraction: Best Friends – Season 1 Episode 7 – RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

Fatal Attraction: Best Friends – Season 1 Episode 7 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: Best Friends – Season 1 Episode 7 – RECAP –


Probably by the time the movie came out in 1987 this type of stories were very few in real life but now days its very very close to what we know as reality, I still have one more episode to watch and still believe Dan didnt do it but he is going to jail, also that he love Beth and was willing to pay for his mistakes as a man and as a citizen, on this scene Beth thinks that the most obvious option to explain things out is the truth that Dan had an affair with Alex and she went crazy about him, not the entire story but as a lawyer he knew that will only bring public shame to his family and put him in jail for sure so he decided not to tell that story and safe Beth and his family from that circumstance as much as he could even knowing that he almost had no chance of not going to jail.

Fatal Attraction: Best Friends – Season 1 Episode 7 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: Best Friends – Season 1 Episode 7 – RECAP –
Fatal Attraction: Best Friends – Season 1 Episode 7 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: Best Friends – Season 1 Episode 7 – RECAP –


Stanley, Alex Father; really broke Alex and her mother to a point that they were competing for him, he broke the mother daughter bond, her mother should know better but that’s the problem, I have always thought there are those who do bad because they dont know better, doesn’t mean they are not accountable for their actions but thinking this way makes it useful to understand why things are happening certain way, he was constantly abusing from both, from Alex mom by not having a stable job and not been the leader of the house and from Alex making her his wing man at dates with other women even giving away her toys without her permission to kids from the women he was dating, both Alex and her mother love him very much and were blind by that love, confuse but there is nothing that can last for ever not even love when its hurt.

Fatal Attraction: Best Friends – Season 1 Episode 7 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: Best Friends – Season 1 Episode 7 – RECAP –


Sarah, Alex’s Therapist; probably for the longest since she was in College, they don’t specifically mention it but Sarah was good for Alex, she understood the problem was her father and told her many times, specifically mention it was a waist of time to fight him, Alex wont get anything useless out of him and I think that at her adult age she was not looking for love and attention anymore but for some kind of retribution, it was always a mix bag of feelings with Alex and her father, one day they love each other the other day kept fighting because he was not the center of attention until one day she decided to move away from him, move to California but sadly for Alex she stop seen a therapist, when someone is so broken like Alex she cant stop going to therapy, she needed help, those on her daily life routine don’t know or understand her problems so she needed someone qualify to help her, worst part is that she could not recognize it, that’s why didn’t take her too long to cause troubles in California, with her neighbors, co workers and eventually with Dan.

Fatal Attraction: Best Friends – Season 1 Episode 7 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: Best Friends – Season 1 Episode 7 – RECAP –


Besides been a Alex episode, it has a bit of everything, one thing that caught my attention is that Ellen, Dan’s daughter is spying on her teacher, at first I thought she did it because wanted to safe her friend Stella from been a second plate for her professor Richard but I don’t think its the case anymore, there is just something going on that if there is not a second season we probably wont details.

Fatal Attraction: Best Friends – Season 1 Episode 7 – RECAP -
Fatal Attraction: Best Friends – Season 1 Episode 7 – RECAP –


Episode 7 does give the meat and potatoes of Dan’s trial, he was put against the wall many times, without revealing he had an affair with Alex basically lying because excluding part of the truth can be consider lying, I’m no lawyer; for him was like fighting with his hands tied to his back, he tried everything but eventually knew he had to take it and go to prison for a crime he didn’t do, within the justice system he was too big and failing was a big story, had so many against him that he had no chance, same thing happen when he appeal his case, the judge at the time told him he had received enough attention, basically she was not going to give him the luxury of proving he was innocent, sometimes that’s how the system works. - tv series divider

Fatal Attraction: Best Friends – Season 1 Episode 7 – RECAP CONCLUSION -

On episode 7 we finally understand WHY Alex was broken, her childhood had a bunch of red flags, perfect combination of bad parenting
– Mom & Daughter jealous over father
– Father cheating with other women
– Mother blames daughter for not telling where is dad
– Father puts up his mistress daughter before Alex

It was just a matter of time before that kid start growing confuse of whats right and wrong, kids are so delicate mentally, they don’t have the experience nor the malice to distinguish why her father in this case, behave that way and question if is is right or not, and finally when she grow up she fells his father is all she has, in this case he feels threatened that now grown up Alex will take the spot light out of him so he starts to diminish her accomplishments and decisions, she feels along, only person she loved and trust is not supporting her so when depression hits not everyone takes it the same way, she got affected badly to the point to seek refuge in pain for how bad she was feeling, after this episode I still don’t like Alex but I start feeling sorry for her.


Fatal Attraction: Best Friends – Season 1 Episode 7 – RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1: @skiptvads/fatal-attraction-pilot-season-1
Episode 2: @skiptvads/fatal-attraction-the-movie-in
Episode 3: @skiptvads/fatal-attraction-the-watchful-heart
Episode 4: @skiptvads/fatal-attraction-beautiful-mosaics-season
Episode 5: @skiptvads/fatal-attraction-medial-woman-season
Episode 6: @skiptvads/fatal-attraction-the-dillingers-season - tv series divider


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The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP

The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP -
The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP –


The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Danny confronts his Step Dad and Yitzhak offers him a place to stay!

This is the first time I see Tom Holland performing out of the Spiderman suit, as other actors who work a franchise, that is Spiderman; he had made a ton of money out of it and would be great to see him performing different characters, I had no interest on Uncharted but have seen him on The Devil All The Time and Cherry, now on The Crowded Room, I like his work, doesn’t seem force and the awkward different kid role suits him very well.

On episode two after Danny gets caught by the police he is now interrogated by Rya, a psychiatrist directing the interrogation for the police, the story starts to unfold, Danny starts to describe Ariana his roommate and partner in crime since the police have not got to her after the shooting, she was a wild one, the story develops around the 70’s with a lot of drugs, disco music and she was a creature of the night, always leaving home at night to party and arriving early in the morning, drunk, crying, she was very unstable and some how got Danny sucked into her world. Rya tries to pressure Danny to tell her more about Ariana, on that same roadmap is Yitzhak they are after him too, probably because they think there is more than the shooting but they know Danny was just a tool for Ariana and Yitzhak, Danny still doesn’t break or at least seem to do not know what was really going on but he also haven’t finish his side of the story, why they really try to kill that guy? where was Yitzhak all the time? what was Ariana hiding that disturbs her so much? those are the questions Rya is after. - tv series divider
The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP -
The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Rya starts doing some police work and goes back where everything started, The Ghost House, where Yitzhak, Ariana and Danny where staying, she thought she might find something useful in there, something that can she can use with Danny to dig up the truth or least show him he was all wrong thinking he was friends with Yitzhak and Ariana and he was just been used or at least that’s the impression I get from Rya. In the house she finds Danny drawing book, this was the 70’s, no internet, no cell phones, so people had to do common things to stay entertained, Danny’s was to draw things he think a lot about.

The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP -
The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Danny confronts his step father after him and Danny’s mother came looking for him, after Danny got beat up by Bill he didn’t know what to do and stay with Yitzhak but he was sure didn’t want to go back home and deal with his bully step father so he stay, Yitzhak protect him, Danny felt safe, he was just a kid, with troubles at home and school, someone new, someone he felt safe with make sense but he didn’t know better, Danny was the kind of kid who trusted everyone. Danny explains all this to Rya but she wanted more, I know for a fact when you are a kid and had that many troubles sometimes you act irrational, not everything you do has a meaning or a reason you just do you, most of the time you don’t think and don’t know better, that’s why when we are teenagers do stupid things that regret after, so when adults ask WHY? you don’t know what to answer because you don’t know why.

The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP -
The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Yitzhak was always out so Ariana and Danny where alone at the house for the most part, the first day he aloud Danny stay he lay down the house rules for him:

  • Go to school or GED
  • Pay rent in time
  • No party in the house
  • No sex in the house
  • No drugs in the house
The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP -
The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Ariana, the first time Danny met her she was kind with him and offer him food so she must be a good person right? that’s what probably Danny thought, he had this innocent expression in his face when she gave him a sandwich, like how nice of her.

The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP -
The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Things turn out different next day, she always came home early in the morning, drunk, high, crying, and when Danny offer her comfort all he got back was a “Fuck off Danny”, but Danny thought they got well together like they understood each other without even talking, at least on his head, that’s how Danny explains his relationship with Ariana to Rya.

The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP -
The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Rya kept setting traps trying to get Danny to slip and tell her what she is looking for, but Danny again either didn’t know shit and was been used or at the end he is going to be this psychopath who no one never saw coming because saw far all his answers are I don’t remember, I don’t know or everyone is nice to me.


The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP -
The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP –


There was this girl Annabelle, Danny was crazy for her and would do anything to be with her even braking house rules, everything that Yitzhak said was prohibit he almost did that night without the sex, worst part is that Ariana stole Annabelle from him that night with the excuse that she was drunk, Rya was right about that, Danny kept thinking Ariana was his friend when she wasn’t, Ariana was a selfish bitch who only care about herself, there was nothing to understand about her.

The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP -
The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP –


To close with Ariana, her erratic behavior was not only with Danny but to everyone else, she was constantly trying to be someone she was not, trying to show she always was the one in control even with Jerome a guy she date but only at the disco, when the party was over she try to pretend she was someone else.

The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP -
The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP –


Rya kept pushing this narrative to Danny and finally he show more than his calm attitude and snap when Rya told him “what are you not telling yourself?” , he either got tired of her constant pressure for him to talk or say something he doesn’t know or there was a trigger point between Yitzhak getting rid of Ariana and Danny hiding the facts, the interview gets intense. - tv series divider

The Crowded Room : Sanctuary – Episode 2 – RECAP CONCLUSION -

This is a series I’m picking up from June, a mini series with a lot of character, we got this kid Danny, confused, looked innocent, but at the same time could be a monster beneath that calm face, Ariana we already got clear who she was but what keeps me thinking is who are really Ytizhak and Danny, what are their agendas, who is the bad guy, there is a lot of mystery around Yitzhak. i got no complains about the actors, most of them are very well known for different performances Spiderman, Fauda, Shameless, Loki, Mr. Robot, The Dropout and the list goes on, the case is very good plus the story itself develop with Danny interview creating the entire structure of the story gives the viewer easy access to knowing whats going on without having to revisit scenes, having to pause and rewind.


A Small Light : Welcome to Switzerland - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1: - tv series divider


#skiptvads #tvseries #tvaddicts #tvseriesblog #cinetv #hive #thecrowdedroom #ariana #danny #rya #yitzhak #inception #shooting

Class of 09: Thank You for Not Driving – Season 1 Episode 3 – RECAP



Class of 09 Episode 3 brings the beginning of what will become Tayo’s real problem, in 2023 we are in the times when Artificial Intelligence finally reach average internet users with applications like Chat GPT and also those who are more familiar with the tech are starting to thinker with Artificial Intelligence models to generate text, images or even music. Agent Hour with a crew of talented engineers has develop this massive tool to keep agents in contact with all evidence possible and case files so they can come up with suspects faster than usual, its purpose was not to replace agents but to unite them in technology, the idea is to have one agent working on a case but with the help of all the data other agents have compile from similar cases having it available as fast an efficient as possible but no body in the Bureau sees it that way, most think that this new system will replace agents and make decisions for them although Hour’s system wont, even Lennix who seems to be a very smart guy on the series thinks this way, I think he probably did because it was others perspective too, group pressure.

Tayo on episode 3 was against the wall, he is facing a man that already try to kill him and is on the run, hurt badly his partner at the moment and all they got is one guy who wont say anything, his partners at the FBI pressure him at not using Hour system but he had no choice, they going no where with the only lead they have, here is when it starts, Tayo will become a victim of his own success, we have seen before a scene where he asks another ten years as FBI director to continue with his AI system, as any other Sci-Fi theme movie/series Artificial Intelligence finally understands humans are the problem and need to be stop. - tv series divider


Tayo is hunting, looking for Mark Tupirik, a man who runs a criminal/terrorist network who is willing to do anything he can to hurt the FBI, on previous episode he already demonstrate that no one is above his mission, killed his wife, almost killed an FBI agent (Tayo’s partner) and now is on his way to complete his plan, both Mark and Tayo are fearless.


Class of 09 moves back and forward through its time line, in the future after the AI system Tayo implemented and eventually mutate into something that goes out of control, totally different than what Hour and Amos wanted it to be, Poet visits Hour seeking for her help to stop the system, before Amos was killed at Poet’s apartment he gave her a card that might be the key to stop it. Poet at this point on her life is facing that she have been left alone in the world, no Hour, no Lennix and now no Bureau since this last thing that she loved too is gone after the AI system has replaced agents almost completely.


True friendship is very hard to find and some times people become blind because of their line of work, for Poet the FBI was everything back then, she always show it to everyone, that’s why she and Lennix were not together and why she accept to spy on Hour and eventually be the one who puts a stop to her program, Lennix on the other hard who had no attachment to Hour also follow orders and gets Poet to work with Hour as under cover so she could never see it coming, the entire project was Doom from the start, not because it works or what ever any one else though on the FBI but because Hour profile results say she might trust more technology than people or at least that’s the perspective the FBI has from her, unless humans find out a way to create conscious mind then AI will always be just a vast library of data with extremely fast access, AI wont be able to take that away from humans the decision making factor under certain circumstances where human emotions are involve, some times science can choose a total different outcome but doesn’t mean is the right one. In the case of Lennix, Poet and the FBI they were wrong about Hour program.


At first Hour new system was suppose to help agents, meaning they wont get the answers right away, they still had to investigate, Hour make it that way so it doesn’t replace agents but the agents perspective was different, although they had a hunch that if it end up as they thought, eventually AI will replace them, at the moment Tayo was desperate to put Mark behind bars, not only they were going no where with the suspect but also Mark just execute an attack to kill either Tayo or his wife so he decided to open the Pandora Box and go full send with Hour system.


Since Tayo use the system for the first time it work as intended, took the hours to get something of value form their suspect, there are theories that under pressure humans indirectly tend to give themselves out, under situations like this its either because they think can out smart the law or they so nervous eventually crack to move on to what’s next, took Tayo and the system with a room full of people analyzing the situation meaning it was working as intended, until they find a clue that puts them on the right track, the suspect was constantly drawing what looks like just lines but it was a logo at the center. After trying all kind of operation they could with the help of the state police like road blocks, they finally got to a truck where Mark was hiding a moving around, a truck from a Construction Company that the suspect was drawing during the interrogatory.


Going back to the future, after Hour accept to help Poet, after all they were best friends and it was obvious she had something for Poet, they go back to Amos place where they use the card he left Poet and start his system, the AI system in place, in the future, was taking decisions by its own, making arrests based on suspicious without prove just because someone could commit a crime, its not the same as stopping some one, if you haven’t done anything even though you can, that doesn’t mean you are guilty, on episode 3 also officially start the quest to stop Tayo’s AI system in the future time line.


Tayo finally gets Mark behind bars, he is now in what seems to be a ultra max security prison, cameras every corner analyzing his reactions and trying to read him, again the system is working as design, agents are not predicting the future, the system will only assist them based on their request and inputs, there is more to Mark’s plan, even though Tayo caught him, the plan still rolling and who knows what will happens next, agents are still in danger, Tayo thought stopping Mark was enough but its bigger than just him. - tv series divider

A Small Light : Welcome to Switzerland - Season 1 Episode 2 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2: - tv series divider


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The Patient: Pastitsio – Episode 5 – RECAP


The Patient: Pastitsio - Episode 5 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

Episode five proves more my theory that Sam kills people because he wants attention and is a little bitch but then when he get the attention from others don’t know what to do or react, him killing people is a reaction to his impotency to confront his father now as an adult, when he was a kid he couldn’t but now that he has enough age to do it his father is not around anymore so he just take on other people who bother him in some way turning him into a bully, I know this is not his fault but he also doesn’t do that much to take responsibility and act as a child, may be that trauma never let him grow up and inside he still feels like that child that was abused by his father but now inside the body of a grown man. Alan was making some progress with Sam since he got him to do a few things to get distracted but fall into what I think is a mistake, he initially got Sam to stay away from Elias, his victim, to distract his mind from that impulse to kill Elias but then ask Sam to bring Elias so they can have a session? that doesn’t make any sense to me, everything is so soon for it to work as Alan was expecting.

On this episode we also see Cadence, Sam’s mom, for the first time getting control of the situation but at the same time its just so lame how she would think a simple hit on the risk would stop a serial killer, she also needs therapy, both been in jail or some kind of institution away from society until they get better, but this is not 100% her fault neither as she is/could also be mentally and emotional affected by everything that happen with Sam’s father, this family is an entire mess, keep in consideration that we have no information or feedback from what exactly and why Sam’s father abuse him, I give it the benefit of the doubt since Sam and Cadence are not mentally well, you cant believe everything people say. - tv series divider
The Patient: Pastitsio - Episode 5 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -


Sam goes visit his ex wife Mary, she seems nice and pretty, welcome him and invite him insight to talk but she look scared when Sam told her he was taking therapy, may be she thought “finally” or probably he had taken therapy in the past and didnt work, my point is that she doesnt seem too sure to be next to him but still got him inside and try to talk to Sam, he look nervous and the total opposite of what he told Alan he was with Mary, he came up with any topic and stay quiet most of the time, it was Mary who kept trying to be open to him, there were a few moments I thought we was going to openly tell her why he is in therapy and even that he has a guy kidnap, something crazy but it didnt happen, that would turn up this episode so much. I think Sam lie to Alan about Mary or may be things have change so much for him that he is not the same around her.


Back at Sam’s home where Elias and Alan remain prisoners, Elias is trying to get Alan to team up with him and knock out Sam, he offer Alan to bring him into the therapy session and then he would throw himself at Sam so Alan can beat him but the answer to that is obvious and I already know it, Alan wont do it, he wont risk it because he knows Sam is stronger, if something goes bad its Elias fault since he is the one that came up with the idea but he feels there is no hope for him.

Alan and Elias had this moment where he ask Elias to bring a message to his family in case he dies but I think that was just give some hope to Elias saying he is the one that is going to escape the situation alive.


After Sam gets back from Mary’s place he start talking with Alan and tells him how it didn’t work, talking to Mary didn’t make him think different about Elias but I know that was not Alan point, he wanted to show Sam how he can stay away from Elias and eventually forget about him for some time but Sam wants results for yesterday like its as simple as taking a pill. Sam got angry and was going to kill Elias but Sam calls Cadence and all it took was two claps and a “Get back here” for Sam to stop, WTF why no body gave Alan the Sam manual where it says the instructions, Sam definitely still has this child complex and proof is that his mom still can send him to his room and ground him.

This episode is also proof that been on the edge every five minutes that Sam is going to kill Elias is what keeps this exciting but at some point its getting old so the writer needs to make a decision quick to keep viewers interested and its a very obvious one.


After his mother told him to go to sleep and send him to his room, after some time Sam comes back down to talk with Alan, he had this object on his hand that I thought it was a key, may be a key to free Alan but it look like he didn’t notice because if he did he would be interested and ask Sam to free him up, instead he start explaining Sam none of this is his fault and its a reaction to all those bad memories with his father and how he is taking it with the rest of the world, how none of this people are trying to harm him but he feels this way as an excuse to explode angry at them when he is really angry at his father.

I don’t know if Alan for real try to make Sam understand this by himself and brought Elias into the session or he was going with Elia’s plan to take down Sam.


Alan is suppose to be a well known therapist with lots of experience but I think the situation and pressure is making him take wrong decisions, Sam told him that bringing Elias to the session wouldn’t work, it only make things worst for him, you have a dog barking at you none stop every time you get close to the gate and he just got his chain loose what do you expect if you get inside the yard. Sam makes Alan bring Elias in and all it took was Elias to start crying and stuttering because he couldn’t manage the pressure of been blind by duct tape in front of a guy who wants to kill him, Sam jumps Elias and choke him to death, that’s how we got to the cover picture of this post. - tv series divider

The Patient: Pastitsio - Episode 5 - CONCLUSION -

After this episode I think Sam needs guidance but with an iron fist, he needs someone who can control him and tell him what to do, he also needs to stay away probably lock down in a facility where he can rehabilitate and get over this trauma, keep getting therapy with his mother too but it would depend if they both want it because both of the are acting very irresponsible even his mother knowing his son is a murder, as for Alan he is not handling well the pressure even if he appears to be but the truth is that he is starting to take desperate decisions and that’s why Elias is dead but cant blame him, going through all that he cant stop thinking about his family and the possibility that he wont see them again, most of the episodes are worth watching packed with intensity, stress, keeping me thinking is he going to kill him? is it now? is Alan next? but now we get to the point that Sam finally killed someone and in front of Alan so will this become a regular thing for them? - tv series divider

The Patient - TRAILER -

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A Small Light : Motherland – Episode 3 – RECAP

A Small Light : Motherland - Episode 3 - RECAP -
A Small Light : Motherland – Episode 3 – RECAP


A Small Light : Motherland - Episode 3 - RECAP - INTRODUCTION -

Miep and her husband Jan have become really good at hiding people, they have now added to their belt hiding their tenant’s grand kids after their father got arrested at the train station but they have also got very good at taking risks, the nerves you need to have to do what they have done so far, sneaking people and supplies right in front of German Officers, lying to their face but I think the most dangerous thing they have done is trust other people that help them, that first step is the most dangerous having to trust someone you don’t know, someone who could be working for the Germans and putting everything at risk with a single decision.

I sense soon Jan is going to become more than just a messenger for the resistant, I think during those times it all works like a ladder that he climb with every mission he accomplish, he has now gather papers and even safe kids that are not his because he was ask to cooperate, soon he might have to do something more risky all this without telling Miep, if things go south for him the moment Miep finds out she will be devastate feeling helpless because she didn’t know anything of what he was doing and for who.

Like it was not enough that they taking all this risks for Mr. Frank, friends and family now a wolf step to their door, Mr. Tony Ahlers shows up, a man who is part of the German Party NSB has come to collect after he heard Mr. Frank talking about the the war and how bad it would end for Germans, basic blackmail but Mr. Frank cant pay him now, Tony is putting pressure on Miep and the rest of her co workers to give in Mr. Frank, things will get intense soon, this man wont go away that easy. - tv series divider
A Small Light : Motherland - Episode 3 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -

A Small Light : Motherland - Episode 3 - RECAP -
A Small Light : Motherland – Episode 3 – RECAP


Jan has officially started working with the resistance, this is making him become more comfortable at taking risks but there are times when he just want to shit bricks of how scare he is, after watching today episode I think it would not be strange for him to get killed since he is getting more expose going out there getting things done for the resistance this increase the possibility of him getting caught, as he become more effective his boss will assign new missions to him probably more difficult than the previous one but Jan is also taking benefits from the resistance so you can say its a fair trade? not sure because he we think about it Miep and Jan had no obligation to help others, they doing it because they want it and is the right thing to do but its very rare the people that will put their life on the line just to help others and do the right thing, that’s quality in a human but some times taking excessive risk can be foolish.

A Small Light : Motherland - Episode 3 - RECAP -
A Small Light : Motherland – Episode 3 – RECAP


At the Frank’s hiding place things are not going very well, confinement is taking the best out of them, in my case during the pandemic having my two kids with us at the apartment was not hard because they are still little but having two teenagers in such small place might be harder, been on house arrest plus the fear that you put yourself there because they are looking for you makes it harder for everyone, there is also the fact that they have a guess family and a friend so every fight or argument is heard by everyone, there is no privacy and at some point someone will give their opinion on the matters discuss without been ask too, making things harder for everyone, its just pure madness and chaos, Anne is constantly arguing with her mother and Mr. Frank have to deal with them the best he can.

A Small Light : Motherland - Episode 3 - RECAP -
A Small Light : Motherland – Episode 3 – RECAP


Going through the line of events, remember how dangerous is to trust people you don’t know but have no option because you are desperate and need help, this is Jan who was send to pick up some papers from an apartment raided by German Officers, the guy who send him to pick up the papers is suppose to help him hiding his tenant grand kids, see how none of this people are friends or family or had no tights to them but he is still a good man trying to safe lives, he was told papers, a package in a drawer but actually was a kid, this entire saga of taking risks at some point will led him to think he can do things and that could get him caught, lucky for him this time he wasn’t and was able to retrieve the package.

A Small Light : Motherland - Episode 3 - RECAP -
A Small Light : Motherland – Episode 3 – RECAP


Hermine, that’s Miep real name, she was also rescue given to a Dutch family to hide her, when she arrive she knew no Dutch and that’s one of the reasons she was so close to Casmir one of her step brothers, funny how her step parents at the start of the series wanted her to marry Casmir, he was the only one who speak German at the house when she arrive and gave her the name Miep because Hermine sounded like an old lady name, they became very close and only talk German at home so others cant understand them, Casmir is having a hard time with the Germans too as he is homosexual, German regime is also against homosexuals at the time so he may have to go in hiding if he cant control himself, Miep tries to explain him this but he doesn’t want to listen reason, he knows Miep has a secret but she wont tell, not even Casmir, must be hard to lie to love ones and keep such secret but then its your and others lives on the line. - tv series divider

A Small Light : Motherland - Episode 3 - RECAP CONCLUSION -

This is one of those series I have no complains at all, usually I’m a fan of long series where you have five to eight seasons but with this couple of Mini Series I have been watching like Florida Man, Swarm, The Patient, Obsession I’m starting to like the format, is mostly pure action packed on each episode, not necessarily kicking and shooting action but on A Small Light is the constant suspense of whats going to happen next and if things will continue end in favor of the good guys, how Miep and Jan start to get all this value contacts, people form the resistance but their first German threat has knock on their door with Mr. Tony Ahlers looking for Mr. Frank to collect.

I just notice I have been using Season 1 on previous two episodes and their cover image, Im still working on formats and getting use to blog, only my fourth month.

A Small Light : Motherland - Episode 3 - RECAP PREV Episodes -

Episode 1:
Episode 2: - tv series divider

A Small Light : Motherland - Season 1 - TRAILER -

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Florida Man : Welcome to Hell, Mike – Episode 2 – RECAP


Florida Man I’m sure is not the most watch TV series online at the moment but its very entertaining, the love / hate story between Mike and Delly will make you laugh here and there, she can really be a pain in the ass for Mike some times but he cant say no to her, good thing is that it doesn’t give me the vibe that she is using him more than that she wants him with her but Mike knows he now has to figure out how to kill her legally. Her body was not found after “she got shoot” , local police is on the case, Mike is a suspect and Delly ex boyfriend Moss isn’t sure if she is dead, if Mike can proof it then Moss could try to kill him, lets not forget that they made a deal if he brings back Delly, Moss would consider Mike’s debt paid in full but now she is dead and there are no proofs so technically Mike didn’t bring her back so the deal is off for now, Mike is now trying to get a new deal where he finds out who did it and brings him to Moss. 6.8/10 with more than 3700 votes on IMDB is very good for this series, plus 83% audience approval on

In my opinion the most important events



On this episode we get more context on how things really happen, first episode was more of a mystery how Delly manage to fake her death but it look like things didn’t go entirely as she wanted, that’s the entire situation with the ambulance that crash and got stolen, she was suppose to be taken some where else but got thrown out during the crash and that’s how she ends up in Mike’s hotel room without knowing what to do to close things up.

She meets a paramedic, I think he was very low in the paramedic ranks probably been just the guy who drives the ambulance, he looks lonely and she is hot, so Delly flirt with him a bit and then straight up ask him to safe another life by killing her in a figurative way.


I don’t remember his name was mention on this episode but the guys name is Gil Franco, he brings blood from the blood bank at the hospital he works at and a serum that will slow Delly’s heart rate to the point anyone would think she is dead, he shoots twice before leaving and calls the ambulance that will pick her up. After the ambulance picks her up the serum starts to wear off and a guy who stole a cop car crash with the ambulance and then stole the ambulance that’s how she gets thrown out, Delly already knew where was Mike staying since she once saw him talking to his sister outside of Palm’s Hotel.


All Delly had to do is wait for Mike to tell him her plan to go away, basically find a ship underwater full of gold, the golden coin Mike found on her purse, Mike tries to resist but he couldn’t he really likes Delly, he cares for her and its here when he tries to make another deal with Moss, find out who kill Delly as it looks like a “professional hit”, Moss is a bit foolish so he byte it and accept but now Mike needs to proof Delly is dead or find the gold and run far away, keep in mind that the police is investigating the case until now.


That investigation is about to end after officer Andy Boone saw Delly with Mike at the Palm’s Hotel parking lot, I don’t think that’s going to end there because then he will want to know why Delly wanted to fake her death and whats her relation with Mike, anyone who listen to this story knows there is something else building up, until here were are clear on Mike and Delly intentions.


There are other funny side stories that at some point will catch up with Mike like Deputy Ketcher who Mike stole his gun at the airport, until then he has been compulsive to get a gun end up buying a stolen gun and got caught by a trooper patrol after he got stop because of speeding and got the car search, on this scene while at jail his handset broke and had to put her wife on speaker and she snitch on him by accident saying he is a con decorate police man who put lot of criminals behind bars while the rest of the inmates listen LOL.


Close to the end of the episode Delly came back to the place where the ambulance crash, some of her stuff was all over the place, she was looking for a USB thumb drive, they never said whats inside, I guess there must be some data related to the gold they looking for or Moss.

At the same time Mike is looking for a truck where they think the buy who told Moss about the gold before he got killed for owing money to him, Mike got a good hint where the truck is.


While Mike was giving Delly the good news she was actually at Mike’s father bar, I’m sure Mike told her how bad his relationship was, he is going to be mad AF when he finds out about this, they don’t explain why and how she got there, I think its probably because Mike’s father look for her and now helps her to get the gold they looking for, I don’t think Delly did this on purpose but again this is not explain on the episode, it ends right here.

More and more people are getting interested into Delly, we got Moss, Mike’s ex girlfriend Patsy who is looking for Delly as she is Moss alibi for the night a man was found dead who owe money to Moss now Mike’s father is interested on her plus Officer Andy who now knows Delly is alive but wants to know why she fake her death or if there was some one killed that night and the first suspects are Mike and Delly. If you are trying to fake your death and now getting so much attention at some point news will get to Moss that Delly is not death and Mike has been lying to him, ending up Moss trying to kill Mike for the money he owes him and think he has a relation with Delly, Mike is playing with fire here but that’s another theme of the series, gambling, always risking too much expecting to win big.